Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

I'm so very sorry to hear you say that... This man just killed any chance of winning a Presidency and rightfully so.

They could literally just make a commercial of him saying this and it would be one of the more detrimental talking points in days during the GE. But this is why I said I liked Cain but also said I liked Ron Paul so much more, Ron Paul knows what he is doing while Cain is a "tuff guy" who wants to trash talk while having almost no clue as to how to truly get anything done if he were President.
Well, that ends any doubt about whether or not this guy can be accurately labeled a crackpot.

And a bigot.

Ironically it proves a point the Right loves to assert on a regular basis...

...that black people can be bigots too!

Who would have thought, we agree on something.
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏

As president he can appoint anyone he wants for whatever reason he wants. The Constitutiion has no bearing on his appointments.
islam is a insane deathcult and the muslim pigs DO want to subvert our constitution and have sharia law.islam should be banned in USA and all muslims sent packing.Good for Cain.I support him.

We have US law not Sharia law.

The fearmongering does work well with the weak minded though.
I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

Very unitelligent way to make policy decisions.

Do you care anything for the constitution of the country?

California girl claims to have several relatives that are Muslim.

I wonder what they would think of her endorsement of Herman Cain and his bigoted remarks?

The gig is up muzzie savage animal.Freedom and islam are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.You may have the liberal scum on your side but the rest of us know that the evil quran orders you evil islamic beasts to murder infidels(thats ALL non muzz)and force islam on the whole world.FUCK YOU!Take islam and ram it up your ass sideways.muhammad was a thieving murdering childmolesting evil pig.And thats who started your evil deathcult of islam.
I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

Very unitelligent way to make policy decisions.

Do you care anything for the constitution of the country?

Yea, I do. Which is more than Sunni does.... since he wants Sharia to be the law of the United States. I don't like anyone with an agenda that is unConstitutional. I know that concept is over your intellectual paygrade, being a Septic Tank.

If you think atatcking people due to their religion is fine you dont care for the constitution period.

Your partisanship is showing and you perfer party over country.
Now I will send Cain a large donation!I call on all loyal Americans to do NO business with muslims.
Now I will send Cain a large donation!I call on all loyal Americans to do NO business with muslims.

American muslims died on 911.

American muslims have died fighting for this country.

To hate someone due to their religion is unAmerican.
California girl claims to have several relatives that are Muslim.

I wonder what they would think of her endorsement of Herman Cain and his bigoted remarks?

The gig is up muzzie savage animal.Freedom and islam are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.You may have the liberal scum on your side but the rest of us know that the evil quran orders you evil islamic beasts to murder infidels(thats ALL non muzz)and force islam on the whole world.FUCK YOU!Take islam and ram it up your ass sideways.muhammad was a thieving murdering childmolesting evil pig.And thats who started your evil deathcult of islam.

i wouldnt go around calling other people savage with this post you just made.
Go away.

You are the liberal scum who defends these islamic satanic beasts.FUCK YOU MUZZIE LOVER!!In the name of islam thousands murdered on 9/11.In the name of islam
dozens killed at Ft. Hood.Iam PROUD to HATE islam!!!!!!!!!
Very unitelligent way to make policy decisions.

Do you care anything for the constitution of the country?

California girl claims to have several relatives that are Muslim.

I wonder what they would think of her endorsement of Herman Cain and his bigoted remarks?

The gig is up muzzie savage animal.Freedom and islam are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.You may have the liberal scum on your side but the rest of us know that the evil quran orders you evil islamic beasts to murder infidels(thats ALL non muzz)and force islam on the whole world.FUCK YOU!Take islam and ram it up your ass sideways.muhammad was a thieving murdering childmolesting evil pig.And thats who started your evil deathcult of islam.

You are a piece of trash.:cuckoo:
I would like to thank Herman Cain for announcing that if elected he would respect keeping religion out of government.
The gig is up muzzie savage animal.Freedom and islam are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.You may have the liberal scum on your side but the rest of us know that the evil quran orders you evil islamic beasts to murder infidels(thats ALL non muzz)and force islam on the whole world.FUCK YOU!Take islam and ram it up your ass sideways.muhammad was a thieving murdering childmolesting evil pig.And thats who started your evil deathcult of islam.

i wouldnt go around calling other people savage with this post you just made.
Go away.

You are the liberal scum who defends these islamic satanic beasts.FUCK YOU MUZZIE LOVER!!In the name of islam thousands murdered on 9/11.In the name of islam
dozens killed at Ft. Hood.Iam PROUD to HATE islam!!!!!!!!!

la ilaha il'allah
I piss on the the quran as I raise my middle finger towards mecca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's helpful. I wonder though, are you are willing to share this conviction by going to Saudia Arabia and doing so? If not, I suspect you're another cowardly troll of the keyboard.

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