Hershel walker tries and fails once again on mass shootings. Poor Georgia.

Walkers stutter has nothing to do with the confusing answers he gives to simple questions

I'm pretty sure it does. I mean, look at how far leftists like you view southerners in general. It has nothing to do with his views, per se, more as it does with the fact you can't rebut them.

Better positions always confuse people who want to disagree with them but can't rebut them.
I consider anyone who is running as a Trump Republican, a moron, regardless of skin colour or accomplishments. You have to be a moron or a criminal to run under the Trump banner.

Yeah. I'm sure you do. That speaks to the inherent liberal narcissism you possess. How's that false sense of superiority working for you?
Yup, Biden stutters and will lose his place from time to time

Doesn‘t negate the lengthy briefings he gives on complex subjects
Right and how many times during these lengthy briefing has his handlers had to walk back some of his complex answers ?
Biden gives complex answers to questions on Ukraine, COVID, the economy, healthcare

If by 'complex' you mean 'incoherent', 'rambling' or 'creepy whispering.'

I would loooove to see what his teleprompters say as opposed to what he says.
I'll be surprised if he shows up.

They should hold it anyway and have his podium just sitting there empty :laugh:
Walker is an inarticulate, bungling, clown. Walker's podium will be empty even if he does show up. Lol.

I want the GOP to win big in '22 & '24. But I won't vote for "conspiracy" crazies, such as M Taylor-Greene, or low IQ-types, like Hershel.

We need some smart, capable, intelligent leaders. Right now they're in very short supply - in BOTH parties.
Texas has had 6 massacres in the past 7 years. Your assault rifles and unlimited ammunition must be very important to you.
We've only had 5 in the last seven years. The DPD police attack was not a, "mass shooting" it was an act of terrorism.

Fewer than half of school shooters employ rifles of any type.

If anyone with a rifle had been within range of and had LOS to this shooter he could have easily been stopped from ever getting into the building and done so at a relatively safe range.

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