Hey cons: if your solution to the min wage issue is to tell those people...

Bonds are essentially monetized versions of our debt.

"Essentially". That's weak. Check out post #432 and you'll understand TK.

What is a 'Bond'
A bond is a debt investment in which an investor loans money to an entity (typically corporate or governmental) which borrows the funds for a defined period of time at a variable or fixed interest rate. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states and sovereign governments to raise money and finance a variety of projects and activities. Owners of bonds are debtholders, or creditors, of the issuer.

Read more: Bond Definition | Investopedia Bond Definition | Investopedia
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Oh the irony. The idiot who has yet to use correct punctuation in any post (he has left out the apostrophe in every single contraction he's made - including "don't" in the example above) wants to discuss education. :lmao:

By the way - the real issue here is what is underlined above. It's the typical libtard mantra. A bunch of sniveling little infant libtards who want everything handed to them and easy. God forbid if they have to earn anything.

I understand, you've performed so poorly that it's time to pull out the Grammar Nazi card.
He was the one who wanted to bring up education and insult me. Have you seen his grammar all over this board? Atrocious. Has no idea what contractions are and has yet to use an apostrophe.

But then again - it's just another example of how extraordinarily lazy he is. It's too much effort for him to put in a freaking apostrophe. And he wonders why he's a minimum wage worker.

He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?
First of all, when have I said one word about my position on abortion? Show me?

Second, how is buying someone a computer and internet access "giving up your life"? Again....you are such a drama queen. Hyperbole much?

How do I know you're views on abortion? Because you've told us Einstein.

Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

According to you liberals are waging war on babies. So, what the fuck are you doing about it, hypocrite? Are you honestly this god damned stupid?
Just clicked on your link.....not a single mention about abortion! Oops..... Any other lies you'd like to attempt?
So you agree that no one buys and sells debt?

What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.
They don't junior. China is purchasing government bonds. Oops....

Dude stop. I know you dont realize that bonds are debt instruments but this is bordering on pathetic now.
"Debt instruments" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

They are a way to raise money genius. Not go into debt. And the person purchasing them are investing - because they will receive interest on the investment.

Why would anyone have an instrument for creating "debt"?!?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Who said it was a way to go into debt? The point has always been that people buy debt. I think your rough education made you miss out on economics.
Who told you I didnt purchase computers and internet access for those that couldnt afford it? See what I mean about your wild claims?

So then what are you crying about? If you handled this already - then nobody is taking a bus ride. Wow. You chase your tail like nobody I've ever seen.
Asclepias, just what credentials do you have in the field of "high finance" anyway? Actual credentials are not citations from Investopedia.
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He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?

Aww...how cute. You're trying to convince yourself he's "winning" to make yourself feel better about losing.

By the way....what in the world does it mean when you say "it's 2016"? Grammar doesn't matter in 2016? Proper punctuation doesn't matter? No wonder both of you are minimum wage workers. People look for excellence in their employees. Not people too lazy to add an apostrophe where it belongs and then cry "but....but....but....it's 2016" as if that's somehow a rational justification.

I've been on topic. He wants to talk about education and disadvantages and insult me because I'm obliterating him with facts. I simply pointed out that he's not qualified in any capacity to discuss education.

No, even Dark Furry214 is bowing his head in shame at your performance.
What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.
They don't junior. China is purchasing government bonds. Oops....

Dude stop. I know you dont realize that bonds are debt instruments but this is bordering on pathetic now.
"Debt instruments" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

They are a way to raise money genius. Not go into debt. And the person purchasing them are investing - because they will receive interest on the investment.

Why would anyone have an instrument for creating "debt"?!?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Who said it was a way to go into debt? The point has always been that people buy debt. I think your rough education made you miss out on economics.
You did, stupid! You called it a "debt instrument". Why would anyone create an instrument for going into debt?!? You clearly have no idea what debt is (a fact proven when you said that your debt has created tremendous wealth for you and when you claimed that it's the "backing" for the U.S. currency).

Good grief you clearly don't understand English.
Oh the irony. The idiot who has yet to use correct punctuation in any post (he has left out the apostrophe in every single contraction he's made - including "don't" in the example above) wants to discuss education. :lmao:

By the way - the real issue here is what is underlined above. It's the typical libtard mantra. A bunch of sniveling little infant libtards who want everything handed to them and easy. God forbid if they have to earn anything.

I understand, you've performed so poorly that it's time to pull out the Grammar Nazi card.
He was the one who wanted to bring up education and insult me. Have you seen his grammar all over this board? Atrocious. Has no idea what contractions are and has yet to use an apostrophe.

But then again - it's just another example of how extraordinarily lazy he is. It's too much effort for him to put in a freaking apostrophe. And he wonders why he's a minimum wage worker.

He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?
First of all, when have I said one word about my position on abortion? Show me?

Second, how is buying someone a computer and internet access "giving up your life"? Again....you are such a drama queen. Hyperbole much?

How do I know you're views on abortion? Because you've told us Einstein.

Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

According to you liberals are waging war on babies. So, what the fuck are you doing about it, hypocrite? Are you honestly this god damned stupid?

I think Rottweiler takes the prize for world class stupidity. I dont think I've seen such dumb statements since I started posting on this site.
He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?

