Here's why religious restoration acts are repressive

Your position is that the baker, florist or photographer need not attend the wedding.

Then gays have more of a point. Door to door delivery. Wedding photos are taken on the sidewalk.

Hire an uber driver to deliver the cake.
Unless the catering shop caters heterosexual weddings as well and the photographer the same. Then the same rules apply to everybody.

To avoid the public accommodation issue, simply schedule appointments privately for weddings and do not advertise publicly that you do them.
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Can a prostitute be raped? If a prostitute refuses to service a particular john and he rapes her does his leaving money on her body make the rape not have happened?
You're essentially talking about theft. What is your point?

That you seem to think she has no right to turn down any john who has money, whether she wants to do business with him or not.
There is such a thing as door to door service. Drop the cake parts, flowers, a camera, at the door and refuse to enter the venue. What are they going to do? It's their wedding day.
This is the sort of hate and ignorance the people of the states are at liberty to guard against in public accommodations, and prohibit this sort of discrimination in accordance with the Constitution.

"We have a right to make you do what we want you to, and we have a right to make you LIKE IT!"
Your position is that the baker, florist or photographer need not attend the wedding.

Then gays have more of a point. Door to door delivery. Wedding photos are taken on the sidewalk.

Hire an uber driver to deliver the cake.
Unless the catering shop cater's heterosexual weddings as well and the photographer the same. Then the same rules apply to everybody.

To avoid the public accommodation issue, simply schedule appointments privately for weddings and do not advertise publicly that you do them.
Public accommodation means that if your business is open to the public you must accommodate whoever goes into the business.

Pizza places routinely refuse to deliver to certain neighborhoods. Delivery is not a public accommodation.

True. Taking the particular service out of being offered to the public is the best way to resolve the issue.
One might think that, with marriage equality finally coming to the Land of the Free, vendors who service the wedding business would be thrilled at the expansion of their customer base.

But, suddenly! Some of those vendors find a new set of "religious beliefs" that never served their purpose of discrimination before. Surely their business plan of excluding this new and affluent customer base cannot be sustained.

They'll get over their attitudes toward their fellow American citizens once their businesses fail from the public blowback.
First, no harm befalls a merchant when servicing same sex weddings and affairs. The immortal souls of merchants is not at risk by doing business. Providing the exact same services to both heterosexual and homosexual weddings does not endanger anyone's soul.

The claim that is does stems not from the basic tenets of the faith, but from dogma. The basic tenets of Christianity maintain love for your neighbor, not judging lest ye be judged and those without sin should cast the first stone. But the notion that baking a cake of arranging flowers for a same sex wedding is sinful and corrupt is a notion born from peculiar dogma. I'm a Christian and if the fear of servicing homosexual customers in the same manner every other customer is not part of the liturgical teachings in my church. If serving homosexuals was so grave a danger businesses would fear for the standing of their souls, that would be universal among Christians.

What these Religious Restoration Acts do is provide legal cover for repressive bigotry. And that also flies in the face of the basic American tenets of faith: all men are created equal and they are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Government does not get to violate the First Amendment and tell anyone that their conscious ends at the Commerce Clause.
Can a prostitute be raped? If a prostitute refuses to service a particular john and he rapes her does his leaving money on her body make the rape not have happened?
You're essentially talking about theft. What is your point?

That you seem to think she has no right to turn down any john who has money, whether she wants to do business with him or not.
Worse. If the john forces her to have sex and leaves her money she was just plying her trade and been paid so she has no complaint.
One might think that, with marriage equality finally coming to the Land of the Free, vendors who service the wedding business would be thrilled at the expansion of their customer base.

But, suddenly! Some of those vendors find a new set of "religious beliefs" that never served their purpose of discrimination before. Surely their business plan of excluding this new and affluent customer base cannot be sustained.

They'll get over their attitudes toward their fellow American citizens once their businesses fail from the public blowback.
Yeah. We've already seen how that works.
One might think that, with marriage equality finally coming to the Land of the Free, vendors who service the wedding business would be thrilled at the expansion of their customer base.

But, suddenly! Some of those vendors find a new set of "religious beliefs" that never served their purpose of discrimination before. Surely their business plan of excluding this new and affluent customer base cannot be sustained.

They'll get over their attitudes toward their fellow American citizens once their businesses fail from the public blowback.
Yeah. We've already seen how that works.
So the Free Market will do what morality cannot, i.e. eliminate discrimination.

Perhaps your government is not what is to be feared, but Capitalism is.
If a photographer is forced to photograph a gay wedding against his religious convictions, he should be able to wear a t-shirt to the wedding that says Fags Go to Hell! Also, at the start of the marriage vows, he should object to the wedding because marriage is between a man and a woman.

