Herring declared winner in Virginia AG race

Let's see, a state that was pure blue the last to Presidential elections. A state where their income has actually increase because of the dependency on Washington politics. A Washington insider barely wins in an off year election and that is telling? Really?

You folks act as if with control of the government for the last 7 years something good has happened. Why anyone votes for the status quo is simply unexplainable, except for the growing dependency on government, as this election proves.
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First Virginia...then Florida....or Texas....or.....which will be the next state going ALL BLUE!

If the elections would have happened a week later, you probably would have lost. Your guy was up by 9 two weeks ago, and one by a percent.

Nothing like massively increasing the size of the federal government and then populating a state with the people who need said government to perpetuate to keep thier jobs. So democrats basically carpetbagged virginia.

should of, would of, could of ... that's all you got... the reality of things is they turned blue
The Commonwealth of Virginia continues to be Republican by a fairly good margin. But the carpetbagger, government teat-suckers surrounding the District of Columbia...not so much.

The fastest growing area of the state. That is not good for the GOP in Virginia. I knew when the weather was nice in Fairfax on election day that the GOP was in trouble. A low voter turn out is the only chance they had. That explains their voter oppression efforts.

Keep trying to spin the fact your poster boy barely won after leading the race for months.

Also i guess your AG candidate "found" a few boxes of ballots a la' Franken.

don't need to keep trying in Virgina ... our poster boy won ...you can't stand that fact ... cause you see its well know if Virginia goes blue so does the house and senate ...

yet Franken's found votes were due to republicans hiding them... that's the only way republicans can win ... they hide them, steel them, have a machine make the up... if that doesn't work suppress them ... that's the republican way... don't ya hate it when the voters show up anyway ... then vote your loser repub-lie-cants out of office
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First Virginia...then Florida....or Texas....or.....which will be the next state going ALL BLUE!

If the elections would have happened a week later, you probably would have lost. Your guy was up by 9 two weeks ago, and one by a percent.

Nothing like massively increasing the size of the federal government and then populating a state with the people who need said government to perpetuate to keep thier jobs. So democrats basically carpetbagged virginia.

should of, would of, could of ... that's all you got... the reality of things is they turned blue

The majority of votes for governor were not for the blue candiate, they were AGAINST the blue candidate, you keep forgetting that.
Keep trying to spin the fact your poster boy barely won after leading the race for months.

Also i guess your AG candidate "found" a few boxes of ballots a la' Franken.

Yup, keep telling yourself that you guys lose because the other side cheats...

Not because a lot of people are just walking away from your brand of crazy...


I'm just borrowing from the douchebag statist playbook of bitching about cheating every time they lose.

and its just a matter of time before progressive bullshit gets exposed for the lies that it contains, Obamacare is just the start.

when the lies about obama care come out, that you find out all this time you've been lie to by the republicans, then will you stop being a lying republican or are you just that brain dead ....
If the elections would have happened a week later, you probably would have lost. Your guy was up by 9 two weeks ago, and one by a percent.

Nothing like massively increasing the size of the federal government and then populating a state with the people who need said government to perpetuate to keep thier jobs. So democrats basically carpetbagged virginia.

translation= your party lost and you're mad as hell .... sucks to be you!!!!

No, its the people of Virginia that are the losers. Considering the non McAullife vote is in the majority, he doesnt have much of a mandate to do stuff.

does sour grapes come to mind here??? sure it does ... the people woke up and rand the republican out on a rail ... next the house then the senate... Oh what will you do????
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Dems, enjoy the swinging pendulum of politics - it will certainly swing back around to the right in just a bit.


Unfortunately, it never quite stops where it should - something about objects in motion tending to stay in motion?

I digress; gloating about this will not help your cause, though ... just a tad bit of humility might ~

last time it took the republicans 60 years... I can deal with that
If the elections would have happened a week later, you probably would have lost. Your guy was up by 9 two weeks ago, and one by a percent.

