Herring declared winner in Virginia AG race

Still not getting it. Do you even know what a plurarity is?

You forgot to add the 3rd party guy, who's politics is more along Cuccinellis than Terryboys.

if you knew how to spell the word you're trying to define we might take you serious right nor you just swimming in stupid

now if you're trying to say the propper definition is

a number of votes that is more than the number of votes for any other candidate or party but that is not more than half of the total number of votes

in case other didn't understand what you wrote ... what you're trying to say is more then 50% of the voting populous didn't had shown up ... the problem you have is that's what happen in 2010 and you guys called it a land slide ... pay backs are a bitch

No, what I am saying is that of the voting population that showed up, more than half voted AGAINST the winner. it has zero to do with turnout. The total votes of cuch and the libertarian vote sucker was a majority.

When a person goes after spelling when not getting the concept it makes them look stupid, well in your case stupider.

like your spelling, you are wrong there too ... the numbers don't support your point of view ... more the half of the voters voted for the winner ... but you keep trying to spin it all you want ... nobody buys your brand of crazy ... kind of like what you guys did to me yesterday when I put up a post with out correcting it first huh ... like I said yesterday, pay backs are a bitch ... when you're caught misspelling a word .... they attacked me yesterday because of it... deal with it moron ... you were caught showing us your brand of stupidity once again ... now you're trying to spin your way out of it ... are ya dizzy yet???
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if you knew how to spell the word you're trying to define we might take you serious right nor you just swimming in stupid

now if you're trying to say the propper definition is

a number of votes that is more than the number of votes for any other candidate or party but that is not more than half of the total number of votes

in case other didn't understand what you wrote ... what you're trying to say is more then 50% of the voting populous didn't had shown up ... the problem you have is that's what happen in 2010 and you guys called it a land slide ... pay backs are a bitch

No, what I am saying is that of the voting population that showed up, more than half voted AGAINST the winner. it has zero to do with turnout. The total votes of cuch and the libertarian vote sucker was a majority.

When a person goes after spelling when not getting the concept it makes them look stupid, well in your case stupider.

like your spelling you are wrong there too the numbers don't suppotr your point of view more the half of the voters voted for the winner ... but you keep trying to spin it all you want ... nobody buys your brand of crazy ...

He got 47.75% of the vote..... so that means he DIDNT get, 52.25% of the vote. He did NOT get the majority of the vote, however he still won because he got the most votes as an individual.

Try to keep up stupid.
OP headline is false. Should read "Herring Declares Himself Winner." Less than 200 votes separate the two candidates. There will be an automatic recount. Hold on to your panties girls.
the northern VA suburbs of DC have always been blue, and as the govt hires more people to spend our tax money, that will remain the fact.

the rest of the state will remain red. The only question is which group will grow faster.

sounds like you libtardians are celebrating the growth of government and the loss of your freedoms-----liberalism is truly a mental disease. You fools celebrate becoming sheep, amazing.
the northern VA suburbs of DC have always been blue, and as the govt hires more people to spend our tax money, that will remain the fact.

the rest of the state will remain red. The only question is which group will grow faster.

sounds like you libtardians are celebrating the growth of government and the loss of your freedoms-----liberalism is truly a mental disease. You fools celebrate becoming sheep, amazing.
We saw sheep under Raygunn

We say sheep under Bush II

We'll see sheep whenever a Republican is in Office.

Most likely 16, 20 or more years from now when the Republicans get some sense.
the northern VA suburbs of DC have always been blue, and as the govt hires more people to spend our tax money, that will remain the fact.

the rest of the state will remain red. The only question is which group will grow faster.

sounds like you libtardians are celebrating the growth of government and the loss of your freedoms-----liberalism is truly a mental disease. You fools celebrate becoming sheep, amazing.
We saw sheep under Raygunn

We say sheep under Bush II

We'll see sheep whenever a Republican is in Office.

Most likely 16, 20 or more years from now when the Republicans get some sense.

sheep = more on foodstamps than ever before, more in poverty than ever before, more on welfare than ever before, high unemployment for longer than ever before.

But, the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer under obama and his marxist collectivist ideas.

If you think he is helping the lower and middle classes, you are an idiot, i.e. a sheep.
The majority of votes for governor were not for the blue candiate, they were AGAINST the blue candidate, you keep forgetting that.
You guys lost Marty. Give it up.

You look desperate.

The concept the OP is trying to convey is one of a mandate for virginia becoming permanently blue. It is a false hope, and the drop in support due to obamacare shows that, as well as the fact the gov did not win a majority.
Unless you're one of the top one percent richest in the country, voting republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders....and there sure is a hell of a lot of welfare morons in the south that do..

I'm just borrowing from the douchebag statist playbook of bitching about cheating every time they lose.

and its just a matter of time before progressive bullshit gets exposed for the lies that it contains, Obamacare is just the start.

When it's fully implemented, people are going to love ObamaCare.

Pssst- oh, yeah, Bush really, really did cheat in 2000. Al Gore got more votes.

Problem with you billy, the predictions about how f..ed up it would be have come true the prediction of how everyone was going to love it has not. Kind of like the cheering crowds in Iraq.

No, not really.

You guys predicted a whole lot worse stuff, and the worst thing that has happpened is that insurance companies stopped cheating their customers...
The majority of votes for governor were not for the blue candiate, they were AGAINST the blue candidate, you keep forgetting that.
You guys lost Marty. Give it up.

