Here's your evil top 1% ...

Everyone take a 50% pay cut and drop your retirement and insurance so US businesses can compete.

Comrade, you are close to on point.

Every GOVERNMENT employee (including police and teachers) drop the UNSUSTAINABLE pension plans and go to individual plans, such as 401K and IRAs, like 98% of the private sector was FORCED to do. Right here you cut 14% of the federal budget it and up to 40%-50% of every state budget! Government Pension plans are highway robbery!

Next create a healthcare system that isn't employer based! Employer based healthcare systems put our corporations a a huge disadvantage.

Move to the fair tax, and get rid of the corporate, income, sales, payroll, capital gains and GRAND THEFT LARCENCY ESTATE/DEATH tax.

Combine that with our advantages in educated, hard-working, skilled work force, low shipping costs, low energy costs, and best access to the largest consumer market, then we can compete and beat China, India, Mexico etc on the global market. We would see a boom in the manufacturing sector.

We also have to address the 1000s of pages of labor law statutes. There is no reason these statutes have to be over 50 pages!

We also need to combat the COMMUNIST Union Thugs!

true we need no labor laws, we are certain our corporations will always treat their employees honorably and fairly.

And why should a 10yr old not be able to work to help support his family? We should not deprive them of that right.

And our corporations do not need that pesky EPA to keep them from polluting our land. they have always proven to be impecciable stewards of the land. The EPA is just a good ol boys braucracy that serves no purpose.

And to of the few things Nixon got right..the EPA is under attack by Conservatives..

Guess they ain't so conservative when it comes to conservation.:lol:
Comrade, you are close to on point.

Every GOVERNMENT employee (including police and teachers) drop the UNSUSTAINABLE pension plans and go to individual plans, such as 401K and IRAs, like 98% of the private sector was FORCED to do. Right here you cut 14% of the federal budget it and up to 40%-50% of every state budget! Government Pension plans are highway robbery!

Next create a healthcare system that isn't employer based! Employer based healthcare systems put our corporations a a huge disadvantage.

Move to the fair tax, and get rid of the corporate, income, sales, payroll, capital gains and GRAND THEFT LARCENCY ESTATE/DEATH tax.

Combine that with our advantages in educated, hard-working, skilled work force, low shipping costs, low energy costs, and best access to the largest consumer market, then we can compete and beat China, India, Mexico etc on the global market. We would see a boom in the manufacturing sector.

We also have to address the 1000s of pages of labor law statutes. There is no reason these statutes have to be over 50 pages!

We also need to combat the COMMUNIST Union Thugs!

true we need no labor laws, we are certain our corporations will always treat their employees honorably and fairly.

And why should a 10yr old not be able to work to help support his family? We should not deprive them of that right.

And our corporations do not need that pesky EPA to keep them from polluting our land. they have always proven to be impecciable stewards of the land. The EPA is just a good ol boys braucracy that serves no purpose.

And to of the few things Nixon got right..the EPA is under attack by Conservatives..

Guess they ain't so conservative when it comes to conservation.:lol:

OK comrade! The local american hating commie speaks!

Of course a douche like you would say all conservatives care nothing about the environment, it would be like saying all libtards care nothing about the economy! 9/11 troofer like you aren't even worth debating!:evil:
did you even watch the video? The guy said something about how do you compete with $13/day wages in China.

Sheesh. Is it difficult to be such a corporate shill?

I did watch the video. The whole video. And the only salary that he cut was HIS!

Not one mention about cutting his employees pay. But he did mention how the government wants to increase their salary.

Like I said, you just default to your choosen stereotype.

Yes not one mention of employee raises either. A carefully avoided topic.

And as you do as well defaulting to your chosen stereotype.

Pay raises. Are you fucking serious?? Thats your argument? :cuckoo:

The guy said his company hasn't made money in 1.5 years!

The guy took money out of his personal savings to make payroll.

YOU need to go back and watch the WHOLE VIDEO.

The more time see you post the more I'm convinced that your a conservative acting like a liberal with the sole intention of discrediting the left. Keep on posting. Keep on posting.

OK comrade! The local american hating commie speaks!

Of course a douche like you would say all conservatives care nothing about the environment, it would be like saying all libtards care nothing about the economy! 9/11 troofer like you aren't even worth debating!:evil:


Get it all out..


Breath out..breath in.
The mom and pop shop will not get hit by this tax but the McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts franchisee will. An employer with 500 employees or FTEs is running close to $10,000,000 in payroll expense and $25 million in capitalization. At $1,000,000 net aftertax free cashflow the owner should give strong consideration to sale or liquidation because practically any balanced asset allocation tested would perform better. And that owner is by federal definition a small business owner.

Umm kinda hard for McDonalds and Dunkin doughnuts to offshore since the customers are here, same for the entire retail industry. they will stay, at least till things get so bad that people cannot afford their "luxuries" and just fall back to the basics.

McDonalds has already asked for a waiver, which they'll probably get and be able to keep their mini-med plans. But I don't think it's the franchisees that pay for that coverage anyway. If they did, each McDonald's across the country would have to apply for its own waiver.
How did I know it would turn into the left making fun of and/or attacking the business owner.

