Heterosexual Pride Day?

Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Are you saying you can only be righteously proud of what you are if somebody is picking on you?
Re-Read the post but slower this time and you will understand what i'm saying... Thats not it

Of course you have a point, white hetero males have never faced any type of institutionalized systemic bias - and all that comes from that - in our system/society. The lament is nothing more than a backlash at the notion that they are not/should not continue to enjoy a status of privilege. It's the same for the "all lives matter" folks. Of course they do, no one ever suggested otherwise, but we're not routinely seeing your lot gunned down/wrestled down to death by the police while often unarmed and unprovoked. Grow the fuck up and get with the rhetoric of we're all equal in american society.
Personally I think we should go with something that will really drive some people nuts. How about white, male, hetero-capitalist day?
And the purpose being what??? Try and belittle and display your objections to the expression of pride from other minority groups that have actually fought oppression?

Great idea! Its people like you that add so many great things to our world!
Hey, we white male hetero-capitalist patriarchs made all the cool stuff. Radios, television, airplanes, cell phones, lunar landers, submarines, cat scans, computers, baseball, football, basketball, electric guitars.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬

There is no accomplishment in being gay either. From what I heard you are born that way so what is there to be proud about.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Are you saying you can only be righteously proud of what you are if somebody is picking on you?[/QUOTE]
Re-Read the post but slower this time and you will understand what i'm saying... Thats not it[/QUOTE]

Of course you have a point, white hetero males have never faced any type of institutionalized systemic bias - and all that comes from that - in our system/society. The lament is nothing more than a backlash at the notion that they are not/should not continue to enjoy a status of privilege. It's the same for the "all lives matter" folks. Of course they do, no one ever suggested otherwise, but we're not routinely seeing your lot gunned down/wrestled down to death by the police while often unarmed and unprovoked. Grow the fuck up and get with the rhetoric of we're all equal in american society.[/QUOTE]
Then why don't they say that?
Why do white people get gunned down at a higher rate?
Its all selfish bullshit and you know that.
If everyone is equal, why do white people/strait people have such higher standards against them? Because fringe activists are fuckin idiots. That's why.
Are you gonna celebrate the national hetero pride day with your partner? Partner is the only word now on government papers, never wife/husband.
OP is a faggot

This is what the Leftist Agenda is also about, pitting groups of people against other groups of people, Heterosexual against Gay, White against Black, Young against Old, Everybody against Christians etc.

It shows that it's the Leftists who are the racists and bigots.

This is the Alinsky Modus Operandi, to divide society so they can control society, they're not as clever as they think they are, because we know what the Modus Operandi is.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Are you saying you can only be righteously proud of what you are if somebody is picking on you?
Re-Read the post but slower this time and you will understand what i'm saying... Thats not it

Of course you have a point, white hetero males have never faced any type of institutionalized systemic bias - and all that comes from that - in our system/society. The lament is nothing more than a backlash at the notion that they are not/should not continue to enjoy a status of privilege. It's the same for the "all lives matter" folks. Of course they do, no one ever suggested otherwise, but we're not routinely seeing your lot gunned down/wrestled down to death by the police while often unarmed and unprovoked. Grow the fuck up and get with the rhetoric of we're all equal in american society.

LOL. Try being a conservative white male and see how you are systematically treated by the left in this country and the white male hetrosexual bourgeoisie will never be stopped in this country!
As I understand it gays and lesbians want to be treated equally just like everyone else if that's the case why do you need a special day to be proud of being gay? After all your gay 365 days a year what makes being gay on one specific day any different than the other 364 days your gay?
Of course you have a point, white hetero males have never faced any type of institutionalized systemic bias - and all that comes from that - in our system/society. The lament is nothing more than a backlash at the notion that they are not/should not continue to enjoy a status of privilege. It's the same for the "all lives matter" folks. Of course they do, no one ever suggested otherwise, but we're not routinely seeing your lot gunned down/wrestled down to death by the police while often unarmed and unprovoked. Grow the fuck up and get with the rhetoric of we're all equal in american society.
fucking cry baby, the white man is opressing me..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Truly, I love this idea. Americans do not have enough holidays on calendar and I fully support my straight brothers and sisters having pride festivals. I'll brew an aptly named beer and bring Israeli couscous salad.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Are you saying you can only be righteously proud of what you are if somebody is picking on you?
Re-Read the post but slower this time and you will understand what i'm saying... Thats not it

Of course you have a point, white hetero males have never faced any type of institutionalized systemic bias - and all that comes from that - in our system/society. The lament is nothing more than a backlash at the notion that they are not/should not continue to enjoy a status of privilege. It's the same for the "all lives matter" folks. Of course they do, no one ever suggested otherwise, but we're not routinely seeing your lot gunned down/wrestled down to death by the police while often unarmed and unprovoked. Grow the fuck up and get with the rhetoric of we're all equal in american society.
Actually you might want to do a little research into the original study that much of the BLM movement is based on. I believe it was propublica that put out the number 21 times more than whites. It's been derided by pretty much every peer review it's ever faced. From what I've read they used 1% of police jurisdictions, almost all in major urban areas.
Are you gonna celebrate the national hetero pride day with your partner? Partner is the only word now on government papers, never wife/husband.
No way, I celebtate the other 364 days with her. OK minus the days that I'm getting on her nerves and she's had enough of me.

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