Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

liberals love to Mock and taunt Christians.But when it comes to the murderous deathcult of islam and the bloodlusting muslim pigs who spread this evil disease.Then the liberals bend over backwards defending these muzzie savage stinking insane animals.
I piss on the the quran as I raise my middle finger towards mecca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's helpful. I wonder though, are you are willing to share this conviction by going to Saudia Arabia and doing so? If not, I suspect you're another cowardly troll of the keyboard.

of course he couldn't , even if he did want to b/c Mecca is closed to non Muslims.
Very unitelligent way to make policy decisions.

Do you care anything for the constitution of the country?

Yea, I do. Which is more than Sunni does.... since he wants Sharia to be the law of the United States. I don't like anyone with an agenda that is unConstitutional. I know that concept is over your intellectual paygrade, being a Septic Tank.

If you think atatcking people due to their religion is fine you dont care for the constitution period.

Your partisanship is showing and you perfer party over country.

Who did I attack because of their religion? I mock Sunni because he openly states his goal (and, according to him, the goal of American Muslims) is to introduce Sharia as the law of the land in this country.

What party? I'm not a member of either of your disgustingly dishonest and corrupt political parties. I view both with the disdain they deserve. It's partisan hacks like you that can't tell the difference between conservatives and republicans.... because you are, in fact, very, very, very stupid.
liberals love to Mock and taunt Christians.But when it comes to the murderous deathcult of islam and the bloodlusting muslim pigs who spread this evil disease.Then the liberals bend over backwards defending these muzzie savage stinking insane animals.

You are a disgusting and vile creature, your rants sound exactly like what some crazy radical Jihadi nutbag would say about the US.
California girl claims to have several relatives that are Muslim.

I wonder what they would think of her endorsement of Herman Cain and his bigoted remarks?

The gig is up muzzie savage animal.Freedom and islam are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.You may have the liberal scum on your side but the rest of us know that the evil quran orders you evil islamic beasts to murder infidels(thats ALL non muzz)and force islam on the whole world.FUCK YOU!Take islam and ram it up your ass sideways.muhammad was a thieving murdering childmolesting evil pig.And thats who started your evil deathcult of islam.

You are a piece of trash.:cuckoo:
You are a total idiot muzzie lover.You can ram islam up your ass also.I wear your contempt
as a badge of honor.
i wouldnt go around calling other people savage with this post you just made.
Go away.

You are the liberal scum who defends these islamic satanic beasts.FUCK YOU MUZZIE LOVER!!In the name of islam thousands murdered on 9/11.In the name of islam
dozens killed at Ft. Hood.Iam PROUD to HATE islam!!!!!!!!!

Least i am American and understand wanting to remove all Muslims from this nation, is wrong, racist, bigoted, and anti-american.

Oh plese. It MIGHT be wrong, it isn't racist, It MIGHT be bigoted, and it's NOT anti American.

Hyperbole much?
Hey sunni man,I TAUNT you! bring your jihad on you muzzie subhuman beast.Try to collect
your jizza tax from me,lol
I piss on the the quran as I raise my middle finger towards mecca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's helpful. I wonder though, are you are willing to share this conviction by going to Saudia Arabia and doing so? If not, I suspect you're another cowardly troll of the keyboard.

of course he couldn't , even if he did want to b/c Mecca is closed to non Muslims.

Notwithstanding what may be the rigid rules of the Saudi, their nation is not entirely closed. Pissing on the Qur'an anywhere in Saudi Arabia and flipping off the nearest Mosque will do. Of course I simply wondered if someone so full of hate might do what he pretends he does. We both know, or at least I do, that's he nothing more than a cowardly troll seeking attention.
I would like to thank Herman Cain for announcing that if elected he would respect keeping religion out of government.

so that is what he was really saying :D

He will not appoint Christians, Jews, etc I suppose?
That's helpful. I wonder though, are you are willing to share this conviction by going to Saudia Arabia and doing so? If not, I suspect you're another cowardly troll of the keyboard.

of course he couldn't , even if he did want to b/c Mecca is closed to non Muslims.

Notwithstanding what may be the rigid rules of the Saudi, their nation is not entirely closed. Pissing on the Qur'an anywhere in Saudi Arabia and flipping off the nearest Mosque will do. Of course I simply wondered if someone so full of hate might do what he pretends he does. We both know, or at least I do, that's he nothing more than a cowardly troll seeking attention.

No, the entire country isn't closed to non Muslims, but Mecca certainly is, which is the only thing I said.

Oh , and I quite agree with you that this dude is a loud mouthed idiot. Don't get me wrong there.
i wouldnt go around calling other people savage with this post you just made.
Go away.

You are the liberal scum who defends these islamic satanic beasts.FUCK YOU MUZZIE LOVER!!In the name of islam thousands murdered on 9/11.In the name of islam
dozens killed at Ft. Hood.Iam PROUD to HATE islam!!!!!!!!!

Least i am American and understand wanting to remove all Muslims from this nation, is wrong, racist, bigoted, and anti-american.

islam is not a RACE you stupid muzzie loving liberal asshole.islam is a satanic murdering deathcult that trys to pass as a religion.
I would like to thank Herman Cain for announcing that if elected he would respect keeping religion out of government.

So he is going to refuse to appoint Jews and Catholics also. :doubt:

if they espouse religion over country, I certainly hope so.

Well that would include most Tea Partiers then.

All TRUE Christians put God first.
And many put a gun second for some reason. Never could understand that dichotimy.
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Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

He's got my vote.
of course he couldn't , even if he did want to b/c Mecca is closed to non Muslims.

Notwithstanding what may be the rigid rules of the Saudi, their nation is not entirely closed. Pissing on the Qur'an anywhere in Saudi Arabia and flipping off the nearest Mosque will do. Of course I simply wondered if someone so full of hate might do what he pretends he does. We both know, or at least I do, that's he nothing more than a cowardly troll seeking attention.

No, the entire country isn't closed to non Muslims, but Mecca certainly is, which is the only thing I said.

Oh , and I quite agree with you that this dude is a loud mouthed idiot. Don't get me wrong there.

Said the brainless coward.
The gig is up muzzie savage animal.Freedom and islam are incompatable and we will NEVER give up our freedoms.You may have the liberal scum on your side but the rest of us know that the evil quran orders you evil islamic beasts to murder infidels(thats ALL non muzz)and force islam on the whole world.FUCK YOU!Take islam and ram it up your ass sideways.muhammad was a thieving murdering childmolesting evil pig.And thats who started your evil deathcult of islam.

You are a piece of trash.:cuckoo:
You are a total idiot muzzie lover.You can ram islam up your ass also.I wear your contempt
as a badge of honor.

Shouldn't you be getting on with your homework, before opening your bowels!

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