Hey Black voters, who drafted yon 1994 Crime Bill that wiped out a generation of young Black males?

Joe Biden!!

Are Black citizens seeking a parte deux?
LOL! Blacks have been over incarcerated since whitey made the slave patrols. trump has appointed at least 150 racist judges to the courts. Try another one.

since whitey made the slave patrols.

Let me fix that for you...

Since the members of the democrat party made slave patrols...

No, it was whitey. Slavery began before there was a democratic party.
Now he has a chance to redeem himself like he said back in 2016. You do realize that also in that bill was the Violence Against Women Act and the assault weapons ban. In the meantime Drumpf took out a full page ad trying to put 5 innocent Black teenagers in prison.

Those 5 teens weren't innocent.....and the stupid "Assault Weapon" ban didn't do anything.......typical biden....accomplished nothing...
Actually they were innocent.
This juvenile shit is not going to make me vote for trump.

Don't tell Donald Trump the Central Park 5 aren't guilty

When will trump apologize to blacks like Biden has done?

You lose stupid ass white boy

It is not intended to make you vote for Trump.

So please stop COONing in here, as my Black bros (my bruhs) call it.


Now, go. Take your dumbass, back, to reread the thread title & OP; it's meant to help you NOT vote for Biden.

You can stay home, vote for Trump, vote for Green Party candidate ---just don't vote Biden.
Naw dog. A vote for anyone other than the Dem candidate is a vote for a racist buffoon. I'll take the lesser of two evils again.

Everyone running for president who isn't a Democrat is a racist buffoon? Or are you one of those people who think it you don't vote Dem you are voting Rep, and vice versa, even if you vote third party?
A vote for a third party candidate that can't win accomplishes what? We blacks want trump gone.

That attitude is the reason WHY third party candidates don't have a chance to win. Anyone could win if people were actually willing to vote outside the duopoly.

Put another way, the lesser-of-two-evils vote is, inherently, a vote for evil. ;) It's also voting against someone rather than for someone.

So no, a vote for a third party candidate is not a vote for Trump, if that's what Asclepias was saying. It's a vote for whomever the candidate is the person voted for. That's how voting works.

The reality is that a third party candidate has not won. That fact has nothing to do with any attitude. I know how voting works, and while you say that's a vote for whoever, it allows someone like trump to win with a plurality. So until a third party wins, that's how voting actually ends up working.
Hey white USMB racists, take a look and remember this is why we won't be voting for trump.

Trump Threatens to 'Send in the Feds' Because of Chicago 'Carnage'

Under Obama, more Blacks were on food stamps. Under Trump, more Blacks have higher wages. Your percentage of “WE” that will be voting against Trump is not as high as you think it is. What is so wrong about Trump not wanting Blacks to live in rat infested shit holes or have to face violence in their neighborhoods?

My percentage of we is as high as I say it is. Your post is disingenuous because Obama came in and was dealing with a depression, when he left blacks had higher wages. Trump has taken credit for what he has not done, you gladly give him the same credit because you had a problem with Obama being president and we who are actually black know that trump has done nothing for us.

Obama dealt with a depression but he pursued policies that delayed the recovery. That is why I had a problem with his presidency. As for Trump, my first choice for President was Ben Carson. Both men pursue economic policies that are better for the US vs. this policies pursued by Trump.

You need to convince Blacks that Trump has done nothing for them while they are keeping more of their paycheck under Trump. Explain to the Black Community why they could not keep more of their paycheck under Obama..... you will probably blame Bush for that, too. It’s laughable.

My bet is that the 2020 Election will see a higher percentage of Blacks vote Republican than they have in the recent past.
Now he has a chance to redeem himself like he said back in 2016. You do realize that also in that bill was the Violence Against Women Act and the assault weapons ban. In the meantime Drumpf took out a full page ad trying to put 5 innocent Black teenagers in prison.

^^ This one isn't getting off the Democratic plantation anytime soon.

"To believe Black people need to rescue themselves from the “Democratic plantation” and vote Republican; is a silly myth that conservatives like to push. It’s insidious for a number of reasons. Me voting for a Democratic or Republican party is not akin to toiling on a plantation. It’s downright idiotic and disrespectful to those who actually did. They were beaten and raped on plantations. Me CHOOSING to vote for a political party is not the same thing. Every time this phrase comes out of their mouth, they should be condemned for this nonsense. I make a choice to vote Democratic. Slaves had no choice about being on a plantation. Stop dishonoring our ancestors."

