Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

Income tax maybe. What other taxes do we pay and take a little peek at the taxes by the top companies last year. The 99% are getting screwed and all the facts, charts, experts that are not bias prove it. The wealthy do not create jobs. The average median wage went down by thousands. The wealthy went up by millions. We will fix it I am sure and very soon. Americans can not put up with children and families hurting for greedy bastards.

Go sell stupid somewhere else. Clearly another product of our public school system. NEWS FLASH FOR DUMMIES. Rich people didn't get rich by stealing it from YOU. STEALING doesn't lead to prosperity -but here is where your ideologues got it wrong. The fact we are not experiencing prosperity doesn't mean the remaining wealthy are now STEALING it! Their "greed" is not holding you down or holding you back honey -in reality government is holding back those who WOULD be able to earn wealth -but now can't. And you should want more people to earn it -because THAT actually makes your life a bit easier and puts upward pressure on the incomes of everyone else. There are actually fewer rich people too -the only economic class that has grown under Obama is the POOR. When there are fewer wealthy people -it puts DOWNWARD pressure on the incomes of everyone else. Oh gee -do you think there could be ANY connection between the class warfare and anti-business policies of the leftwing extremist Obama and the fact the dollar amount of the average income has dropped for the first time since WWll? Not just the purchasing power of the dollar -but the actual dollar amount itself. Another mighty accomplishment by the guy who was never qualified for the job of President in the first place -and THIS is what "unqualified" actually gets you.

The economic pie is not a static thing where in order for someone to get rich, it means someone else must get poorer -and PULLEEZE tell me you aren't seriously THAT stupid as to believe such a dumb thing. I know a lot of stupid liberals though who don't have the grasp of economics of even a 15 year old kid. The rich get rich because they are willing to bust their ass for it but most people aren't and when they don't succeed, they are far more willing to pick themselves up and try again. The owner of a successful business failed on average THREE TIMES before finally becoming successful -a trait liberals despise as "greedy". They work an average 70 hour work week -something your handlers may have failed to mention - but I'm betting you made a different decision about the trade off that meant in other areas of your life. But still despise and envy those who made a different decision for themselves. I want policies that encourage MORE people to try and get rich -not fewer. We all benefit the more wealthy people there are, not the fewer!

However like a good communist, you want people to believe working hard and being successful is undesirable and evil. Why the fuck would you do that -because maybe you really didn't know this, but government doesn't create wealth and typically just about anything it touches, it fucks up and adds layers of waste and fraud that didn't exist before it got involved. Government is not the engine of the economy, government doesn't create jobs either. Government can only enact policies that either encourage the creation of wealth and the expansion of the economy -or discourages it. THIS is what it looks like when government decides on the latter course -high and resistant unemployment, increased government debt, a less wealthy population overall, higher rates of poverty and lower incomes. Wow -sound familiar yet? And here is a dumb monkey yammering like earning wealth is a bad and undesirable thing. When government takes that road, we get less of it -see previous sentence for what we get in exchange. There are CONSEQUENCES for encouraging people to be like you -filled with useless, destructive greed and envy of others as if the fact they are somehow held YOU back. What a provable lie that is -unless you are devoid of any critical thinking skills which clearly you are. You'd still be the same loser you are now but with even less money to your name. Encouraging others to stop working so much and stop earning wealth and demand government wage war on those who earned it -will never ever make YOUR life any better but will provably make yours worse. As it already has for the millions more who have fallen into poverty just since last year! Hows that class warfare working out for them? We are getting to Taxes 101 here now -but when the rich stop bothering to earn it at all, government doesn't stop spending it anyway. They just look to the next income classes down to make up the shortfall. And since it is a huge shortfall, they have to include people way down the line to get that same amount. So the end trying to tax the wealth from the rich -will end up taxing YOUR money away from you.

But YOU just just BRISTLE with hatred and envy of those who were willing to work harder and longer than you and think YOU are more entitled to what was created and earned by someone else than the person who did the work to earn it. It isn't YOURS. It isn't MINE. It isn't GOVERNMENT'S. The fact they earned it and you doesn't make you entitled to it over that of the person who actually did the work to earn it. It doesn't give you a greater "right" to demand government confiscate it from those who earned it. (And a question for another thread - why is it morons like you never find it obscene that some actor is paid ten million for pretending to be someone else during filming for a few months or some athlete is paid millions to play a GAME that he loves playing -and only object to those who earn their money by actually WORKING in the private sector and not in politics or entertainment? Oh THEY aren't "greedy"?)

In reality it is people like YOU who are the TRUE greedy bastards here. You stink with your useless and unproductive greed and envy. Since Obama took office, the list of fellow Americans declared to be the real enemies of this nation -are now the majority of Americans. You aren't entitled to the fruits of the labor of another person. I don't care how often your handlers try to tell you otherwise -if YOU didn't do the work to earn it, the fact what someone earned is a lot doesn't suddenly make you "entitled" to it. PERIOD. If you didn't do the work to earn it, it ain't yours. Pretending you are is a filthy, disgusting, soul destroying communist "value", not an American one. It is a necessary belief in order to convince people they are the slaves of their own creation and the property of government -which therefore means government also owns the fruits of your labor. You are well on your way wallowing in your useless greed and envy bubba but it will never, EVER make your life better -because in the end YOU still suck at YOUR life and trying to punish others for not sucking at their life doesn't transfer it to YOU. You want to live like a communist -I urge you to move to Cuba and enjoy that average monthly income of $16.70. But by golly they know how to REALLY do class warfare right and make sure only the ruling elite get rich.

