Herman Cain/Sarah Palin: Both MORE qualified than Obama

I never said I was in Top Gun...(horrible movie, btw). In fact very few women were allowed in jets when I flew. I was in C-130s....and as I said before, your ego not allowing you to see the truth in front of you because that would show just how silly you've been on this thread means nothing when it comes to me still getting my retirement check (thank you again, btw).

What, you want applause or something? For one, I flat out just don't believe you.

Anyway, my issue isn't with you. It's with the fact Obama's past associations, and his past cocaine use, would DQ him from ever being a cop. Or state trooper. Or FBI agent. It's 100% fact. Sorry.

Of course I don't want your applause....I've got your tax money in form of my retirement check....thanks again, btw.

You're welcome!! And I have yours. Retired, disability, Atlanta PD, last tour spring 1998. It's a nice life living off gov't huh?
HA!!! I thinks I smells an internet poser!!!

If you were a naval officer, you'd have the common sense of governemnt process to know that no one with Obama's past associations could qualify to be a law enforcement officer in the United States at the federal, state or local level.

Sorry man, you're not a very smart imposter.

Show some fucking respect for a veteran who put her ass on the line for you, kid.

He's just a silly EX cop who is in the process of being pwned. Don't think he can help it.

But as a naval officer, why are you not aware of the very stringent criteria required for certain military and civilian positions.....
Past and present associations, whether they be off the cuff friends or more are most certainly criteria.

And anyone who did more than just watch the last debate is well aware that Obama had a much stronger rel;ationship with Ayers than simply sitting on the same board with him.

Albeit, it was not widely reported, but he admitted that Ayers played a role in introducing him to the inner circles of Illinois during his run for the senate.
Bill Ayers has met with thousands of people

Show where ANYONE was ever denied a job with LEO or a security clearance for having contact with him

You are just making shit up


Those who associated with Ayers didn't wanna BE cops, they wanted to blow them up.

I'd seriously bet that no one who has ever seriously associated with Ayers ever found themselves applying for a job to be a cop.

And YES, associating with a known terrorist, whose intent was to overthrow the US government, is immediate disqualification from the police application process.

I know you cop-hating librals dont wanna think being a cop is actually that difficult a process to get through, but it is. And your boy couldn't pass it then, and can't pass it now.

So, you are saying that a) Obama associated with Ayers...b) those who associated with Ayers wanted to blow cops up...ergo c) Obama wanted to blow cops up.

Let me hope that that little gem wasn't on your Police aptitude test...that might explain some of the "problems" on some police forces then.

No. Of course not. Theres no way to know how strong the association was. Thats why PD's don't risk it and just DQ anyone with any association at all. Easiest way to be sure, ya know?

You disappoint me. As a former military person, I figure you'd appreciate the challenges domestic police have.
Yes...clarify what I bolded and made bigger. In this case, does associate mean "know" or does it change with Ayers NOT being a convicted felon, just someone you don't like.

And as to what I colored blue...are you telling me that your police dept rejects people who went to elementary school in the Phillipines? (That would disqual a lot of Navy vets...and smells of simply NOT being true)

Let's start there.

No. You asked what raises red flags. The radical cirriculum of that school would be one. Not the school's location.

The "radical curriculum"? The radio has taught you well.

Ayers is not a convicted felon. But he was a known terrorist, and his group, the Weather UG, had a stated intent on overthrowing the US government. FBI files are very clear, and publicly available, on Ayers and the intent of his group. And Obama's association with him, and the form literally says "associate" on the screening, would disqualify him.

Can you tell us more about Obama's "association" with Ayers? What was the relationship?

I would like the EX cop to tell us how old Obama was when his "associates were intent on overthrowing the US government...and how old Obama was when the FBI files on Ayers and his group were created.
Show some fucking respect for a veteran who put her ass on the line for you, kid.

He's just a silly EX cop who is in the process of being pwned. Don't think he can help it.

But as a naval officer, why are you not aware of the very stringent criteria required for certain military and civilian positions.....
Past and present associations, whether they be off the cuff friends or more are most certainly criteria.