You really need to shut the fuck up with that retarded shit white boy.

^^ This black boy is fighting to stay on the Democratic plantation. LOL
Hey white USMB racists, take a look and remember this is why we won't be voting for trump.

Trump Threatens to 'Send in the Feds' Because of Chicago 'Carnage'

Under Obama, more Blacks were on food stamps. Under Trump, more Blacks have higher wages. Your percentage of “WE” that will be voting against Trump is not as high as you think it is. What is so wrong about Trump not wanting Blacks to live in rat infested shit holes or have to face violence in their neighborhoods?

My percentage of we is as high as I say it is. Your post is disingenuous because Obama came in and was dealing with a depression, when he left blacks had higher wages. Trump has taken credit for what he has not done, you gladly give him the same credit because you had a problem with Obama being president and we who are actually black know that trump has done nothing for us.

Obama dealt with a depression but he pursued policies that delayed the recovery. That is why I had a problem with his presidency. As for Trump, my first choice for President was Ben Carson. Both men pursue economic policies that are better for the US vs. this policies pursued by Trump.

You need to convince Blacks that Trump has done nothing for them while they are keeping more of their paycheck under Trump. Explain to the Black Community why they could not keep more of their paycheck under Obama..... you will probably blame Bush for that, too. It’s laughable.

My bet is that the 2020 Election will see a higher percentage of Blacks vote Republican than they have in the recent past.

No Obama did not. And as I am black I think it would be greatly appreciated if whites like yourself listened instead of trying to tell me about how blacks see trump. I am telling you how we see trump and it is not what you say. This lie about trump putting more money in our pockets when it was actually Obama that did so is fiction that you have chosen to believe. Ben Carson was unqualified to be president and his economic policies would have sent us back into a recession quicker than what trump has done. I know what blacks think about trump, you assume and base your information on cherry picked blacks who represent less than 10 percent of the black population. When the black pastors that support trump are handing envelopes of cash to blacks at rallies hoping to get them to support trump, you know what trump is trying to sell ain't working in the black community. You will not be seeing a higher percentage of blacks voting republican. I talk to black folks every day, I am a member if a majority black forum that's far larger than this one as well. There is not much love for trump in the black community. So you really need to understand that and quit trying to tell a black person how blacks are going to vote.
Now he has a chance to redeem himself like he said back in 2016. You do realize that also in that bill was the Violence Against Women Act and the assault weapons ban. In the meantime Drumpf took out a full page ad trying to put 5 innocent Black teenagers in prison.

^^ This one isn't getting off the Democratic plantation anytime soon.

"To believe Black people need to rescue themselves from the “Democratic plantation” and vote Republican; is a silly myth that conservatives like to push. It’s insidious for a number of reasons. Me voting for a Democratic or Republican party is not akin to toiling on a plantation. It’s downright idiotic and disrespectful to those who actually did. They were beaten and raped on plantations. Me CHOOSING to vote for a political party is not the same thing. Every time this phrase comes out of their mouth, they should be condemned for this nonsense. I make a choice to vote Democratic. Slaves had no choice about being on a plantation. Stop dishonoring our ancestors."

You really need to shut the fuck up with that retarded shit white boy.

^^ This black boy is fighting to stay on the Democratic plantation. LOL

I can't fight to stay on what doesn't exist.
Now he has a chance to redeem himself like he said back in 2016. You do realize that also in that bill was the Violence Against Women Act and the assault weapons ban. In the meantime Drumpf took out a full page ad trying to put 5 innocent Black teenagers in prison.

^^ This one isn't getting off the Democratic plantation anytime soon.

"To believe Black people need to rescue themselves from the “Democratic plantation” and vote Republican; is a silly myth that conservatives like to push. It’s insidious for a number of reasons. Me voting for a Democratic or Republican party is not akin to toiling on a plantation. It’s downright idiotic and disrespectful to those who actually did. They were beaten and raped on plantations. Me CHOOSING to vote for a political party is not the same thing. Every time this phrase comes out of their mouth, they should be condemned for this nonsense. I make a choice to vote Democratic. Slaves had no choice about being on a plantation. Stop dishonoring our ancestors."

