'He’s Not a Healthy Guy'

Got news for ya', Eddie! Praying for harm to come to another person doesn't generally sit well with the big guy upstairs! He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!

You sure about that?

He killed the first born of every living thing in Egypt as a means to an end.

That wasn't the answer to a prayer, GG...that was the answer to an ultimatum from God to Egypt.

It was still an "any means to an end" action.
I'm "touched" by all of the concern from you liberals about Donald Trump's health! I didn't know you cared!
I said a prayer for him

Sure you did, Eddie...sure you did...
I didn't say just what my prayer included Just be very sure ,if it's answered it will be a great thing for America

Got news for ya', Eddie! Praying for harm to come to another person doesn't generally sit well with the big guy upstairs! He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!
Conservatives have been praying for Justice Ginsbergs death for five years

I wish no harm to come to the "Notorious RBG", Winger! She's a liberal. She holds different views on many issues than I do. That doesn't make her evil. That doesn't mean I want her to die.
Got news for ya', Eddie! Praying for harm to come to another person doesn't generally sit well with the big guy upstairs! He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!

You sure about that?

He killed the first born of every living thing in Egypt as a means to an end.

That wasn't the answer to a prayer, GG...that was the answer to an ultimatum from God to Egypt.

It was still an "any means to an end" action.
You miss the point, GG...it wasn't something prayed for...it was God's decision. One that was arrived at after giving Egypt repeated chances to do as HE wished.
Got news for ya', Eddie! Praying for harm to come to another person doesn't generally sit well with the big guy upstairs! He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!

You sure about that?

He killed the first born of every living thing in Egypt as a means to an end.

That wasn't the answer to a prayer, GG...that was the answer to an ultimatum from God to Egypt.

It was still an "any means to an end" action.
You miss the point, GG...it wasn't something prayed for...it was God's decision. One that was arrived at after giving Egypt repeated chances to do as HE wished.

All I responded to was this...He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!

But if you mean he is not an "any means to an end" from his followers kind of god, then I would agree.
Got news for ya', Eddie! Praying for harm to come to another person doesn't generally sit well with the big guy upstairs! He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!

You sure about that?

He killed the first born of every living thing in Egypt as a means to an end.

That wasn't the answer to a prayer, GG...that was the answer to an ultimatum from God to Egypt.

It was still an "any means to an end" action.
And that flood took out lots of the Egyptian army following them
Got news for ya', Eddie! Praying for harm to come to another person doesn't generally sit well with the big guy upstairs! He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!

You sure about that?

He killed the first born of every living thing in Egypt as a means to an end.

That wasn't the answer to a prayer, GG...that was the answer to an ultimatum from God to Egypt.

It was still an "any means to an end" action.
You miss the point, GG...it wasn't something prayed for...it was God's decision. One that was arrived at after giving Egypt repeated chances to do as HE wished.

All I responded to was this...He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!

But if you mean he is not an "any means to an end" from his followers kind of god, then I would agree.

I'm not a religious person, GG but from what I know of God...he's not big on people who disobey him...but that's HIS call...not mankind's!
You sure about that?

He killed the first born of every living thing in Egypt as a means to an end.

That wasn't the answer to a prayer, GG...that was the answer to an ultimatum from God to Egypt.

It was still an "any means to an end" action.
You miss the point, GG...it wasn't something prayed for...it was God's decision. One that was arrived at after giving Egypt repeated chances to do as HE wished.

All I responded to was this...He's not really an "any means to an end" kind of god!

But if you mean he is not an "any means to an end" from his followers kind of god, then I would agree.

I'm not a religious person, GG but from what I know of God...he's not big on people who disobey him...but that's HIS call...not mankind's!

Old Trump is in deep doo doo
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

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