Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

Because if they were properly paid, they'd be paying more in taxes.... don't you get it? I'll put in the simplest of terms... THE POOR DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY. The fact that 90% of them only pay 9% of the taxes means... THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM.
You haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

What would happen to the cost of living in NYC if everyone making below, say, $50K is given a raise to what you feel would be appropriate?

Oh... that's right... we're not allowed to talk about how much profit is acceptable..... only what workers make is appropriate conversation. It doesn't matter if Joe Schmoe and his wife can't even afford to bring a child into this world... It doesn't matter if they both have to work two jobs to raise a child either... but I know a person like you would be the first one on the phone to the cops when their unsupervised kid vandalized your house, and you'd be the first one on here complaining about scumbag parents and how they let their kids terrorize the streets.

But that's Ok... I know you're just a Conservative and can't think that far ahead.
Typical leftist non-answer. Profits have nothing to do with the question.

Let me spell it out for you. If you give the working poor a raise, every business employing them will have to raise the price of their goods and services.

Who will that hit the hardest?

The working poor whom you're trying to help.

Ask the business owners you know how large their profit margins are. I guarantee it'll be less than you think.
I think you're missing the point.

It's not that $105K is particularly "rich", especially in a city with the most billionaires - but the fact that 90% of New Yorkers make less than that... so, to the vast majority of New Yorkers, $105K is "rich".
So you think the people making $105K aren't paying enough in taxes?

I used to think that was "rich". It isn't.

Fiance and I gross more than that; and while we aren't hurting, we certainly aren't rich. Plenty of taxes!

So I consider $105k definitely in the 99%. 200k is in the 99%, IMO.
I'll go along with that.
I just wrote about this on another thread. I don' care what your income is, you should pay taxes. Even welfare recipients!! Yes! Welfare! YOu fet an income you pay to live here! Everyone pays. The fact that half this country is carrying the other half is totally obsurd.

I don't care if you have to pay $100 or $200, you gotta pay. Everyone uses the education, the roads and reaps the satisfaction they are living in a secure free world. Time for the free rides should be over.

Yea, drive the poor into the ground more! They must love it when people do that.

Half the population adding $100 or $200 to the kitty a year could help decrease our deficit. They reap the rewards of freedom and more by being here. Where else could they be in the freeist nation, vote for their leaders and not pay a cent and get an income from the government? $8-16 is going to lessen their survival. Right.
So you want to raise taxes on the poor, the working class, the middle class, and everyone else who's in the not-Rich category,

to make it 'fair'.

What's new...

You want to raise taxes on only the rich, asshole. We want everyone to pay taxes.
to make it "fair"

Why should taxes be "fair", if incomes are not?

At what point did "fairness" become such an important issue to free-market conservatives?
If life were fair, the lazy would starve to death instead of electing other people to rob the wealth of those who aren't lazy.

Who are these "lazy" people who are trying to "rob the wealth" of those who "aren't lazy"?

You couldn't possibly be talking about the 50% of working Americans who make less than $20,000 a year, right?
Average Personal Income $32,140 would appear to be the average, albeit for those over 25
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Imagining $50k per year, in NYC. I'm thinking that would be quite painful, no?

I've done it. It wasn't that bad. You can find a decent 1-bedroom in a nice neighborhood in Brooklyn for 2K a month.

Holy crap! You must be awesome at budgeting. You must have walked to work, and ate sparingly. Kudos to you. $2K/month. WOW!
You haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

What would happen to the cost of living in NYC if everyone making below, say, $50K is given a raise to what you feel would be appropriate?

Oh... that's right... we're not allowed to talk about how much profit is acceptable..... only what workers make is appropriate conversation. It doesn't matter if Joe Schmoe and his wife can't even afford to bring a child into this world... It doesn't matter if they both have to work two jobs to raise a child either... but I know a person like you would be the first one on the phone to the cops when their unsupervised kid vandalized your house, and you'd be the first one on here complaining about scumbag parents and how they let their kids terrorize the streets.

But that's Ok... I know you're just a Conservative and can't think that far ahead.
Typical leftist non-answer. Profits have nothing to do with the question.

Let me spell it out for you. If you give the working poor a raise, every business employing them will have to raise the price of their goods and services.

Who will that hit the hardest?

The working poor whom you're trying to help.

Ask the business owners you know how large their profit margins are. I guarantee it'll be less than you think.

Or accept a little less profit to do the right thing. Sure profits have A LOT to do with the question. Taxes have a lot to do with the problem. Health Care Insurance has a lot to do with the problem... What do you think those people making $22K do when they get sick? I met a girl one time from Stamford CT... not too far from NYC. She lived in a one bedroom studio apartment... she paid $1200/month rent.... and that was back in 1996-ish. She was a court clerk and made about $35k/year. She worked for the State, so she didn't have to worry about health care.... but that's still crazy stuff. Her parents, who live(d) in Greenwich CT and are both retired CPA's actually had to will their mortgage to their kids because there was no way they could pay it off in a lifetime.

Perhaps the constant Profiteering and desire for crazy wealth is what's causing our issues, instead of a working class person having enough to survive on... Just sayin'.
Imagining $50k per year, in NYC. I'm thinking that would be quite painful, no?

I've done it. It wasn't that bad. You can find a decent 1-bedroom in a nice neighborhood in Brooklyn for 2K a month.

Holy crap! You must be awesome at budgeting. You must have walked to work, and ate sparingly. Kudos to you. $2K/month. WOW!

It's actually not that hard to live frugally in NY. Rent is really high, but if you know where to look, everything else can be found very cheap.

I lived a very social life, going out to bars frequently, going to concerts, events, museums, etc, and even managed to save a little during that time.

