Herring declared winner in Virginia AG race

BARELY won 2 of the 3, and the 3rd is still up in the air.

And as for the gerrymandering, both parties do it.

Looks like you missed the boat here.

Democrats got more votes in 2012 for house elections than the Republicans.

Gerrymandering kept their majority.

And yeah both sides do it, but Republicans have, as they have everything else, really really abused it.

Like they do with everything else.

It has more to do with the nature of by district voting than any gerrymandering.

Any votes over the number needed to elect a person are "wasted" and can lead to an overall lead that isnt represented by the district breakdown.

The only way to eliminate that is to make districts in such a way that any election is won by a razor thin margin, which is of course, impossible.

Most non-competative distrcits in the 80% win zone are held by democrats, which is why the numbers skew in thier favor.

If this was the only reason for a Republican majority, Democrats wouldn't have seen majorities in 2006 and 2008...they did. Your theory is debunked. the 2010 census and control of state governments gave Republicans their majority in the House.
The original point of the thread was not about the races theselves, but about how this is ushering in a new Era of DEMOCRATS RULE VIRGINIA. My points about the closeness of the race, and the fact that McCauliffe's massive lead evaporated in the week leading up to the election (thanks obamacare!!!) are to refute that sentiment.

Add in the fact that if republicans get into the WH in 2016 and actually start trimming government, maybe a bunch of those federal burecratic carpetbaggers will go back to thier liberal untopias from whence they came, you know, like Detroit.

You guys keep forgetting, Detroit is in the conservative state of Michigan.

and run locally by democrats, its comical you keep trying to push detroits clusterfucks on conservatives.

State Government >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Local Government
Herring declares victory in AG race, recount possible - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Latest News

Herring released his statement after the tally of provisional votes in Fairfax County added a net gain of 57 votes for the Democrat, which would give him a lead of 163 votes out of 2.2 million cast.

If Herring prevails, come January Democrats will hold all five of Virginia's statewide offices -- two U.S. Senate seats, governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general -- for the first time since 1969

A recount is almost assured.

So the Dems swept the Governor, Lt Governor, and AG race. It seems that Virgina, the Swing State, has now gone BLUE!

Before you go popping those left wing corks consider that despite the incredible media pressure McAuliffe only won in a squeaker and had no coattails. The Va. House of delegates remained firmly in the republican majority. New Jersey was a republican landslide. Can we call the Garden State "red"?
Herring declares victory in AG race, recount possible - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Latest News

Herring released his statement after the tally of provisional votes in Fairfax County added a net gain of 57 votes for the Democrat, which would give him a lead of 163 votes out of 2.2 million cast.

If Herring prevails, come January Democrats will hold all five of Virginia's statewide offices -- two U.S. Senate seats, governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general -- for the first time since 1969

A recount is almost assured.

So the Dems swept the Governor, Lt Governor, and AG race. It seems that Virgina, the Swing State, has now gone BLUE!

Before you go popping those left wing corks consider that despite the incredible media pressure McAuliffe only won in a squeaker and had no coattails. The Va. House of delegates remained firmly in the republican majority. New Jersey was a republican landslide. Can we call the Garden State "red"?

Cory Booker just won last month in New Jersey and the Minimum wage veto of Christie's was overturned by the public. Plus both state houses are controlled by Democrats. New Jersey is definately blue. Christie is just popular...for some reason I can't yet quite grasped...

There were very few state legislature elections in 2013 in Virginia, they're held in 2015....durr.

...and McAuliffe won in a squeaker because he's a horrible candidate, as a Democrat myself I fully admit that. The VA governor race should've been an easy win, but the GOP floundered it by putting up Cuccinelli.
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the northern VA suburbs of DC have always been blue, and as the govt hires more people to spend our tax money, that will remain the fact.

the rest of the state will remain red. The only question is which group will grow faster.

sounds like you libtardians are celebrating the growth of government and the loss of your freedoms-----liberalism is truly a mental disease. You fools celebrate becoming sheep, amazing.

You forget about Tidewater or is it selective recall?


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