Herzog: Netanyahu resorted to racism to win reelection

I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

Do I need to be killed? Do you support that, Poser?
Netanyahu said one day he was opposed to the 2 state solution; the next day he said he was not opposed to it.

Which Netanyahu do you support? Please sign in. I support a 2 state solution.

I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

So you support genocide. Big surprise.



The US was founded upon Genocide... which we again perpetuated in the Civil War, the First Word War and World War Two, The Gulf War, and the US GWOT... .

You're probably conflating genocide committed as a result of sound moral justification, such as that cited above and that perpetrated by the French Communists in the French Revolution, the German and Italian Progressives in WW2, and the Chinese, Russian and Cambodian Communists in mid 20th Century.

You DO understand that there is no downside to killing people where there exist a sound moral justification, right?

I mean if you didn't understand that, you'd have to be a Relativist, or some other iteration of intellectual deviancy.
Netanyahu said one day he was opposed to the 2 state solution; the next day he said he was not opposed to it.

Which Netanyahu do you support? Please sign in. I support a 2 state solution.

I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

So you support genocide. Big surprise.

I said "to those that wish to harm Israel" I suggest you learn the proper definition of genocide you daffy left loon

I wish to harm Israel, do you want to kill me?
Netanyahu said one day he was opposed to the 2 state solution; the next day he said he was not opposed to it.

Which Netanyahu do you support? Please sign in. I support a 2 state solution.

I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

So you support genocide. Big surprise.

I said "to those that wish to harm Israel" I suggest you learn the proper definition of genocide you daffy left loon
Here you go:


You're a disgusting anti Semite, I have no interest in your gobbely gook
I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

Do I need to be killed? Do you support that, Poser?

Poser? What the hell are youj blabbering about now? Do you ever wonder why only your fellow left loons take your BS serious? You're full of it, simply full of it, you just spew whatever jumps in your head
The fucking arabs and muslims are fighting to genocide the jews. Good for the jews fighting for themselfs.

Fuck you savage leftist fags.
I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

Do I need to be killed? Do you support that, Poser?

You need to be confined, removed from any contact with the general public.

That's not even a debatable point. But in fairness to you, all Leftists should be confined. Only those who resist, should be killed.

I don't see you as having much sand. So you'll go quietly.
Netanyahu said one day he was opposed to the 2 state solution; the next day he said he was not opposed to it.

Which Netanyahu do you support? Please sign in. I support a 2 state solution.

I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

So you support genocide. Big surprise.

I said "to those that wish to harm Israel" I suggest you learn the proper definition of genocide you daffy left loon

I wish to harm Israel, do you want to kill me?
Uh oh here comes the liberal hysterics, watch, he'll comment on this for an eternity
Netanyahu said one day he was opposed to the 2 state solution; the next day he said he was not opposed to it.

Which Netanyahu do you support? Please sign in. I support a 2 state solution.

I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

So you support genocide. Big surprise.

I said "to those that wish to harm Israel" I suggest you learn the proper definition of genocide you daffy left loon
Here you go:


You're a disgusting anti Semite, I have no interest in your gobbely gook
I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

Do I need to be killed? Do you support that, Poser?

Poser? What the hell are youj blabbering about now? Do you ever wonder why only your fellow left loons take your BS serious? You're full of it, simply full of it, you just spew whatever jumps in your head

Edgetho pretends he's a veteran. He's a poser.
I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

So you support genocide. Big surprise.

I said "to those that wish to harm Israel" I suggest you learn the proper definition of genocide you daffy left loon
Here you go:


You're a disgusting anti Semite, I have no interest in your gobbely gook
I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

Do I need to be killed? Do you support that, Poser?

Poser? What the hell are youj blabbering about now? Do you ever wonder why only your fellow left loons take your BS serious? You're full of it, simply full of it, you just spew whatever jumps in your head

Edgetho pretends he's a veteran. He's a poser.

So prove he isnt and THEN call him a poser
I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

Do I need to be killed? Do you support that, Poser?

You need to be confined, removed from any contact with the general public.

That's not even a debatable point.

Ah, you admit to being a bigot. Awesome. Mr. Obvious commends you.
its a jewish state built on their chosen few status as God's elite to dominate the world, like all religions it seem, and you are saying their leader played the race card trying to win their election? lol. sounds like a winning plan to me dah.... cant trump the jewish race card sorry blacks, indains, fags, etc.. you done got beat with the star of david card hands down

Nowhere in the world are Jews a majority of the population.

Nowhere except Israel.

goat-fucking, wife-beating, gutless mooslum scum are the majority in 57 Countries. Fifty Seven. 10+10+10+10+10+7 = 57

If Israel were to allow unimpeded access to their Country, goat-fucking, wife-beating, shit-smelling, boy-loving camel jockeys would quickly out populate them and in a matter of a few years have a MUCH larger voting majority.

Once that happened, there would be exactly ZERO (0) Jewish Majority Countries on this Planet

dimocraps are just simply some stupid motherfuckers.

Is one tiny sliver of land too much to ask for the oldest surviving monotheistic religious group in History?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

So you support genocide. Big surprise.

I said "to those that wish to harm Israel" I suggest you learn the proper definition of genocide you daffy left loon
Here you go:


You're a disgusting anti Semite, I have no interest in your gobbely gook
I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

Do I need to be killed? Do you support that, Poser?

Poser? What the hell are youj blabbering about now? Do you ever wonder why only your fellow left loons take your BS serious? You're full of it, simply full of it, you just spew whatever jumps in your head

Edgetho pretends he's a veteran. He's a poser.

