'Hero' Cop's Death Used to Bash Black Lives Matter Ruled Suicide


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010

Conservatives rallied around the officer as a “hero,” but authorities say he staged a carefully crafted suicide just before his theft was about to be exposed.
Residents of Chicago, Illinois who praised Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz as a “hero” who died in the line of duty, are now coming to terms with revelations announced by local authorities who say the officer was corrupt, stealing thousands of dollars from a youth program, and chose to commit suicide just before his theft was about to be exposed..


Thousands attended the funeral of the Fox Lake police officer and many used his death to slander the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality, arguing that criticisms of police violence against civilians increases hatred and violence against the officers.

Civil Rights activist Shaun King blasted conservatives and the media on Wednesday, for what he argued was reckless and “dangerous” reporting and claims about the Black Lives Matter movement activists, who are facing an intense backlash from conservative media and commentators for speaking out against police brutality and corruption.

'Hero' Cop's Death Used to Bash Black Lives Matter Ruled Suicide

Shaun KingVerified account‏@ShaunKing
Not nearly enough media covering Officer Charles Gliniewicz killing himself & conservatives saying it was a #BlackLivesMatter execution.

Christopher HayesVerified account‏@chrislhayes
Manhunt for Gliniewicz's (non existent) killers cost 250k a day.

Ograh's Sideeye‏@yeloson
White officer steals $10Ks of money, commits suicide, but hey, let's blame Black people right? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/king-black-lives-matter-blamed-gliniewicz-suicide-article-1.2423278?cid=bitly…

Of course when the news broke Fox News saw the perfect opportunity to blame black lives matter, the black community, black crayons and black Mamba's for the death


Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn weighed in on FOX and Friends on Wednesday morning.

"Every cop in America is looking over their shoulder right now. There`s no doubt about it. They don`t believe America has got their back,"


Flynn says he believes some of the growing anti-police rhetoric stems from what he calls relentless propaganda.

"It`s been most distressing to watch them try to link six or eight questionable video recordings of police misconduct and turn that into a national narrative of what the state of police and community relations are. It`s a false construct and a dangerous one," Flynn said.

But what he didnt say was that it was ridiculous to watch police and police boot lickers or trying to link 6 or 8 crimes and turn that into a national narrative against Black Lives Matter. Its a false construct and a dangerous one. He didnt say that because one is fair...the other is mean

Fox Newsers Suddenly Quiet When Their ‘Hero Cop’ Revealed to Be Fraudster

Fox Newsers Suddenly Quiet When Their ‘Hero Cop’ Revealed to Be Fraudster

His death had to be part of an ominous trend of societal menaces murdering law officers in cold blood, supposedly fueled by President Obama’s “anti-cop” rhetoric and the Black Lives Matter movement. Several Fox Newsers were quick to make that connection just as Fox Lake, Illinois, police set out to find the three perpetrators Gliniewicz mentioned over the radio just before he died.


“This is not the only incident of this,” conservative firebrand Andrea Tantaros interrupted, teeing up co-host Sandra Smith to introduce the Fox Lake incident. “This is happening time and time again,” Fox & Friends First’s Ainsley Earhardt chimed in. “This is a dangerous place for the country to be,” Liz MacDonald fretted before Tantaros pivoted back to the role of Black Lives Matter rhetoric in cop slayings.

Hours later, primetime star anchor Megyn Kelly interviewed Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke—an all-too-frequent Fox guest who seems to spend more time bashing black activists on TV than actually, you know… sheriffing. Clarke willfully linked Gliniewicz’s death to how President Obama has “breathed life into this anti-cop sentiment” with his “inflammatory rhetoric.”


That same evening, a cocksure Clarke told Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs that he has been to Fox Lake and knows that Gliniewicz is one of the town’s “finest,” gunned down while “engaged in self-initiative policing, the best policing there is.” He added: “War has been declared on the American police officer.” On Twitter, the lawman continued: “Time to take to the streets to counter Black LIES Matter. Fox Lake, Illinois.”


So what happened since it was revealed the "Hero Cop" killed himself after embezzling tens of thousands?

Have any of these Fox pundits corrected the record or issued mea culpas for their rush to connect this twisted story to their political narrative? Wednesday’s edition of Outnumbered, with Tantaros among its hosts, went without a single mention of the news their own network aired just an hour before. (The show did, however, spend an entire segment bashing film director Quentin Tarantino for his remarks against police brutality.)