You really need to shut the fuck up with that retarded shit white boy.

^^ This black boy is fighting to stay on the Democratic plantation. LOL

I can't fight to stay on what doesn't exist.

Trump has your interest in mind much more than Joe Biden. You can believe that. I challenge you to keep an open mind this election season and really pay attention to who Trump is and what he has done.
Hey white USMB racists, take a look and remember this is why we won't be voting for trump.

Trump Threatens to 'Send in the Feds' Because of Chicago 'Carnage'

Under Obama, more Blacks were on food stamps. Under Trump, more Blacks have higher wages. Your percentage of “WE” that will be voting against Trump is not as high as you think it is. What is so wrong about Trump not wanting Blacks to live in rat infested shit holes or have to face violence in their neighborhoods?

My percentage of we is as high as I say it is. Your post is disingenuous because Obama came in and was dealing with a depression, when he left blacks had higher wages. Trump has taken credit for what he has not done, you gladly give him the same credit because you had a problem with Obama being president and we who are actually black know that trump has done nothing for us.

Obama dealt with a depression but he pursued policies that delayed the recovery. That is why I had a problem with his presidency. As for Trump, my first choice for President was Ben Carson. Both men pursue economic policies that are better for the US vs. this policies pursued by Trump.

You need to convince Blacks that Trump has done nothing for them while they are keeping more of their paycheck under Trump. Explain to the Black Community why they could not keep more of their paycheck under Obama..... you will probably blame Bush for that, too. It’s laughable.

My bet is that the 2020 Election will see a higher percentage of Blacks vote Republican than they have in the recent past.

No Obama did not. And as I am black I think it would be greatly appreciated if whites like yourself listened instead of trying to tell me about how blacks see trump. I am telling you how we see trump and it is not what you say. This lie about trump putting more money in our pockets when it was actually Obama that did so is fiction that you have chosen to believe. Ben Carson was unqualified to be president and his economic policies would have sent us back into a recession quicker than what trump has done. I know what blacks think about trump, you assume and base your information on cherry picked blacks who represent less than 10 percent of the black population. When the black pastors that support trump are handing envelopes of cash to blacks at rallies hoping to get them to support trump, you know what trump is trying to sell ain't working in the black community. You will not be seeing a higher percentage of blacks voting republican. I talk to black folks every day, I am a member if a majority black forum that's far larger than this one as well. There is not much love for trump in the black community. So you really need to understand that and quit trying to tell a black person how blacks are going to vote.
There are an endless amount of people from different backgrounds saying, "Come on grab on to my hand and lets go"..... "We can move together for a better future". And to many are crapping on that hand. I am using your words about the lack of opportunities and the perception of hate. In every group there are going to be people who talk ignorant. And within that a small percentage who are actual racists and haters of everything.
Hey white USMB racists, take a look and remember this is why we won't be voting for trump.

Trump Threatens to 'Send in the Feds' Because of Chicago 'Carnage'

Under Obama, more Blacks were on food stamps. Under Trump, more Blacks have higher wages. Your percentage of “WE” that will be voting against Trump is not as high as you think it is. What is so wrong about Trump not wanting Blacks to live in rat infested shit holes or have to face violence in their neighborhoods?

My percentage of we is as high as I say it is. Your post is disingenuous because Obama came in and was dealing with a depression, when he left blacks had higher wages. Trump has taken credit for what he has not done, you gladly give him the same credit because you had a problem with Obama being president and we who are actually black know that trump has done nothing for us.

Obama dealt with a depression but he pursued policies that delayed the recovery. That is why I had a problem with his presidency. As for Trump, my first choice for President was Ben Carson. Both men pursue economic policies that are better for the US vs. this policies pursued by Trump.

You need to convince Blacks that Trump has done nothing for them while they are keeping more of their paycheck under Trump. Explain to the Black Community why they could not keep more of their paycheck under Obama..... you will probably blame Bush for that, too. It’s laughable.

My bet is that the 2020 Election will see a higher percentage of Blacks vote Republican than they have in the recent past.