So prove he isnt and THEN call him a poser

I don't have to prove a negative. He wants people to pay him to prove it. That makes him a poser.
I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

dimocraps get the maj of the Jewish vote every time.
I said "to those that wish to harm Israel" I suggest you learn the proper definition of genocide you daffy left loon
Here you go:


You're a disgusting anti Semite, I have no interest in your gobbely gook
'Condone' it?

How about actively support it?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

The entire party needs to be destroyed. It needs to follow the National Socialist German Workers Party into Hell and needs to be designated as illegal in this Country as Nazism is in Germany

Do I need to be killed? Do you support that, Poser?

Poser? What the hell are youj blabbering about now? Do you ever wonder why only your fellow left loons take your BS serious? You're full of it, simply full of it, you just spew whatever jumps in your head

Edgetho pretends he's a veteran. He's a poser.

So prove he isnt and THEN call him a poser

I don't have to prove a negative. He wants people to pay him to prove it. That makes him a poser.

You called him a poser, the burden is on you. Stop being childish, it's ...well childish
The islamic culture we and the jews are fighting is a inferior one that attacks civilized nations. I am glad Netanyahu wants to use force to keep these bastards from slaughtering his people.

People like you NyCarbineer would have us all living like savages.
its a jewish state built on their chosen few status as God's elite to dominate the world, like all religions it seem, and you are saying their leader played the race card trying to win their election? lol. sounds like a winning plan to me dah.... cant trump the jewish race card sorry blacks, indains, fags, etc.. you done got beat with the star of david card hands down

Nowhere in the world are Jews a majority of the population.

Nowhere except Israel.

goat-fucking, wife-beating, gutless mooslum scum are the majority in 57 Countries. Fifty Seven. 10+10+10+10+10+7 = 57

If Israel were to allow unimpeded access to their Country, goat-fucking, wife-beating, shit-smelling, boy-loving camel jockeys would quickly out populate them and in a matter of a few years have a MUCH larger voting majority.

Once that happened, there would be exactly ZERO (0) Jewish Majority Countries on this Planet

dimocraps are just simply some stupid motherfuckers.

Is one tiny sliver of land too much to ask for the oldest surviving monotheistic religious group in History?

dimocraps are the scum of the earth


Did you know that Ishmael was circumcised before Isaac and they both had the same father, and that Jacob and Esau shared a womb for 9 months?? See they are one of the same. Jews = Arabs, all them same.
Love how an Israel Firster uses semite to include Arabs but when he tosses it around at anyone that disagrees with Israel or a Jew then its only meant to include Jews.

Funny how nobody minds making insensitive and anti Jewish statements, but condemns others of racism at the drop of a hat if they so much as dare speak ill of an Arab or Palestinian.
Bibi won, lick your wounds and get over it
I only care that he won because his rhetoric and threats are a threat to my country.
Love how an Israel Firster uses semite to include Arabs but when he tosses it around at anyone that disagrees with Israel or a Jew then its only meant to include Jews. Herzog is right. Nutanyahoo was going to lose he did everything he could to win and Israel will pay the price hell they are already...UN and US are backing off support of the racist prick PM.

Guess what dirtbag? The scumbag-infested UN might be paying the highest price of anyone if they keep up with their BULLSHIT

Graham Threatens to Cut Funds to UN if Obama Bypasses Congress on Iran Sanctions

Make the threat good.

Via Fox News:

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is throwing down the gauntlet, warning the White House he’ll move to cut funding to the United Nations if the administration turns to the international body to lift sanctions on Iran as part of a nuclear deal.

Graham made the comments Thursday during an appearance on Fox News’ “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren.”

Graham, a Republican, is chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs. In that role, he says he can block U.S. funding for the United Nations — $654 million is earmarked for 2015 alone.

“Twenty-two percent of the funding for the United Nations comes from the American taxpayers, and I’m in charge of that account,” a defiant Graham told Fox News. He acknowledged he’d also need other lawmakers to sign onto any effort to suspend that funding.

Keep reading…

These are the same scumbags that designated Israel as the worst oppressor of women on the Planet

Israel singled out at UN for women s right violations The Times of Israel

You're the same kind of scum
LOL @ you thinking that's EVER going to happen

Netanyahu said one day he was opposed to the 2 state solution; the next day he said he was not opposed to it.

Which Netanyahu do you support? Please sign in. I support a 2 state solution.
1 state. Palestine.
Sigh...yet another anti Semite hate thread
Might wanna go tell that to the JEWISH political leader who said all these things.
Netanyahu said one day he was opposed to the 2 state solution; the next day he said he was not opposed to it.

Which Netanyahu do you support? Please sign in. I support a 2 state solution.

I support annihilating those that wish harm to Israel and to those who sit back and quietly condone it

So you support genocide. Big surprise.

I said "to those that wish to harm Israel" I suggest you learn the proper definition of genocide you daffy left loon
Why do you care about Israel so much? Truly interested. Are you one of the bible thumpers who think its their christian duty or are you jewish?

The fucking arabs and muslims are fighting to genocide the jews. Good for the jews fighting for themselfs.

Fuck you savage leftist fags.
You do realize that Nutanyahoo doesn't speak for the majority of Jews right
You called him a poser, the burden is on you. Stop being childish, it's ...well childish

This is how dimocrap scum in here work.....

They single out a thread they want moved to the Siberia of the Board and try to start a shit-slinging contest in it.

Once that happens, they petition a certain Moderator (I won't name her, but her name rhymes with 'peyote') to move the thread.

Voila! Thread moved, mission accomplished.

Happens in here every day. More than a few times every day

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