Heterosexual Pride Day?

The pride is not about who you are, it's about what they've overcome despite the hate and discrimination that has been inflicted on them simply because of who they are.

Yeah, pride in this case is being proud of who you are. Being proud of who you are helps you overcome hatred or discrimination. While you can take pride for overcoming those things, the act of overcoming those things is nothing more than an action, brought on by the pride you have in yourself.

How can I not repeat myself when you clearly distort my message?

I haven't. You're the one changing it. Suddenly, pride isn't about who you are, but what you've overcome. No, it's both, and they are interchangeable.

I know it's a pretty deep concept but I have faith that if you try hard enough you just might get it!

Actually you can step out of the kiddie pool now Slade. You have such a narrow, shallow, black and white view of pride. Pride is complex.
The pride is not about who you are, it's about what they've overcome despite the hate and discrimination that has been inflicted on them simply because of who they are.

Yeah, pride in this case is being proud of who you are. Being proud of who you are helps you overcome hatred or discrimination. While you can take pride for overcoming those things, the act of overcoming those things is nothing more than an action, brought on by the pride you have in yourself.

How can I not repeat myself when you clearly distort my message?

I haven't. You're the one changing it. Suddenly, pride isn't about who you are, but what you've overcome. No, it's both, and they are interchangeable.

I know it's a pretty deep concept but I have faith that if you try hard enough you just might get it!

Actually you can step out of the kiddie pool now Slade. You have such a narrow, shallow, black and white view of pride. Pride is complex.
Read the OP again, I haven't changed anything. Get over yourself for just a second and try to read with an open mind
What is the function of 'pride'? Doesn't it merely feed a superficial ego? And, what is ego but an ephemeral presence, a reflection glancing off the surface of a life being lived? It did not create itself, cannot sustain itself, cannot even be properly proved to exist. In effect, it is a most elaborate illusion.
The pride is not about who you are, it's about what they've overcome despite the hate and discrimination that has been inflicted on them simply because of who they are.

Yeah, pride in this case is being proud of who you are. Being proud of who you are helps you overcome hatred or discrimination. While you can take pride for overcoming those things, the act of overcoming those things is nothing more than an action, brought on by the pride you have in yourself.

How can I not repeat myself when you clearly distort my message?

I haven't. You're the one changing it. Suddenly, pride isn't about who you are, but what you've overcome. No, it's both, and they are interchangeable.

I know it's a pretty deep concept but I have faith that if you try hard enough you just might get it!

Actually you can step out of the kiddie pool now Slade. You have such a narrow, shallow, black and white view of pride. Pride is complex.
Read the OP again, I haven't changed anything. Get over yourself for just a second and try to read with an open mind

I shudder to think what your definition of an "open mind" is. No thank you.
Don't be nieve man, this whole thing is a very obvious response to gay pride and meant to further the belittlement and degradation

Nope. If they can be proud of who they are, so can we. Or is pride specific only to gay people? Since when do they have a monopoly on it?
You prove my point, thank you

I did? How? Explain. And try not to repeat yourself. When have I belittled and degraded them? I asked a legitimate question and you run away like a sniveling coward.

Still mad about the bathroom thread, are we?
How can I not repeat myself when you clearly distort my message? The pride is not about who you are, it's about what they've overcome despite the hate and discrimination that has been inflicted on them simply because of who they are. I know it's a pretty deep concept but I have faith that if you try hard enough you just might get it!
How does parading half naked and simulating sex acts in public (and in front of children) make any positive point whatsoever about what they've 'been through'? I believe that sort of vulgar exhibitionism is actually detrimental and doesnt really resemble anything like having pride in oneself. We'd all be better off behaving with dignity rather than pride, IMHO.
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There have been great 'Movements' that enriched mankind. They have been very carefully studied and their successful attributes copied by latter day promoters. These professionals make their living, and get their ego boosts, from the 'movements' they take on. It is steady work without recessions, too. All movements need regular stimulation.
What is the function of 'pride'? Doesn't it merely feed a superficial ego? And, what is ego but an ephemeral presence, a reflection glancing off the surface of a life being lived? It did not create itself, cannot sustain itself, cannot even be properly proved to exist. In effect, it is a most elaborate illusion.
That's one way to look at it... Or in this case it is a group of people that express gratitude and appreciation for the strength, progress and sacrifice that so many faced and overcame over the years. It gives hope and support to those that still stuggle with their identity and are victims of bullying and discrimination. It lets them know that they aren't alone and they need not be ashamed of who they are ,as the bigots proclaim, but rather they can be proud.
Not being ashamed does not involve pride directly. This is what many do not understand; what anyone has to be proud about concerning one's sexual orientation.
Not being ashamed does not involve pride directly. This is what many do not understand; what anyone has to be proud about concerning one's sexual orientation.
Again, pride in this case is not simply about orientation or identity... Their pride their identity is a mechanism that is expressed however the heart of the statement is in regards the struggles, fight and progress made against bigotry and discrimination over the years. These are struggles they still face so celebrating their progress in these "Pride" events helps unify and support those that still suffer. It is the same with women, blacks and many other groups that have fought/overcome/and are still fighting oppression.

Why people need to degrade, belittle, and lash out against these things is very ugly and beyond me.

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