Wow! Settle down. Just because you weren't taught what a run-on sentence was in private school, doesn't mean that you have to be angry at others. And you aren't Ralph Waldo Emerson; so please....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

If you don't learn to relax, I predict lisinopril and coumadin in your future.
If life were fair, the lazy would starve to death instead of electing other people to rob the wealth of those who aren't lazy.

Who are these "lazy" people who are trying to "rob the wealth" of those who "aren't lazy"?

They are useless turds like you.

You couldn't possibly be talking about the 50% of working Americans who make less than $20,000 a year, right?

The median income is close to $50,000, dipstick.
Not at all. just throwing back what I feel about your post. What? You don't like Constructive Criticism?

How about this? Most of our poor work very hard. You assume that success=Work ethic. I know a approximately 10 businessmen personally. All of whom have achieved a decent level of success. about half of them really bust their asses. One has a vinyl Fence Company, one has a landscaping company, one is a mechanic with his own garage, one is a hairdresser with her own salon and one has a small excavating company. The rest are good salesmen... they have the gift of bullshit and a ruthless nature.

You know what? The original five are more liberal leaning, the other ones are die hard Conservatives. Funny how the hard working ones Know how tough it is to make it and the ones that basically sit on their asses for a living do all the complaining about people "beneath them".

Thanks for your testimonial evidence which isn't worth a crap in determining a matter of scientific fact.
Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?
A study by the New York City Independent Budget Office was released this week, and you didn't hear much about it in the mainstream media because it hurts their candidate's message.

Keep in mind, I'm your Conservative Everyman. I'm no economist, nor am I a political scientist. I call 'em as I see 'em just like you do. And away we go...

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people.

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.​

The 1% pay 43% of the taxes... and it's just another day. The rest pay the taxes and it really hurts. Rich people don't sit around and have to budget and cut back the way that poor people do because of taxes.
I think it's funny that you guys are so butthurt about making those people that survive on $20,000 a year or less "pay their fair share".

Do you think it's horrible to pay $20 a check to pay to be part of America? I don't.

Why should someone have to pay a fee to be "part of" America, aside from some childish desire for "fairness"?

Don't turds like you insist that the rich have to pay a huge fee to be part of America? Aren't you always insisting that they pay their "fair share?" If that isn't a fee, then what it is it?

Life isn't fair. And if you don't want to pay taxes, quit your job, and get a job at McDonald's, and you can join those "lucky" people.

That's always the liberal response when you ask them to justify their demands: "tough shit if you don't like it."

Liberals believe it's a crime for life to be unfair, but it's perfectly acceptable for government to be unfair.
That's the thing, people also "pay" with their time and their effort and sacrifice, etc... Not sure what "fair" really means when you consider all the factors of real life work.

How do the poor pay with their time, effort and sacrifice?

The tax rate is there to be met by the natural forces of the market so the rate you fall under is not inherently unfair, only circumstances that put you in one bracket or another could be considered fair or unfair...

Are you serious? Busting my ass is not a "natural force."
"Rich" and "Poor" are subjective terms. Do you think that someone who makes more money than 90% of working New Yorkers shouldn't be considered "rich"?

$105K is not rich. I make more than that and I live in a 2 bedroom condominium.
We've been through this phenomenon mathematically umpteen million times. This stastistic of "x% of population pays y% of taxes" is not relative to the disparity in the tax rates. It's more relative to the disparity in income. It would still be so even with a flat tax.

5 guys makes 1,000,000 each.
10 make 100,000 each.
85 make 25,000 each.

All pay 10%.

1st 5 guys pay 500k.
next 10 pay 100k combined.
Next 85 pay 212.5k.

Total paid = 812,500.

True statement: "The top 5% paid 61% of taxes!"

See how that works? It's quoted to make upper tiers appear unduly burdened when really it's mostly simply because they control so much wealth.

They still paid 61% of the taxes, dipstick.

That's the bottom line. Anyone who claims "that isn't sufficient" is simply a scumbag class warrior and a thief.
The 1% pay 43% of the taxes... and it's just another day. The rest pay the taxes and it really hurts. Rich people don't sit around and have to budget and cut back the way that poor people do because of taxes.

Poor people have to budget whether they pay taxes or not. There's nothing great about being poor. That isn't the result of tax policy. It's simply the result of the school of hard knocks.
Not at all. just throwing back what I feel about your post. What? You don't like Constructive Criticism?

How about this? Most of our poor work very hard. You assume that success=Work ethic. I know a approximately 10 businessmen personally. All of whom have achieved a decent level of success. about half of them really bust their asses. One has a vinyl Fence Company, one has a landscaping company, one is a mechanic with his own garage, one is a hairdresser with her own salon and one has a small excavating company. The rest are good salesmen... they have the gift of bullshit and a ruthless nature.

You know what? The original five are more liberal leaning, the other ones are die hard Conservatives. Funny how the hard working ones Know how tough it is to make it and the ones that basically sit on their asses for a living do all the complaining about people "beneath them".

Thanks for your testimonial evidence which isn't worth a crap in determining a matter of scientific fact.

What? The scientific "FACT" that rich people work harder than poor people? Let's see you prove it with undeniable empirical evidence.
The 1% pay 43% of the taxes... and it's just another day. The rest pay the taxes and it really hurts. Rich people don't sit around and have to budget and cut back the way that poor people do because of taxes.

Poor people have to budget whether they pay taxes or not. There's nothing great about being poor. That isn't the result of tax policy. It's simply the result of the school of hard knocks.

There is some strange misconception in our society that you are only poor because you are lazy.
I just want to point out that 1% of 8 million is 80,000.

EVerything else about that trolls post was wrong, too, but honestly...how do you get even the basic math so wrong?

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