And anyone who did more than just watch the last debate is well aware that Obama had a much stronger rel;ationship with Ayers than simply sitting on the same board with him.

Albeit, it was not widely reported, but he admitted that Ayers played a role in introducing him to the inner circles of Illinois during his run for the senate.

He or she made up the naval officer part. A military officer would be aware that screenings for military and police officers are far more strict than for political office.

And PD's dont' risk on how close an association was. If it's an association, they DQ you. Plenty of other candidates without the risk. But Obama's cocaine use would eliminate him from the process (as would George W Bush's also, to be very fair).
No. You asked what raises red flags. The radical cirriculum of that school would be one. Not the school's location.

The "radical curriculum"? The radio has taught you well.

Ayers is not a convicted felon. But he was a known terrorist, and his group, the Weather UG, had a stated intent on overthrowing the US government. FBI files are very clear, and publicly available, on Ayers and the intent of his group. And Obama's association with him, and the form literally says "associate" on the screening, would disqualify him.

Can you tell us more about Obama's "association" with Ayers? What was the relationship?

I would like the EX cop to tell us how old Obama was when his "associates were intent on overthrowing the US government...and how old Obama was when the FBI files on Ayers and his group were created.

Doesn't matter. Ayers is still unapologetic. He says he wishes he did more. His desires are still there. For a person to be a "known" terrorist, the act must be in the past, thus, making anyone who associates with them to be doing so after the fact.

Jeez ma'am, you should battle me in a jet, not in words. You'd win there.
What, you want applause or something? For one, I flat out just don't believe you.

Anyway, my issue isn't with you. It's with the fact Obama's past associations, and his past cocaine use, would DQ him from ever being a cop. Or state trooper. Or FBI agent. It's 100% fact. Sorry.

Of course I don't want your applause....I've got your tax money in form of my retirement check....thanks again, btw.

You're welcome!! And I have yours. Retired, disability, Atlanta PD, last tour spring 1998. It's a nice life living off gov't huh?

I don't live in Georgia so I don't pay your retirement. Happy to have to point that out to you....and while I get a check, I'm not sitting on my butt, I have my own business now and despite what people hear, doing quite well here.
No. You asked what raises red flags. The radical cirriculum of that school would be one. Not the school's location.

The "radical curriculum"? The radio has taught you well.

Ayers is not a convicted felon. But he was a known terrorist, and his group, the Weather UG, had a stated intent on overthrowing the US government. FBI files are very clear, and publicly available, on Ayers and the intent of his group. And Obama's association with him, and the form literally says "associate" on the screening, would disqualify him.

Can you tell us more about Obama's "association" with Ayers? What was the relationship?

I would like the EX cop to tell us how old Obama was when his "associates were intent on overthrowing the US government...and how old Obama was when the FBI files on Ayers and his group were created.

BTW, you didn't share the honors of your military time as I asked? I love the military. Enjoy hearing you all's stories Whats yours? Scariest moment? Best memory?
No. You asked what raises red flags. The radical cirriculum of that school would be one. Not the school's location.

The "radical curriculum"? The radio has taught you well.

Ayers is not a convicted felon. But he was a known terrorist, and his group, the Weather UG, had a stated intent on overthrowing the US government. FBI files are very clear, and publicly available, on Ayers and the intent of his group. And Obama's association with him, and the form literally says "associate" on the screening, would disqualify him.

Can you tell us more about Obama's "association" with Ayers? What was the relationship?

I would like the EX cop to tell us how old Obama was when his "associates were intent on overthrowing the US government...and how old Obama was when the FBI files on Ayers and his group were created.

I would think you would know better than that being a naval officer.

Ayers was an admitted enemy of the government. He knew his rights as a US ciotizen and he played them proiperly....but he was an admitted enemy of the government.

He has never retracted this sentiment...so he is still deemed by the FBI as an admitted enemy of the government.

