Hey cons: if your solution to the min wage issue is to tell those people...

We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Necessity is not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8. Are you claiming this is incorrect?
Universities aren't open 24 hours per day. Why aren't you cry about them? :lol:

Ooohhhhh the humanity! Those poor students can't study around the clock in a classroom. :lol:
Because that deflection has nothing to do with the point. You do realize you have internet access even if the university is closed? Let me guess. Youre going to claim that isnt true as well right?
It has everything to do with the point. Your position is that anyone without 24x7 learning capabilities is someone to shed tears over. Well, the universities shut down preventing the students from learning from them 24x7
Thats a logical fallacy even if what you accused me of was true. Its called false equivalence. Look it up.
Right? It's turning into performance art.

You are 100% correct there! The way I have absolutely owned you and ascelpias with logic, reason, and facts has in fact been quite a "performance art".

Oh, that's just sad. Two posters are having a laugh at a third and then that guy comes in and desparately attempts to turn the tables. (fyi, if it's obvious, its going to fail).
Right? It's turning into performance art.

You are 100% correct there! The way I have absolutely owned you and ascelpias with logic, reason, and facts has in fact been quite a "performance art".

Oh, that's just sad. Two posters are having a laugh at a third and then that guy comes in and desparately attempts to turn the tables. (fyi, if it's obvious, its going to fail).
Rottie is unreal. He is good for some laughs though. :laugh:
So, you expect the poors to ride for however long it takes to properly do their homework or look up political positions or even apply for a job or promote themselves and yet you can't even bother to slumber over to mom's computer to make a rational point.

I'm pointing out that it could be far worse for these "poors." You can't seem to get that through your 15 inch thick steel plated head.

To address the insult about not bothering to "slumber over to mom's computer to make a rational point", I got my first PC for Christmas in 2005. Me and my dad built it. I've had three other PC's up until this one, all of which were built, either by me or someone outside of the major PC retailers. I took out a $1000 loan in my name to buy this PC. I own my machine, and I rarely go see PC technicians because I know how to maintain one. And I'm pretty sure this PC has more processing power than three or four of yours put together.

I grew up around computers. So shove off, wench.
Raising the minimum wage is the huge con job. It's akin to cutting off one end and sticking on the other to make it longer. It doesn't work that way. The overall cost of living goes up either way, and it takes us nowhere. Please, get real.
Right? It's turning into performance art.

You are 100% correct there! The way I have absolutely owned you and ascelpias with logic, reason, and facts has in fact been quite a "performance art".

Oh, that's just sad. Two posters are having a laugh at a third and then that guy comes in and desparately attempts to turn the tables. (fyi, if it's obvious, its going to fail).
Rottie is unreal. He is good for some laughs though. :laugh:

More than some! :beer:
Says the jack-ass who is on record stating "the U.S. currency is backed by debt

The US Dollar is not backed by any physical asset. That went away when the US abolished the Gold Standard. It is indeed backed by debt, as each dollar put into circulation is debt unto itself.
TK...it is backed by faith. It is not, nor has it ever been, nor could it possibly ever be "backed by debt". That is stupid on a level that defies even the most absurd comments.


  1. something, typically money, that is owed or due.

So how in the hell could you "back" currency with currency. Now compound that with the realization that your position is "not only am I backing currency with currency, but I'm backing it with currency I don't have, but rather owe". I mean, seriously man, that is a special kind of stupid that I thought could only come from asclepias. Please don't join that rank. Think. Just a little.

Here you go (I humiliated asclepias with this earlier and it caused him to throw a tantrum):

The money supply of the US is what is called "fiat money." This is money that is simply backed by the faith that people have in the government of the United States.

The US money supply is not backed by anything like gold. The money itself has no inherent value whatsoever.

What "backs" the money supply in the United States? | eNotes
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Raising the minimum wage is the huge con job. It's akin to cutting off one end and sticking on the other to make it longer. It doesn't work that way. The overall cost of living goes up either way, and it takes us nowhere. Please, get real.

Technically ending slavery raised the cost of living but somehow I'm going to guess you wouldn't think that to be a big issue. Paying 2 cents more for a hamburger so others can pay rent though....
Knowledge is power, those who have to take a 2 hour bus ride to get to it are fucked, learn to appreciate information

Or, they could have no access to a bus. They could spend even longer walking to the library. So, how are they "fucked" again? Oh, the marvels of industry!

So, you expect the poors to ride for however long it takes to properly do their homework or look up political positions or even apply for a job or promote themselves and yet you can't even bother to slumber over to mom's computer to make a rational point. I understand life isn't fair, however you provide such a vivid contrast that I find difficult to ignore.

Yet I will still take to message boards to cry about it and then refuse to help anyone who needs it. If this bothers you so much HJ, then buy that person or persons a computer and internet access. What is the problem?!? Why is this so difficult for you?!?!
What did I do? I posed both a link and a quote proving what you said was wrong.

You posted a quote from an elitist snob who doesn't understand the importance of a smart phone in our society today and gets upset when the poors manage to get their hands on one.

Then you posted a link to heritage. Find a neutral source. And yes, the government is a neutral source.

Wait a 2nd who the fuck needs a smart phone?

You can go to the fucking library if you need to use the net and fill out applications and such.


Maybe we stop pretending that smart phones are a magical creation, they are cheap as shit today and the library may be all the way across town.

Oh the horror that God forbid you might have to take the bus or walk half way across town

Yup we are raising a nation of baby's


Knowledge is power, those who have to take a 2 hour bus ride to get to it are fucked, learn to appreciate information.

No those two hours could be the best learning experiences that you would never ever get from a book or the net

..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who
w could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

Who would replace them to work in the service industry?

Unemployed teenagers. ....

How about you actually make an attempt at learning facts? 42% of American workers make less 15 per hour. 20 million alone make less 10.
Righties dont care about that. If it was up to them they would shoot poor people on sight.
One word: abortion.
Says the jack-ass who is on record stating "the U.S. currency is backed by debt

The US Dollar is not backed by any physical asset. That went away when the US abolished the Gold Standard. It is indeed backed by debt, as each dollar put into circulation is debt unto itself.
TK...it is backed by faith. It is not, nor has it ever been, nor could it possibly ever be "backed by debt". That is stupid on a level that defies even the most absurd comments.


  1. something, typically money, that is owed or due.

So how in the hell could you "back" currency with currency. Now compound that with the realization that your position is "not only am I backing currency with currency, but I'm backing it with currency I don't have, but rather owe". I mean, seriously man, that is a special kind of stupid that I thought could only come from asclepias. Please don't join that rank. Think. Just a little.
Faith in what?

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