Herman Cain, A Brainwashed Caricature Of A Candidate

Colin Powell is a great American patriot - even though he was duped by Bush's WMD lies.

Condi Rice is a piece of shit.

Condi is smarter than you could ever aspire to. She'd make a fantastic President. Whereas you would struggle with the responsibility to be a decent janitor.
Herman Cain, A Brainwashed Caricature Of A Candidate | News One

Ironically, Cain is correct that many voters are brainwashed in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. But what he left out is that brainwashed voters lie on both sides of the aisle, not just in the Democratic Party. Cain, as a man who recites party lines that are in almost complete lockstep with the Republican handbook of political discourse, should rightly be the first target of brainwashing allegations. Also, being the only Republican who discusses President Obama’s race on a regular basis, Cain is also marketing himself as the dark-faced puppet of those who are afraid to touch the issue. Are there any other Republican candidates who discuss race as much as Cain? I rest my case.

Herman Cain believes that his strong performance in a recent Florida straw poll has suddenly made him into a serious political player. He yucked it up with Jay Leno with the confidence of an uneducated NBA player who’d just signed a one-year contract. Cain’s overconfidence will be short-lived, because anyone watching the Leno show could easily see that a man as goofy, arrogant and simple-minded as Cain could never be taken seriously enough to be president. In fact, Cain isn’t even good enough to be artificially propped up as a Black Republican who could challenge President Obama.

I don’t make these remarks about Cain because he is a conservative; I make them because he remains a political joke. Colin Powell, a far more serious and measured Republican, would be the kind of candidate that Americans of all backgrounds could support. Herman Cain has made a living by saying the kinds of racist things that right wing folks like to hear; and also by throwing angry rhetorical fireballs at President Obama in the name of Tea Party hatred. Racism is typically most effective when it has a Black face, and Cain is merely a modern-day artifact of House Negro attacks during slavery.

Cain is a weak leader because he has not defined himself as a man of meaningful principle, nor as a human being who possesses political skills necessary to make him anything more than the Republican jester. His thoughts are rarely original, and I find his mannerisms while communicating to hardly garner the kind of respect that one would give to the President of the United States. George Bush might have been able to get elected while not being presidential material, but Cain will never get that chance. While conservatives might be glad to use Cain to advance their motives, they will surely spit him out if he ever decides to truly lead the party in a direction that has not been previously programmed into his skull.

About time somebody correctly describes this race baiting jester.

:lol: Classic Alinski tactics.... accuse your opposition of what you are doing. You're a race baiting ROAD boy.

Is that not what cain does you dumbass? He calls Black Democrats brainwashed and then complains about being treated bad by blacks for being a black conservative.
Cain, as a man who recites party lines that are in almost complete lockstep with the Republican handbook of political discourse, should rightly be the first target of brainwashing allegations.

Cain must have skipped the iron in his own words.
Herman Cain, A Brainwashed Caricature Of A Candidate | News One

Ironically, Cain is correct that many voters are brainwashed in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. But what he left out is that brainwashed voters lie on both sides of the aisle, not just in the Democratic Party. Cain, as a man who recites party lines that are in almost complete lockstep with the Republican handbook of political discourse, should rightly be the first target of brainwashing allegations. Also, being the only Republican who discusses President Obama’s race on a regular basis, Cain is also marketing himself as the dark-faced puppet of those who are afraid to touch the issue. Are there any other Republican candidates who discuss race as much as Cain? I rest my case.

Herman Cain believes that his strong performance in a recent Florida straw poll has suddenly made him into a serious political player. He yucked it up with Jay Leno with the confidence of an uneducated NBA player who’d just signed a one-year contract. Cain’s overconfidence will be short-lived, because anyone watching the Leno show could easily see that a man as goofy, arrogant and simple-minded as Cain could never be taken seriously enough to be president. In fact, Cain isn’t even good enough to be artificially propped up as a Black Republican who could challenge President Obama.

I don’t make these remarks about Cain because he is a conservative; I make them because he remains a political joke. Colin Powell, a far more serious and measured Republican, would be the kind of candidate that Americans of all backgrounds could support. Herman Cain has made a living by saying the kinds of racist things that right wing folks like to hear; and also by throwing angry rhetorical fireballs at President Obama in the name of Tea Party hatred. Racism is typically most effective when it has a Black face, and Cain is merely a modern-day artifact of House Negro attacks during slavery.

Cain is a weak leader because he has not defined himself as a man of meaningful principle, nor as a human being who possesses political skills necessary to make him anything more than the Republican jester. His thoughts are rarely original, and I find his mannerisms while communicating to hardly garner the kind of respect that one would give to the President of the United States. George Bush might have been able to get elected while not being presidential material, but Cain will never get that chance. While conservatives might be glad to use Cain to advance their motives, they will surely spit him out if he ever decides to truly lead the party in a direction that has not been previously programmed into his skull.