That being said, anyone with any type of personal or business association with him then or now, are deemed as suspcious when they apply for a federal or state position that requires clearance.

No way would he be considered for a miuncipal, state or federal position that required clearance.

Ironically, Obama would not be considered a viable candidate to protect Obama as part of the secret service for this reason.
Of course I don't want your applause....I've got your tax money in form of my retirement check....thanks again, btw.

You're welcome!! And I have yours. Retired, disability, Atlanta PD, last tour spring 1998. It's a nice life living off gov't huh?

I don't live in Georgia so I don't pay your retirement. Happy to have to point that out to you....and while I get a check, I'm not sitting on my butt, I have my own business now and despite what people hear, doing quite well here.

So you think disabled cops only get money from the state in which they work? I dont even have time to correct your flawed ideal on that one. But congrats on the business, glad you're doing well in retirement.

Now, please share your military stories? I truly admire you all, love hearing stories. You said you battled the communists? How so?
The "radical curriculum"? The radio has taught you well.

Can you tell us more about Obama's "association" with Ayers? What was the relationship?

I would like the EX cop to tell us how old Obama was when his "associates were intent on overthrowing the US government...and how old Obama was when the FBI files on Ayers and his group were created.

Doesn't matter. Ayers is still unapologetic. He says he wishes he did more. His desires are still there. For a person to be a "known" terrorist, the act must be in the past, thus, making anyone who associates with them to be doing so after the fact.

Jeez ma'am, you should battle me in a jet, not in words. You'd win there.

When was Ayers' conviction date?
The "radical curriculum"? The radio has taught you well.

Can you tell us more about Obama's "association" with Ayers? What was the relationship?

I would like the EX cop to tell us how old Obama was when his "associates were intent on overthrowing the US government...and how old Obama was when the FBI files on Ayers and his group were created.

I would think you would know better than that being a naval officer.

Ayers was an admitted enemy of the government. He knew his rights as a US ciotizen and he played them proiperly....but he was an admitted enemy of the government.

He has never retracted this sentiment...so he is still deemed by the FBI as an admitted enemy of the government.

That being said, anyone with any type of personal or business association with him then or now, are deemed as suspcious when they apply for a federal or state position that requires clearance.

No way would he be considered for a miuncipal, state or federal position that required clearance.

Ironically, Obama would not be considered a viable candidate to protect Obama as part of the secret service for this reason.


Obama wouldnt qualify to be a cop in Wasilla, Alaska. Every single LEO in America, from feds all the way down to campus police, by law, take the same background screening.
You're welcome!! And I have yours. Retired, disability, Atlanta PD, last tour spring 1998. It's a nice life living off gov't huh?

I don't live in Georgia so I don't pay your retirement. Happy to have to point that out to you....and while I get a check, I'm not sitting on my butt, I have my own business now and despite what people hear, doing quite well here.

So you think disabled cops only get money from the state in which they work? I dont even have time to correct your flawed ideal on that one. But congrats on the business, glad you're doing well in retirement.

Now, please share your military stories? I truly admire you all, love hearing stories. You said you battled the communists? How so?

Disabled? Donut land on your foot? Those can be killers, I heard.

I said I was in the Navy during the cat and mouse Cold War....maybe you've heard of it in school?

Do you know what ASW is?
I would like the EX cop to tell us how old Obama was when his "associates were intent on overthrowing the US government...and how old Obama was when the FBI files on Ayers and his group were created.

Doesn't matter. Ayers is still unapologetic. He says he wishes he did more. His desires are still there. For a person to be a "known" terrorist, the act must be in the past, thus, making anyone who associates with them to be doing so after the fact.

Jeez ma'am, you should battle me in a jet, not in words. You'd win there.

When was Ayers' conviction date?

There isn't one. Because he never went to trial.

Guess what? Osama Bin Laden doesn't have a conviction date either!

OH SNAP!!! See what I did there ma'am? In our dogfight of words, you better bail out!

No please, your military stories? Scariest? Best memory?
I would like the EX cop to tell us how old Obama was when his "associates were intent on overthrowing the US government...and how old Obama was when the FBI files on Ayers and his group were created.

