Hey Black voters, who drafted yon 1994 Crime Bill that wiped out a generation of young Black males?

Joe Biden!!

Are Black citizens seeking a parte deux?
LOL! Blacks have been over incarcerated since whitey made the slave patrols. trump has appointed at least 150 racist judges to the courts. Try another one.

Stop trolling in here, before I report you to mods.

You claim Trump has appointed racist, judges, but you created no thread to discuss no cases where those judges made racist decisions like Trump appointed them to do. Instead, you'd rather troll in here. Because you cannot stand, the truth, as you showed me that many moons ago. Trump didn't write the 1994 Crime Bill, but your anti-Racism gimmick blames him ---instead of Biden--- who even said he has no regrets about the bill he wrote.

So, let us discuss the dude behind the 1994 Crime Bill, and let's discuss how it wiped out an entire generation of Black males. You hath based your entire USM posting, career, on specific instances of racism against negros ---but here I helped all readers see that you tell lies about Trump yet there is one White man [Biden] who you do gladly bootlicker just like Stephen of "Django: Unchained" did his Massah ... yes sir Biden is one man who you do not want to discuss here, nor the numbers and the stats. The proofs. The exhibits, which verify how the 1994 Crime Bill raped inner-city Black males of their citizenship and freedom, from 1995-2013.

You won't discuss it.


Because You don't reeeeeally want it with me, my friend, so I suggest you tuck your tail/whimper on out of this thread, while you can still salvage your cowardice pride.
You better report then bitch. You dont really want it with anyone that has a brain. No one is going to fall for your bullshit when Drumpf has consistently proven he is a racist along with the repubs every since the southern strategy.

Get out of this thread. Scram!! Make like Mike and just, beat it, out of this thread then ruuuun over to the Race forum to tell the great news!! I hath exposed you as a charlatan yes, a fake f*ck, who is angry at all Racism against negros ----except when White man Joe Biden does it! Then you just apply your traitorous tongue, to Biden's boot. Huh, Stephen? How much did you make, for your role in Django: Unchained?? ... gtfoh ...
You aint did nothing but run your funky white boy mouth and get called on your bullshit. :rolleyes:
Sometimes whites in here have to take a bitch slapping and they still won't shut the fuck up. Ethos you are running your white mouth on a matter you really know nothing about. You should have shut up, but you chose to talk shit. So lets talk about the black community in America in 1994 white boy.

At that time the crack Reagan and bush 1 put in the black community to pay for the contras had created crackheads, crack babies and crack dealers who would violently defend their sales territory. Something had to be done in order to stop the carnage.

A lot has changed since the 1994 crime bill. But not Trump’s racism.

Here’s what talk-show host Joe “The Black Eagle” Madison tweeted this week: “I bet most of the people listening to my show don’t know the history. The CBC [Congressional Black Caucus] backed the crime bill.”

And columnist and author Earl Ofari Hutchinson is even more emphatic: Other black folks, as well as Biden, he says, should be the ones apologizing for the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

Hutchinson correctly notes that were it not for the support of a coalition of black clergy and black community-level anti-violence advocates, as well as most members of the CBC, including civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), the crime bill might have stalled in Congress. Remember: Drug and gang violence was plaguing black communities in the 1990s. While the bill contained some harsh provisions — expanded death penalties, toughened sentencing guidelines, money for more prisons — it also contained enough sweeteners — money for drug prevention, education and job training — to bring black legislators on board.

Biden championed the bill, to be sure, but he got cues from black leaders in Congress.

But let’s not overlook the state of play in the 1990s, including right here in the District. A drug-fueled murder epidemic was plaguing the town. The No. 1 crime-fighter, who was hell on wheels when it came to pushing for stiffer penalties for the sale and use of marijuana, was then-U.S. Attorney Eric H. Holder Jr. In a 1996 Post interview, Holder criticized the city for taking the view that minor crimes are not important, referring to the city’s attitudes toward marijuana use and other offenses such as panhandling. Holder said the District could learn from Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani’s “zero-tolerance” policy in New York, where crime rates dropped after police began aggressively enforcing laws against lesser offenses such as public drunkenness, giving officers an opportunity to check for drugs, guns and outstanding warrants. “If you take these so-called minor crimes seriously and treat them fully, it has a ripple effect,” Holder said. Lots of folks went to prison, thanks to Holder.

