Herman Cain - Leading In Positive Intensity Polls and Name Recogition Doubling


Apr 22, 2007
Bachmann in Strong Position as She Enters 2012 Race

Don't underestimate Positive Intensity! Voters like the positive person, not trolls like Santorum that are already on the attack and producing negative ads! Cain is virtually tied with Bachmann. I think Bachmann's inability to answer direct media questions and her ability to make Palinesqe dumb comments will sink her. While Cain's master ability to woo people during the debates, present the right economic message and with his high level of charisma will win over voters, right, left and in the middle!

Another important point. Cain's name recognition more than doubled since March!

Cain's name recognition is also up, from 21% in March to 46% today, although his Positive Intensity Score is down slightly from 28 -- his highest -- a few weeks ago.

Go Cain Go!
Dick Morris yesterday said Cain had moved into the 1st tier of GOP candidates (Romney, Bachmann, & Cain). Everyone else was 2nd or 3rd tier at this point.

Pretty remarkable when you consider that Herman Cain's name recognition is still at the bottom of the pack.

The fact is WHEN people get to know Herman Cain (the real Herman Cain), they like him--a lot.
Dick Morris also said on O'Reily recently about the GOP candidates:

“the best credentialed candidate of any of them is Cain.”
Ron Paul>Cain on support, just fact.

When Ron Paul goes off on his get rid of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, DHS, ICE, Federal Reserve, Department of Education, FDA etc. he loses 90% of the voting population!
Ron Paul>Cain on support, just fact.

When Ron Paul goes off on his get rid of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, DHS, ICE, Federal Reserve, Department of Education, FDA etc. he loses 90% of the voting population!

Yep, Paul is a capital-L Libertarian. If Republicans were one-issue voters and only worried about fiscal issues, he might attract serious support. But when he starts talking about social issues or foreign policy, Republicans flee the room in droves.

I give him credit for being pro-life, but when he starts talking about legalizing heroin, he marginalizes himself to the point of being a non-factor.

Sorry, that's just the way it is. Paul will never gain any widespread support within the GOP as long as he holds his current social and foreign policy stances.
Cain just lost some key staffers. Between Romney and Bachmann, I don't see where Cain has room to succeed on such a level to be competitive in the primaries.
Yes, it would be smart of the GOP to run a black man against a black man.

Ron Paul>Cain on support, just fact.

When Ron Paul goes off on his get rid of the FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, DHS, ICE, Federal Reserve, Department of Education, FDA etc. he loses 90% of the voting population!

And when Cain talks about not allowing certain people a spot in his cabinet based on their faith he losses 99%...

And RP does much better than you claim.
Yes, it would be smart of the GOP to run a black man against a black man.


Liberals are such racists. Rather it is smart for the GOP to run an economic genius, mathetician (yep he is at a genius level in math), world-class businessman, charimatic speaking, expert negotiating and debating AMERICAN like Cain against a clueless, economic mental midget and borderline socialist in Obama!

Who gives a shit about his race? If race matter most, the GOP would toss out a Latino vs Obama. African Americans will still vote 95% for Obama over Cain. However, a Latino GOP candidate would shift the vote in GOP favor, esp if it was a competent one like Susana Marteniz of NM!

Ravi you are truly a clueless individual! My, and most conservatives, support of Cain has NOTHING to do with his race. When he is kicking Obama's behind in debate after debate, you will understand why.
Cain just lost some key staffers. Between Romney and Bachmann, I don't see where Cain has room to succeed on such a level to be competitive in the primaries.

And to me this is why I think Ron Paul stands a chance. Most conservatives hate Mitt and most know or are finding out Bachmann is not the saint she claims she is. If it comes down to debated with these 3 Ron Paul has a real chance, not overwhelming, just a real chance this time around.

Best part is we get to see, I make no predictions.
Yes, it would be smart of the GOP to run a black man against a black man.


Liberals are such racists. Rather it is smart for the GOP to run an economic genius, mathetician (yep he is at a genius level in math), world-class businessman, charimatic speaking, expert negotiating and debating AMERICAN like Cain against a clueless, economic mental midget and borderline socialist in Obama!

