He's BAACK. You will LIKE your shots or SUFFER the consequences

Nobody has to get vaccinated (except military members). They do, however, have to live with the consequences of their decision.

If a store won't serve them, they have to live with that.

If an airline won't let them fly, they have to live with it.

Make stupid choices, win stupid prizes. Actions have consequences.
That's what that Obama fella said bout insurance t tho. Ah'm jus sayin.
Nobody has to get vaccinated (except military members). They do, however, have to live with the consequences of their decision
That’s fine by me. I don't want to give business to a store, bank, airline, etc… which would prefer I don’t do business with them. No business is so unique and perfect that I can’t find their goods or services elsewhere.
Nobody has to get vaccinated (except military members). They do, however, have to live with the consequences of their decision.

If a store won't serve them, they have to live with that.

If an airline won't let them fly, they have to live with it.

Make stupid choices, win stupid prizes. Actions have consequences.
They should be reminded that the ones that wanted them to shut down and out of business are now the ones demanding they violate privacy rights and not serve the unvaccinated.

Limits should be put on them. Want to ban the unvaccinated. Ostracize them from all of society.
They should be reminded that the ones that wanted them to shut down and out of business are now the ones demanding they violate privacy rights and not serve the unvaccinated.
"Privacy rights?"

Vaccines have been required for schools and for entering other countries since ... forever. Why weren't you previously upset by such "violations of privacy rights"?

Your inconsistency calls your sincerity into question.
"Privacy rights?"

Vaccines have been required for schools and for entering other countries since ... forever. Why weren't you previously upset by such "violations of privacy rights"?

Your inconsistency calls your sincerity into question.
Vaccines in the past were NOT experimental drugs.

Where is your consistency in "My body, My choice" And don't even try that bullshit about My choice affect others' lives.

There are 1001 issues in which you leftists jeopardize MY life.
Vaccines in the past were NOT experimental drugs.
And this one isn't.

Got any other dumb excuses for your double standards? Why not just admit that you're merely bleating what your fascist masters told you to bleat? It's not like it isn't obvious.

Where is your consistency in "My body, My choice"
Nobody is calling for forced vaccinations.

As is always the case, the liberals are consistent, and the conservatives are hypocrites.

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