Herman Cain: God Convinced Me To Run For President

I'm curious as to what people make of this claim?

Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain says that God told him to run for president, National Journal reports.

"I prayed and prayed and prayed," Cain told about 100 members of the Georgia Young Republicans in Atlanta on Saturday. "I'm a man of faith, I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I'd ever done before in my life. And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. 'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'"

Cain isn't the only Republican candidate who says God convinced them to run, however.

In May, before officially announcing her candidacy, Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said that she felt a "calling" to seek the GOP nomination.

Herman Cain: God Convinced Me To Run For President
What if Gods a woman. He's in deep doo doo.
Christianity and a belief in Christ is one of the biggest differences in the two ideologies. Liberalism has no moral foundation, no decency. All one need look to are the OWS infestations, all brought about by filth and immoral behavior. Put a bunch pf heathens together and you get disease, rape, murder. It's not rocket science. Thank God we still have some men willing to stand and proclaim their belief in God.
Christianity and a belief in Christ is one of the biggest differences in the two ideologies. Liberalism has no moral foundation, no decency. All one need look to are the OWS infestations, all brought about by filth and immoral behavior. Put a bunch pf heathens together and you get disease, rape, murder. It's not rocket science. Thank God we still have some men willing to stand and proclaim their belief in God.

As opposed to the immoral wars a GOP president gets us into?

How many innocents did we kill or maim in Iraq?

I guess they don't count, huh?
Christianity and a belief in Christ is one of the biggest differences in the two ideologies. Liberalism has no moral foundation, no decency. All one need look to are the OWS infestations, all brought about by filth and immoral behavior. Put a bunch pf heathens together and you get disease, rape, murder. It's not rocket science. Thank God we still have some men willing to stand and proclaim their belief in God.

YOur post simply drips with your Christian faith.
Christianity and a belief in Christ is one of the biggest differences in the two ideologies. Liberalism has no moral foundation, no decency. All one need look to are the OWS infestations, all brought about by filth and immoral behavior. Put a bunch pf heathens together and you get disease, rape, murder. It's not rocket science. Thank God we still have some men willing to stand and proclaim their belief in God.

Yeah. :eusa_hand: It takes a lot of guts to say " I believe in something that cannot either be proven or disproven" :eusa_eh:
Christianity and a belief in Christ is one of the biggest differences in the two ideologies. Liberalism has no moral foundation, no decency. All one need look to are the OWS infestations, all brought about by filth and immoral behavior. Put a bunch pf heathens together and you get disease, rape, murder. It's not rocket science.

Telling someone pontificating on ‘moral foundations’ and ‘decency’ when she herself is a liar.

Thank God we still have some men willing to stand and proclaim their belief in God.

Thank the Framers they created a Constitution to protect Americans from the likes of you and ‘some men.’
Hey, rdean always has something fun and interesting to say in these sort of threads. Politicians bringing faith into the mix is ridiculous...and no doubt rdean is embarrassed by FDR's D-Day Prayer.

The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: President Franklin Roosevelt Speech D-Day Prayer


what does that have to do with a wack-a-doodle deciding G-d told him to run for president?

hint: when you talk to G-d, that's prayer.
when he talks back?
that's psychosis.
Obama: Khalid Monsour, Tony Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, George Soros and Prince Alaweed convinced me to run
57Frank AGAIN resorts to diversionary tactics. :rolleyes: This thread is about KochCain ;)
Christianity and a belief in Christ is one of the biggest differences in the two ideologies. Liberalism has no moral foundation, no decency. All one need look to are the OWS infestations, all brought about by filth and immoral behavior. Put a bunch pf heathens together and you get disease, rape, murder. It's not rocket science. Thank God we still have some men willing to stand and proclaim their belief in God.

Yeah. :eusa_hand: It takes a lot of guts to say " I believe in something that cannot either be proven or disproven" :eusa_eh:

You mean like Manmade Global Warming?
Hey, rdean always has something fun and interesting to say in these sort of threads. Politicians bringing faith into the mix is ridiculous...and no doubt rdean is embarrassed by FDR's D-Day Prayer.

The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: President Franklin Roosevelt Speech D-Day Prayer


what does that have to do with a wack-a-doodle deciding G-d told him to run for president?

hint: when you talk to G-d, that's prayer.
when he talks back?
that's psychosis.

Never said it did...one thought leads to another and God told me to comment on it.:lol:
Christianity and a belief in Christ is one of the biggest differences in the two ideologies. Liberalism has no moral foundation, no decency. All one need look to are the OWS infestations, all brought about by filth and immoral behavior. Put a bunch pf heathens together and you get disease, rape, murder. It's not rocket science. Thank God we still have some men willing to stand and proclaim their belief in God.

sigh, there is so much wrong with this its just sad.
I am really shocked you whole hearted believe this post.