As for Sheriff Clarke, he spent all day Wednesday tweeting not about “best policing” Gliniewicz’s complete betrayal of his peers, but instead about, yep, “cop-hating” “prick” Quentin Tarantino.

And Eric Bolling? His daily talk show The Five—which frequently gripes about Black Lives Matter—made no mention of Gliniewicz. Don’t hold your breath for a correct-the-record monologue from him this Saturday either.

So far. Mums the word from the crybabies and bloviators at Fox. I think they are busy wiping the egg off of their hateful faces.
Thousands attended the funeral of the Fox Lake police officer and many used his death to slander the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality, arguing that criticisms of police violence against civilians increases hatred and violence against the officers.
Little Geobbels is at it again. Many of the thousands (whatever that means) said the blackliesmatter bullshit increases hate and violence towards cops...and that's wrong, how? Of course it's true. But it doesn't mean "the conservatives" blamed them for it. Grow a spine dude.
Thousands attended the funeral of the Fox Lake police officer and many used his death to slander the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality, arguing that criticisms of police violence against civilians increases hatred and violence against the officers.
Little Geobbels is at it again. Many of the thousands (whatever that means) said the blackliesmatter bullshit increases hate and violence towards cops...and that's wrong, how? Of course it's true. But it doesn't mean "the conservatives" blamed them for it. Grow a spine dude.

They used this incident as proof. They were wrong. Just like they are wrong about calling bad cops bad cops. Its not all cops hence the qualifier "BAD".

If you dont understand simple english then thats your Parents fault.
Thousands attended the funeral of the Fox Lake police officer and many used his death to slander the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality, arguing that criticisms of police violence against civilians increases hatred and violence against the officers.
Little Geobbels is at it again. Many of the thousands (whatever that means) said the blackliesmatter bullshit increases hate and violence towards cops...and that's wrong, how? Of course it's true. But it doesn't mean "the conservatives" blamed them for it. Grow a spine dude.
They used this incident as proof. They were wrong. Just like they are wrong about calling bad cops bad cops. Its not all cops hence the qualifier "BAD".

If you dont understand simple english then thats your Parents fault.
Parents isn't capitalized except when beginning a sentence, English is capitalized. Don't needs an apostrophe. Learn English before offering advice. Who are "they", some anonymous people? That's supposed to somehow negate all the hateful crap from the racist hate group BLM?
Thousands attended the funeral of the Fox Lake police officer and many used his death to slander the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality, arguing that criticisms of police violence against civilians increases hatred and violence against the officers.
Little Geobbels is at it again. Many of the thousands (whatever that means) said the blackliesmatter bullshit increases hate and violence towards cops...and that's wrong, how? Of course it's true. But it doesn't mean "the conservatives" blamed them for it. Grow a spine dude.
They used this incident as proof. They were wrong. Just like they are wrong about calling bad cops bad cops. Its not all cops hence the qualifier "BAD".

If you dont understand simple english then thats your Parents fault.
Parents isn't capitalized except when beginning a sentence, English is capitalized. Don't needs an apostrophe. Learn English before offering advice. Who are "they", some anonymous people? That's supposed to somehow negate all the hateful crap from the racist hate group BLM?

Your feelings are hurt and you're being emotional. Thanks for the English lesson tho, thats the only thing you're right about. Stick to that.
People were dumb to jump to any conclusion...and people are ALWAYS too quick to jump to conclusions about almost everything...because today everyone has an agenda they are hoping to push. so they spend their time LOOKING for any story, any issue, they can quickly jump on 'claim' it to be theirs to push their agendas.
Will it be linked to Black Lives Matter and other racist groups?

Article shared almost 3000 times

Another Cop Executed in Illinois

This line was neatly tucked in to make you focus:

Is the murder of the Illinois police officer another violent result of the Black Lives Matter movement which promotes the killing of cops and encourages more racial division across the country?

See because blaming blacks for the murder before the facts is an act of bringing the races together!

Will it be linked to Black Lives Matter and other racist groups?

WHY immediately try to link it to ANYONE? Why can't we just be outraged that another officer of the law has been killed?
Thousands attended the funeral of the Fox Lake police officer and many used his death to slander the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality, arguing that criticisms of police violence against civilians increases hatred and violence against the officers.
Little Geobbels is at it again. Many of the thousands (whatever that means) said the blackliesmatter bullshit increases hate and violence towards cops...and that's wrong, how? Of course it's true. But it doesn't mean "the conservatives" blamed them for it. Grow a spine dude.
They used this incident as proof. They were wrong. Just like they are wrong about calling bad cops bad cops. Its not all cops hence the qualifier "BAD".

