Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?


Look at whiny daveman run away
Yeah, you really scared me off, there, Skippy. :rofl:
Each of his 35,000 New Yorkers makes as much as 235 other New Yorkers combined salary.

Then he crys about how unfair it is that they have to pay taxes on it.
Where did I do that?

Oh, yeah. Nowhere. Liar.
So what's your bitch daveman? It's OK to cry about tax inequality but you're a commie if you bring up the corresponding income inequality?
You're a commie if you advocate taking stuff away from people who earned it and giving it to people who didn't.

You want a better life? Work for it. Nobody owes you shit.

You did that when you started this whiny thread Dave....

You want to monopolize available wealth, you gotta pay the piper. It is what all modern societies do Dave. It's what keeps us as a modern society
"Rich" and "Poor" are subjective terms. Do you think that someone who makes more money than 90% of working New Yorkers shouldn't be considered "rich"?

$105K is not rich. I make more than that and I live in a 2 bedroom condominium.

Yes. My fiance and I do as well. Much more. Paramedics in Los Angeles are rumored to gross $110k per year. In Tennessee, we don't come close to that. You must live in a big city.

I do take issue with people who gross $400K being in the same tax bracket as million and billionaires. Either the uber wealthy need to pay more, or the middle class needs to pay less. Do you have thoughts on that? Leave Reaganomics out of it...no trickle-down rants. What do YOU think about that? Should someone who grossed $400K last year, and another who grossed $4 billion last year be in the same tax bracket? The $400K group is taking a much bigger hit to their wallets.
"Rich" and "Poor" are subjective terms. Do you think that someone who makes more money than 90% of working New Yorkers shouldn't be considered "rich"?

$105K is not rich. I make more than that and I live in a 2 bedroom condominium.

Yes. My fiance and I do as well. Much more. Paramedics in Los Angeles are rumored to gross $110k per year. In Tennessee, we don't come close to that. You must live in a big city.

I do take issue with people who gross $400K being in the same tax bracket as million and billionaires. Either the uber wealthy need to pay more, or the middle class needs to pay less. Do you have thoughts on that? Leave Reaganomics out of it...no trickle-down rants. What do YOU think about that? Should someone who grossed $400K last year, and another who grossed $4 billion last year be in the same tax bracket? The $400K group is taking a much bigger hit to their wallets.

And as the adage goes: "Pride comes before a fall." I work in a career that requires much use of my hands. I've just been diagnosed with probable multiple sclerosis. I hope that you have planned well for your future...or for something like this hitting you out of nowhere; like this did me.

You don't want to be one of those "lazy bums" you loathe so much. Trust me, my man. Shit happens. And it happens in a matter of hours, minutes, or even seconds. Lighten up.
Income tax maybe. What other taxes do we pay and take a little peek at the taxes by the top companies last year. The 99% are getting screwed and all the facts, charts, experts that are not bias prove it. The wealthy do not create jobs. The average median wage went down by thousands. The wealthy went up by millions. We will fix it I am sure and very soon. Americans can not put up with children and families hurting for greedy bastards.

Everyone pays those other taxes.... sales, gas, etc... so you don't get a pass on that... sorry charlie
Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?
A study by the New York City Independent Budget Office was released this week, and you didn't hear much about it in the mainstream media because it hurts their candidate's message.

Keep in mind, I'm your Conservative Everyman. I'm no economist, nor am I a political scientist. I call 'em as I see 'em just like you do. And away we go...

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people.

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.​

Thank you for posting this. It does a great job highlighting the massive income disparity in this country.

The top 1% pays 43%

The next 9% pays 28% ----- and this line starts at 105k

And the rest of the 90% pay 29%


That's a lot of underpaid mother fuckers.

Yeah... maybe, just maybe they should actually do something for themselves (training, education, honing a skill) so they can maybe earn more

Oh wait... that's not what you were getting at??? You just think they should be paid more for what they do to make you feel better??