You look desperate.

he always does... he was trying to spin the numbers saying that the dems won by less the half of the voters ... I know what he was spinning ... the fact now shows that the dems took control of the governor office the LT governor office both senators and he's pissed ... now that they are showing the Dems took the attorney generals office he's really mad .... why ??? because yesterday I said which has been a saying for many years ... if Virgina goes blue so does the house and senate ... that started it all and the fact that they have taken the election, he's pissed as hell ... people are sick of the republicans interference ... the people want a good health care plan we got it ... the people want jobs... so far the republicans have blocked every attempt to get jobs for the people ... they all see it well, the smart people see it... he is sooooooooooo angry that he'll say anything to justify their losses
OP headline is false. Should read "Herring Declares Himself Winner." Less than 200 votes separate the two candidates. There will be an automatic recount. Hold on to your panties girls.

already Cuccinelli is try to purge votes through the attorney generals office ... he's also campaigning for money for the election recount... he doesn't want a total bust on the right ... next will be the state's house and the state's senate will go blue ... they will be over run by liberals... then watch marty do a total melt down
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the northern VA suburbs of DC have always been blue, and as the govt hires more people to spend our tax money, that will remain the fact.

the rest of the state will remain red. The only question is which group will grow faster.

sounds like you libtardians are celebrating the growth of government and the loss of your freedoms-----liberalism is truly a mental disease. You fools celebrate becoming sheep, amazing.
We saw sheep under Raygunn

We say sheep under Bush II

We'll see sheep whenever a Republican is in Office.

Most likely 16, 20 or more years from now when the Republicans get some sense.

sheep = more on foodstamps than ever before, more in poverty than ever before, more on welfare than ever before, high unemployment for longer than ever before.

But, the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer under obama and his marxist collectivist ideas.

If you think he is helping the lower and middle classes, you are an idiot, i.e. a sheep.

boy does this guy speak out of both sides of his mouth ...first he say we will be paying more taxes because of all the new gubment jobs going up... meaning those people who were on food stamps are now working ... so if they all have gubment jobs are you saying the gubment doesn't pay enough ??? so they get food stamps now to help them ??? or the don't get food stamps anymore cause they have jobs... which is it ??? you seem to be like all republicans ... you have no Idea what you're talking about ...
When it's fully implemented, people are going to love ObamaCare.

Pssst- oh, yeah, Bush really, really did cheat in 2000. Al Gore got more votes.

Problem with you billy, the predictions about how f..ed up it would be have come true the prediction of how everyone was going to love it has not. Kind of like the cheering crowds in Iraq.

No, not really.

You guys predicted a whole lot worse stuff, and the worst thing that has happpened is that insurance companies stopped cheating their customers...

and the only real problem they have is the web site, that's it ... the people who saw their insurance dropped and an new one was offered at a hire price none of them have gone to the web site or call in to find out what they can get ... they just accepted what the insurance company told them, that's it ... I was one of those people who were paying for a bad plan 550 dollars a month... the first day I went on the site in my state, a blue state, who has had very few problems for sign ups, I sign up for a plan 10 times better then the one I have now for 251.12 a month ... if you haven't gotten through call in and find out what you'll get if you can't get on line... ,
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the northern VA suburbs of DC have always been blue, and as the govt hires more people to spend our tax money, that will remain the fact.

the rest of the state will remain red. The only question is which group will grow faster.

sounds like you libtardians are celebrating the growth of government and the loss of your freedoms-----liberalism is truly a mental disease. You fools celebrate becoming sheep, amazing.
We saw sheep under Raygunn

We say sheep under Bush II

We'll see sheep whenever a Republican is in Office.

Most likely 16, 20 or more years from now when the Republicans get some sense.

sheep = more on foodstamps than ever before, more in poverty than ever before, more on welfare than ever before, high unemployment for longer than ever before.

But, the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer under obama and his marxist collectivist ideas.

If you think he is helping the lower and middle classes, you are an idiot, i.e. a sheep.

Marx thought the rich should get richer and the poor should get poorer?

That's Marxism?

We saw sheep under Raygunn

We say sheep under Bush II

We'll see sheep whenever a Republican is in Office.

Most likely 16, 20 or more years from now when the Republicans get some sense.

sheep = more on foodstamps than ever before, more in poverty than ever before, more on welfare than ever before, high unemployment for longer than ever before.

But, the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer under obama and his marxist collectivist ideas.

If you think he is helping the lower and middle classes, you are an idiot, i.e. a sheep.

Marx thought the rich should get richer and the poor should get poorer?

That's Marxism?


heres something that the republicans don't get they rag all the time about paying taxes ... they hate taxes ....BLAH BLAH BLAH taxes ... they should all promote Marxism cause they don't pay any taxes at all ...
Right wingers sure do love spinning the "Obamacare will destroy you all!" mantra lately...
If the elections would have happened a week later, you probably would have lost. Your guy was up by 9 two weeks ago, and one by a percent.

Nothing like massively increasing the size of the federal government and then populating a state with the people who need said government to perpetuate to keep thier jobs. So democrats basically carpetbagged virginia.

should of, would of, could of ... that's all you got... the reality of things is they turned blue

The majority of votes for governor were not for the blue candiate, they were AGAINST the blue candidate, you keep forgetting that.

Not based on the exit polls
7% of vote liberal
3% conservative

for savis...

This destroys your argument.:doubt:
Right wingers sure do love spinning the "Obamacare will destroy you all!" mantra lately...

right now thats all they got a bad web site is all they can truely rag about but as we all know its gotten a lot better ... the other thing the are saying now tha only 106,000 people have actually signed up ... the never say that 975,500 are approved and are waiting to confirm the plan they have selected

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