Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

Sure is! You'd think they'd do something to improve their lot in life instead of just demand that the people who did give them part of their wealth.

Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.


You do realize that there is a progression in employment and income don't you? I started out as a teenager in high school sacking groceries for $1.60 per hour. I worked there part way thru college and because I wasn't a slacker and had a good work ethic, I was given greater responsibilities and more pay. I went to work for a bank right out of college and when they switched me to full time back in 1980, they started paying me $900 a month and I thought I was living like a king. By the time I turned 28, I was making more than my dad was after 32 years in his union job. 31 years down the road, I won't tell you how much I make, but it's much better than that $900 a month back in 1980. I've never been out of work a single day of my adult life.

You make your own luck thru the choices you make. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were average kids with an idea and a dream who started companies in their garages and became part of that 1% rich bastard group. Is there disparity in income? Of course there is. Is there disparity in the length of dicks or the size of boobs? Yeah, there is. Individuals cam close their own disparity gap thru the choices they make. Using the government to take wealth from one person to give to another person in an attempt to be "fair" is pure and simple bullshit.

Yes, I realize there is a progression.

I also realize that over the last few decades, regardless of that progression, and in the grand scheme of things, the rich have gotten richer while the middle class has shrunk.

And I think that's fucked up.
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Don't you think that if everyone could do the job of a CEO, everyone would be one at some time or another...

And there is a big difference of making a huge sum in an openly achieved position in business... and getting handouts for no contribution, forced by the hand of government which is voted for an put in place to keep the redistribution system running...

Sorry buddy boy.... free rides are not the right way to do things... even though you sure like one at the expense of someone else

What happened to improving your lot in life?

You're not arguing that people have ceilings now are you?

Everyone has skill sets... not everyone makes the strides or choices necessary to be CEO or a famous actor or a sports star or an invention mogul... though everyone is free to try and everyone is free to do what they wish to improve their situation.... that is the freedom to succeed... and guess what, it goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail... but what it does not go hand in hand with is the freedom to take from others, infringing on their freedom, even if government does it with unconstitutional power they have granted themselves

Nobody is looking to take from others. But as a society we look for people to contribute what they can to help the society thrive. Nobody wants to rob from the rich and give to the poor. But why must we continue programs that help the wealthy accumulate and maintain more wealth? They are obviously doing well......why maintain incentives that let them do better?

I am not looking for cash hand outs to the poor. As a rule, they get wasted. I would rather see more incentives that allow them to get educated, care for their children, get affordable medical care, be able to buy their own homes......live the american dream
Sure is! You'd think they'd do something to improve their lot in life instead of just demand that the people who did give them part of their wealth.

Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.


You do realize that there is a progression in employment and income don't you? I started out as a teenager in high school sacking groceries for $1.60 per hour. I worked there part way thru college and because I wasn't a slacker and had a good work ethic, I was given greater responsibilities and more pay. I went to work for a bank right out of college and when they switched me to full time back in 1980, they started paying me $900 a month and I thought I was living like a king. By the time I turned 28, I was making more than my dad was after 32 years in his union job. 31 years down the road, I won't tell you how much I make, but it's much better than that $900 a month back in 1980. I've never been out of work a single day of my adult life.

You make your own luck thru the choices you make. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were average kids with an idea and a dream who started companies in their garages and became part of that 1% rich bastard group. Is there disparity in income? Of course there is. Is there disparity in the length of dicks or the size of boobs? Yeah, there is. Individuals cam close their own disparity gap thru the choices they make. Using the government to take wealth from one person to give to another person in an attempt to be "fair" is pure and simple bullshit.

The bolded BTW is not what I am about.

What I would like to see is CEO and exec wages stay stagnant or shrink while middle class wages increase for the next 30 years instead.

I'm not holding my breath though.
What happened to improving your lot in life?

You're not arguing that people have ceilings now are you?

Everyone has skill sets... not everyone makes the strides or choices necessary to be CEO or a famous actor or a sports star or an invention mogul... though everyone is free to try and everyone is free to do what they wish to improve their situation.... that is the freedom to succeed... and guess what, it goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail... but what it does not go hand in hand with is the freedom to take from others, infringing on their freedom, even if government does it with unconstitutional power they have granted themselves

Nobody is looking to take from others. But as a society we look for people to contribute what they can to help the society thrive. Nobody wants to rob from the rich and give to the poor. But why must we continue programs that help the wealthy accumulate and maintain more wealth? They are obviously doing well......why maintain incentives that let them do better?