No Obama did not. And as I am black I think it would be greatly appreciated if whites like yourself listened instead of trying to tell me about how blacks see trump. I am telling you how we see trump and it is not what you say. This lie about trump putting more money in our pockets when it was actually Obama that did so is fiction that you have chosen to believe. Ben Carson was unqualified to be president and his economic policies would have sent us back into a recession quicker than what trump has done. I know what blacks think about trump, you assume and base your information on cherry picked blacks who represent less than 10 percent of the black population. When the black pastors that support trump are handing envelopes of cash to blacks at rallies hoping to get them to support trump, you know what trump is trying to sell ain't working in the black community. You will not be seeing a higher percentage of blacks voting republican. I talk to black folks every day, I am a member if a majority black forum that's far larger than this one as well. There is not much love for trump in the black community. So you really need to understand that and quit trying to tell a black person how blacks are going to vote.

The tax cuts happened under Trump, not Obama. The tax cut enabled all Americans to keep more of their paycheck. How is that a lie? How does Obama get credit for something he did not execute (sign into law) ? Again, more Blacks will vote for Trump than they have any other recent Republican President. You can disagree which you will and that is fine.
Kinda funny how the racist piece of shit bigoted Democratic party scumbags always have to apologize for their party's absolutely horrific treatment of blacks. Slavery, Jim Crow, etc. etc.. etc... Yet, they always want Republicans (who have consistently opposed the Democrats' racist bigoted policies from the very beginning) to help them make restitution for the Democrats' crimes against humanity.




We don't want to wake IM2 and Asclepias from their Dem, coma, as they think the Dems are so cool for raping Black citizens that way. They adore those apologies!!
Joe Biden!!

Are Black citizens seeking a parte deux?
LOL! Blacks have been over incarcerated since whitey made the slave patrols. trump has appointed at least 150 racist judges to the courts. Try another one.

since whitey made the slave patrols.

Let me fix that for you...

Since the members of the democrat party made slave patrols...

No, it was whitey. Slavery began before there was a democratic party.

Have fun COONing in here, you bootlicker, as you sit here making excuses for Dems within your apologizing for being Black by abandoning your usual USM gimmick.
This juvenile shit is not going to make me vote for trump.

Don't tell Donald Trump the Central Park 5 aren't guilty

When will trump apologize to blacks like Biden has done?

You lose stupid ass white boy

It is not intended to make you vote for Trump.

So please stop COONing in here, as my Black bros (my bruhs) call it.


Now, go. Take your dumbass, back, to reread the thread title & OP; it's meant to help you NOT vote for Biden.

You can stay home, vote for Trump, vote for Green Party candidate ---just don't vote Biden.
Naw dog. A vote for anyone other than the Dem candidate is a vote for a racist buffoon. I'll take the lesser of two evils again.

Everyone running for president who isn't a Democrat is a racist buffoon? Or are you one of those people who think it you don't vote Dem you are voting Rep, and vice versa, even if you vote third party?
Not necessarily true that they are racist if they arent a dem. The point is that a vote for a third party candidate is like flushing your vote down the toilet unless you can name me just one other candidate that can even show in a race for the POTUS against the two major parties. Voting has become a team sport. One can be idealistic all day long. However, that will result in another 4 years of Drumpf. As an independent I am not going to waste my vote. The dem candidate gets my vote over any repub candidate and that goes triple for Drumpf.
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Now he has a chance to redeem himself like he said back in 2016. You do realize that also in that bill was the Violence Against Women Act and the assault weapons ban. In the meantime Drumpf took out a full page ad trying to put 5 innocent Black teenagers in prison.

^^ This one isn't getting off the Democratic plantation anytime soon.

"To believe Black people need to rescue themselves from the “Democratic plantation” and vote Republican; is a silly myth that conservatives like to push. It’s insidious for a number of reasons. Me voting for a Democratic or Republican party is not akin to toiling on a plantation. It’s downright idiotic and disrespectful to those who actually did. They were beaten and raped on plantations. Me CHOOSING to vote for a political party is not the same thing. Every time this phrase comes out of their mouth, they should be condemned for this nonsense. I make a choice to vote Democratic. Slaves had no choice about being on a plantation. Stop dishonoring our ancestors."

You really need to shut the fuck up with that retarded shit white boy.

^^ This black boy is fighting to stay on the Democratic plantation. LOL

I can't fight to stay on what doesn't exist.

