Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

The sexual tension between Guatauma and Hot Wire is so strong it is creating humidity, they should just get a room at the Motel 6 and just get this over with.
You mean like you liberals and obama,Where you cum on your obama commemerative plate?

The really funny part is imagining you ever in a position to hire anyone for anything.....Muslim or not. :lol::lol::lol:
herman cain is a joke and won't win one state. people should stop wasting tme on him
The sexual tension between Guatauma and Hot Wire is so strong it is creating humidity, they should just get a room at the Motel 6 and just get this over with.
You mean like you liberals and obama,Where you cum on your obama commemerative plate?

The really funny part is imagining you ever in a position to hire anyone for anything.....Muslim or not. :lol::lol::lol:

Hot Wire isn't in the hiring/firing position however he makes a mean Blizzard down at the Dairy Queen.
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.”


But not something I really care one way or the other about: It would be fine with me if Cain ran government without any help from any muslims, and he continued to be as straigh-forward with his reasons: Islam demands that there is no seperation between church and state, completely contradicting our values of seperation.

I have no problem with his doing it either....it was just stupid for him to say before the fact that he would.

It's too bad that in American politics "stupid" = candor.
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.”


But not something I really care one way or the other about: It would be fine with me if Cain ran government without any help from any muslims, and he continued to be as straigh-forward with his reasons: Islam demands that there is no seperation between church and state, completely contradicting our values of seperation.

which is why im not personally taking issue with what cain said
You have no problem with his blatant disregard of the Constitution...color me surprised.

Yo dummy, the constitution doesn't specify that a POTUS MUST appoint Muslims or those who belong to groups that have declared war against the USA...

I would suggest that you actually READ the constitution, but you'd never understand it. the constitution is written to be understood by those with an 8th grade education or greater. Obviously, you fall short of the mark...

But not something I really care one way or the other about: It would be fine with me if Cain ran government without any help from any muslims, and he continued to be as straigh-forward with his reasons: Islam demands that there is no seperation between church and state, completely contradicting our values of seperation.

I have no problem with his doing it either....it was just stupid for him to say before the fact that he would.

It's too bad that in American politics "stupid" = candor.

Well, it IS stupid if their candor makes them say outloud they will not follow the Constitution and they are running for President.
I'm sure our Founders appeared to be Terrorists to the British and the Tories. But, you see, we have the advantage of having WON. What do you think the British had in mind for our Founders and our history books if the Patriots had lost?

No dummy, terrorists are those who target civilian, non-strategic targets for the purpose of creating fear in the population rather than achieving military goals.

The founding fathers were not terrorists.

You really should have stuck out 2nd grade....
I tap out, I submit, what Dave does is a good reason for you to hate 1.7 billion muslims.

Still with the moronic straw man. I don't hate Dave. I hate the ideals and goals of the Aryan Nations. I don't hate 1.3 billion Muslims, I hate the ideals and goals of Islam.

Bummer that you can't grasp such concepts.

Bummer that you support and promote evil.
This thread continues to deliver.

Wear your bigotry with pride, rightwing nutbars!

Wear your mental retardation with pride, Luissa...

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for leftists to call those who oppose evil, bigots!"
You have no problem with his blatant disregard of the Constitution...color me surprised.

Yo dummy, the constitution doesn't specify that a POTUS MUST appoint Muslims

You are correct....but that is not what is the blatant disregard of the Constitution....This is the Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 3...last phrase of the last sentence "but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." It is a religious test to say that one would not appoint someone because of their particular religion...regardless of what that religion is.
or those who belong to groups that have declared war against the USA...
Nothing wrong with saying flat out you would not hire THOSE people....but wait...are you lumping ALL Muslims as belonging in a group that has declared war against the USA?

I would suggest that you actually READ the constitution,

I have a pocket edition I keep right here by my desk at all times....you?

but you'd never understand it. the constitution is written to be understood by those with an 8th grade education or greater. Obviously, you fall short of the mark...

Your insults are cute...so tell me....how does Cain's comments NOT go against the "no religious test" clause in Article VI?
They're banking on this being the one form of bigotry that US history will look kindly on later.