Who gives a shit about his race? If race matter most, the GOP would toss out a Latino vs Obama. African Americans will still vote 95% for Obama over Cain. However, a Latino GOP candidate would shift the vote in GOP favor, esp if it was a competent one like Susana Marteniz of NM!

Ravi you are truly a clueless individual! My, and most conservatives, support of Cain has NOTHING to do with his race. When he is kicking Obama's behind in debate after debate, you will understand why.

They picked their last RNC head because of his race. There's nothing wrong with being black, btw. I'm surprised that you think there is.
Yes, it would be smart of the GOP to run a black man against a black man.


Liberals are such racists. Rather it is smart for the GOP to run an economic genius, mathetician (yep he is at a genius level in math), world-class businessman, charimatic speaking, expert negotiating and debating AMERICAN like Cain against a clueless, economic mental midget and borderline socialist in Obama!

Who gives a shit about his race? If race matter most, the GOP would toss out a Latino vs Obama. African Americans will still vote 95% for Obama over Cain. However, a Latino GOP candidate would shift the vote in GOP favor, esp if it was a competent one like Susana Marteniz of NM!

Ravi you are truly a clueless individual! My, and most conservatives, support of Cain has NOTHING to do with his race. When he is kicking Obama's behind in debate after debate, you will understand why.

Cain has some good points, very good points about him even... However it's when he gets stuck that he makes and epic size fool of himself and he would stand very little chance against Obama IMO based off that alone.

Cain also is running like Obama did, not much substance but more a general vaugue idea. We need a true leader with real plans that knows how to get there, not another President telling people what they want to hear while nothing changes.
Yes, it would be smart of the GOP to run a black man against a black man.


Liberals are such racists. Rather it is smart for the GOP to run an economic genius, mathetician (yep he is at a genius level in math), world-class businessman, charimatic speaking, expert negotiating and debating AMERICAN like Cain against a clueless, economic mental midget and borderline socialist in Obama!

Who gives a shit about his race? If race matter most, the GOP would toss out a Latino vs Obama. African Americans will still vote 95% for Obama over Cain. However, a Latino GOP candidate would shift the vote in GOP favor, esp if it was a competent one like Susana Marteniz of NM!

Ravi you are truly a clueless individual! My, and most conservatives, support of Cain has NOTHING to do with his race. When he is kicking Obama's behind in debate after debate, you will understand why.

They picked their last RNC head because of his race. There's nothing wrong with being black, btw. I'm surprised that you think there is.

Are you slow or something? You are the one that brought up race! I don't think I ever mention his race.

And you are correct there is nothing wrong with being blacks, but there is something wrong with being liberal. It's called a mental disorder and low IQ, which you clearly demonstrate!
Yes, it would be smart of the GOP to run a black man against a black man.


Liberals are such racists. Rather it is smart for the GOP to run an economic genius, mathetician (yep he is at a genius level in math), world-class businessman, charimatic speaking, expert negotiating and debating AMERICAN like Cain against a clueless, economic mental midget and borderline socialist in Obama!

Who gives a shit about his race? If race matter most, the GOP would toss out a Latino vs Obama. African Americans will still vote 95% for Obama over Cain. However, a Latino GOP candidate would shift the vote in GOP favor, esp if it was a competent one like Susana Marteniz of NM!

Ravi you are truly a clueless individual! My, and most conservatives, support of Cain has NOTHING to do with his race. When he is kicking Obama's behind in debate after debate, you will understand why.

They picked their last RNC head because of his race. There's nothing wrong with being black, btw. I'm surprised that you think there is.

I'll leave it at this... Race makes no more a difference in Cain's support than Obama's.
Liberals are such racists. Rather it is smart for the GOP to run an economic genius, mathetician (yep he is at a genius level in math), world-class businessman, charimatic speaking, expert negotiating and debating AMERICAN like Cain against a clueless, economic mental midget and borderline socialist in Obama!

