Heterosexual Pride Day?

Truly, I love this idea. Americans do not have enough holidays on calendar and I fully support my straight brothers and sisters having pride festivals. I'll brew an aptly named beer and bring Israeli couscous salad.
What about Redneck pride day ..yeeehaw ....moonshine and pabst blue ribbon beer, bbq ribs for everyone....yeee fucking ...haw.....confederate flags welcome. This post approved by SFC
As I understand it gays and lesbians want to be treated equally just like everyone else if that's the case why do you need a special day to be proud of being gay? After all your gay 365 days a year what makes being gay on one specific day any different than the other 364 days your gay?

In a lot of ways almost everyone in this country sympathisezes with the abuse a gay person may receive from an occasional bigot that has to sniff out and destroy the first gay person they find. I'm not talking about religious people who find the behavior immoral. I'm talking about the real bigot who has massive issues with homosexuals and thinks he can be as cruel as he wants to one because he thinks that people will go along with it. He thinks that because religions says it is wrong that he can get away with being cruel to them in the same way a person can be cruel to a child molester. It isn't the same thing because a) gays are not raping other people b) the bible also says that violence is not OK to do for almost any reason. He may think that he can get away with it for that reason but once people peel away to his true motives they may find his behavior pretty offensive to do.
Truly, I love this idea. Americans do not have enough holidays on calendar and I fully support my straight brothers and sisters having pride festivals. I'll brew an aptly named beer and bring Israeli couscous salad.
What about Redneck pride day ..yeeehaw ....moonshine and pabst blue ribbon beer, bbq ribs for everyone....yeee fucking ...haw.....confederate flags welcome. This post approved by SFC

You forgot re-runs Hee-Haw. What would redneck appreciation day be without at least one tribute to the cast and crew of that show?
Truly, I love this idea. Americans do not have enough holidays on calendar and I fully support my straight brothers and sisters having pride festivals. I'll brew an aptly named beer and bring Israeli couscous salad.
What about Redneck pride day ..yeeehaw ....moonshine and pabst blue ribbon beer, bbq ribs for everyone....yeee fucking ...haw.....confederate flags welcome. This post approved by SFC

They already have those festivals. You're talking to a man that has been two Jamboree in the Hills. lol
So liberals believe bigotry and racism is only practiced by White People. Wow..you have never been to a muslim country or parts of Africa...They hate fags, white people, black people and yellow people..basically anyone that is not in thier tribe. I have been there...seen it first hand.
They already have those festivals. You're talking to a man that has been two Jamboree in the Hills. lol
I am talking about a federal holiday...not a blue grass festival
So liberals believe bigotry and racism is only practiced by White People. Wow..you have never been to a muslim country or parts of Africa...They hate fags, white people, black people and yellow people..basically anyone that is not in thier tribe.
Where did this statement come from... I didn't mention anything about race. It was one of your anti-gay jerkoffs that brought up the white male thing.
Truly, I love this idea. Americans do not have enough holidays on calendar and I fully support my straight brothers and sisters having pride festivals. I'll brew an aptly named beer and bring Israeli couscous salad.
Alright we're getting somewhere. We can add Women That Don't Need No Stinkin Feminism Day, Children Biologically Gendered Day, Black Folks That don't Like BLM Either Day, Gays For Stopping This Gender Madness Day(Milo Yiannopolous to be parade marshall). Of course we could roll it all into Will Everyone Stop Whining Day.
So liberals believe bigotry and racism is only practiced by White People. Wow..you have never been to a muslim country or parts of Africa...They hate fags, white people, black people and yellow people..basically anyone that is not in thier tribe.
Where did this statement come from... I didn't mention anything about race. It was one of your anti-gay jerkoffs that brought up the white male thing.
no one was talking to you...it aint all about you. Are you a liberal? If yes , I stand behind my post.
Truly, I love this idea. Americans do not have enough holidays on calendar and I fully support my straight brothers and sisters having pride festivals. I'll brew an aptly named beer and bring Israeli couscous salad.
Alright we're getting somewhere. We can add Women That Don't Need No Stinkin Feminism Day, Children Biologically Gendered Day, Black Folks That don't Like BLM Either Day, Gays For Stopping This Gender Madness Day(Milo Yiannopolous to be parade marshall). Of course we could roll it all into Will Everyone Stop Whining Day.

I celebrate 'Everyone Stop Whining Day' everyday. Trust.
This is confusing.

You can be proud of being born homosexual, but not proud of being born heterosexual?

Even tho neither had a choice?
You as well, read again but slower and you will understand... It's not about who you are its about what you've overcome.

Read it again.

Post stands
I read it again, you still don't get it... It's not about BEING GAY... It's about what they faced and the obstacles they've overcome... Do you really not get it?
So liberals believe bigotry and racism is only practiced by White People. Wow..you have never been to a muslim country or parts of Africa...They hate fags, white people, black people and yellow people..basically anyone that is not in thier tribe.
Where did this statement come from... I didn't mention anything about race. It was one of your anti-gay jerkoffs that brought up the white male thing.
no one was talking to you...it aint all about you. Are you a liberal? If yes , I stand behind my post.
Nobody was talking to me in my thread?? haha, beat it kook
Truly, I love this idea. Americans do not have enough holidays on calendar and I fully support my straight brothers and sisters having pride festivals. I'll brew an aptly named beer and bring Israeli couscous salad.
Alright we're getting somewhere. We can add Women That Don't Need No Stinkin Feminism Day, Children Biologically Gendered Day, Black Folks That don't Like BLM Either Day, Gays For Stopping This Gender Madness Day(Milo Yiannopolous to be parade marshall). Of course we could roll it all into Will Everyone Stop Whining Day.

I celebrate 'Everyone Stop Whining Day' everyday. Trust.
I try to but some one always seems to ruin it by telling me to check my privilege or some other rote complaint.
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Does your hash tag apply to this whiney ass thread?
Is heterosexual pride day really trending as a hashtag? Seriously? Let's think about that. Pride involves feeling accomplishment in a personal quality or achievement. What accomplishment is there in being heterosexual? Look, I welcome any of my friends who are more knowledgeable about this topic to correct me on this, but I believe the concept of having events like Pride and promoting gay pride stems from the accomplishment of facing bigotry and systemic discrimination and yet continuing to stand for what you believe and you are. That's an accomplishment. When is the last time a heterosexual male was beaten to death for being hetero? But gay/lesbian/queer individuals have endured that risk (and countless others), thus there is pride in owning that identity publicly. There's no "pride" in claiming heterosexuality. I didn't accomplish anything related to it. I'm happy to be "proud" of plenty of things in my life, but happening to be born hetero isn't one of them. ‪#‎stopthestupid‬
Does your hash tag apply to this whiney ass thread?

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