Trump has your interest in mind much more than Joe Biden. You can believe that. I challenge you to keep an open mind this election season and really pay attention to who Trump is and what he has done.
Only a fool would believe that. Fools like you to be specific. :laugh:
This juvenile shit is not going to make me vote for trump.

Don't tell Donald Trump the Central Park 5 aren't guilty

When will trump apologize to blacks like Biden has done?

You lose stupid ass white boy

It is not intended to make you vote for Trump.

So please stop COONing in here, as my Black bros (my bruhs) call it.


Now, go. Take your dumbass, back, to reread the thread title & OP; it's meant to help you NOT vote for Biden.

You can stay home, vote for Trump, vote for Green Party candidate ---just don't vote Biden.
Naw dog. A vote for anyone other than the Dem candidate is a vote for a racist buffoon. I'll take the lesser of two evils again.

Everyone running for president who isn't a Democrat is a racist buffoon? Or are you one of those people who think it you don't vote Dem you are voting Rep, and vice versa, even if you vote third party?
Not necessarily true that they are racist if they arent a dem. The point is that a vote for a third party candidate is like flushing your vote down the toilet unless you can name me just one other candidate that can even show in a race for the POTUS against the two major parties. Voting has become a team sport. One can be idealistic all day long. However, that will result in another 4 years of Drumpf. As an independent I am not going to waste my vote. The dem candidate gets my vote over any repub candidate and that goes triple for Drumpf.

You seem to be assuming that anyone voting third party would, if they had to, choose the Dem candidate over Trump.

And until more people stop assuming that only a vote for the two major parties matters, that will continue to be the case.

Also, I want to vote FOR someone, not against someone.
It is not intended to make you vote for Trump.

So please stop COONing in here, as my Black bros (my bruhs) call it.


Now, go. Take your dumbass, back, to reread the thread title & OP; it's meant to help you NOT vote for Biden.

You can stay home, vote for Trump, vote for Green Party candidate ---just don't vote Biden.
Naw dog. A vote for anyone other than the Dem candidate is a vote for a racist buffoon. I'll take the lesser of two evils again.

Everyone running for president who isn't a Democrat is a racist buffoon? Or are you one of those people who think it you don't vote Dem you are voting Rep, and vice versa, even if you vote third party?
A vote for a third party candidate that can't win accomplishes what? We blacks want trump gone.

That attitude is the reason WHY third party candidates don't have a chance to win. Anyone could win if people were actually willing to vote outside the duopoly.

Put another way, the lesser-of-two-evils vote is, inherently, a vote for evil. ;) It's also voting against someone rather than for someone.

So no, a vote for a third party candidate is not a vote for Trump, if that's what Asclepias was saying. It's a vote for whomever the candidate is the person voted for. That's how voting works.

The reality is that a third party candidate has not won. That fact has nothing to do with any attitude. I know how voting works, and while you say that's a vote for whoever, it allows someone like trump to win with a plurality. So until a third party wins, that's how voting actually ends up working.

As with Asclepias, you seem to assume that anyone voting third party would choose the Dem candidate over Trump, if they had to pick between those two. Unless you know that enough people who vote third party would choose the Dem and sway the election results, that argument doesn't stand up.
This juvenile shit is not going to make me vote for trump.

Don't tell Donald Trump the Central Park 5 aren't guilty

When will trump apologize to blacks like Biden has done?

You lose stupid ass white boy

It is not intended to make you vote for Trump.

So please stop COONing in here, as my Black bros (my bruhs) call it.


Now, go. Take your dumbass, back, to reread the thread title & OP; it's meant to help you NOT vote for Biden.

You can stay home, vote for Trump, vote for Green Party candidate ---just don't vote Biden.
Naw dog. A vote for anyone other than the Dem candidate is a vote for a racist buffoon. I'll take the lesser of two evils again.

Everyone running for president who isn't a Democrat is a racist buffoon? Or are you one of those people who think it you don't vote Dem you are voting Rep, and vice versa, even if you vote third party?
Not necessarily true that they are racist if they arent a dem. The point is that a vote for a third party candidate is like flushing your vote down the toilet unless you can name me just one other candidate that can even show in a race for the POTUS against the two major parties. Voting has become a team sport. One can be idealistic all day long. However, that will result in another 4 years of Drumpf. As an independent I am not going to waste my vote. The dem candidate gets my vote over any repub candidate and that goes triple for Drumpf.