You silly kids. :lol:
The mom and pop shop will not get hit by this tax but the McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts franchisee will. An employer with 500 employees or FTEs is running close to $10,000,000 in payroll expense and $25 million in capitalization. At $1,000,000 net aftertax free cashflow the owner should give strong consideration to sale or liquidation because practically any balanced asset allocation tested would perform better. And that owner is by federal definition a small business owner.

The healthcare law will defiantly hit the Wal-Mart type retail chains & large McDonald's type franchise franchise hard while giving a little benefit to small business after hitting them with the massive 1099 tax regulation burden.

The 1099 provision will be removed.

First Read - Baucus looks to repeal 1099 requirement in health-care bill
The mom and pop shop will not get hit by this tax but the McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts franchisee will. An employer with 500 employees or FTEs is running close to $10,000,000 in payroll expense and $25 million in capitalization. At $1,000,000 net aftertax free cashflow the owner should give strong consideration to sale or liquidation because practically any balanced asset allocation tested would perform better. And that owner is by federal definition a small business owner.

WRONG, McDonald's and DD are the type of franchise that ARE NOT effected by increased income taxes. They are C Corps. They are hit by the dual taxation. They are the ones that get hit by the corporate tax! That is the SECOND HIGHEST CORPORATE TAX IN THE WORLD!!! It's the successful mom and pops that may be hit with this. Its the successful S Corps that will be effected by a raise in income taxes.

Next a person will say, yea, but a lot of the executives including CEO make more than $250K, heck even more than $1 mil. Very true, but taxing these guys on their income in no way shape or form effects the corporation. It doesn't effect the companies bottomline or hiring or firing ability. So in my opinion who gives a fuck.

What I care about is raising taxes on SUCCESSFUL S Corps, LLC, LP, GP or LLP which make up the bulk of US employers.

Yes the large corps get hit negatively by the capital gains increase through lose of investment dollars, but that is a different discussion!

What part of these numbers don't you get?


Read the accompanying article:

GOP: Bechtel, PricewaterhouseCoopers And Other 'Small Businesses' Will See Tax Hike (CHARTS) | TPMDC
According to President Obama and the Democrats, 97 percent of small businesses will see their tax rates remain the same. Republican counter that the remaining three percent of small businesses -- about 750,000 of them -- constitute half of all small-business income. There's only one way both of those statements can be true: Many of those 750,000 small businesses aren't small at all. Some, like Bechtel Corporation, are positively enormous.
I doubt you ever will get it....

The belief, much less a tax bracket that declares a tax payer is wealthy at $250K is crazy, stupid and absolute BS.....

For most successful Americans it is earned, where in the world today besides America is the opportunity for success greater? This belief we can tax ourselves to succeed as a nation in a world economy is ass backwards.....

We have a government that is broken, it continues to spend more than it takes in.....

To continue the policy that our most successful citizens need to carry a greater burden will only deteriorate the country that has lead the world for 234 years.....

tax brackets don't declare certain people wealthy, that's just crazy speak.

And no, I don't get the sense of entitlement that folks who by virtue of luck or fate or picking their parents carefully, end up living lives of relative luxury yet still complaining exhibit.

What we need are higher tax brackets: $1 million -$5 million; $5.1 million to $10 million, et seq.
I doubt you ever will get it....

The belief, much less a tax bracket that declares a tax payer is wealthy at $250K is crazy, stupid and absolute BS.....

For most successful Americans it is earned, where in the world today besides America is the opportunity for success greater? This belief we can tax ourselves to succeed as a nation in a world economy is ass backwards.....

We have a government that is broken, it continues to spend more than it takes in.....

To continue the policy that our most successful citizens need to carry a greater burden will only deteriorate the country that has lead the world for 234 years.....

tax brackets don't declare certain people wealthy, that's just crazy speak.

And no, I don't get the sense of entitlement that folks who by virtue of luck or fate or picking their parents carefully, end up living lives of relative luxury yet still complaining exhibit.

What we need are higher tax brackets: $1 million -$5 million; $5.1 million to $10 million, et seq.

Let's suppose we set tax brackets at each magnitude, as in taxable income of $1K, 10K, 100K, $1M, 10M, 100M, $1B etc.

What would be an appropriate tax rate for folks earning $1K, $1M and $1B?
tax brackets don't declare certain people wealthy, that's just crazy speak.

And no, I don't get the sense of entitlement that folks who by virtue of luck or fate or picking their parents carefully, end up living lives of relative luxury yet still complaining exhibit.

What we need are higher tax brackets: $1 million -$5 million; $5.1 million to $10 million, et seq.

Let's suppose we set tax brackets at each magnitude, as in taxable income of $1K, 10K, 100K, $1M, 10M, 100M, $1B etc.

What would be an appropriate tax rate for folks earning $1K, $1M and $1B?

0%, 0% and 0%.

Doesn't get any more fair and equitable than that.
0%, 0% and 0%.

Doesn't get any more fair and equitable than that.

Ideally I agree. Provided that we install a 100% death tax and set up a robust fee for services program to pay for government.

But until that happens what rate of tax should street people, millionaires and billionaires pay?

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