I would think you would know better than that being a naval officer.

Ayers was an admitted enemy of the government. He knew his rights as a US ciotizen and he played them proiperly....but he was an admitted enemy of the government.

He has never retracted this sentiment...so he is still deemed by the FBI as an admitted enemy of the government.

That being said, anyone with any type of personal or business association with him then or now, are deemed as suspcious when they apply for a federal or state position that requires clearance.

No way would he be considered for a miuncipal, state or federal position that required clearance.

Ironically, Obama would not be considered a viable candidate to protect Obama as part of the secret service for this reason.


Obama wouldnt qualify to be a cop in Wasilla, Alaska. Every single LEO in America, from feds all the way down to campus police, by law, take the same background screening.

Link that same background screening then.
I don't live in Georgia so I don't pay your retirement. Happy to have to point that out to you....and while I get a check, I'm not sitting on my butt, I have my own business now and despite what people hear, doing quite well here.

So you think disabled cops only get money from the state in which they work? I dont even have time to correct your flawed ideal on that one. But congrats on the business, glad you're doing well in retirement.

Now, please share your military stories? I truly admire you all, love hearing stories. You said you battled the communists? How so?

Disabled? Donut land on your foot? Those can be killers, I heard.

I said I was in the Navy during the cat and mouse Cold War....maybe you've heard of it in school?

Do you know what ASW is?

Haha, cop joke. So oringinal. No, I wasn't in the Navy, or a pilot. What is ASW? Please inform this dumb donut hording cop....
I would think you would know better than that being a naval officer.

Ayers was an admitted enemy of the government. He knew his rights as a US ciotizen and he played them proiperly....but he was an admitted enemy of the government.

He has never retracted this sentiment...so he is still deemed by the FBI as an admitted enemy of the government.

That being said, anyone with any type of personal or business association with him then or now, are deemed as suspcious when they apply for a federal or state position that requires clearance.

No way would he be considered for a miuncipal, state or federal position that required clearance.

Ironically, Obama would not be considered a viable candidate to protect Obama as part of the secret service for this reason.


Obama wouldnt qualify to be a cop in Wasilla, Alaska. Every single LEO in America, from feds all the way down to campus police, by law, take the same background screening.

Link that same background screening then.

Were you a Naval officer?
Not being sarcastic..,...but were you truly an officer?
I would think you would know better than that being a naval officer.

Ayers was an admitted enemy of the government. He knew his rights as a US ciotizen and he played them proiperly....but he was an admitted enemy of the government.

He has never retracted this sentiment...so he is still deemed by the FBI as an admitted enemy of the government.

That being said, anyone with any type of personal or business association with him then or now, are deemed as suspcious when they apply for a federal or state position that requires clearance.

No way would he be considered for a miuncipal, state or federal position that required clearance.

Ironically, Obama would not be considered a viable candidate to protect Obama as part of the secret service for this reason.


Obama wouldnt qualify to be a cop in Wasilla, Alaska. Every single LEO in America, from feds all the way down to campus police, by law, take the same background screening.

Link that same background screening then.

You too lazy to google it ma'am?
I don't live in Georgia so I don't pay your retirement. Happy to have to point that out to you....and while I get a check, I'm not sitting on my butt, I have my own business now and despite what people hear, doing quite well here.

So you think disabled cops only get money from the state in which they work? I dont even have time to correct your flawed ideal on that one. But congrats on the business, glad you're doing well in retirement.

Now, please share your military stories? I truly admire you all, love hearing stories. You said you battled the communists? How so?

Disabled? Donut land on your foot? Those can be killers, I heard.

I said I was in the Navy during the cat and mouse Cold War....maybe you've heard of it in school?

Do you know what ASW is?

Yes.. I know what itr is and I know what you did in the 60's-80's....
But I can not understand how a naval officer is not aware of the strict guidelines for clearance positions...
As an officer, you had no responsibility as it pertained to clearnace?

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