I am not looking for cash hand outs to the poor. As a rule, they get wasted. I would rather see more incentives that allow them to get educated, care for their children, get affordable medical care, be able to buy their own homes......live the american dream

They are given many incentives now. They are given incomes, free food, free and reduced housing in many instances and free continued education. They have to apply themselves just as kwc57 did to start their move up the system. Things are in place. No other time is there a chance for everyone to do the best they can. Home ownership can not be given. It has to be earned. We have seen what that cost the nation.
Sure is! You'd think they'd do something to improve their lot in life instead of just demand that the people who did give them part of their wealth.

Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.


You do realize that there is a progression in employment and income don't you? I started out as a teenager in high school sacking groceries for $1.60 per hour. I worked there part way thru college and because I wasn't a slacker and had a good work ethic, I was given greater responsibilities and more pay. I went to work for a bank right out of college and when they switched me to full time back in 1980, they started paying me $900 a month and I thought I was living like a king. By the time I turned 28, I was making more than my dad was after 32 years in his union job. 31 years down the road, I won't tell you how much I make, but it's much better than that $900 a month back in 1980. I've never been out of work a single day of my adult life.

You make your own luck thru the choices you make. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were average kids with an idea and a dream who started companies in their garages and became part of that 1% rich bastard group. Is there disparity in income? Of course there is. Is there disparity in the length of dicks or the size of boobs? Yeah, there is. Individuals cam close their own disparity gap thru the choices they make. Using the government to take wealth from one person to give to another person in an attempt to be "fair" is pure and simple bullshit.

I think many of us have similar stories. I worked my way through college and at the end got a job in 1978 paying $12900 a year. I was able to pay my way through college working minimum wage jobs. My father put four kids through college working as a telephone lineman and never had to take out a college loan.
The american dream was available to me and my father. If you did your part and worked hard you could eke out a decent living for yourself and your family

That American dream is fading away. You can no longer pay your way through college making minimum wage. You have to go into debt to get a degree that will barely pay your loans when you get out. Kids starting out in life are offered low paying jobs with no health or retirement benefits. Married couples need two salaries to survive.
If you do not go to college, you can join the military. Our young, veteran heroes are getting out of the service with good skills but finding nobody to pay for them. Construction jobs are gone. Skilled workers try to find work at Home Depot.

No doubt, much of this is because of a bad economy. But a bad economy should affect all levels. As it is, the wealthiest one percent are still thriving. They urge those who work for them to sacrifice, work harder and make do with less........all the while seeing their own wages and incentives skyrocket
Income tax maybe. What other taxes do we pay and take a little peek at the taxes by the top companies last year. The 99% are getting screwed and all the facts, charts, experts that are not bias prove it. The wealthy do not create jobs. The average median wage went down by thousands. The wealthy went up by millions. We will fix it I am sure and very soon. Americans can not put up with children and families hurting for greedy bastards.

Go sell stupid somewhere else. Clearly another product of our public school system. NEWS FLASH FOR DUMMIES. Rich people didn't get rich by stealing it from YOU. STEALING doesn't lead to prosperity -but here is where your ideologues got it wrong. The fact we are not experiencing prosperity doesn't mean the remaining wealthy are now STEALING it! Their "greed" is not holding you down or holding you back honey -in reality government is holding back those who WOULD be able to earn wealth -but now can't. And you should want more people to earn it -because THAT actually makes your life a bit easier and puts upward pressure on the incomes of everyone else. There are actually fewer rich people too -the only economic class that has grown under Obama is the POOR. When there are fewer wealthy people -it puts DOWNWARD pressure on the incomes of everyone else. Oh gee -do you think there could be ANY connection between the class warfare and anti-business policies of the leftwing extremist Obama and the fact the dollar amount of the average income has dropped for the first time since WWll? Not just the purchasing power of the dollar -but the actual dollar amount itself. Another mighty accomplishment by the guy who was never qualified for the job of President in the first place -and THIS is what "unqualified" actually gets you.

