Heritage Action CEO: Conservatives 'sick' of the GOP



“Most Republican voters hate their party, and that’s what needs to be addressed,” Needham told host Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”

“People are sick of this,” he said of the political process. “It’s a game.”

Needham charged that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is gaining traction with Americans because he is a political outsider.

Trump’s freedom from Republican leadership, he added, is winning him potential voters.

Heritage Action CEO Conservatives sick of the GOP TheHill


I don't get why they should be mad.

Anti science. Anti education. Pro war. Anti health care. They love the fetus but ignore the baby. Cut school lunches. Cut veterans benefits.
It took them 10 years before they let first responders have health care. They blocked the president from investigating BP after the gulf spill. They shut down the government. The Bush tax cuts redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1%.
The GOP has done everything the conservatives wanted.

Heritage Action CEO Conservatives sick of the GOP - Google Search
Good, they're turning on each other....

Nothing new....

That's what makes the democrats look so sad.

The GOP is a screwed up mess......

The GOP would destroy it adversaries if it ever pulled it's collective head out of it's rear end.
These dummies are mad that Obama has not been impeached for his often alleged treason, people are still getting food stamps, Iran is not a radioactive crater and that the Mexicans still haven't been mass deported, teach them to let the fringe nutjobs hold the GOP megaphone.

When you are a DemocRAT, and have a position of power in the Republican party, and after watching EVERYTHING that is WRONG with the country being PUSHED by so called Republican leadership to coincide to the obumanations wishes , such as PP killing babies, sticking millions of people with OVERPRICED Healthcare that was touted to cost less, but seems to cost an average of $2500 MORE per family, Pushing Common Core which simply initiates your child into the liberal thought process, let's an ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUP grow into a threat to the whole world, watch the countries economy STAGNATE into a quagmire of DOUBLED the FOOD STAMPS recipients from when the Manchurian muslim took office, and enthusiastically brings in MILLIONS of UNVETTED and diseased illegal immigrants, among other things Republican REFUSED to fight against, as they PROMISED if they were elected (and they were!) Most on the right do get fed up!
I don't hate the Republican party but I am certainly disappointed. Boehner is not conservative and McConnell is worried about himself rather than the country.
The Democrats have been leading this country down the wrong path and this is a perfect opportunity for the Republicans to make a difference. And they are not doing it.
I don't hate the Republican party but I am certainly disappointed. Boehner is not conservative and McConnell is worried about himself rather than the country.
The Democrats have been leading this country down the wrong path and this is a perfect opportunity for the Republicans to make a difference. And they are not doing it.
Down the wrong path? Bringing us back from 8 years of Bush is the wrong path?
I love how liberals consider the turmoil Trump has wrought a bad thing for the GOP.
I see it as a warning to the GOP that they better get their shit straight or they'll become irrelevant.

And I love the hell out of it!!
I love how liberals consider the turmoil Trump has wrought a bad thing for the GOP.
I see it as a warning to the GOP that they better get their shit straight or they'll become irrelevant.

And I love the hell out of it!!
The GOP paid for a study which told them they need to reach out to minorities. So far, they have called minorities names. I don't think that's part of the solution.
I love how liberals consider the turmoil Trump has wrought a bad thing for the GOP.
I see it as a warning to the GOP that they better get their shit straight or they'll become irrelevant.

And I love the hell out of it!!
The GOP paid for a study which told them they need to reach out to minorities. So far, they have called minorities names. I don't think that's part of the solution.

WTF does that have to do with my post?

When you are a DemocRAT, and have a position of power in the Republican party, and after watching EVERYTHING that is WRONG with the country being PUSHED by so called Republican leadership to coincide to the obumanations wishes , such as PP killing babies, sticking millions of people with OVERPRICED Healthcare that was touted to cost less, but seems to cost an average of $2500 MORE per family, Pushing Common Core which simply initiates your child into the liberal thought process, let's an ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUP grow into a threat to the whole world, watch the countries economy STAGNATE into a quagmire of DOUBLED the FOOD STAMPS recipients from when the Manchurian muslim took office, and enthusiastically brings in MILLIONS of UNVETTED and diseased illegal immigrants, among other things Republican REFUSED to fight against, as they PROMISED if they were elected (and they were!) Most on the right do get fed up!

Kurt Schlicter is right.....time for republicans to change leadership and actually fight the democrats....

Time For Conservatives To Get Medieval On The Liberal Establishment - Kurt Schlichter - Page 1

Listen up, liars: I’m advocating taking every penny you steal from taxpayers so that your twisted death cult withers into dust. I am advocating crushing Planned Parenthood by our Republican elected representatives ruthlessly using every element of government power at their disposal. And then I am advocating that they then do it to every other liberal chancre sore on the American body politic.

Imagine them turning next to the fascist universities. The lazy public employee unions. The greedy crony capitalists. Imagine a GOP that is, if not loved, at least feared. Imagine it sitting atop a pile of the grinning skulls of its liberal institutional opponents.

But to do that, the GOP needs to understand that our enemies are our enemies, and that our enemies must be defeated. Not compromised with. Not accommodated. Not agreed with to disagree with. Defeated. Destroyed. Done.

The film Conan teaches what is best in life, and that must be our attitude toward liberals: We must yearn to crush our enemies. To see them driven before us. To hear the lamentations of their womyn.

And let’s start with Planned Parenthood, and I don’t mean just having some show vote followed by the GOP leadership shrugging and making that sad trombone sound when it fails. Hell, Planned Parenthood is so loathsome its activitiesmanaged to disgust the Sex Pistols.

If you can't get up the stones to stop paying a half billion dollars a year in federal subsidies to semi-humans who carve up infants and haggle over the price of the corpses, then what the hell are you good for?
We need our new Grant and Sherman and we need to make a new march to the sea against these left wing jerks.....

we defeated democrats in actual battle, now we need to defeat them completely and utterly on the political field.......
Crush Planned Parenthood. They are not allowed to use federal dollar to preform an abortion. They supply primary health care for millions of Americans, both men and women. Nearly a millions cancer screenings a year. Millions of contraception pills and rubbers (how many of those would be abortions).

Who do Republicans help? Anyone? They help billionaires, we all can agree on that, but who else?
We need our new Grant and Sherman and we need to make a new march to the sea against these left wing jerks.....

we defeated democrats in actual battle, now we need to defeat them completely and utterly on the political field.......
And what do you win? A ruined theocracy?

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