They don't get that they sound EXACTLY like the ******-haters, the gook-haters, the ****-haters etc from past and present.

You don't get that you sound exactly like Josef Goebbels, spewing lies and demagoguery against your political foe with no regard for fact.

Opposing evil does not make one a bigot, your support of evil does not make you a good person, quite the opposite.
He's probably an ignorant fuck who thinks all Muslims look like Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, Muslims come in all races and colors.

Then that would make those who scream "racist" at those who oppose the evil of Islam, complete morons, wouldn't it?
Why is everyone soo fixated on muslims?? I don't like the way Islam treats women and think it's a violent fucking religion.. that's my opinion and I don't give a damn who doesn't like it.. On the other hand, I think Catholicism is pretty fucked up too.. The point is, he doesn't like Islam.. SO FUCKING WHAT? If you do, more power to ya .. see how much you like it Bod when they stone your ass to death.

Islam is a clear and present danger, Catholicism is not. Islam is the motivator or excuse for millions of very evil people to do very evil things. Islam itself is an evil creed, like Nazism, Stalinism, the Klan and dozens of other creeds. Decent people don't support, promote nor tolerate creeds of evil. It doesn't mean we hate everyone associated, but it DOES mean that we advocate against the spread and practice of evil. Islam was created by a warlord for the purpose of conquest, rape and pillage. Those are the underlying foundation, the motive force.
Actually it depends on the country, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran do kill homosexuals like you say however I know Lebanon has LGBT groups there, although I do think homosexuality is technically illegal on the books. In Egypt homosexuals get prison sentences but all in all you are correct, Muslim countries are in general very hostile towards homosexuality.

ISLAM calls for the stoning of homosexuals - period. The Warlord Muhammad personally proscribed stoning as the punishment for homosexual acts.

That some countries don't fully enact Sharia doesn't alter the call by Islam. Particularly Lebanon. The Muslim conquest of Christian Lebanon is not yet complete. There is still a significant Christian presence in Lebanon which will advocate tolerance and oppose the brutality of Sharia.
He's probably an ignorant fuck who thinks all Muslims look like Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, Muslims come in all races and colors.

Then that would make those who scream "racist" at those who oppose the evil of Islam, complete morons, wouldn't it?

The evil of Islam? Or the evil of those who do bad things with Islam as an excuse for their evil?
Actually it depends on the country, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran do kill homosexuals like you say however I know Lebanon has LGBT groups there, although I do think homosexuality is technically illegal on the books. In Egypt homosexuals get prison sentences but all in all you are correct, Muslim countries are in general very hostile towards homosexuality.

ISLAM calls for the stoning of homosexuals - period. The Warlord Muhammad personally proscribed stoning as the punishment for homosexual acts.

The OT calls for the death of homosexuals also period. Should we call Judaism evil?

That some countries don't fully enact Sharia doesn't alter the call by Islam. Particularly Lebanon. The Muslim conquest of Christian Lebanon is not yet complete. There is still a significant Christian presence in Lebanon which will advocate tolerance and oppose the brutality of Sharia.

So you ARE calling all Muslims evil. That's a large enemy for us to tackle...we'll need all healthy young people in the military to deal with all those millions of evil Muslims. You are going to do your part, of course.
Why is everyone soo fixated on muslims?? I don't like the way Islam treats women and think it's a violent fucking religion.. that's my opinion and I don't give a damn who doesn't like it.. On the other hand, I think Catholicism is pretty fucked up too.. The point is, he doesn't like Islam.. SO FUCKING WHAT? If you do, more power to ya .. see how much you like it Bod when they stone your ass to death.

Islam is a clear and present danger, Catholicism is not. Islam is the motivator or excuse for millions of very evil people to do very evil things. Islam itself is an evil creed, like Nazism, Stalinism, the Klan and dozens of other creeds. Decent people don't support, promote nor tolerate creeds of evil. It doesn't mean we hate everyone associated, but it DOES mean that we advocate against the spread and practice of evil. Islam was created by a warlord for the purpose of conquest, rape and pillage. Those are the underlying foundation, the motive force.
So....when you signing up to go wipe out this Scourge?

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