The economic pie is not a static thing where in order for someone to get rich, it means someone else must get poorer -and PULLEEZE tell me you aren't seriously THAT stupid as to believe such a dumb thing. I know a lot of stupid liberals though who don't have the grasp of economics of even a 15 year old kid. The rich get rich because they are willing to bust their ass for it but most people aren't and when they don't succeed, they are far more willing to pick themselves up and try again. The owner of a successful business failed on average THREE TIMES before finally becoming successful -a trait liberals despise as "greedy". They work an average 70 hour work week -something your handlers may have failed to mention - but I'm betting you made a different decision about the trade off that meant in other areas of your life. But still despise and envy those who made a different decision for themselves. I want policies that encourage MORE people to try and get rich -not fewer. We all benefit the more wealthy people there are, not the fewer!

However like a good communist, you want people to believe working hard and being successful is undesirable and evil. Why the fuck would you do that -because maybe you really didn't know this, but government doesn't create wealth and typically just about anything it touches, it fucks up and adds layers of waste and fraud that didn't exist before it got involved. Government is not the engine of the economy, government doesn't create jobs either. Government can only enact policies that either encourage the creation of wealth and the expansion of the economy -or discourages it. THIS is what it looks like when government decides on the latter course -high and resistant unemployment, increased government debt, a less wealthy population overall, higher rates of poverty and lower incomes. Wow -sound familiar yet? And here is a dumb monkey yammering like earning wealth is a bad and undesirable thing. When government takes that road, we get less of it -see previous sentence for what we get in exchange. There are CONSEQUENCES for encouraging people to be like you -filled with useless, destructive greed and envy of others as if the fact they are somehow held YOU back. What a provable lie that is -unless you are devoid of any critical thinking skills which clearly you are. You'd still be the same loser you are now but with even less money to your name. Encouraging others to stop working so much and stop earning wealth and demand government wage war on those who earned it -will never ever make YOUR life any better but will provably make yours worse. As it already has for the millions more who have fallen into poverty just since last year! Hows that class warfare working out for them? We are getting to Taxes 101 here now -but when the rich stop bothering to earn it at all, government doesn't stop spending it anyway. They just look to the next income classes down to make up the shortfall. And since it is a huge shortfall, they have to include people way down the line to get that same amount. So the end trying to tax the wealth from the rich -will end up taxing YOUR money away from you.

But YOU just just BRISTLE with hatred and envy of those who were willing to work harder and longer than you and think YOU are more entitled to what was created and earned by someone else than the person who did the work to earn it. It isn't YOURS. It isn't MINE. It isn't GOVERNMENT'S. The fact they earned it and you doesn't make you entitled to it over that of the person who actually did the work to earn it. It doesn't give you a greater "right" to demand government confiscate it from those who earned it. (And a question for another thread - why is it morons like you never find it obscene that some actor is paid ten million for pretending to be someone else during filming for a few months or some athlete is paid millions to play a GAME that he loves playing -and only object to those who earn their money by actually WORKING in the private sector and not in politics or entertainment? Oh THEY aren't "greedy"?)

In reality it is people like YOU who are the TRUE greedy bastards here. You stink with your useless and unproductive greed and envy. Since Obama took office, the list of fellow Americans declared to be the real enemies of this nation -are now the majority of Americans. You aren't entitled to the fruits of the labor of another person. I don't care how often your handlers try to tell you otherwise -if YOU didn't do the work to earn it, the fact what someone earned is a lot doesn't suddenly make you "entitled" to it. PERIOD. If you didn't do the work to earn it, it ain't yours. Pretending you are is a filthy, disgusting, soul destroying communist "value", not an American one. It is a necessary belief in order to convince people they are the slaves of their own creation and the property of government -which therefore means government also owns the fruits of your labor. You are well on your way wallowing in your useless greed and envy bubba but it will never, EVER make your life better -because in the end YOU still suck at YOUR life and trying to punish others for not sucking at their life doesn't transfer it to YOU. You want to live like a communist -I urge you to move to Cuba and enjoy that average monthly income of $16.70. But by golly they know how to REALLY do class warfare right and make sure only the ruling elite get rich.