Disease- see people who choose to not get their children vaccinated due to their belief in god.
Rape- See priests who rape young children. Or we can point to the raping of women with Muslims....Hows that religion working so far?
Murder- Really? Takes some big balls to think you can get away with proclaiming this is a liberal problem. You could point to the crusades if one wanted, or one could link to the abortion bombings, IRA in Ireland, The Jihad from terrorists, etc etc..
Immoral behavior- Again we could point back to the Priest rapes that are WORLDWIDE.

Thats the problem with thinking that you have. Its not grounded in reality. I do not believe in a christian god and i have morals.
what you stated was hack LGS, and you know it, But i dont think you will ever back down from it.

I absolutely believe every word of it. You're confusing what people believe with who God ACTUALLY is. God shouldnt be held accountable for what men do..period. Liberalism celebrates hedonism and says there is no God.. Apart from God, there is no moral compass.. Man is inherently evil and left to his own devices would destroy the entire world... I believe the only saving grace of man is God as Savior.. and not by our works but through grace.. you don't have to agree with that.. It's my belief.
I absolutely believe every word of it. You're confusing what people believe with who God ACTUALLY is. God shouldnt be held accountable for what men do..period. Liberalism celebrates hedonism and says there is no God.. Apart from God, there is no moral compass.. Man is inherently evil and left to his own devices would destroy the entire world... I believe the only saving grace of man is God as Savior.. and not by our works but through grace.. you don't have to agree with that.. It's my belief.

How do you feel about Ayn Rand/Objectivist types?
Hey, rdean always has something fun and interesting to say in these sort of threads. Politicians bringing faith into the mix is ridiculous...and no doubt rdean is embarrassed by FDR's D-Day Prayer.

The History Place - Great Speeches Collection: President Franklin Roosevelt Speech D-Day Prayer


what does that have to do with a wack-a-doodle deciding G-d told him to run for president?

hint: when you talk to G-d, that's prayer.
when he talks back?
that's psychosis.

“felt God’s spirit beckoning me, and as a result I submitted myself to his will and dedicated myself to discovering his truth.”

Who said it?

This is so much better than negging your sorry Obama Fluffling ass in response!
I'm curious as to what people make of this claim?

Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain says that God told him to run for president, National Journal reports.

"I prayed and prayed and prayed," Cain told about 100 members of the Georgia Young Republicans in Atlanta on Saturday. "I'm a man of faith, I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I'd ever done before in my life. And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. 'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'"

Cain isn't the only Republican candidate who says God convinced them to run, however.

In May, before officially announcing her candidacy, Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said that she felt a "calling" to seek the GOP nomination.

Herman Cain: God Convinced Me To Run For President

To paraphrase Roger Waters, God wants politics, God wants a good laugh.
I'm curious as to what people make of this claim?

Former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain says that God told him to run for president, National Journal reports.

"I prayed and prayed and prayed," Cain told about 100 members of the Georgia Young Republicans in Atlanta on Saturday. "I'm a man of faith, I had to do a lot of praying for this one, more praying than I'd ever done before in my life. And when I finally realized that it was God saying that this is what I needed to do, I was like Moses. 'You've got the wrong man, Lord. Are you sure?'"

Cain isn't the only Republican candidate who says God convinced them to run, however.

In May, before officially announcing her candidacy, Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said that she felt a "calling" to seek the GOP nomination.

Herman Cain: God Convinced Me To Run For President

I find his admission admirable. Not too many people would be so obvious about their levels of faith. It is also well enough understood that God would press others to also run... even as the opposition within the same or opposite party. It makes sense that an adversary would provoke some to better campaigning measures.

Does anyone have a real issue with Cain having faith? I have to read through the thread yet to get a better idea... but I'm sure some will be highly critical of him, and others who put forth this openness of faith.

I have said many times that I have promised God certain things... or that God seems to put me where He chooses for me to work... wonders. It isn't that I expect others to share my levels of belief, of desire, but I would hope to have moderate levels of respect toward my decisions of faith as I show others respect regardless of their lack of show or lack of faith...

Cain is most likely my pick at this point... I don't know... I am usually pretty undecided up until the last minute possible. I am not fond of MB... but I still have reservations about putting a woman in office. I don't mean that there are not women who would do an amazing job... it just seems premature yet and I'm not sure if our country will ever come to the point that a woman would be welcome... :dunno:

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