You seem to be assuming that anyone voting third party would, if they had to, choose the Dem candidate over Trump.

And until more people stop assuming that only a vote for the two major parties matters, that will continue to be the case.

Also, I want to vote FOR someone, not against someone.

"And until more people stop assuming that only a vote for the two major parties matters, that will continue to be the case."

When that happens somewhere in the very far distant future then I can afford to be idealistic. Until then I will vote against what is most detrimental and for what is less detrimental. Most likely that will not change before I die. If you can point to a more viable choice please point them out.
Naw dog. A vote for anyone other than the Dem candidate is a vote for a racist buffoon. I'll take the lesser of two evils again.

Everyone running for president who isn't a Democrat is a racist buffoon? Or are you one of those people who think it you don't vote Dem you are voting Rep, and vice versa, even if you vote third party?
A vote for a third party candidate that can't win accomplishes what? We blacks want trump gone.

That attitude is the reason WHY third party candidates don't have a chance to win. Anyone could win if people were actually willing to vote outside the duopoly.

Put another way, the lesser-of-two-evils vote is, inherently, a vote for evil. ;) It's also voting against someone rather than for someone.

So no, a vote for a third party candidate is not a vote for Trump, if that's what Asclepias was saying. It's a vote for whomever the candidate is the person voted for. That's how voting works.

The reality is that a third party candidate has not won. That fact has nothing to do with any attitude. I know how voting works, and while you say that's a vote for whoever, it allows someone like trump to win with a plurality. So until a third party wins, that's how voting actually ends up working.

As with Asclepias, you seem to assume that anyone voting third party would choose the Dem candidate over Trump, if they had to pick between those two. Unless you know that enough people who vote third party would choose the Dem and sway the election results, that argument doesn't stand up.

Actually I am not assuming anything. I am saying that third party candidates have not ever won. In the last election it was proven that the majority of people voted third party instead of democrat because they didn't like trump but didn't want to vote for Clinton and some Sanders supporters voted 3rd party because they felt Bernie was robbed. It can happen both ways as that is what people said Perot did to Bush in 92.
Joe Biden!!

Are Black citizens seeking a parte deux?
LOL! Blacks have been over incarcerated since whitey made the slave patrols. trump has appointed at least 150 racist judges to the courts. Try another one.

since whitey made the slave patrols.

Let me fix that for you...

Since the members of the democrat party made slave patrols...

No, it was whitey. Slavery began before there was a democratic party.

Have fun COONing in here, you bootlicker, as you sit here making excuses for Dems within your apologizing for being Black by abandoning your usual USM gimmick.

You can call me all the names you want white boy, but listening to whites telling me who to vote for then doing what they say is the definition of cooning.

I don't think you can tell James Clyburn he's cooning. He fought for civil rights, was put in jail by whites like you, and still today he fights. That's not cooning and if he can support Biden, that's good enough for me.

You see junior, I know what democrats and republicans have done. I was born in 1961. My grandmothers were born in the 1870's and 1880's, older blacks in our community when I was a child were actually child slaves. They all were republicans and left the party because the party kept fucking them over. For 100 years republicans fucked blacks over. Rutherford Hayes made a deal with the south so he could becomes president that ended reconstruction. Republican supreme court justices rendered opinions that nullified the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments which helped create/empower the KKK by establishing states rights. 4 out of the 7 votes in Plessy v; Ferguson for separate but equal were fucking republicans. The majority of both parties supported the civil rights act. But southern republicans voted against the civil rights act.

