Herschel Walker staffer shares horrific allegations

Those are 2 different things. Both a which a reporter should be doing in certain circumstances but they should always be vetting them.
So is deviant and deviate. Are you aware that Schlapp may be doing both?
Why? Because I am not homophobic or confused about my sexual identity like you.

Besides, if you can be proud to support a pussy grabbing racist con man, I can certainly support a gay guy.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
i’m if homophobic, but i also support men that like pussy

i didn’t support xiden though…so not sure what you mean.
Former Georgia Bulldogs star Herschel Walker failed in spectacular fashion against Democratic incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock in the runoff election last month, eventually conceding the race when he trailed by more than 100,000 votes on election night, a staggering amount given the Republican standing of the state and performance of other Republican candidates in Georgia.

While Fox News dubbed him one of their biggest political losers of the year and the Republican Party would love to forget his campaign ever existed, there are still some harrowing details emerging from the failed campaign. And this latest one is pretty terrible, though it isn’t anything that Walker himself was involved with.

According to The Daily Beast, a staffer for Walker’s Senate campaign has alleged that Republican activist Matt Schlapp made “sustained and unwanted and unsolicited” sexual contact with him while they were driving back from a bar in October. The staffer said that Schlapp, who is the chair of the American Conservative Union and lead organizer for the Conservative Political Action Conference, “groped” and “fondled” his crotch against his will after buying him drinks.

This is interesting since a lot of the right wingers, conservatives, Trump Humpers, etc. on this forum are always making some kind of homosexual reference to other posters.

Is this how they roll in the Republican Party?

So this "staffer" who's name nobody knows is to be believed simply because he said so? That's if there was any staffer in the first place and the entire story made up.

So what police department did he report this misconduct to? When will charges be brought forward? When was Schlapp arrested and charged? When is the trial going to start?

Oh, that's right. None of these things happened. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because it's all bullshit like all the other anonymous sources claims by the left?
Those are 2 different things. Both a which a reporter should be doing in certain circumstances but they should always be vetting them.
It used to be you needed 3 verified sources to run with a major story. Now these “reporters” just call another liberal and ask if they heard about this story they’re writing. They basically just all agree with each other and they call that “verifying the story”. Most of today’s “reporters” wouldn’t last a week at papers decades ago. They would actually have to leave the office and do actual work.
Correct. And the GQP has relinquished all claims to morality.

So now, neither party can claim the word.

The word is now a non-issue in a political context. Too bad.
Sooooooo, the guy who got cheated out of his Senate seat is at least equal to President PedoPete.

Interesting POV
Sooooooo, the guy who got cheated out of his Senate seat is at least equal to President PedoPete.

Interesting POV
Folks like you will use words like "equal" to play games, because you see the world through a binary lens.

In Normal World, some people and some actions are worse than others. There is no "equal". The GQP is no more moral, overall, than the Dems.

In Qanon World, who knows.
Sooooooo, the guy who got cheated out of his Senate seat is at least equal to President PedoPete.

Interesting POV

An interesting point of view is that he got cheated out of the Senate seat, that the President is a pedo, that the first black President was born in Kenya, that Bush was behind 9/11, and that FDR knew and let Pearl Harbor happen.

But no, none of that is batshit crazy, QsaderFrank.
An interesting point of view is that he got cheated out of the Senate seat, that the President is a pedo, that the first black President was born in Kenya, that Bush was behind 9/11, and that FDR knew and let Pearl Harbor happen.

But no, none of that is batshit crazy, QsaderFrank.
Some of these people are just fucking GONE.
Some of these people are just fucking GONE.

I've read a lot about political philosophy.

I can't recall reading that a central tenant of conservatism is being a batshit crazy loon.

I've looked. I can't find it.
Former Georgia Bulldogs star Herschel Walker failed in spectacular fashion against Democratic incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock in the runoff election last month, eventually conceding the race when he trailed by more than 100,000 votes on election night, a staggering amount given the Republican standing of the state and performance of other Republican candidates in Georgia.
The lesson Republicans should learn from the 2022 GOP midterm disaster is that the voters are paying attention to who the candidates are and deciding accordingly; just because a candidate has an ‘R’ after his name in a red state doesn’t guarantee he’ll win.
Folks like you will use words like "equal" to play games, because you see the world through a binary lens.

In Normal World, some people and some actions are worse than others. There is no "equal". The GQP is no more moral, overall, than the Dems.

In Qanon World, who knows.
Barking up the wrong Q tree with me there. I called them out on their website and got permabanned for doing so.

This current Administration headed by a nicknamed PedoPete is responsible for record amounts of Fentanyl and human trafficking

LMK when you have a problem with that

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