Who gives a shit about his race? If race matter most, the GOP would toss out a Latino vs Obama. African Americans will still vote 95% for Obama over Cain. However, a Latino GOP candidate would shift the vote in GOP favor, esp if it was a competent one like Susana Marteniz of NM!

Ravi you are truly a clueless individual! My, and most conservatives, support of Cain has NOTHING to do with his race. When he is kicking Obama's behind in debate after debate, you will understand why.

They picked their last RNC head because of his race. There's nothing wrong with being black, btw. I'm surprised that you think there is.

Are you slow or something? You are the one that brought up race! I don't think I ever mention his race.

And you are correct there is nothing wrong with being blacks, but there is something wrong with being liberal. It's called a mental disorder and low IQ, which you clearly demonstrate!

Why is it wrong to say he would be a black man running against a black man?

Are we supposed to pretend he isn't black?

You cons always mystify me.
Go Cain Go!

Cain won't be the nominee. every poll has Mitt far ahead of the repub class.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

As of right now, it seems clear that Mitt, Bachmann, and Cain are on an upward trajectory. Bachmann seems, however, to have picked up the support that palin is losing. T-Paw is barely a blip.

I'd suggest you hope for mitten if you want a shot. you can't win by appealing only to the furthest reaches of the right.
Bachmann in Strong Position as She Enters 2012 Race

Don't underestimate Positive Intensity! Voters like the positive person, not trolls like Santorum that are already on the attack and producing negative ads! Cain is virtually tied with Bachmann. I think Bachmann's inability to answer direct media questions and her ability to make Palinesqe dumb comments will sink her. While Cain's master ability to woo people during the debates, present the right economic message and with his high level of charisma will win over voters, right, left and in the middle!

Another important point. Cain's name recognition more than doubled since March!

Cain's name recognition is also up, from 21% in March to 46% today, although his Positive Intensity Score is down slightly from 28 -- his highest -- a few weeks ago.

Go Cain Go!

Conservatives are the biggest chumps around. First, Donald Trump punks Republicans with his phony "presidential bid," and conservatives bit off on his self-serving, self-aggrandizing ego trip. It was funny and pathetic all at the same time.

Now Cain? Cain has no serious interest in being president. He knows he has no experience in governing or government. He's just TRYING to raise his name recognition (and hence, his profile) so he can parlay that newfound fame into a bigger paycheck, probably in the form of a nationally sindicated radio show.

Can't conservatives find serious candidates who aren't either publicity hounds, quitters, phonies, legislative failures, or just plain nutty to one degree or another?
Yes, it would be smart of the GOP to run a black man against a black man.


Liberals are such racists. Rather it is smart for the GOP to run an economic genius, mathetician (yep he is at a genius level in math), world-class businessman, charimatic speaking, expert negotiating and debating AMERICAN like Cain against a clueless, economic mental midget and borderline socialist in Obama!

Who gives a shit about his race? If race matter most, the GOP would toss out a Latino vs Obama. African Americans will still vote 95% for Obama over Cain. However, a Latino GOP candidate would shift the vote in GOP favor, esp if it was a competent one like Susana Marteniz of NM!

Ravi you are truly a clueless individual! My, and most conservatives, support of Cain has NOTHING to do with his race. When he is kicking Obama's behind in debate after debate, you will understand why.

Cain has some good points, very good points about him even... However it's when he gets stuck that he makes and epic size fool of himself and he would stand very little chance against Obama IMO based off that alone.
Such as? They try to corner him on the what would you do about Iraq and Afghanistan and he says he would talk to his generals, read the confidential information and make an INFORMED decision. Brilliant and correct answer! Why make a decision that you might have to back track on without the information!

[ Cain also is running like Obama did, not much substance but more a general vaugue idea. We need a true leader with real plans that knows how to get there, not another President telling people what they want to hear while nothing changes.

Not true, if you listen to the man he is full of ideas and solution. The man has substance no doubt, but all candidates need charisma. However, he is full of ideas to get us on the right path!

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