I certainly enjoy making more money than that, and have no desire to go back. But it wasn't that bad.

I didn't have a family, or anything like that. That would have been impossible.
So the "official" 2011 US marginal tax bracket for $379,150+=35%. I'm okay with that, except for the folks at the bottom of that scale. There's a huge difference between $400K/year, and $4Billion.

That is definitely something that needs to change. I will be the first to admit that taxes are not my gig, so keep the "idiot" and "moron" bombs to yourself, please.

Life isn't fair....we've established that. But would you not agree that this is a bit lopsided?
If life were fair, the lazy would starve to death instead of electing other people to rob the wealth of those who aren't lazy.

Who are these "lazy" people who are trying to "rob the wealth" of those who "aren't lazy"?

You couldn't possibly be talking about the 50% of working Americans who make less than $20,000 a year, right?
Average Personal Income $32,140 would appear to be the average, albeit for those over 25

Apologies. I meant New Yorkers, not Americans.

Median income per capita in NY is $22K
I've done it. It wasn't that bad. You can find a decent 1-bedroom in a nice neighborhood in Brooklyn for 2K a month.

Holy crap! You must be awesome at budgeting. You must have walked to work, and ate sparingly. Kudos to you. $2K/month. WOW!

It's actually not that hard to live frugally in NY. Rent is really high, but if you know where to look, everything else can be found very cheap.

I lived a very social life, going out to bars frequently, going to concerts, events, museums, etc, and even managed to save a little during that time.

I certainly enjoy making more money than that, and have no desire to go back. But it wasn't that bad.

I didn't have a family, or anything like that. That would have been impossible.

Do you still live in NY?
Because if they were properly paid, they'd be paying more in taxes.... don't you get it? I'll put in the simplest of terms... THE POOR DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY. The fact that 90% of them only pay 9% of the taxes means... THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM.
You haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

What would happen to the cost of living in NYC if everyone making below, say, $50K is given a raise to what you feel would be appropriate?

Oh... that's right... we're not allowed to talk about how much profit is acceptable..... only what workers make is appropriate conversation. It doesn't matter if Joe Schmoe and his wife can't even afford to bring a child into this world... It doesn't matter if they both have to work two jobs to raise a child either... but I know a person like you would be the first one on the phone to the cops when their unsupervised kid vandalized your house, and you'd be the first one on here complaining about scumbag parents and how they let their kids terrorize the streets.

But that's Ok... I know you're just a Conservative and can't think that far ahead.
Profit is acceptable. I sell my product for as much as I can and keep my expenses as low as possible. If I can find a person that can run a trawler as well as the man I now pay 40% of the catch, I'd be a fool not to hire him.
Tell Me! If you want some plumbing done at your house, do you shop around for the most expensive plumber? or do the rules only apply to evil corporations?
Oh... that's right... we're not allowed to talk about how much profit is acceptable..... only what workers make is appropriate conversation. It doesn't matter if Joe Schmoe and his wife can't even afford to bring a child into this world... It doesn't matter if they both have to work two jobs to raise a child either... but I know a person like you would be the first one on the phone to the cops when their unsupervised kid vandalized your house, and you'd be the first one on here complaining about scumbag parents and how they let their kids terrorize the streets.

But that's Ok... I know you're just a Conservative and can't think that far ahead.
Typical leftist non-answer. Profits have nothing to do with the question.

Let me spell it out for you. If you give the working poor a raise, every business employing them will have to raise the price of their goods and services.

Who will that hit the hardest?

The working poor whom you're trying to help.

Ask the business owners you know how large their profit margins are. I guarantee it'll be less than you think.

Or accept a little less profit to do the right thing. Sure profits have A LOT to do with the question. Taxes have a lot to do with the problem. Health Care Insurance has a lot to do with the problem... What do you think those people making $22K do when they get sick? I met a girl one time from Stamford CT... not too far from NYC. She lived in a one bedroom studio apartment... she paid $1200/month rent.... and that was back in 1996-ish. She was a court clerk and made about $35k/year. She worked for the State, so she didn't have to worry about health care.... but that's still crazy stuff. Her parents, who live(d) in Greenwich CT and are both retired CPA's actually had to will their mortgage to their kids because there was no way they could pay it off in a lifetime.

Perhaps the constant Profiteering and desire for crazy wealth is what's causing our issues, instead of a working class person having enough to survive on... Just sayin'.
Again...ask the business owners you know what their profit margin is.
$400k gross, taxed at 35%=$260,000 net...without deductions.

$4billion gross, taxed at 35%= $1.4 billion net....without deductions.

Okay...so you accountants out there-tell me what else I am missing.

It seems that the upper end either needs to increase, or the lower needs to decrease. The lower end is getting reamed.
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Yo, Plate -- called your stop steward yet?

life isn't fair... it's even MORE unfair to let people rot in this God awfully expensive country.
Then I expect you'll go to your shop steward and insist the union renegotiate your contract for a lower wage, right? After all, your wages contribute to the expensive cost of living for poor people.

Oh, wait...you expect OTHER people to make sacrifices. You can't be bothered.
Holy crap! You must be awesome at budgeting. You must have walked to work, and ate sparingly. Kudos to you. $2K/month. WOW!

It's actually not that hard to live frugally in NY. Rent is really high, but if you know where to look, everything else can be found very cheap.

I lived a very social life, going out to bars frequently, going to concerts, events, museums, etc, and even managed to save a little during that time.

I certainly enjoy making more money than that, and have no desire to go back. But it wasn't that bad.

I didn't have a family, or anything like that. That would have been impossible.

Do you still live in NY?

Moved to San Francisco a year ago.

I'm sure I'll return to Brooklyn soon enough, but for now I'm experiencing the other coast.

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