If you dont understand simple english then thats your Parents fault.
Parents isn't capitalized except when beginning a sentence, English is capitalized. Don't needs an apostrophe. Learn English before offering advice. Who are "they", some anonymous people? That's supposed to somehow negate all the hateful crap from the racist hate group BLM?

Your feelings are hurt and you're being emotional. Thanks for the English lesson tho, thats the only thing you're right about. Stick to that.
My feelings are hurt because I took time out to explain to a stupid asshole how wrong he was on all counts?
Thousands attended the funeral of the Fox Lake police officer and many used his death to slander the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality, arguing that criticisms of police violence against civilians increases hatred and violence against the officers.
Little Geobbels is at it again. Many of the thousands (whatever that means) said the blackliesmatter bullshit increases hate and violence towards cops...and that's wrong, how? Of course it's true. But it doesn't mean "the conservatives" blamed them for it. Grow a spine dude.
They used this incident as proof. They were wrong. Just like they are wrong about calling bad cops bad cops. Its not all cops hence the qualifier "BAD".

If you dont understand simple english then thats your Parents fault.
Parents isn't capitalized except when beginning a sentence, English is capitalized. Don't needs an apostrophe. Learn English before offering advice. Who are "they", some anonymous people? That's supposed to somehow negate all the hateful crap from the racist hate group BLM?

Your feelings are hurt and you're being emotional. Thanks for the English lesson tho, thats the only thing you're right about. Stick to that.
My feelings are hurt because I took time out to explain to a stupid asshole how wrong he was on all counts?

You took the time out to accuse people of stuff they havent done. Thats all, and you expect someone to fight your strawman.

Meanwhile, heres some more from the people that supported GI Joe. But now I guess you can put them too into the "Cop hater" category.


He fooled all of you dumbasses and set the trap for you to look for the boogie man aka blacks
Little Geobbels is at it again. Many of the thousands (whatever that means) said the blackliesmatter bullshit increases hate and violence towards cops...and that's wrong, how? Of course it's true. But it doesn't mean "the conservatives" blamed them for it. Grow a spine dude.
They used this incident as proof. They were wrong. Just like they are wrong about calling bad cops bad cops. Its not all cops hence the qualifier "BAD".

If you dont understand simple english then thats your Parents fault.
Parents isn't capitalized except when beginning a sentence, English is capitalized. Don't needs an apostrophe. Learn English before offering advice. Who are "they", some anonymous people? That's supposed to somehow negate all the hateful crap from the racist hate group BLM?

Your feelings are hurt and you're being emotional. Thanks for the English lesson tho, thats the only thing you're right about. Stick to that.
My feelings are hurt because I took time out to explain to a stupid asshole how wrong he was on all counts?

You took the time out to accuse people of stuff they havent done. Thats all, and you expect someone to fight your strawman.

Meanwhile, heres some more from the people that supported GI Joe. But now I guess you can put them too into the "Cop hater" category.


He fooled all of you dumbasses and set the trap for you to look for the boogie man aka blacks
Get a little air, then come back and tell me who I accused what of.
They used this incident as proof. They were wrong. Just like they are wrong about calling bad cops bad cops. Its not all cops hence the qualifier "BAD".

If you dont understand simple english then thats your Parents fault.
Parents isn't capitalized except when beginning a sentence, English is capitalized. Don't needs an apostrophe. Learn English before offering advice. Who are "they", some anonymous people? That's supposed to somehow negate all the hateful crap from the racist hate group BLM?

Your feelings are hurt and you're being emotional. Thanks for the English lesson tho, thats the only thing you're right about. Stick to that.
My feelings are hurt because I took time out to explain to a stupid asshole how wrong he was on all counts?

You took the time out to accuse people of stuff they havent done. Thats all, and you expect someone to fight your strawman.

Meanwhile, heres some more from the people that supported GI Joe. But now I guess you can put them too into the "Cop hater" category.


He fooled all of you dumbasses and set the trap for you to look for the boogie man aka blacks
Get a little air, then come back and tell me who I accused what of.

Did you forget already you accused thst I was wrong on all counts? Without proving one thing wrong. I mean, you quoted it right there.

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