Nothing like massively increasing the size of the federal government and then populating a state with the people who need said government to perpetuate to keep thier jobs. So democrats basically carpetbagged virginia.

should of, would of, could of ... that's all you got... the reality of things is they turned blue

The majority of votes for governor were not for the blue candiate, they were AGAINST the blue candidate, you keep forgetting that.

and thats why he won cause the majority of the blue voters voted for the other guy right ??? you sure love to spin it don't ya
should of, would of, could of ... that's all you got... the reality of things is they turned blue

The majority of votes for governor were not for the blue candiate, they were AGAINST the blue candidate, you keep forgetting that.

and thats why he won cause the majority of the blue voters voted for the other guy right ??? you sure love to spin it don't ya

The only spin is coming from you. He won by plurarity, not majority. The majority of people voted AGAINST him, and he won by a far smaller margin than expected.

But keep trying to spin this into a positive as Obamacare makes dem's approval numbers sink like stones.

I'm just borrowing from the douchebag statist playbook of bitching about cheating every time they lose.

and its just a matter of time before progressive bullshit gets exposed for the lies that it contains, Obamacare is just the start.

When it's fully implemented, people are going to love ObamaCare.

Pssst- oh, yeah, Bush really, really did cheat in 2000. Al Gore got more votes.


I'm just borrowing from the douchebag statist playbook of bitching about cheating every time they lose.

and its just a matter of time before progressive bullshit gets exposed for the lies that it contains, Obamacare is just the start.

When it's fully implemented, people are going to love ObamaCare.

Pssst- oh, yeah, Bush really, really did cheat in 2000. Al Gore got more votes.

Problem with you billy, the predictions about how f..ed up it would be have come true the prediction of how everyone was going to love it has not. Kind of like the cheering crowds in Iraq.
Herring declares victory in AG race, recount possible - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Latest News

Herring released his statement after the tally of provisional votes in Fairfax County added a net gain of 57 votes for the Democrat, which would give him a lead of 163 votes out of 2.2 million cast.

If Herring prevails, come January Democrats will hold all five of Virginia's statewide offices -- two U.S. Senate seats, governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general -- for the first time since 1969

A recount is almost assured.

So the Dems swept the Governor, Lt Governor, and AG race. It seems that Virgina, the Swing State, has now gone BLUE!

:lol: Go Blue!
should of, would of, could of ... that's all you got... the reality of things is they turned blue

The majority of votes for governor were not for the blue candiate, they were AGAINST the blue candidate, you keep forgetting that.

and thats why he won cause the majority of the blue voters voted for the other guy right ??? you sure love to spin it don't ya

If that's what he thinks, that's not correct. Obama won the state as well so that makes it a trend.
If the elections would have happened a week later, you probably would have lost. Your guy was up by 9 two weeks ago, and one by a percent.

Nothing like massively increasing the size of the federal government and then populating a state with the people who need said government to perpetuate to keep thier jobs. So democrats basically carpetbagged virginia.

translation= your party lost and you're mad as hell .... sucks to be you!!!!

No, its the people of Virginia that are the losers. Considering the non McAullife vote is in the majority, he doesnt have much of a mandate to do stuff.

the non- votes are votes that you republicans causes with your attempts to make it harder for the poor and the middle class to vote .... the problem you have is too many liberals came to the polls because of this and voted because of the tea bagger republicans and the republicans them selves racking havoc on the voters ...

as for his mandates right from his lips to your ears he said on his first day in office, Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe says he'll use his first executive order to ban discrimination in state workplaces based on sexual orientation.

then the expansion of Medicaid and early childhood education, teacher pay increases and universal background checks for gun purchases, to name a few. seems its you that has no Idea what he's said he will do ...
The majority of votes for governor were not for the blue candiate, they were AGAINST the blue candidate, you keep forgetting that.

and thats why he won cause the majority of the blue voters voted for the other guy right ??? you sure love to spin it don't ya

The only spin is coming from you. He won by plurarity, not majority. The majority of people voted AGAINST him, and he won by a far smaller margin than expected.

