Hey cons: if your solution to the min wage issue is to tell those people...

Nothing is wrong with it if thats what you want to do. however if your aim is to access information its much easier to get on the internet.
Which is available for free at your local library or starbucks.
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
Acelpisa calls it a (and I quote here folks) "disadvantage to go to the library". A rational person would say it's a major advantage to go to the library. People in Afghanistan would kill for public libraries like the U.S. has (or any library for that matter). But not ascelpias! Nope! He considers it a "disadvantage". Which explains why he is do dumb. He clearly never used them and now he believes it is "high finance" to go around saying that if you have debt, you can find people to purchase it from you... :lmao:
I understand, you've performed so poorly that it's time to pull out the Grammar Nazi card.
He was the one who wanted to bring up education and insult me. Have you seen his grammar all over this board? Atrocious. Has no idea what contractions are and has yet to use an apostrophe.

But then again - it's just another example of how extraordinarily lazy he is. It's too much effort for him to put in a freaking apostrophe. And he wonders why he's a minimum wage worker.

He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?
First of all, when have I said one word about my position on abortion? Show me?

Second, how is buying someone a computer and internet access "giving up your life"? Again....you are such a drama queen. Hyperbole much?

How do I know you're views on abortion? Because you've told us Einstein.

Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

According to you liberals are waging war on babies. So, what the fuck are you doing about it, hypocrite? Are you honestly this god damned stupid?

I think Rottweiler takes the prize for world class stupidity. I dont think I've seen such dumb statements since I started posting on this site.

Right? It's turning into performance art.
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Necessity is not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8. Are you claiming this is incorrect?
He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?

Aww...how cute. You're trying to convince yourself he's "winning" to make yourself feel better about losing.

By the way....what in the world does it mean when you say "it's 2016"? Grammar doesn't matter in 2016? Proper punctuation doesn't matter? No wonder both of you are minimum wage workers. People look for excellence in their employees. Not people too lazy to add an apostrophe where it belongs and then cry "but....but....but....it's 2016" as if that's somehow a rational justification.

I've been on topic. He wants to talk about education and disadvantages and insult me because I'm obliterating him with facts. I simply pointed out that he's not qualified in any capacity to discuss education.

No, even Dark Furry214 is bowing his head in shame at your performance.
Why off topic? Have you been so throughly defeated with facts? It's ok to admit it you know.

Haaa, haa, haa.....HAAAA, haaa what the what?
Nothing is wrong with it if thats what you want to do. however if your aim is to access information its much easier to get on the internet.
Which is available for free at your local library or starbucks.
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
Acelpisa calls it a (and I quote here folks) "disadvantage to go to the library". A rational person would say it's a major advantage to go to the library. People in Afghanistan would kill for public libraries like the U.S. has (or any library for that matter). But not ascelpias! Nope! He considers it a "disadvantage". Which explains why he is do dumb. He clearly never used them and now he believes it is "high finance" to go around saying that if you have debt, you can find people to purchase it from you... :lmao:
Government schools are not available 24 hrs per day either.
Not allowing businesses hire illegal aliens and not be accountable. Then let BANKS not be accountable for the collapse of the economy in 08'.
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8.
So go to the library for 10 hours. Problem solved! :lol:

(Psst....it seems like you really struggle with the basics)
Nothing is wrong with it if thats what you want to do. however if your aim is to access information its much easier to get on the internet.
Which is available for free at your local library or starbucks.
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
Acelpisa calls it a (and I quote here folks) "disadvantage to go to the library". A rational person would say it's a major advantage to go to the library. People in Afghanistan would kill for public libraries like the U.S. has (or any library for that matter). But not ascelpias! Nope! He considers it a "disadvantage". Which explains why he is do dumb. He clearly never used them and now he believes it is "high finance" to go around saying that if you have debt, you can find people to purchase it from you... :lmao:
Government schools are not available 24 hrs per day either.
Boom! And as usual, Centinel delivers a knockout blow!
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8.
Most starbucks are open 10 hours and they have free wifi.
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Necessity is not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8. Are you claiming this is incorrect?
Universities aren't open 24 hours per day. Why aren't you cry about them? :lol:

Ooohhhhh the humanity! Those poor students can't study around the clock in a classroom. :lol:
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8.
Most starbucks are open 10 hours and they have free wifi.
That also isnt the point. The person that has 24 hour access has an advantage. Again are you claiming this is untrue?
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Necessity is not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8. Are you claiming this is incorrect?
Universities aren't open 24 hours per day. Why aren't you cry about them? :lol:

Ooohhhhh the humanity! Those poor students can't study around the clock in a classroom. :lol:
Because that deflection has nothing to do with the point. You do realize you have internet access even if the university is closed? Let me guess. Youre going to claim that isnt true as well right?
Asclepias....pretty much everyone here is starting to see how insanely irrational you are. Why don't you quit while you're ahead? If you keep this up, someone might actually file papers to have you committed. You're clearly not a rational, mentally stable individual with all of the nonsense you are spouting off.

First you cry that people without computers and home internet access are at a "disadvantage", then you turn around and try to proclaim that you have in fact provided computers and internet access to those without :cuckoo:
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8.
So go to the library for 10 hours. Problem solved! :lol:

(Psst....it seems like you really struggle with the basics)
What if its closed?
Says the jack-ass who is on record stating "the U.S. currency is backed by debt

The US Dollar is not backed by any physical asset. That went away when the US abolished the Gold Standard. It is indeed backed by debt, as each dollar put into circulation is debt unto itself.
Knowledge is power, those who have to take a 2 hour bus ride to get to it are fucked, learn to appreciate information

Or, they could have no access to a bus. They could spend even longer walking to the library. So, how are they "fucked" again? Oh, the marvels of industry!

So, you expect the poors to ride for however long it takes to properly do their homework or look up political positions or even apply for a job or promote themselves and yet you can't even bother to slumber over to mom's computer to make a rational point. I understand life isn't fair, however you provide such a vivid contrast that I find difficult to ignore.
We all know this. Are you saying its just as advantageous to having 24 hour access to information at your home?
A person who studies for 8 hrs per day at their library can get an education par excellence. 24 hrs is not necessary.
Necessity is not really the point. If i study 10 hours I have a better advantage than the person that only studies 8. Are you claiming this is incorrect?
Universities aren't open 24 hours per day. Why aren't you cry about them? :lol:

Ooohhhhh the humanity! Those poor students can't study around the clock in a classroom. :lol:
Because that deflection has nothing to do with the point. You do realize you have internet access even if the university is closed? Let me guess. Youre going to claim that isnt true as well right?
It has everything to do with the point. Your position is that anyone without 24x7 learning capabilities is someone to shed tears over. Well, the universities shut down preventing the students from learning from them 24x7

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