Wow! Settle down. Just because you weren't taught what a run-on sentence was in private school, doesn't mean that you have to be angry at others. And you aren't Ralph Waldo Emerson; so please....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

If you don't learn to relax, I predict lisinopril and coumadin in your future.

Hey, genius. Do you know how funny it is that you're taking that supercilious tone and criticizing his grammar . . . AND YOU'RE WRONG ABOUT IT?!

Since YOU weren't taught what a complete sentence is in public school, let me help you out.

In reality it is people like YOU who are the TRUE greedy bastards here.

See those two little words, "it is", in there? Those would be the subject and the verb, the two components necessary to make a complete sentence. Furthermore, the verb is finite (meaning that it is not ending in "-ing" or in the infinitive form of "to + verb").

While he should have offset his opening clause with a comma, it is still correctly a part of that sentence and does not make it a run-on.

That ends today's lesson in elementary English grammar. Because it's Christmas, there will be no charge.
What happened to improving your lot in life?

You're not arguing that people have ceilings now are you?

Everyone has skill sets... not everyone makes the strides or choices necessary to be CEO or a famous actor or a sports star or an invention mogul... though everyone is free to try and everyone is free to do what they wish to improve their situation.... that is the freedom to succeed... and guess what, it goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail... but what it does not go hand in hand with is the freedom to take from others, infringing on their freedom, even if government does it with unconstitutional power they have granted themselves

Nobody is looking to take from others. But as a society we look for people to contribute what they can to help the society thrive. Nobody wants to rob from the rich and give to the poor. But why must we continue programs that help the wealthy accumulate and maintain more wealth? They are obviously doing well......why maintain incentives that let them do better?

I am not looking for cash hand outs to the poor. As a rule, they get wasted. I would rather see more incentives that allow them to get educated, care for their children, get affordable medical care, be able to buy their own homes......live the american dream

No... not when that rule of society that you make up because it makes you feel good forces others to live by your feelings of generosity...

I like being generous... supporting the causes that speak to me... but I would not force my way on someone else.. they have the freedom to not do a damn thing, even if I feel it is wrong to do so

You, as an adult, are responsible for your own fucking education.... you are responsible to provide for your children.... you are responsible for paying for the services you want or need, even if that is health care... you are responsible to put a roof over your own head, whether it be a shack, an apartment in the bad part of town, a condo in the suburbs, or a fucking McMansion... it is not up to society to make sure you have it on any level.... though I fully believe individuals should be as generous as their heart lets them be, voluntarily, of their own free will and not forced by society or government at the whims of those who want or need the handout, or the government officials elected because of promising those freebies
Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?
A study by the New York City Independent Budget Office was released this week, and you didn't hear much about it in the mainstream media because it hurts their candidate's message.

Keep in mind, I'm your Conservative Everyman. I'm no economist, nor am I a political scientist. I call 'em as I see 'em just like you do. And away we go...

New York City has a little more than 8 million residents. Of those many millions, 1% -- ONE PERCENT -- pays 43% of the income taxes. You know how many people that works out to? About 35,000 people.

Picture in your mind's eye the City of New York, not just Manhattan, but all five boroughs. Imagine the throngs here right now enjoying the holidays. Think about the police presence, the sanitation, the schools brimming with children...East Side, West Side, The Village -- a hell of a town! 8 million people!

Now imagine Yankee Stadium, or any average Major League ballpark, and fill it except for the nosebleed seats. That tiny number pays almost HALF the operating costs for the city. How's THAT for fair?

Another kick in the head is that ten percent of New Yorkers pay 71% of the taxes. Guess how much income it takes to crack that ten percent?You don't have to be one of the millionaires or billionaires whom the Divider in Chief loves to vilify. You need not be an evil fat cat making $200,000 -- perish the thought! What's it take to crack the top ten percent in the most expensive city in America? $105,000. Yep, a buck five.​

The 1% pay 43% of the taxes... and it's just another day. The rest pay the taxes and it really hurts. Rich people don't sit around and have to budget and cut back the way that poor people do because of taxes.

Yes, being rich offers you more choices than being poor does. That's rather the point of being rich, and why people try so hard to become so.

What's YOUR point?
That's the thing, people also "pay" with their time and their effort and sacrifice, etc... Not sure what "fair" really means when you consider all the factors of real life work.