But keep trying to spin this into a positive as Obamacare makes dem's approval numbers sink like stones.

these are the numbers deal with it
Terry McAuliffe1,066,149 48.0%
Ken Cuccinelli1,010,929

here's the votes cast... he won by 55,220 votes... deal with it ... your losers lost and the liberals won ... the people have spoken they don't want you republican tea baggers and republicans running anything any more its that simple

I'm just borrowing from the douchebag statist playbook of bitching about cheating every time they lose.

and its just a matter of time before progressive bullshit gets exposed for the lies that it contains, Obamacare is just the start.

When it's fully implemented, people are going to love ObamaCare.

Pssst- oh, yeah, Bush really, really did cheat in 2000. Al Gore got more votes.

Problem with you billy, the predictions about how f..ed up it would be have come true the prediction of how everyone was going to love it has not. Kind of like the cheering crowds in Iraq.

sorry my fired the only problem they had was on line thats it ... if you called in you hadn't any problems I know I didn't but you keep believing your lies I on the other hand know what the truth is ... the fools that got higher rate didn't go to the web site or call in..... they just took the cost that the their insurers sent them... that.s stupid ... I would say ... but what do you expected from moronic republicans
and thats why he won cause the majority of the blue voters voted for the other guy right ??? you sure love to spin it don't ya

The only spin is coming from you. He won by plurarity, not majority. The majority of people voted AGAINST him, and he won by a far smaller margin than expected.

But keep trying to spin this into a positive as Obamacare makes dem's approval numbers sink like stones.

these are the numbers deal with it
Terry McAuliffe1,066,149 48.0%
Ken Cuccinelli1,010,929

here's the votes cast... he won by 55,220 votes... deal with it ... your losers lost and the liberals won ... the people have spoken they don't want you republican tea baggers and republicans running anything any more its that simple

Still not getting it. Do you even know what a plurarity is?

You forgot to add the 3rd party guy, who's politics is more along Cuccinellis than Terryboys.
The only spin is coming from you. He won by plurarity, not majority. The majority of people voted AGAINST him, and he won by a far smaller margin than expected.

But keep trying to spin this into a positive as Obamacare makes dem's approval numbers sink like stones.

these are the numbers deal with it
Terry McAuliffe1,066,149 48.0%
Ken Cuccinelli1,010,929

here's the votes cast... he won by 55,220 votes... deal with it ... your losers lost and the liberals won ... the people have spoken they don't want you republican tea baggers and republicans running anything any more its that simple

Still not getting it. Do you even know what a plurarity is?

You forgot to add the 3rd party guy, who's politics is more along Cuccinellis than Terryboys.

if you knew how to spell the word you're trying to define we might take you serious right nor you just swimming in stupid

now if you're trying to say the propper definition is

a number of votes that is more than the number of votes for any other candidate or party but that is not more than half of the total number of votes

in case other didn't understand what you wrote ... what you're trying to say is more then 50% of the voting populous didn't had shown up ... the problem you have is that's what happen in 2010 and you guys called it a land slide ... pay backs are a bitch
these are the numbers deal with it
Terry McAuliffe1,066,149 48.0%
Ken Cuccinelli1,010,929

here's the votes cast... he won by 55,220 votes... deal with it ... your losers lost and the liberals won ... the people have spoken they don't want you republican tea baggers and republicans running anything any more its that simple

Still not getting it. Do you even know what a plurarity is?

You forgot to add the 3rd party guy, who's politics is more along Cuccinellis than Terryboys.

if you knew how to spell the word you're trying to define we might take you serious right nor you just swimming in stupid

now if you're trying to say the propper definition is

a number of votes that is more than the number of votes for any other candidate or party but that is not more than half of the total number of votes

in case other didn't understand what you wrote ... what you're trying to say is more then 50% of the voting populous didn't had shown up ... the problem you have is that's what happen in 2010 and you guys called it a land slide ... pay backs are a bitch

No, what I am saying is that of the voting population that showed up, more than half voted AGAINST the winner. it has zero to do with turnout. The total votes of cuch and the libertarian vote sucker was a majority.

When a person goes after spelling when not getting the concept it makes them look stupid, well in your case stupider.

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