And if this were to happen, wouldn't the photographer be fired on the spot and sent on his way? If wedding party has the right to fire the photographer, shouldn't the photographer have the right to turn down the job to begin with? Wouldn't it be wiser to hire a photographer that wants the business and does not openly disapprove of the wedding?
Your position is that the baker, florist or photographer need not attend the wedding.

Then gays have more of a point. Door to door delivery. Wedding photos are taken on the sidewalk.

Hire an uber driver to deliver the cake.
Unless the catering shop cater's heterosexual weddings as well and the photographer the same. Then the same rules apply to everybody.

To avoid the public accommodation issue, simply schedule appointments privately for weddings and do not advertise publicly that you do them.
Public accommodation means that if your business is open to the public you must accommodate whoever goes into the business.

Pizza places routinely refuse to deliver to certain neighborhoods. Delivery is not a public accommodation.

True. Taking the particular service out of being offered to the public is the best way to resolve the issue.
Delivery is not an absolute shield; in your case it has to do with safety. Take it up in court; the outcome would be interesting.
First, no harm befalls a merchant when servicing same sex weddings and affairs. The immortal souls of merchants is not at risk by doing business. Providing the exact same services to both heterosexual and homosexual weddings does not endanger anyone's soul.

The claim that is does stems not from the basic tenets of the faith, but from dogma. The basic tenets of Christianity maintain love for your neighbor, not judging lest ye be judged and those without sin should cast the first stone. But the notion that baking a cake of arranging flowers for a same sex wedding is sinful and corrupt is a notion born from peculiar dogma. I'm a Christian and if the fear of servicing homosexual customers in the same manner every other customer is not part of the liturgical teachings in my church. If serving homosexuals was so grave a danger businesses would fear for the standing of their souls, that would be universal among Christians.

What these Religious Restoration Acts do is provide legal cover for repressive bigotry. And that also flies in the face of the basic American tenets of faith: all men are created equal and they are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Government does not get to violate the First Amendment and tell anyone that their conscious ends at the Commerce Clause.
The government can do just that. HL is a very, very narrow opening of that shield, and the next liberal court will close it.
Can a prostitute be raped? If a prostitute refuses to service a particular john and he rapes her does his leaving money on her body make the rape not have happened?
You're essentially talking about theft. What is your point?

That you seem to think she has no right to turn down any john who has money, whether she wants to do business with him or not.
Worse. If the john forces her to have sex and leaves her money she was just plying her trade and been paid so she has no complaint.
It's rape if she says "no", because the commerce is not legit in the first place.
One might think that, with marriage equality finally coming to the Land of the Free, vendors who service the wedding business would be thrilled at the expansion of their customer base.

But, suddenly! Some of those vendors find a new set of "religious beliefs" that never served their purpose of discrimination before. Surely their business plan of excluding this new and affluent customer base cannot be sustained.

They'll get over their attitudes toward their fellow American citizens once their businesses fail from the public blowback.
Yeah. We've already seen how that works.
So the Free Market will do what morality cannot, i.e. eliminate discrimination.

Perhaps your government is not what is to be feared, but Capitalism is.
I'm all for letting market forces decide. Market forces decided Chick Fil A, Cracker Barrel, A&E, Memories Pizza, Masterpiece Bakery. Did I forget anyone whose fate was decided by market forces?

Let the marketplace decide.
One might think that, with marriage equality finally coming to the Land of the Free, vendors who service the wedding business would be thrilled at the expansion of their customer base.

But, suddenly! Some of those vendors find a new set of "religious beliefs" that never served their purpose of discrimination before. Surely their business plan of excluding this new and affluent customer base cannot be sustained.

They'll get over their attitudes toward their fellow American citizens once their businesses fail from the public blowback.
Yeah. We've already seen how that works.
So the Free Market will do what morality cannot, i.e. eliminate discrimination.

Perhaps your government is not what is to be feared, but Capitalism is.
I'm all for letting market forces decide. Market forces decided Chick Fil A, Cracker Barrel, A&E, Memories Pizza, Masterpiece Bakery. Did I forget anyone whose fate was decided by market forces?

Let the marketplace decide.
So you think that these suddenly pious wedding vendor's new found religious beliefs can be wiped away by the free market? Which is more powerful; God or profit?

Which is more venerated; religious dogma or the bottom line?
One might think that, with marriage equality finally coming to the Land of the Free, vendors who service the wedding business would be thrilled at the expansion of their customer base.