Fuck off....
We've been through this phenomenon mathematically umpteen million times. This stastistic of "x% of population pays y% of taxes" is not relative to the disparity in the tax rates. It's more relative to the disparity in income. It would still be so even with a flat tax.

5 guys makes 1,000,000 each.
10 make 100,000 each.
85 make 25,000 each.

All pay 10%.

1st 5 guys pay 500k.
next 10 pay 100k combined.
Next 85 pay 212.5k.

Total paid = 812,500.

True statement: "The top 5% paid 61% of taxes!"

See how that works? It's quoted to make upper tiers appear unduly burdened when really it's mostly simply because they control so much wealth.

They still paid 61% of the taxes, dipstick.

That's the bottom line. Anyone who claims "that isn't sufficient" is simply a scumbag class warrior and a thief.

What's your point? The premise of the OP is that they pay too much and it's 'Unfair.' What, do you advocate a regressive tax?
If life were fair, the lazy would starve to death instead of electing other people to rob the wealth of those who aren't lazy.

Who are these "lazy" people who are trying to "rob the wealth" of those who "aren't lazy"?

You couldn't possibly be talking about the 50% of working Americans who make less than $20,000 a year, right?

If you're looking to take something you didn't earn away from someone else, yes. You're lazy, and I don't give a shit WHAT else you do with your day. You're also greedy and selfish. There is no excuse that makes it moral or okay to take things that don't belong to you, and your mother should have told you that before you got old enough to vote your immorality into public policy.

So you believe that it was immoral to draft men into the military in World War II, to take their lives away from them in many cases?
The distribution of wealth in the US. If we had $100 of wealth to be divided among 100 people, here is where it goes

One person would get $34.60
Nineteen people would get $2.66
Eighty people would get 19 cents

The Conservative solution to our tax structure is that we need to make those with 19 cents worth of wealth pay more

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Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?
A study by the New York City Independent Budget Office was released this week, and you didn't hear much about it in the mainstream media because it hurts their candidate's message.

Keep in mind, I'm your Conservative Everyman. I'm no economist, nor am I a political scientist. I call 'em as I see 'em just like you do. And away we go...

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people.

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.​

Thank you for posting this. It does a great job highlighting the massive income disparity in this country.

The top 1% pays 43%

The next 9% pays 28% ----- and this line starts at 105k

And the rest of the 90% pay 29%


That's a lot of underpaid mother fuckers.

Yeah... maybe, just maybe they should actually do something for themselves (training, education, honing a skill) so they can maybe earn more

Oh wait... that's not what you were getting at??? You just think they should be paid more for what they do to make you feel better??

Fuck off....

Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.

The distribution of wealth in the US. If we had $100 of wealth to be divided among 100 people, here is where it goes


The Conservative solution to our tax structure is that we need to make those with 19 cents worth of wealth pay more

We understand you can not treat everyone equally until looking at his wallet,
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Thank you for posting this. It does a great job highlighting the massive income disparity in this country.

The top 1% pays 43%

The next 9% pays 28% ----- and this line starts at 105k

And the rest of the 90% pay 29%


That's a lot of underpaid mother fuckers.

Yeah... maybe, just maybe they should actually do something for themselves (training, education, honing a skill) so they can maybe earn more

Oh wait... that's not what you were getting at??? You just think they should be paid more for what they do to make you feel better??

Fuck off....

Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.


Your standing in income or whatever is not on society or on the government.... so your little 'disparity' argument is not worth the excrement you spew from your mouth and keyboard on a regular basis
Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?
A study by the New York City Independent Budget Office was released this week, and you didn't hear much about it in the mainstream media because it hurts their candidate's message.

Keep in mind, I'm your Conservative Everyman. I'm no economist, nor am I a political scientist. I call 'em as I see 'em just like you do. And away we go...

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people.

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.​

Thank you for posting this. It does a great job highlighting the massive income disparity in this country.