Aww...how cute. You're trying to convince yourself he's "winning" to make yourself feel better about losing.

By the way....what in the world does it mean when you say "it's 2016"? Grammar doesn't matter in 2016? Proper punctuation doesn't matter? No wonder both of you are minimum wage workers. People look for excellence in their employees. Not people too lazy to add an apostrophe where it belongs and then cry "but....but....but....it's 2016" as if that's somehow a rational justification.

I've been on topic. He wants to talk about education and disadvantages and insult me because I'm obliterating him with facts. I simply pointed out that he's not qualified in any capacity to discuss education.

No, even Dark Furry214 is bowing his head in shame at your performance.
Why off topic? Have you been so throughly defeated with facts? It's ok to admit it you know.
My point is that the person without the computer and internet access is at a disadvantage even though you claimed they werent.

So what's wrong with going to the library to read a book? If I recall they also have computers and ready access to the internet there too. Mine does, and did when I was in middle school. Bad argument.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.
They don't junior. China is purchasing government bonds. Oops....

Dude stop. I know you dont realize that bonds are debt instruments but this is bordering on pathetic now.
"Debt instruments" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

They are a way to raise money genius. Not go into debt. And the person purchasing them are investing - because they will receive interest on the investment.

Why would anyone have an instrument for creating "debt"?!?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Who said it was a way to go into debt? The point has always been that people buy debt. I think your rough education made you miss out on economics.
You did, stupid! You called it a "debt instrument". Why would anyone create an instrument for going into debt?!? You clearly have no idea what debt is (a fact proven when you said that your debt has created tremendous wealth for you and when you claimed that it's the "backing" for the U.S. currency).

Good grief you clearly don't understand English.

This is too funny.
My point is that the person without the computer and internet access is at a disadvantage even though you claimed they werent.

So what's wrong with going to the library to read a book? If I recall they also have computers and ready access to the internet there too. Mine does, and did when I was in middle school. Bad argument.
Nothing is wrong with it if thats what you want to do. however if your aim is to access information its much easier to get on the internet.
Go back through the thread TK. I've explained this and even people who disagreed at first ended up acknowledging I was correct.

I'll look. But I'm under the tutelage of my younger brother, who deals with all sorts of stocks and bonds. He even has the guts to invest in Forex.

I've always been told that debt can be monetized, bought, and sold. Treasury bonds, securities, etc, though.
Not in Rottweilers world. Thats impossible.
The time spent going to the library puts you behind the guy that has a computer at home.

That's not true. We're getting to a point where your cell phone can access the internet, and do basically anything a PC connected to the internet can do. So how are they at a disadvantage at all? Hmm?

Were you living under a rock for the past 10 years?
I think Rottweiler takes the prize for world class stupidity. I dont think I've seen such dumb statements since I started posting on this site.

Says the jack-ass who is on record stating "the U.S. currency is backed by debt" :lmao:

You get that? That? This mens candidate believes that the U.S. dollar is.....wait for it.....wait for it...BACKED by debt. Debt is the complete and total absence of something. You owe what you don't have. Therefore, since you don't have it, how could it be used to back the U.S. dollar?

But then stupid doubled-down on that insanity so I asked him - if people purchase debt, why not sell your own debt? You'll not only make money, but you'll be debt free.

And ever since I humiliated this asshat over his phenomenal ignorance, he's been throwing a tantrum like a small child.
I understand, you've performed so poorly that it's time to pull out the Grammar Nazi card.
He was the one who wanted to bring up education and insult me. Have you seen his grammar all over this board? Atrocious. Has no idea what contractions are and has yet to use an apostrophe.

But then again - it's just another example of how extraordinarily lazy he is. It's too much effort for him to put in a freaking apostrophe. And he wonders why he's a minimum wage worker.

He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?
First of all, when have I said one word about my position on abortion? Show me?

Second, how is buying someone a computer and internet access "giving up your life"? Again....you are such a drama queen. Hyperbole much?

How do I know you're views on abortion? Because you've told us Einstein.

Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

According to you liberals are waging war on babies. So, what the fuck are you doing about it, hypocrite? Are you honestly this god damned stupid?
Just clicked on your link.....not a single mention about abortion! Oops..... Any other lies you'd like to attempt?

So, I thought you were dumb and you couldn't possibly surprise me at the depths of you ignorance/incuriousness or whatever other word needs to be made up to define you and then you post that?

Your own words from the link I provided:

Liberals have been waging war on babies (abortions) and women (sexual objects) for generations. They've also sadly been waging war on freedom even longer.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?
Knowledge is power, those who have to take a 2 hour bus ride to get to it are fucked, learn to appreciate information

Or, they could have no access to a bus. They could spend even longer walking to the library. So, how are they "fucked" again? Oh, the marvels of industry!
The time spent going to the library puts you behind the guy that has a computer at home.

That's not true. We're getting to a point where your cell phone can access the internet, and do basically anything a PC connected to the internet can do. So how are they at a disadvantage at all? Hmm?

Were you living under a rock for the past 10 years?
For starters you guys dont want that poor guy to have a phone. Secondly we are talking a hypothetical situation where only computers exist. The point was one scenario is an advantage.

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