Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

islam is a insane deathcult and the muslim pigs DO want to subvert our constitution and have sharia law.islam should be banned in USA and all muslims sent packing.Good for Cain.I support him.

Yeah...the heck with the 1st Amendment...too inconvenient.
Very unitelligent way to make policy decisions.

Do you care anything for the constitution of the country?

California girl claims to have several relatives that are Muslim.

I wonder what they would think of her endorsement of Herman Cain and his bigoted remarks?

The gig is up muzzie savage animal.Freedom and islam are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.You may have the liberal scum on your side but the rest of us know that the evil quran orders you evil islamic beasts to murder infidels(thats ALL non muzz)and force islam on the whole world.FUCK YOU!Take islam and ram it up your ass sideways.muhammad was a thieving murdering childmolesting evil pig.And thats who started your evil deathcult of islam.
You make your argument so....so....rational sounding.
Herman Cain's MONUMENTALLY PERCEPTIVE statement regarding the Muslims plays into the thesis of my thread which because of the identically fundamental ideas involved requires the following elucidation:

"ISRAEL is our ONLY ALLY in the Mid East.

What LIEberrhoid Anti-American arseholes don't and can't understand is that Israel is our ONLY ally in the Mid East.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to beg, or pay oneself, into the fucking MuslimArsed countries acceptance EVEN IF WE BETRAY AND TOTALLY ABANDON ISRAEL because the MuslimArsed countries are governed by RELIGIOUS MUSLIM FANATICS who consider America the GREAT SATAN because of our avowed and irrevocable position as a sponsor of a SECULAR FORM OF GOVERNMENT.........i.e., an IPSO FACTO REJECTION of the FOUNDATION of ISLAM !!!!

No matter what we say or do.......ISLAM and the followers of ISLAM are our foes unto death !!!"

With my post in mind, one can more clearly understand Herman Cain's position regarding the fucking Muslim Swine.
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Most Muslims voted for Bush Senior both times.

And Bush Junior the first time.

Only because they knew these two would have the balls to go to war with Islam, hence the beginning of the muslim caliphate, which most radical muslims like mahmoud achma monkey face in Iran is trying to usher in as fast as possible.

Most Muslims voted for Bush Senior both times.

And Bush Junior the first time.

Only because they knew these two would have the balls to go to war with Islam, hence the beginning of the muslim caliphate, which most radical muslims like mahmoud achma monkey face in Iran is trying to usher in as fast as possible.

That is not the reason at all.

Muslims voted Republican because the party is more conservative than the Democratic Party
US Cain's words are like the Bible, don't take them for what they are, if it sounds bad you have to interpret it to mean something nice.

I think he meant that he won't appoint Muslims to his cabinet.

Since Islam is in a hot war against the USA, that does make sense.

You know, FDR didn't appoint any Nazis to his cabinet...
Yet no opinion on his viewpoint in the OP?

What is your view of the fact that FDR would not appoint any Nazis to his cabinet? Ronald Reagan likewise had no Communists in his cabinet. (Though Jim Wright made up for this, to some extent.) Shit, I think Lincoln declined to appoint Confederates to his cabinet.

So you're equating Muslims to Nazis?

Upon reflection......Islamofacist Muslims are a lot like Nazi's! They wear special uniforms - burqa's for the females, Dresses for the men. They hate the Jews with a passion. And they crave world domination. :lol:
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏

I'm sorry. But he made perfect sense to me. Politically, we're a secular society. He made it clear that he objected to Christian and Jewish fundamentalism as an influence on our government in that same speech.
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏

You obviously don't pay attention to radical Islamic teaching then.

Its the GOAL of Sharia Muslims to take over the world.

I realize there are plenty of good Muslims, however there are also plenty of bad Muslims that want geo-Islamic domination as the Qur'an implies.

The problem is - the "good" Muslims don't really give a fuck what the radical Muslims do. They look the other way when they set bombs off in cafes, they look the other way when they preach radical ideas...... Few of them actually stand up to the radicals.

Hell, go watch the documentary "The Third Jihad"

The Third Jihad

That documentary was directed and produced by a Muslim.

Thats just a little taste of reality.

Go read about the Islamic Brotherhood or even the Grand Muftis and what their visions are of Islam.
US Cain's words are like the Bible, don't take them for what they are, if it sounds bad you have to interpret it to mean something nice.

I think he meant that he won't appoint Muslims to his cabinet.

Since Islam is in a hot war against the USA, that does make sense.

You know, FDR didn't appoint any Nazis to his cabinet...

You sound like such a grown up on every other subject I see you talk about, but whenever any muslim-related topic comes up all that mature intelligence goes out the door.

Most Muslims voted for Bush Senior both times.

And Bush Junior the first time.

Only because they knew these two would have the balls to go to war with Islam, hence the beginning of the muslim caliphate, which most radical muslims like mahmoud achma monkey face in Iran is trying to usher in as fast as possible.

That is not the reason at all.

Muslims voted Republican because the party is more conservative than the Democratic Party
Yep. And most Republicans want sharia law to be the law of the land. They just call it something different. Rule by bible, or some such silliness.

There really is not much difference between Muslims and right wing Christians.
No, it doesn't. Of course, idiots who are afraid of other people use that as an excuse. I know Islam perfectly well. I see it as no different than any other Abrahamic faith. You are an overly hysterical fool... and by hating Islam, you play straight into the hands of terrorists. Idiot.

Islam takes the very worst aspects of Abrahmic religions and distills it into a warlike and oppressive system. Where Islam further clashes with civilization and liberty is that it alone among the monotheistic religions, establishes civil governance in addition to ecclesiastical. Islam is a dictatorship, and a brutal one.

You were 180° off in your earlier post, we should not hate Muslims. Individuals will vary in behavior and attitude. It is Islam that every civilized person should hate and reject. It is a creed of oppression and servitude that is in diametric opposition to the principles of liberty and self-governance. Muslims can live in peace in measure to their apostasy, but Islam cannot be peaceful unless the Koran and Hadiths are removed from the religion.

Like Nazism, Islam is a creed of evil. Every person who proclaims Islam may not embrace the evil of the creed, but the creed remains evil. Tolerance is not in itself a virtue. Those who tolerate evil are accomplices.
Hot Wire is such a fool, he would be a perfect candidate to be a radical Muslim, I am sure the madrassas in Pakistan would love to have him.

Yes that makes sense,I HATE islam so I would be a good muslim terrorist.:cuckoo:

The hatred and vileness you have inside you is a perfect fit with Muslims terrorists so yes asshole, you would make a good jihadi nutbag.
Thats right IAM PROUD to HATE islam liberal maggot.Iam proud to hate lowlife liberal scum like you.


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