How do the poor pay with their time, effort and sacrifice?

The tax rate is there to be met by the natural forces of the market so the rate you fall under is not inherently unfair, only circumstances that put you in one bracket or another could be considered fair or unfair...

Are you serious? Busting my ass is not a "natural force."

She means that poor people deserve extra credit because their lives are a giant shit sandwich.
Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.


You do realize that there is a progression in employment and income don't you? I started out as a teenager in high school sacking groceries for $1.60 per hour. I worked there part way thru college and because I wasn't a slacker and had a good work ethic, I was given greater responsibilities and more pay. I went to work for a bank right out of college and when they switched me to full time back in 1980, they started paying me $900 a month and I thought I was living like a king. By the time I turned 28, I was making more than my dad was after 32 years in his union job. 31 years down the road, I won't tell you how much I make, but it's much better than that $900 a month back in 1980. I've never been out of work a single day of my adult life.

You make your own luck thru the choices you make. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were average kids with an idea and a dream who started companies in their garages and became part of that 1% rich bastard group. Is there disparity in income? Of course there is. Is there disparity in the length of dicks or the size of boobs? Yeah, there is. Individuals cam close their own disparity gap thru the choices they make. Using the government to take wealth from one person to give to another person in an attempt to be "fair" is pure and simple bullshit.

The bolded BTW is not what I am about.

What I would like to see is CEO and exec wages stay stagnant or shrink while middle class wages increase for the next 30 years instead.

I'm not holding my breath though.

You're about limiting the freedoms of others to benefit yourself... and using government to ensure it happens... got it....
Yes, so some other schmo can take the job they left while the big picture and overall disparity changes not a lick.


You do realize that there is a progression in employment and income don't you? I started out as a teenager in high school sacking groceries for $1.60 per hour. I worked there part way thru college and because I wasn't a slacker and had a good work ethic, I was given greater responsibilities and more pay. I went to work for a bank right out of college and when they switched me to full time back in 1980, they started paying me $900 a month and I thought I was living like a king. By the time I turned 28, I was making more than my dad was after 32 years in his union job. 31 years down the road, I won't tell you how much I make, but it's much better than that $900 a month back in 1980. I've never been out of work a single day of my adult life.

You make your own luck thru the choices you make. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were average kids with an idea and a dream who started companies in their garages and became part of that 1% rich bastard group. Is there disparity in income? Of course there is. Is there disparity in the length of dicks or the size of boobs? Yeah, there is. Individuals cam close their own disparity gap thru the choices they make. Using the government to take wealth from one person to give to another person in an attempt to be "fair" is pure and simple bullshit.

I think many of us have similar stories. I worked my way through college and at the end got a job in 1978 paying $12900 a year. I was able to pay my way through college working minimum wage jobs. My father put four kids through college working as a telephone lineman and never had to take out a college loan.
The american dream was available to me and my father. If you did your part and worked hard you could eke out a decent living for yourself and your family

That American dream is fading away. You can no longer pay your way through college making minimum wage. You have to go into debt to get a degree that will barely pay your loans when you get out. Kids starting out in life are offered low paying jobs with no health or retirement benefits. Married couples need two salaries to survive.
If you do not go to college, you can join the military. Our young, veteran heroes are getting out of the service with good skills but finding nobody to pay for them. Construction jobs are gone. Skilled workers try to find work at Home Depot.

No doubt, much of this is because of a bad economy. But a bad economy should affect all levels. As it is, the wealthiest one percent are still thriving. They urge those who work for them to sacrifice, work harder and make do with less........all the while seeing their own wages and incentives skyrocket

I agree with your entire post, but wonder about the last statement. Do the wealthy really urge the little guy to work harder and sacrifice? Aren't they getting hit a lot harder on taxes than the rest of us? And I know of some that have really been hit hard on the stock market bubbles so much they are no longer in the 1%.

I think they enjoy tax loopholes that should be taken away and subsidies that we don't qualify for though.
The 1% pay 43% of the taxes... and it's just another day. The rest pay the taxes and it really hurts. Rich people don't sit around and have to budget and cut back the way that poor people do because of taxes.

Poor people have to budget whether they pay taxes or not. There's nothing great about being poor. That isn't the result of tax policy. It's simply the result of the school of hard knocks.