That was then.

As attorney general in the Obama administration, Holder evolved into a fierce criminal-justice reformer, as have other 1994 crime bill supporters of a liberal persuasion.

Trump points with pride toward criminal-justice reform legislation that he signed into law with much public fanfare. Truth is, beyond performing ceremonial pen and ink duties, Trump, the credit-taker, had next to nothing to do with the bill’s odyssey from introduction to enactment.

That was the handiwork of a bipartisan group of congressional odd couples: Sens.
Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) and then-Rep. Raúl R. Labrador (R-Idaho).

What remains unchanged through the years is Trump and his long history of racism. For which, again, he makes no apology.

You aint did nothing but run your funky white boy mouth and get called on your bullshit. :rolleyes:

awww, Looky here, IM2 's little spongecake-sweetTart has run to his rescue.


...Shoo fly, shoo!!
I'll be here for the foreseeable future to clown you on your support for the racist Drumpf and laugh at your attempts to get me (a Black person) to vote for him. :rolleyes:
Hey Black voters, check out Joe Biden say he's not ashamed of the 1994 Crime Bill he wrote/raped an entire generation of inner-city Black males:

I hope you enjoy it too IM2 :)
Hey Black voters, check out Joe Biden say he's not ashamed of the 1994 Crime Bill he wrote/raped an entire generation of inner-city Black males:

I hope you enjoy it too IM2 :)

You aint did nothing but run your funky white boy mouth and get called on your bullshit. :rolleyes:

awww, Looky here, IM2 's little spongecake-sweetTart has run to his rescue.


...Shoo fly, shoo!!
You just got your ass kicked son. I didn't have to rescue anyone. A just didn't want to waste his time with your punk ass. We ain't voting for trump junior. We've voted for white presidents before and some of them have done far worse than try crafting a bill to stop what crack did to our community. Because it would not have mattered you dumb white piece of shit, because the police were going to over incarcerate blacks no matter what the law said because you racist motherfuckers have been doing so since this nation started police departments.

And we damn sure won't be voting for the white trash that still wants to execute 5 innocent men of color long after the man who did it confessed and his DNA matched. We refuse to be put in the real plantation
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Drumpf took out a full page ad trying to put 5 innocent Black teenagers in prison.
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?
Who convinced your puerile mind that it didnt happen?
My own deductive reasoning, you feeble-minded easily brainwashed simpleton.

Can you cite the ad and directly quote the part of the ad where Trump says or in any way implies or insinuates that 5 innocent black teenagers should go prison?

Of course you can't. Because it simply doesn't exist, you low IQ TDS afflicted moron.
Drumpf took out a full page ad trying to put 5 innocent Black teenagers in prison.
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?
Who convinced your puerile mind that it didnt happen?
My own deductive reasoning, you feeble-minded easily brainwashed simpleton.

Can you cite the ad and directly quote the part of the ad where Trump says or in any way implies or insinuates that 5 innocent black teenagers should go prison?

Of course you can't. Because it simply doesn't exist, you low IQ TDS afflicted moron.
Now youre dumb ass is going to pretend like youre blind. :rolleyes:
Drumpf took out a full page ad trying to put 5 innocent Black teenagers in prison.
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?
Who convinced your puerile mind that it didnt happen?
My own deductive reasoning, you feeble-minded easily brainwashed simpleton.

Can you cite the ad and directly quote the part of the ad where Trump says or in any way implies or insinuates that 5 innocent black teenagers should go prison?

Of course you can't. Because it simply doesn't exist, you low IQ TDS afflicted moron.

Don't even try it.

Hello, Black voters! Look at what your parent's Dems said, in 1994, when Joe Biden wrote his racist Crime Bill:

Hillary Clinton recently apologized to, Black America, for the racist 1994 Crime Bill which they had Joe Biden write for the Clinton Admin:


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