Hershel walker tries and fails once again on mass shootings. Poor Georgia.

Bullshit. The problem isn't his skin, it's his ability and his history of mental illness and domestic violence.
It absolutely is his skin color. You loons will not call out other minorities as long as they have the correct politics, but you will do everything you can to destroy a Black person who leans right.
Because he is running for congress, and congress makes the laws. Maybe you were in your perpetual state of confusion, when Biden pointed that out.
There are 435 members of congress and only one president. Why pick on a black guy from Georgia? A soft target for plantation minded lefties who think the former football star is too upity?
There are 435 members of congress and only one president. Why pick on a black guy from Georgia? A soft target for plantation minded lefties who think the former football star is too upity?
You're projecting. Walker is a hero in Georgia.
I didn't say a word about his speech or speech disorder. Or his skin color. See, you did it again. You invented a fantasy to argue against.

Embarrassing yourself, all because of that "R" behind his name.
Hmm, I missed the part where I specifically addressed you by name. The funny part though, is how you chimed up almost immediately in protest denying you ever did such a thing.

There is a saying:

The hit dog always hollers first.

And so, this reaction can only tell me that's precisely what you did.
This monolithic view Democrats have of black people is overtly racist on its own. Never mind it being a wildly uneducated assumption about a particular race of people.
Your objections to his candidacy and political views say otherwise. Your hostile reactions to a POC expressing conservative republican views also say otherwise.
Pathetic liar. That's what you cult pukes tell yourselves, because you always have an excuse at the ready for being intellectual sissies who can't form arguments. You literally lie to yourselves out loud. Embarrassing
Oh stop idiot.

" It's an observation I made based on your open disdain for a black man who has a stutter"

Posted directly to me, by you.

The trumpers are not known for their honesty or integrity.

You called him a moron. What else can I assume from that?

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