Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Herman Cain stated that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his Administration.

That was enough to convince me that he has my vote as the next President of the United States of America.

None of the other candidates for the Presidency seem to be perceptive enough, or honest enough, to state that they would not appoint a person whose religion's clearly underlined, and never denied FIRST DICTUM concocted by it's founder, the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, the MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED is: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

Granted there are supposedly "good" Muslims that may ignore this murderous instruction of the Crazed Founder of their Faith.

However, one cannot be too careful from taking a chance and having an "ENEMY WITHIN", i.e., a TRUE MUSLIM, in an influential position in our Government.

It thats all it took for him to convince you, you are a fucking idiot.:cuckoo:

Sorry, I neglected to edit my statement.

The crucial statement is amended to: That, and Herman Cain's other statements, was enough to convince me that he has my vote as the next President of the United States of America.
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Actually, you wear stupidity as a badge of honor if you 'hate Islam'. Islam is not your enemy. Some Muslims are your enemy. That you cannot tell the difference is exactly what those enemies want. Thank you for supporting anti-American terrorists.

Hot Wire is such a fool, he would be a perfect candidate to be a radical Muslim, I am sure the madrassas in Pakistan would love to have him.

Yes that makes sense,I HATE islam so I would be a good muslim terrorist.:cuckoo:

The hatred and vileness you have inside you is a perfect fit with Muslims terrorists so yes asshole, you would make a good jihadi nutbag.
You are a total idiot muzzie lover.You can ram islam up your ass also.I wear your contempt
as a badge of honor.

Actually, you wear stupidity as a badge of honor if you 'hate Islam'. Islam is not your enemy. Some Muslims are your enemy. That you cannot tell the difference is exactly what those enemies want. Thank you for supporting anti-American terrorists.

You are one stupid bitch,islam IS my enemy.islam oders these muslim savages to murder in the name of their moongod allah.You better do some study of the deathcult of islam.

No, it doesn't. Of course, idiots who are afraid of other people use that as an excuse. I know Islam perfectly well. I see it as no different than any other Abrahamic faith. You are an overly hysterical fool... and by hating Islam, you play straight into the hands of terrorists. Idiot.
Hot Wire is such a fool, he would be a perfect candidate to be a radical Muslim, I am sure the madrassas in Pakistan would love to have him.

Yes that makes sense,I HATE islam so I would be a good muslim terrorist.:cuckoo:

The hatred and vileness you have inside you is a perfect fit with Muslims terrorists so yes asshole, you would make a good jihadi nutbag.

bleh, he'd have to venture out of mommy's basement to actually be a danger to anyone. Not likely to happen.
Better a Muslim than a liberal.

I wouldn't go that far. Not all liberals hate the constitution, just the college educated ones. We are at war with radical Islam, not American liberals so you would almost have to be too careful on who you appoint. I think Cain meant to put it that way but it was purposely misinterpreted to fit the lefts agenda, Kinda like Paul Ryans Budget bill. The sooner people wake up and see what the progressive left is trying to do to this country the better off we all will be.
You are a total idiot muzzie lover.You can ram islam up your ass also.I wear your contempt
as a badge of honor.

Actually, you wear stupidity as a badge of honor if you 'hate Islam'. Islam is not your enemy. Some Muslims are your enemy. That you cannot tell the difference is exactly what those enemies want. Thank you for supporting anti-American terrorists.

You are one stupid bitch,islam IS my enemy.islam oders these muslim savages to murder in the name of their moongod allah.You better do some study of the deathcult of islam.

Have you ever considered consulting a proctologist? With a few well placed stitches he could tighten your arse so you wouldn't talk quite as much shit.

Clearly you haven't bothered to understand the difference between Islam and Islamism. But what else would one expect from a knuckle dragging bigot.
Remember in Star Wars where Obiwan said only the Sith dealt in absolutes.

Yeah lets form our reality around movie content.


LOL, ppffftttt, did you even read the rest of my post? I know it's just a movie, and said so.. cmonnnnn, lol! Take a wookie at the world around us from past to present... sheesh the last two world wars were in the last 100 years alone.

:blowup: :Boom2::flameth:

Anyhow, Chewie rocked, he was the best on there.
Herman Cain made a statement that is controversial and not PC. Just by the reaction of this board, he will reap little reward from many for that statement. There is something I see little of in politics, and that is honesty.

Others may disqualify Cain for his lack of political experience. This is one place where his honesty comes in and lack of political experience is a benefit. Take it or leave it.
As someone who practices discrimination law... this proves that Herman Cain should not be president.
Not only is he discriminating...he's PLANNING on practicing discrimination...illegal discrimination at that.

Furthermore, it shows he knows FUCK ALL about the laws in our country and is pretty fucking stupid.
As someone who practices discrimination law... this proves that Herman Cain should not be president.
Not only is he discriminating...he's PLANNING on practicing discrimination...illegal discrimination at that.

Furthermore, it shows he knows FUCK ALL about the laws in our country and is pretty fucking stupid.

Interestingly, when the right criticize Obama, we get called 'racists'. Are you a racist for criticizing Cain?
As someone who practices discrimination law... this proves that Herman Cain should not be president.
Not only is he discriminating...he's PLANNING on practicing discrimination...illegal discrimination at that.

Furthermore, it shows he knows FUCK ALL about the laws in our country and is pretty fucking stupid.

Interestingly, when the right criticize Obama, we get called 'racists'. Are you a racist for criticizing Cain?

Not a chance, Democrats haven't been racists since they owned slaves back in the day, or burnt crosses in black folks back yards, or when they've used Black people for voting blocks by convincing them that they are victims.
If elected, Cain can choose his own people.

Personally, I'd never hire a Muslim for an important job. They take too many breaks for prayer. I'd would consider a Muslim if I needed man-spunk scraped off the floor of a peep show booth or some other disgusting job. But for an important job?? No way. Too much hypocrisy and praying for me....:lol::lol:

Most Muslims voted for Bush Senior both times.

And Bush Junior the first time.
Fortunately we have less than 2 million Muslims in the United States, or about 0.5% of the total population.

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