Herzog: Netanyahu resorted to racism to win reelection

I'll prove that for free, but only if the third party I have to prove it to is someone I feel I can trust with my true identity. Will you?


Ok... I'm in for $500 that it never proves it!

Anyone want to take the other end of that?
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IOW you want someone to PAY YOU to prove you're a veteran.

I'm a veteran. I'm a trained MP who served in Germany as an S-2 clerk in a missile battalion in the 70's.

I'll prove that for free, but only if the third party I have to prove it to is someone I feel I can trust with my true identity. Will you?

A fucking MP?


I worked in S2 as well. On the last Viet Cong Handbook to come out of the JFK Center for Special Warfare at Bragg.

It's where I learned to hate dimocraps.

Still do.

No, I'm not going to spread my identity all over the Internet for any moron to do with as he pleases.

Just not gonna happen.

I'm just telling you, I am what I say I am. No more, no less.

I'm not a hero. Never claimed to be. I am a former Special Forces qualified Paratrooper (all SF are) who served his Country in a Combat role in a War Zone.

Does that make me better qualified than most to pass judgement on our political situation?


You doubt me? Put up the money. I'll take anything over ten grand. Put it up and I promise you, three Special Forces Soldiers WILL rule in my favor. It won't even take them 5 minutes to do it either.

Afterall, what's ten grand to a high roller like you

Well that makes sense. Given that the Ideological Left is aligned with those who are determined to destroy every one Netanyahu knows... and annihilate his nation.

I doubt it will lend him any comfort, but I spend an inordinate amount of my time pissing off Leftists too... and for the same reason.

The Jews don't believe Jesus was the Messiah.

Tell us about that, since you are devoted servant of God.
IOW you want someone to PAY YOU to prove you're a veteran.

I'm a veteran. I'm a trained MP who served in Germany as an S-2 clerk in a missile battalion in the 70's.

I'll prove that for free, but only if the third party I have to prove it to is someone I feel I can trust with my true identity. Will you?

A fucking MP?


I worked in S2 as well. On the last Viet Cong Handbook to come out of the JFK Center for Special Warfare at Bragg.

It's where I learned to hate dimocraps.

Still do.

No, I'm not going to spread my identity all over the Internet for any moron to do with as he pleases.

Just not gonna happen.

I'm just telling you, I am what I say I am. No more, no less.

I'm not a hero. Never claimed to be. I am a former Special Forces qualified Paratrooper (all SF are) who served his Country in a Combat role in a War Zone.

Does that make me better qualified than most to pass judgement on our political situation?


You doubt me? Put up the money. I'll take anything over ten grand. Put it up and I promise you, three Special Forces Soldiers WILL rule in my favor. It won't even take them 5 minutes to do it either.

Afterall, what's ten grand to a high roller like you

Stop thinking your service gives you some special status.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

State for the record what you are certain is Netanyahu's position on the establishment of a Palestinian state.

"I hereby state for the record, that I have certain knowledge, born from extensive experience that the NY Cabby is incapable of sustaining a dam' thing it says."

Feel better?

Thanks for proving my point.

Your Re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Let's at least establish the facts:

Before the election, Netanyahu:

"Netanyahu was then asked specifically whether he meant that a Palestinian state would not be established if he were reelected prime minister. He answered, “Correct.”"

Netanyahu says no Palestinian state if he wins - The Washington Post

Netanyahu after the election:

“I don’t want a one-state solution. I want a sustainable, peaceful two-state solution...."

Netanyahu steps back from full opposition to Palestinian state - The Washington Post

Oh gee, look, it's the same link to prove the lie?

So which is the lie? Is he fer it , or agin it?

So Netanyahu said "Correct"... and THEN said he believed in a sustainable peace?

Ewww... THAT is incredible.


You can NOT make this crap up!

The islamis don't want a peace. Yet, Netannyahu is somehow the bad guy within the minds of the brain damaged.
A Nazi talking about racism is like Benny Sela complaining about sexual harrasment.
mighta already been said , I haven't gone through the whole thread . Concerning Bibis resorting to RACISM , well the so called racism started will ''v15' who was Busing arabs to elections . 'v15' was supposedly using 350 thousand dollars that it supposedly got from the USA from the dems . Here is some info on 'v15' !! --- The Jewish Press V15 Look Who is Behind the New US Democratic-Style Campaign in Israel --- yeah , maybe Bibi responded to racism and got out the vote because he warned other Israelis that arabs were being bused to the polling booths in large numbers by v15 . So , good for Bibi !!

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