The top 1% pays 43%

The next 9% pays 28% ----- and this line starts at 105k

And the rest of the 90% pay 29%


That's a lot of underpaid mother fuckers.

Sure is! You'd think they'd do something to improve their lot in life instead of just demand that the people who did give them part of their wealth.
Yeah... maybe, just maybe they should actually do something for themselves (training, education, honing a skill) so they can maybe earn more

Oh wait... that's not what you were getting at??? You just think they should be paid more for what they do to make you feel better??

Fuck off....

Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.


Your standing in income or whatever is not on society or on the government.... so your little 'disparity' argument is not worth the excrement you spew from your mouth and keyboard on a regular basis

I'm sure that's the case in the mind of a far-right-whack-a-loon.
Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?
A study by the New York City Independent Budget Office was released this week, and you didn't hear much about it in the mainstream media because it hurts their candidate's message.

Keep in mind, I'm your Conservative Everyman. I'm no economist, nor am I a political scientist. I call 'em as I see 'em just like you do. And away we go...

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people.

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.​

Thank you for posting this. It does a great job highlighting the massive income disparity in this country.

The top 1% pays 43%

The next 9% pays 28% ----- and this line starts at 105k

And the rest of the 90% pay 29%


That's a lot of underpaid mother fuckers.

Sure is! You'd think they'd do something to improve their lot in life instead of just demand that the people who did give them part of their wealth.

Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.

The distribution of wealth in the US. If we had $100 of wealth to be divided among 100 people, here is where it goes

One person would get $34.60
Nineteen people would get $2.66
Eighty people would get 19 cents

The Conservative solution to our tax structure is that we need to make those with 19 cents worth of wealth pay more

ALL MY EYES: Wealth Distribution For Dummies

Well.. anything more than zero is 'more'....

And since everyone receives the benefit of the legal system, national defense etc... everyone should indeed have a stake in the game... instead of half the country paying for the other half.... all the while the half not paying continues to vote for representatives who promise to give more and more freebies at the expense of the provider half..
The distribution of wealth in the US. If we had $100 of wealth to be divided among 100 people, here is where it goes

One person would get $34.60
Nineteen people would get $2.66
Eighty people would get 19 cents

The Conservative solution to our tax structure is that we need to make those with 19 cents worth of wealth pay more

ALL MY EYES: Wealth Distribution For Dummies

If you see this and think "I'm fine with that" you're just fucked in the head.
Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.


Your standing in income or whatever is not on society or on the government.... so your little 'disparity' argument is not worth the excrement you spew from your mouth and keyboard on a regular basis

I'm sure that's the case in the mind of a far-right-whack-a-loon.

So you are not responsible for your own standing or responsibilities... and it's upon everyone else to provide for you...??

funny... always thought that was supposed to end when mommy stopped picking out your clothes, buying your food, etc when you became a fucking adult

societal leech
The distribution of wealth in the US. If we had $100 of wealth to be divided among 100 people, here is where it goes

One person would get $34.60
Nineteen people would get $2.66
Eighty people would get 19 cents

The Conservative solution to our tax structure is that we need to make those with 19 cents worth of wealth pay more

ALL MY EYES: Wealth Distribution For Dummies

If you see this and think "I'm fine with that" you're just fucked in the head.

If you see that someone has more and you think you are entitled to things at their expense... you're just fucked in the head
Your standing in income or whatever is not on society or on the government.... so your little 'disparity' argument is not worth the excrement you spew from your mouth and keyboard on a regular basis

I'm sure that's the case in the mind of a far-right-whack-a-loon.

So you are not responsible for your own standing or responsibilities... and it's upon everyone else to provide for you...??

funny... always thought that was supposed to end when mommy stopped picking out your clothes, buying your food, etc when you became a fucking adult

societal leech

Nope, I am completely responsible for myself as an individual but when the income gap in this country has grown to where we are today we've failed as a society.

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