There is some strange misconception in our society that you are only poor because you are lazy.

Nope. There's a correct conception that you are only poor AND DEMANDING THAT OTHERS' MONEY BE TAKEN FROM THEM because you are lazy. And greedy. Nobody's talking about the poor people who don't think their shitty lives entitle them to attack other people, no matter how much you and your dishonest cronies keep trying to conflate the two.
I'm sure that's the case in the mind of a far-right-whack-a-loon.

So you are not responsible for your own standing or responsibilities... and it's upon everyone else to provide for you...??

funny... always thought that was supposed to end when mommy stopped picking out your clothes, buying your food, etc when you became a fucking adult

societal leech

Nope, I am completely responsible for myself as an individual but when the income gap in this country has grown to where we are today we've failed as a society.

Says who? You twerps keep talking about "income gap = bad" like you just assume that's a settled fact, but I have yet to see one of you prove that to me, OR prove that it's the responsibility of the wealthy to repair that by becoming poor and miserable.
Everyone has skill sets... not everyone makes the strides or choices necessary to be CEO or a famous actor or a sports star or an invention mogul... though everyone is free to try and everyone is free to do what they wish to improve their situation.... that is the freedom to succeed... and guess what, it goes hand in hand with the freedom to fail... but what it does not go hand in hand with is the freedom to take from others, infringing on their freedom, even if government does it with unconstitutional power they have granted themselves

Nobody is looking to take from others. But as a society we look for people to contribute what they can to help the society thrive. Nobody wants to rob from the rich and give to the poor. But why must we continue programs that help the wealthy accumulate and maintain more wealth? They are obviously doing well......why maintain incentives that let them do better?

I am not looking for cash hand outs to the poor. As a rule, they get wasted. I would rather see more incentives that allow them to get educated, care for their children, get affordable medical care, be able to buy their own homes......live the american dream

No... not when that rule of society that you make up because it makes you feel good forces others to live by your feelings of generosity...

I like being generous... supporting the causes that speak to me... but I would not force my way on someone else.. they have the freedom to not do a damn thing, even if I feel it is wrong to do so

You, as an adult, are responsible for your own fucking education.... you are responsible to provide for your children.... you are responsible for paying for the services you want or need, even if that is health care... you are responsible to put a roof over your own head, whether it be a shack, an apartment in the bad part of town, a condo in the suburbs, or a fucking McMansion... it is not up to society to make sure you have it on any level.... though I fully believe individuals should be as generous as their heart lets them be, voluntarily, of their own free will and not forced by society or government at the whims of those who want or need the handout, or the government officials elected because of promising those freebies

No question that we are responsible for where we are in life. As individuals we can work harder, play the system better and do better than others with a similar lot in life

Where we are failing is the middle class as a whole. the parameters of middle class has changed and they not only impact what you as an individual are able to achieve but what the middle class as a whole can accomplish

Education is moving to where it is no longer affordable. Skilled and unskilled labor positions are disappearing and no longer pay a living wage. healthcare used to be a small concern to working Americans, now they see a single major health issue can wipe out everything you have saved for.

A dream for all Americans was that our children will do better in life than we did. My father did better than his father, I did better than my father.......I do not see my children having the same path to success available that I had
If you see that someone has less and you think you are entitled to things at their expense.....you're just fucked in the head.

Ahhh.. not the case.... as in a system where everyone pays an equal share on each and every dollar earned... you are not getting at the expense of someone making less... you are indeed paying your way as well...

Nice try though

You don't think that the CEO and top level execs getting fat salaries and bonunes doesn't come at the expense of the rest of the company that they pay dirt wages to?


I think none of it is your money, so it's none of your business how that company spends it.

If they're really paying "dirt wages" to their workers while lavishing money DISPROPORTIONATELY on their top execs (please note the word "disproportionately"), they're going to go out of business eventually. That's how the system works, and how it's supposed to work.

Why don't you try minding your own business once in a while, instead of sitting around pretending you have a stake in what other people do with their money?
You don't think that the CEO and top level execs getting fat salaries and bonunes doesn't come at the expense of the rest of the company that they pay dirt wages to?


Don't you think that if everyone could do the job of a CEO, everyone would be one at some time or another...