But, suddenly! Some of those vendors find a new set of "religious beliefs" that never served their purpose of discrimination before. Surely their business plan of excluding this new and affluent customer base cannot be sustained.

They'll get over their attitudes toward their fellow American citizens once their businesses fail from the public blowback.
Yeah. We've already seen how that works.
So the Free Market will do what morality cannot, i.e. eliminate discrimination.

Perhaps your government is not what is to be feared, but Capitalism is.
I'm all for letting market forces decide. Market forces decided Chick Fil A, Cracker Barrel, A&E, Memories Pizza, Masterpiece Bakery. Did I forget anyone whose fate was decided by market forces?

Let the marketplace decide.
So you think that these suddenly pious wedding vendor's new found religious beliefs can be wiped away by the free market? Which is more powerful; God or profit?

Which is more venerated; religious dogma or the bottom line?
What makes you think these are new found religious beleifs? It's the gay weddings that are new. It's been only recent that gay marriages have been legal in some states.
One might think that, with marriage equality finally coming to the Land of the Free, vendors who service the wedding business would be thrilled at the expansion of their customer base.

But, suddenly! Some of those vendors find a new set of "religious beliefs" that never served their purpose of discrimination before. Surely their business plan of excluding this new and affluent customer base cannot be sustained.

They'll get over their attitudes toward their fellow American citizens once their businesses fail from the public blowback.
Yeah. We've already seen how that works.
So the Free Market will do what morality cannot, i.e. eliminate discrimination.

Perhaps your government is not what is to be feared, but Capitalism is.
I'm all for letting market forces decide. Market forces decided Chick Fil A, Cracker Barrel, A&E, Memories Pizza, Masterpiece Bakery. Did I forget anyone whose fate was decided by market forces?

Let the marketplace decide.
So you think that these suddenly pious wedding vendor's new found religious beliefs can be wiped away by the free market? Which is more powerful; God or profit?

Which is more venerated; religious dogma or the bottom line?
Make up your mind. Either religious businesses will be put out of business because gays won't patronize them and they must close or these businesses reject gay patronage as a marketing decision to increase income.

You want the market to decide. Then let it.
One might think that, with marriage equality finally coming to the Land of the Free, vendors who service the wedding business would be thrilled at the expansion of their customer base.

But, suddenly! Some of those vendors find a new set of "religious beliefs" that never served their purpose of discrimination before. Surely their business plan of excluding this new and affluent customer base cannot be sustained.

They'll get over their attitudes toward their fellow American citizens once their businesses fail from the public blowback.
Yeah. We've already seen how that works.
So the Free Market will do what morality cannot, i.e. eliminate discrimination.

Perhaps your government is not what is to be feared, but Capitalism is.
I'm all for letting market forces decide. Market forces decided Chick Fil A, Cracker Barrel, A&E, Memories Pizza, Masterpiece Bakery. Did I forget anyone whose fate was decided by market forces?

Let the marketplace decide.
So you think that these suddenly pious wedding vendor's new found religious beliefs can be wiped away by the free market? Which is more powerful; God or profit?

Which is more venerated; religious dogma or the bottom line?
Make up your mind. Either religious businesses will be put out of business because gays won't patronize them and they must close or these businesses reject gay patronage as a marketing decision to increase income.

You want the market to decide. Then let it.
How does rejecting Gays as a marketing decision lead to higher incomes? It will lead to the business failing, not succeeding.
Yeah. We've already seen how that works.
So the Free Market will do what morality cannot, i.e. eliminate discrimination.

Perhaps your government is not what is to be feared, but Capitalism is.
I'm all for letting market forces decide. Market forces decided Chick Fil A, Cracker Barrel, A&E, Memories Pizza, Masterpiece Bakery. Did I forget anyone whose fate was decided by market forces?

Let the marketplace decide.
So you think that these suddenly pious wedding vendor's new found religious beliefs can be wiped away by the free market? Which is more powerful; God or profit?

Which is more venerated; religious dogma or the bottom line?
Make up your mind. Either religious businesses will be put out of business because gays won't patronize them and they must close or these businesses reject gay patronage as a marketing decision to increase income.

You want the market to decide. Then let it.
How does rejecting Gays as a marketing decision lead to higher incomes? It will lead to the business failing, not succeeding.
Who has failed? The last time gays decided to harm a business the owner got almost a million dollars. When Cracker Barrel removed Duck Dynasty products the backlash was so strong and immediate that the entire chain was threatened.

Standing up to the gay mafia is a shortcut to riches.
For a few who out of the gate quickly. Not for the rest.

Good for the guy who got the bucks. Very cheap price for LGBT protections.

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