Heterosexual Pride Day?

Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Does your hash tag apply to this whiney ass thread?
In that case you should support a born retard pride day cause it seems you were.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Does your hash tag apply to this whiney ass thread?
In that case you should support a born retard pride day cause it seems you were.
I'll look into it. Stay classy gramps
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Does your hash tag apply to this whiney ass thread?
In that case you should support a born retard pride day cause it seems you were.
I'll look into it. Stay classy gramps
I have slightly more class than you have brains. Now that ain't sayin much but I don't honestly care. This thread is R E T A R D E D
Are you gonna celebrate the national hetero pride day with your partner? Partner is the only word now on government papers, never wife/husband.
No way, I celebtate the other 364 days with her. OK minus the days that I'm getting on her nerves and she's had enough of me.
So if your wife is a woman, then are you a lesbian?
Nah nothing that exotic, just plain old husband. Although over the years my wife has been hit on by a lot of lesbians. Can't say I blame them.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Hetero Pride day is every Wednesday and Friday night for married couples and as many Saturday nights as singles can find a date for amateur sex -- which is why speed dating meet & greets have become so popular with modern yuppies -- faster chance to meet a willing and able amateur.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Hetero pride day is every day a man and wife look at the children/grandchildren/great grandchildren they created together and can claim they were instrumental in their success. God's plan fulfilled.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬

So, nobody can be proud in their straightness? Are you proud of you stupidity?
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Does your hash tag apply to this whiney ass thread?
In that case you should support a born retard pride day cause it seems you were.
I'll look into it. Stay classy gramps
I have slightly more class than you have brains. Now that ain't sayin much but I don't honestly care. This thread is R E T A R D E D
Then why are you on it spreading a bunch of hate and calling yourself classy... A little introspection may be in order
Does your hash tag apply to this whiney ass thread?
In that case you should support a born retard pride day cause it seems you were.
I'll look into it. Stay classy gramps
I have slightly more class than you have brains. Now that ain't sayin much but I don't honestly care. This thread is R E T A R D E D
Then why are you on it spreading a bunch of hate and calling yourself classy... A little introspection may be in order
^^^^^^loser too stupid to get it
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬

So, nobody can be proud in their straightness? Are you proud of you stupidity?
Don't be nieve man, this whole thing is a very obvious response to gay pride and meant to further the belittlement and degradation... It has very little to do with actual hetero pride. Don't play dumb, you aren't fooling anybody.
Who cares if they want to have straight pride events? No skin of my teeth.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬

Well, without us heteros none of you homos would have ever been born. Isn't embarrassing your parents enough revenge? :itsok:
Don't be nieve man, this whole thing is a very obvious response to gay pride and meant to further the belittlement and degradation

Nope. If they can be proud of who they are, so can we. Or is pride specific only to gay people? Since when do they have a monopoly on it?
You prove my point, thank you

I did? How? Explain. And try not to repeat yourself. When have I belittled and degraded them? I asked a legitimate question and you run away like a sniveling coward.

Still mad about the bathroom thread, are we?
You encourage gay people to be proud of who they are, but when heterosexuals do it, it's bigotry, denigration or belittlement. The motive may have not been sincere but the point has been made. Pride isn't exclusive to one sexual affiliation or the other. And it is wrong to discourage one group from showing it while praising the other for showing it.
Don't be nieve man, this whole thing is a very obvious response to gay pride and meant to further the belittlement and degradation

Nope. If they can be proud of who they are, so can we. Or is pride specific only to gay people? Since when do they have a monopoly on it?
You prove my point, thank you

I did? How? Explain. And try not to repeat yourself. When have I belittled and degraded them? I asked a legitimate question and you run away like a sniveling coward.

Still mad about the bathroom thread, are we?
How can I not repeat myself when you clearly distort my message? The pride is not about who you are, it's about what they've overcome despite the hate and discrimination that has been inflicted on them simply because of who they are. I know it's a pretty deep concept but I have faith that if you try hard enough you just might get it!

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