Hey, 99 Percenters, You Call This 'Fair'?

As far as I am concerned, the top 1% should be paying 100% of the tax.

You own the government, then take some responsibility and PAY for it!

If you don't like it, then get your Bankster and Corporate Politicians out of our government, as well as put away your wallet and grab a bull horn like everyone else if you want to champion for various causes.

The current scheme and propaganda being espoused lately though, is how to twist it to make the other 99% pay for the privileged elite to keep the current ponzi scheme going.

You're in the wrong country. What happens when they run out of money? What's the incentive to work for what you have?

for all of you who are not rich, but want to cut taxes for the rich, whose taxes do you want to raise to make up for the lost revenue?

Your own?

I'll do what is necessary, but not while 50% is sitting there contributing NOTHING to this country while reaping the rewards of living in a free country. Nor will I sit by while the rich use the loop holes and subsidies afforded them that they don't need. And they can take a hit just like me.

I will not, however let the small business people take the hit. They are the job makers of this country.

And what is it that you plan on doing, vote?

You do realize that unless you can cough up several thousands of dollars to give to a government official of some stripe to get things to go yor way, your vote is basically meaningless; a nice exercise in the democratic process, but meaningless none the less.

Our government is owned lock, stock, and barrel by those who can afford the campaign contributions (aka, bribes).
Instead of this constant divide of who pays taxes, why are we not discussing cutting spending? I'll tell you why, because the leeches at the top need Big Government want more for themselves and less for everyone else. The trick is how to create propaganda to have the other 50% pay more to keep their Big Government going.

Shrink the government to 5% and who pays will be a moot point.
Then the leeches at the top can fail.

I don't one more thin dime of my tax dollars going to support these leeches.

As far as I am concerned, the top 1% should be paying 100% of the tax.

You own the government, then take some responsibility and PAY for it!

If you don't like it, then get your Bankster and Corporate Politicians out of our government, as well as put away your wallet and grab a bull horn like everyone else if you want to champion for various causes.

The current scheme and propaganda being espoused lately though, is how to twist it to make the other 99% pay for the privileged elite to keep the current ponzi scheme going.

You're in the wrong country. What happens when they run out of money? What's the incentive to work for what you have?
Instead of this constant divide of who pays taxes, why are we not discussing cutting spending? I'll tell you why, because the leeches at the top need Big Government want more for themselves and less for everyone else. The trick is how to create propaganda to have the other 50% pay more to keep their Big Government going.

Shrink the government to 5% and who pays will be a moot point.
Then the leeches at the top can fail.

I don't one more thin dime of my tax dollars going to support these leeches.
So which 5% of the government remains under your model?

I have to admit, I'm intrigued.
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Instead of this constant divide of who pays taxes, why are we not discussing cutting spending? I'll tell you why, because the leeches at the top need Big Government want more for themselves and less for everyone else. The trick is how to create propaganda to have the other 50% pay more to keep their Big Government going.

Shrink the government to 5% and who pays will be a moot point.
Then the leeches at the top can fail.

I don't one more thin dime of my tax dollars going to support these leeches.

As far as I am concerned, the top 1% should be paying 100% of the tax.

You own the government, then take some responsibility and PAY for it!

If you don't like it, then get your Bankster and Corporate Politicians out of our government, as well as put away your wallet and grab a bull horn like everyone else if you want to champion for various causes.

The current scheme and propaganda being espoused lately though, is how to twist it to make the other 99% pay for the privileged elite to keep the current ponzi scheme going.

You're in the wrong country. What happens when they run out of money? What's the incentive to work for what you have?

Cut the government at least 20%. at least! Then have the other 50 % contribute something! The rich now pays 71% of the taxes and are responsible for all of the private sector jobs. Let them continue that and reap some rewards. Sure, they can contribute more, but the governement can cut out waste! It isn't all just one side, fella. It's both sides that have to give.
Instead of this constant divide of who pays taxes, why are we not discussing cutting spending? I'll tell you why, because the leeches at the top need Big Government want more for themselves and less for everyone else. The trick is how to create propaganda to have the other 50% pay more to keep their Big Government going.

Shrink the government to 5% and who pays will be a moot point.
Then the leeches at the top can fail.

I don't one more thin dime of my tax dollars going to support these leeches.
So which 5% of the government remains under your model?

