'He’s Not a Healthy Guy'

But this guy is the picture of health in your fucked up world...:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:



wow, I have a new stalker following me around like a puppy dog looking for attention.

Just pointing out the reality that you keep denying. Triggering an idiot like you is just too easy. Seems you stalk any thread saying anything good about Trump or bad about the Dims and have to rail about “Trump bad”. I don’t need attention from a broke loser who has no math knowledge like you.
But this guy is the picture of health in your fucked up world...:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:



wow, I have a new stalker following me around like a puppy dog looking for attention.
Employment numbers!
Oh, this is a good one!
Please explain...
Why are they always adjusted at least 3 months after they are initially published.
And why are there 6 levels.

Because each piece of "raw" data is not raw data, it's manipulated data.
And once again you report bullshit for a living,
And you support an arrogant despicable POS We've noticed that too
And your portfolio is making record profits.
And you still haven't told anyone where you live and why it doesn't attract business so we can't take you seriously.
I thought I mentioned it LI NY and outside of a stupid tax break trump gave to mostly the rich ,he hasn't done anything for me. I fear America will pay for their mistake long after he's gone
Your portfolio is based on Corporate profits, so yes, Trump's tax breaks did indeed help you directly.
If you don't know that, you're an idiot.
You do know that many of those big corporations pay no tax?
Which means the Tax Cut meant?
Can you at least admit the tax cut widely ignored the middle class? and added to our debt?
And your portfolio is making record profits.
And you still haven't told anyone where you live and why it doesn't attract business so we can't take you seriously.
I thought I mentioned it LI NY and outside of a stupid tax break trump gave to mostly the rich ,he hasn't done anything for me. I fear America will pay for their mistake long after he's gone
Your portfolio is based on Corporate profits, so yes, Trump's tax breaks did indeed help you directly.
If you don't know that, you're an idiot.
You do know that many of those big corporations pay no tax?
Which means the Tax Cut meant?
Can you at least admit the tax cut widely ignored the middle class? and added to our debt?
You’re missing an important piece of information...
There are more people in the middle class as of the tax cuts.
You must live in isolation; I know many people who got good paying jobs after the tax cut.
Employment numbers!
Oh, this is a good one!
Please explain...
Why are they always adjusted at least 3 months after they are initially published.
And why are there 6 levels.

They are adjusted because more data becomes available. In our instant gratification society people want the data before it is finalized, thus they get what they get. Over time more data comes in and they update the numbers. You, being dataphobic, think this is a bad thing, when in reality it is a good thing because in the end you get the best possible data. Why there are 6 levels is because different people need different data. Just because you are too uneducated to know what to do with the numbers does not mean that everyone is.

Because each piece of "raw" data is not raw data, it's manipulated data.
And once again you report bullshit for a living,

The numbers posted are never raw data, they are what the raw data reports. Yes, the data is manipulated and filtered and checked for errors and then analyzed more ways than your little mind can count.

My job is one of the fastest and best paying jobs out there, last year it was ranked the number 1 job in the country. People who actually work for a living and make decisions understand the importance of data, but more importantly the importance of that data being presented to them in a usable manner.

I assume with your fear of data that you also think that an actuary is a fake job as well.

When I first started at my new job I had to convenience new clients that we were worth the money, i had one very large producer that was skeptical but his son was pushing to him use our company. Between the son and I we convinced the dad and my boss for the operator to use our service for an entire season, at half price. If he thought we were worth it he would pay the other half and keep us on. My boss was not happy about it and told me in no uncertain terms that my future employment depended upon my success with this client. Almost 5 years later I am still there and so is the client.

So, you say that you responsible for granting a specific category of construction permit. What do you base your decisions upon...your feelings or cold hard data?
You’re missing an important piece of information...
There are more people in the middle class as of the tax cuts.

Can you provide data to support this claim or is it based upon your feelings and your next door neighbor getting a job?
Employment numbers!
Oh, this is a good one!
Please explain...
Why are they always adjusted at least 3 months after they are initially published.
And why are there 6 levels.

They are adjusted because more data becomes available. In our instant gratification society people want the data before it is finalized, thus they get what they get. Over time more data comes in and they update the numbers. You, being dataphobic, think this is a bad thing, when in reality it is a good thing because in the end you get the best possible data. Why there are 6 levels is because different people need different data. Just because you are too uneducated to know what to do with the numbers does not mean that everyone is.

Because each piece of "raw" data is not raw data, it's manipulated data.
And once again you report bullshit for a living,

The numbers posted are never raw data, they are what the raw data reports. Yes, the data is manipulated and filtered and checked for errors and then analyzed more ways than your little mind can count.

My job is one of the fastest and best paying jobs out there, last year it was ranked the number 1 job in the country. People who actually work for a living and make decisions understand the importance of data, but more importantly the importance of that data being presented to them in a usable manner.

I assume with your fear of data that you also think that an actuary is a fake job as well.

When I first started at my new job I had to convenience new clients that we were worth the money, i had one very large producer that was skeptical but his son was pushing to him use our company. Between the son and I we convinced the dad and my boss for the operator to use our service for an entire season, at half price. If he thought we were worth it he would pay the other half and keep us on. My boss was not happy about it and told me in no uncertain terms that my future employment depended upon my success with this client. Almost 5 years later I am still there and so is the client.

So, you say that you responsible for granting a specific category of construction permit. What do you base your decisions upon...your feelings or cold hard data?
Numbers are adjusted to hide the truth.
There is nothing that statistics uses that can be termed hard data so don’t embarrass yourself.
Employment numbers!
Oh, this is a good one!
Please explain...
Why are they always adjusted at least 3 months after they are initially published.
And why are there 6 levels.