For 100 years after slavery, apartheid was the law in this country. Republicans and democrats supported and enforced it. Todays republican party supports the maintenance of confederate symbols, want to erode civil rights, end affirmative action, and promote a white rights agenda and yet we are suppose to drop the democratic party who had a president that signed what was in all effect a second emancipation proclamation in 1965 called the civil rights act, a party that nominated and worked to get elected for 2 terms the ONLY black president in our history, and during his time in office white republicans accused him of not being a citizen, obstructed everything he tried and still today lies about his accomplishments in office. We are supposed to leave a democratic party that has blacks in positions of leadership in congress and in the party, while the republicans have no blacks in any type of leadership anywhere in the party. Your party fired the a black chairman because he didn't kiss Rush Limbaughs fat slovenly ass even after he delivered a resounding victory in the 2010 mid terms. But we black democrats are on the plantation or cooning because in the views of racist white idiots like you we can't see all that I just presented. We can't think for ourselves, we are just doing what we are being told by liberal whites and we just can't see that it is the republicans who really are working for our best interest. After all the black unemployment rate is low when trump is president even though it was falling while trump was eating big macs at trump tower before he even thought about running, but that's supposed to be evidence of how trump is doing so much for black people. Why trump signed Corey Bookers First step act, so look black folks, trump likes you. Never mind the 150 racist judges he put on benches who will determine sentences. Trump created opportunity zones black folks, he loves you. Never mind that the majority of opportunity zones are in rural white America.

So if you want to see a coon, look at the person who gave birth to you. Because I'm voting for Biden and I will be voting for democrats to represent my state in DC. The crime bill has been dead for 15 years. Blacks have been over incarcerated for 243 years.
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You can call me all the names you want white boy, but listening to whites telling me who to vote for then doing what they say is the definition of cooning.

I don't think you can tell James Clyburn he's cooning. He fought for civil rights, was put in jail by whites like you, and still today he fights. That's not cooning and if he can support Biden, that's good enough for me.

I know what democrats and republicans have done. I was born in 1961. My grandmothers were born in the 1870's and 1880's, older blacks in our community when I was a child were actually child slaves. They all were republicans and left the party because the party kept fucking them over. For 100 years republicans fucked blacks over. Rutherford Hayes made a deal with the south so he could becomes president that ended reconstruction. Republican supreme court justices rendered opinions that nullified the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments which helped create/empower the KKK by establishing states rights. 4 out of the 7 votes in Plessy v; Ferguson for separate but equal were fucking republicans. The majority of both parties supported the civil rights act. But southern republicans voted against the civil rights act.

Todays republican party supports the maintenance of confederate symbols, want to erode civil rights, end affirmative action, and promote a white rights agenda and yet we are suppose to drop the democratic party who had a president that signed what was in all effect a second emancipation proclamation in 1965 called the civil rights act, a party that nominated and worked to get elected for 2 terms the ONLY black president in our history, and during his time in office white republicans accused him of not being a citizen, obstructed everything he tried and still today lies about his accomplishments in office. We are supposed to leave a democratic party that has blacks in positions of leadership in congress and in the party, while the republicans have no blacks in any type of leadership anywhere in the party. Your party fired the a black chairman because he didn't kiss Rush Limbaughs fat slovenly ass even after he delivered a resounding victory in the 2010 mid terms. But we black democrats are on the plantation or cooning because in the views of racist white idiots like you we can't see all that I just presented. We can't think for ourselves, we are just doing what we are being told by liberal whites and we just can't see that it is the republicans who really are working for our best interest. After all the black unemployment rate is low when trump is president even though it was falling while trump was eating big macs at trump tower before he even thought about running, but that's supposed to be evidence of how trump is doing so much for black people. Why trump signed Corey Bookers First step act, so look black folks, trump likes you. Never mind the 150 racist judges he put on benches who will determine sentences. Trump created opportunity zones black folks, he loves you. Never mind that the majority of opportunity zones are in rural white America.

So if you want to see a coon, look at the person who gave birth to you. Because I'm voting for Biden and I will be voting for democrats to represent my state in DC. The crime bill has been dead for 15 years. Blacks have been over incarcerated for 243 years

Here we go again. Another display of your anger at all racism toward, Black people, except for Joe Biden as you continue to bootlick him and cheer on that racist who wrote the 1994 Crime Bill.

Now, go. Find the closest mirror in your, home, and look at yourself. Then say, "You punkASS bitch. You wake up, daily, pushing some ostensible Black power anti-Racism gimmick ---but then when you vote for President in 2020? Oh, then you will happily cast your vote for a White racist who wiped out an entire generation of negros males from 1996-2014 no doubt indeed. Plus your dumbass thinks that the veracious, effect, of the 1994 Crime Bill did end on the same day the Bill was taken off of the USA law books in 2004."

ROFL. Please, do the right thing, the next time you walk past a mirror in your home.

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