I have to admit, I'm intrigued.

It would be the 5% that does not benefit people like you.
Instead of this constant divide of who pays taxes, why are we not discussing cutting spending? I'll tell you why, because the leeches at the top need Big Government want more for themselves and less for everyone else. The trick is how to create propaganda to have the other 50% pay more to keep their Big Government going.

Shrink the government to 5% and who pays will be a moot point.
Then the leeches at the top can fail.

I don't one more thin dime of my tax dollars going to support these leeches.
So which 5% of the government remains under your model?

I have to admit, I'm intrigued.

It would be the 5% that does not benefit people like you.
Define "people like you."

for all of you who are not rich, but want to cut taxes for the rich, whose taxes do you want to raise to make up for the lost revenue?

Your own?

Perhaps it will sink in when you hear it for the 5,382nd time. Cut spending and make the government live within it's means just like the average citizen. We don't have a revenue issue, we have a spending issue. If you or I spent likr the government, we'd end up in jail. See how easy that was?
Instead of this constant divide of who pays taxes, why are we not discussing cutting spending? I'll tell you why, because the leeches at the top need Big Government want more for themselves and less for everyone else. The trick is how to create propaganda to have the other 50% pay more to keep their Big Government going.

Shrink the government to 5% and who pays will be a moot point.
Then the leeches at the top can fail.

I don't one more thin dime of my tax dollars going to support these leeches.

As far as I am concerned, the top 1% should be paying 100% of the tax.

You own the government, then take some responsibility and PAY for it!

If you don't like it, then get your Bankster and Corporate Politicians out of our government, as well as put away your wallet and grab a bull horn like everyone else if you want to champion for various causes.

The current scheme and propaganda being espoused lately though, is how to twist it to make the other 99% pay for the privileged elite to keep the current ponzi scheme going.

You're in the wrong country. What happens when they run out of money? What's the incentive to work for what you have?

So you'd be willing to give up getting your welfare check, food stamps and housing assistance? I have to say, I admire a moocher who is willing to finally take some personal responsibility.
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The distribution of wealth in the US. If we had $100 of wealth to be divided among 100 people, here is where it goes

One person would get $34.60
Nineteen people would get $2.66
Eighty people would get 19 cents

The Conservative solution to our tax structure is that we need to make those with 19 cents worth of wealth pay more

ALL MY EYES: Wealth Distribution For Dummies


You're reading commie propaganda.

No wonder you're such a moron.

You are welcome to post your own statistics finger boy

Just back them up, we all know you lie
Instead of this constant divide of who pays taxes, why are we not discussing cutting spending? I'll tell you why, because the leeches at the top need Big Government want more for themselves and less for everyone else. The trick is how to create propaganda to have the other 50% pay more to keep their Big Government going.

Shrink the government to 5% and who pays will be a moot point.
Then the leeches at the top can fail.

I don't one more thin dime of my tax dollars going to support these leeches.

You're in the wrong country. What happens when they run out of money? What's the incentive to work for what you have?

So you'd be willing to give up getting your welfare check, food stamps and housing assistance? I have to say, I admire a moocher who is willing to finally take some personal responsibility.

Personal Responsibility?
Don't make me laugh.

If it was not for our government, the leeches at the top that are to big to fail would not know responsibility if it bit them in the behind.

Tell me how buying politicians to tailor laws and regulations to your needs is being responsible?

They buy politicians because they know they could not make it in a truly free market on their own. That is the definition of being irresponsible.

I'm not on Food Stamps, Free Housing etc as one poster put. That would be what is called a leech. They exist at the top and at the bottom, but it appears with 1% owning the majority of the wealth in this country, that the leeches are top heavy and it is time to topple their schemes.

Also, if the government collapsed, It would not effect me one iota. I would head for the woods for an extended period of time until things cooled off. At least my training in the Army served some good uses in that regard.

The elite can then burn in hell for all I care.
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Also, if the government collapsed, It would not effect me one iota. I would head for the woods for an extended period of time until things cooled off. At least my training in the Army served some good uses in that regard.
All that time as a file clerk is really going to pay off when the shit hits the fan. :rofl:
The distribution of wealth in the US. If we had $100 of wealth to be divided among 100 people, here is where it goes

One person would get $34.60
Nineteen people would get $2.66
Eighty people would get 19 cents

The Conservative solution to our tax structure is that we need to make those with 19 cents worth of wealth pay more

ALL MY EYES: Wealth Distribution For Dummies


You're reading commie propaganda.