And there is a big difference of making a huge sum in an openly achieved position in business... and getting handouts for no contribution, forced by the hand of government which is voted for an put in place to keep the redistribution system running...

Sorry buddy boy.... free rides are not the right way to do things... even though you sure like one at the expense of someone else

What happened to improving your lot in life?

You're not arguing that people have ceilings now are you?

Of course they do, moron. They're called "talents" and "natural ability". Not that many people in the general population, relatively speaking, have the ability to be a CEO of a major corporation, just like not very many people in the general population have the talent and ability to become a major-league athlete or a movie star or a best-selling fiction writer.

Life doesn't fit everyone out for the same things, dumbass. Is this the first time anyone's mentioned that to you?
You want to raise taxes on only the rich, asshole. We want everyone to pay taxes.
to make it "fair"

Why should taxes be "fair", if incomes are not?

At what point did "fairness" become such an important issue to free-market conservatives?

Seriously? You don't know the difference? Taxes are imposed by the government so the government can pay for those things they are responsible for. If you want to be fair, everyone gets the same percentage of their income confiscated by the government. With income, each individual is free to pursue any income they desire. The more income you make, the easier it is for you to live and the more dollars the government gets because 10% of $100,000 is more than 10% of $25,000. There are no laws or limits on how much you can make and there shouldn't be.

In theory it seems like a good idea to have a flat tax if we could start at ground zero on our budget, but the problem is...If you took say ten percent across the board on all income right now that number would not add up to enough money to feed the current budget.

So how do you get from here to there...? Certainly not by asking low income workers to pay more. We need to balance the budget and hopefully cut the budget but we can't shoot our economy in the foot with drastic reductions in revenue right now, so hammering this point seems currently pointless. While I loathe the idea of Government confiscation, the tiered system as such is not inherently unfair IMO because individuals who are fortunate enough to generate the higher tiered taxable incomes do not thrive in a vacuum. We all have the freedom to try earning as much in America and that is fair.

Balanced budget push sparks debate
You want to raise taxes on only the rich, asshole. We want everyone to pay taxes.
to make it "fair"

Why should taxes be "fair", if incomes are not?

At what point did "fairness" become such an important issue to free-market conservatives?

Seriously? You don't know the difference? Taxes are imposed by the government so the government can pay for those things they are responsible for. If you want to be fair, everyone gets the same percentage of their income confiscated by the government. With income, each individual is free to pursue any income they desire. The more income you make, the easier it is for you to live and the more dollars the government gets because 10% of $100,000 is more than 10% of $25,000. There are no laws or limits on how much you can make and there shouldn't be.

Let me simplify. Taxes are imposed and controlled by the government. They are "fairness under the law".

Outcomes (ie. wealth and financial success) are NOT imposed and controlled by the government. They would be "cosmic fairness".

Conservatives have always been interested in fairness under the law. The laws should always be the same for everyone.

Liberals, on the other hand, are trying to control the universe and make life fair.
Why should taxes be "fair", if incomes are not?

At what point did "fairness" become such an important issue to free-market conservatives?

Seriously? You don't know the difference? Taxes are imposed by the government so the government can pay for those things they are responsible for. If you want to be fair, everyone gets the same percentage of their income confiscated by the government. With income, each individual is free to pursue any income they desire. The more income you make, the easier it is for you to live and the more dollars the government gets because 10% of $100,000 is more than 10% of $25,000. There are no laws or limits on how much you can make and there shouldn't be.

In theory it seems like a good idea to have a flat tax if we could start at ground zero on our budget, but the problem is...If you took say ten percent across the board on all income right now that number would not add up to enough money to feed the current budget.

So how do you get from here to there...? Certainly not by asking low income workers to pay more. We need to balance the budget and hopefully cut the budget but we can't shoot our economy in the foot with drastic reductions in revenue right now, so hammering this point seems currently pointless. While I loathe the idea of Government confiscation, the tiered system as such is not inherently unfair IMO because individuals who are fortunate enough to generate the higher tiered taxable incomes do not thrive in a vacuum. We all have the freedom to try earning as much in America and that is fair.

Balanced budget push sparks debate
See, that's the problem. The idea that there should be federal budget cuts, but they can't be done right now, so we'll just have to kick the can on down the road for a few more years.

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