About time somebody correctly describes this race baiting jester.

You don't like Herman because you are a racist.
When Cain becomes president are you going to go AWOL flago, or are you going to follow your commander and chiefs orders?
Atlanta Metro News*| ajc.com

Q: African-Americans have typically ranked as among the most socially conservative ethnic groups over the years on social issues such as crime, religion and education, but the Republican Party has never been able to parlay that into inroads within the black community. Most recently, 2006 was supposed to be the Year of the Black Republican, but even those hopes were dashed with the high-profile gubernatorial losses of Michael Steele (Maryland), Ken Blackwell (Ohio) and former NFL star Lynn Swann (Pennsylvania). What will it take for the Republican Party to become a more viable option to African-Americans?

A: A breakthrough African-American candidate who's going to have to break through on his own. The party is not going to push him. I was so disappointed in 2006. Michael Steele could have won if the Republican Party had really rallied behind him. Lynn Swann probably would have been an uphill battle. Ken Blackwell in Ohio, he and Michael Steele both had worked from within the party and paid their party dues. Ken was [Ohio] secretary of state, Michael was lieutenant governor; but then, when they go for the big one, [the Republican National Committee] wasn't there for them. They should have pulled out all the stops to help them, but they didn't. The state can only do so much, but the national party could have done more if they really wanted to.

Considering that Cain said this back in 2006 it looks like her is the brainwashed one, one that is brainwashed and pandering to white conservatives by calling black Democrats brainwashed. Matter of fact, why is he even running considering his own words from 2008 is he fighting a losing battle on purpose?
Herman Cain, A Brainwashed Caricature Of A Candidate | News One

Ironically, Cain is correct that many voters are brainwashed in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. But what he left out is that brainwashed voters lie on both sides of the aisle, not just in the Democratic Party. Cain, as a man who recites party lines that are in almost complete lockstep with the Republican handbook of political discourse, should rightly be the first target of brainwashing allegations. Also, being the only Republican who discusses President Obama’s race on a regular basis, Cain is also marketing himself as the dark-faced puppet of those who are afraid to touch the issue. Are there any other Republican candidates who discuss race as much as Cain? I rest my case.

Herman Cain believes that his strong performance in a recent Florida straw poll has suddenly made him into a serious political player. He yucked it up with Jay Leno with the confidence of an uneducated NBA player who’d just signed a one-year contract. Cain’s overconfidence will be short-lived, because anyone watching the Leno show could easily see that a man as goofy, arrogant and simple-minded as Cain could never be taken seriously enough to be president. In fact, Cain isn’t even good enough to be artificially propped up as a Black Republican who could challenge President Obama.

I don’t make these remarks about Cain because he is a conservative; I make them because he remains a political joke. Colin Powell, a far more serious and measured Republican, would be the kind of candidate that Americans of all backgrounds could support. Herman Cain has made a living by saying the kinds of racist things that right wing folks like to hear; and also by throwing angry rhetorical fireballs at President Obama in the name of Tea Party hatred. Racism is typically most effective when it has a Black face, and Cain is merely a modern-day artifact of House Negro attacks during slavery.

Cain is a weak leader because he has not defined himself as a man of meaningful principle, nor as a human being who possesses political skills necessary to make him anything more than the Republican jester. His thoughts are rarely original, and I find his mannerisms while communicating to hardly garner the kind of respect that one would give to the President of the United States. George Bush might have been able to get elected while not being presidential material, but Cain will never get that chance. While conservatives might be glad to use Cain to advance their motives, they will surely spit him out if he ever decides to truly lead the party in a direction that has not been previously programmed into his skull.

About time somebody correctly describes this race baiting jester.

You don't like Herman because you are a racist.

Herman Cain doesn't like black Dems because he's racist.
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Quiet in the room, seems that Herman Cain doesn't really think much of you white conservatives after all as far as helping their own black candidates, now who's really brainwashed?
Quiet in the room, seems that Herman Cain doesn't really think much of you white conservatives after all as far as helping their own black candidates, now who's really brainwashed?

It's quiet because there is no sense arguing with idiots dear.
Q: Has the rapid ascension of Barack Obama surprised you?

A: Yeah, it has surprised me. But his gift is the gift of oratory. That's not just the ability to speak, but the ability to connect with people. But I think that he's going to be severely challenged in the coming months to put some meat on the bones.

Q: Could you ever support him?

A: Yeah, I could under the right circumstances. If he showed me that he really was serious about reaching across the aisle.

Obama has done nothing but reach across the aisle and Cain still attacks him, he's clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
I know I'm whipping ass every time the same asshats come with neg reps.

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