No wonder you're such a moron.

You are welcome to post your own statistics finger boy

Just back them up, we all know you lie

There are no valid statistics about wealth. People are not required to produce such data, so there simply isn't any accurate information on the subject. Any claims about the distribution of wealth in this country are therefore total bullshit.

You're reading commie propaganda.

No wonder you're such a moron.

You are welcome to post your own statistics finger boy

Just back them up, we all know you lie

There are no valid statistics about wealth. People are not required to produce such data, so there simply isn't any accurate information on the subject. Any claims about the distribution of wealth in this country are therefore total bullshit.

You have the entire interweb at your disposal fingerboy...

Show us your wealth statistics that dispute anything I posted. Or else pull up IRS statistics on income distribution in this country
You are welcome to post your own statistics finger boy

Just back them up, we all know you lie

There are no valid statistics about wealth. People are not required to produce such data, so there simply isn't any accurate information on the subject. Any claims about the distribution of wealth in this country are therefore total bullshit.

You have the entire interweb at your disposal fingerboy...

Show us your wealth statistics that dispute anything I posted. Or else pull up IRS statistics on income distribution in this country
You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. That's a side-effect of being stupid.

I just told you there are no valid statistics on wealth. The fact that your statistics are fabricated bullshit doesn't mean someone else has better data. I'm not required to produce evidence that Big Foot doesn't exist. Likewise, I'm also not required to prove that the distribution of wealth is something different than your unsupported bullshit claims.
The distribution of wealth in the US. If we had $100 of wealth to be divided among 100 people, here is where it goes

One person would get $34.60
Nineteen people would get $2.66
Eighty people would get 19 cents

The Conservative solution to our tax structure is that we need to make those with 19 cents worth of wealth pay more

ALL MY EYES: Wealth Distribution For Dummies


You're reading commie propaganda.

No wonder you're such a moron.

You are welcome to post your own statistics finger boy

Just back them up, we all know you lie

Wow. What the hell is this? Did we hit some kind of time warp; and like a skip in a vinyl album, it started us back at the beginning of the Cold War?

You commie-fearers really are entertaining. Most rational people understand that Communism does not work. And labeling everyone who doesn't agree with the tax structure (a Communist), is just about as fair as everyone on the other side labeling you a fascist. Or better yet....a Theocrat.

Has Mr. Beck released a new audiobook (scare-monger material)? These extreme-right and left commentators are GOOD at causing division and hatred among the people. I personally have to take a step back from this board from time to time, so that I don't end up hating the world. Because there is enough hate in here. When you find yourself disliking a total stranger, it's time to take a break for a while. Bripat, you are an angry, ANGRY, individual.
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for all of you who are not rich, but want to cut taxes for the rich, whose taxes do you want to raise to make up for the lost revenue?

Your own?

Perhaps it will sink in when you hear it for the 5,382nd time. Cut spending and make the government live within it's means just like the average citizen. We don't have a revenue issue, we have a spending issue. If you or I spent likr the government, we'd end up in jail. See how easy that was?

That makes a good bumper sticker, but actually we have both a revenue and a spending problem

Ten years ago we intentionally cut our revenue with the foolish expectation that it would spark an economic surge that would make up for the lost revenue. That never happened.......instead we got $3 trillion more debt
There are no valid statistics about wealth. People are not required to produce such data, so there simply isn't any accurate information on the subject. Any claims about the distribution of wealth in this country are therefore total bullshit.

You have the entire interweb at your disposal fingerboy...

Show us your wealth statistics that dispute anything I posted. Or else pull up IRS statistics on income distribution in this country
You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. That's a side-effect of being stupid.

I just told you there are no valid statistics on wealth. The fact that your statistics are fabricated bullshit doesn't mean someone else has better data. I'm not required to produce evidence that Big Foot doesn't exist. Likewise, I'm also not required to prove that the distribution of wealth is something different than your unsupported bullshit claims.

There are plenty of statistics on wealth finger boy. You can start with the Forbes 400 of richest Americans. Just because you do not agree with the numbers doesn't mean they don't exist

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