They are adjusted because more data becomes available. In our instant gratification society people want the data before it is finalized, thus they get what they get. Over time more data comes in and they update the numbers. You, being dataphobic, think this is a bad thing, when in reality it is a good thing because in the end you get the best possible data. Why there are 6 levels is because different people need different data. Just because you are too uneducated to know what to do with the numbers does not mean that everyone is.

Because each piece of "raw" data is not raw data, it's manipulated data.
And once again you report bullshit for a living,

The numbers posted are never raw data, they are what the raw data reports. Yes, the data is manipulated and filtered and checked for errors and then analyzed more ways than your little mind can count.

My job is one of the fastest and best paying jobs out there, last year it was ranked the number 1 job in the country. People who actually work for a living and make decisions understand the importance of data, but more importantly the importance of that data being presented to them in a usable manner.

I assume with your fear of data that you also think that an actuary is a fake job as well.

When I first started at my new job I had to convenience new clients that we were worth the money, i had one very large producer that was skeptical but his son was pushing to him use our company. Between the son and I we convinced the dad and my boss for the operator to use our service for an entire season, at half price. If he thought we were worth it he would pay the other half and keep us on. My boss was not happy about it and told me in no uncertain terms that my future employment depended upon my success with this client. Almost 5 years later I am still there and so is the client.

So, you say that you responsible for granting a specific category of construction permit. What do you base your decisions upon...your feelings or cold hard data?
I determine my decisions on hard data, not feelings or occasional attempts at bribery.
His hibbity-bibbity lip-stumbling speech does raise eyebrows. Now about that need to palpate every female in sight, regardless of age ...

Dr. David Scheiner, once Obama’s personal physician, told the Washington Examiner Thursday that the incompleteness of Biden’s health record is what concerns him the most.

'He’s Not a Healthy Guy': Obama's Former Doc Warns of Biden's Stroke Potential

Biden's doctor says he is perfectly healthy. Trump is the one with questionable health.
How could anybody ignore it? Biden had two brain embolisms and it is rumored that he was clinically dead for a period of time. If he was elected he could be America's first zombie president.
Numbers are adjusted to hide the truth.
There is nothing that statistics uses that can be termed hard data so don’t embarrass yourself.

You are such a moron.

The numbers are adjusted to make them the most accurate. The people creating the reports do not give a fuck what the numbers are, they have no skin in the game either way. They are just people doing their job.

Statistics are derived from hard data, they basically describe the hard data.
I determine my decisions on hard data, not feelings or occasional attempts at bribery.

Where do you get that hard data and what is the decision based up..most likely if the the hard data meets certain threshold...which was set by people like me using lots of bits of hard data.
Numbers are adjusted to hide the truth.
There is nothing that statistics uses that can be termed hard data so don’t embarrass yourself.

You are such a moron.

The numbers are adjusted to make them the most accurate. The people creating the reports do not give a fuck what the numbers are, they have no skin in the game either way. They are just people doing their job.

Statistics are derived from hard data, they basically describe the hard data.
You don’t even realize when you’ve kicked yourself I the nuts.
I determine my decisions on hard data, not feelings or occasional attempts at bribery.

Where do you get that hard data and what is the decision based up..most likely if the the hard data meets certain threshold...which was set by people like me using lots of bits of hard data.
It’s called a hands on inspection.
Something a statistician will never experience.
Numbers are adjusted to hide the truth.
There is nothing that statistics uses that can be termed hard data so don’t embarrass yourself.

You are such a moron.

The numbers are adjusted to make them the most accurate. The people creating the reports do not give a fuck what the numbers are, they have no skin in the game either way. They are just people doing their job.

Statistics are derived from hard data, they basically describe the hard data.
You don’t even realize when you’ve kicked yourself I the nuts.

Derive...obtain something from a specified source. Why is that a problem for you? Why is that a kick in the nuts, you do the same thing in your job, you use the numbers to derive at the decision if a permit is warranted or not
It’s called a hands on inspection.
Something a statistician will never experience.

True, we have minions like you for that sort of grunt work. There are thinkers and then there are menial laborers.

Lucky for you the world needs both.
Numbers are adjusted to hide the truth.
There is nothing that statistics uses that can be termed hard data so don’t embarrass yourself.

You are such a moron.

The numbers are adjusted to make them the most accurate. The people creating the reports do not give a fuck what the numbers are, they have no skin in the game either way. They are just people doing their job.

Statistics are derived from hard data, they basically describe the hard data.
You don’t even realize when you’ve kicked yourself I the nuts.

Derive...obtain something from a specified source. Why is that a problem for you? Why is that a kick in the nuts, you do the same thing in your job, you use the numbers to derive at the decision if a permit is warranted or not
There’s an old saying that a lie must have a sprinkling of truth to be accepted.
I have acquaintances in my community who are statisticians...they know it’s all doctored.
It’s not something to be embarrassed about until you try to use it to prove a definitive point, such as your ridiculous slant, as opposed to pointing to a probability.
His hibbity-bibbity lip-stumbling speech does raise eyebrows. Now about that need to palpate every female in sight, regardless of age ...

Dr. David Scheiner, once Obama’s personal physician, told the Washington Examiner Thursday that the incompleteness of Biden’s health record is what concerns him the most.

'He’s Not a Healthy Guy': Obama's Former Doc Warns of Biden's Stroke Potential
Senile Groper Joe needs to do the smart thing and retire. He should leave with SOME dignity intact and spend the rest of his days quietly AT HOME.

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