Hey cons: if your solution to the min wage issue is to tell those people...

Yeah guys like Rottie dont understand that easy access to information would have helped him in school.

Oh the irony. The idiot who has yet to use correct punctuation in any post (he has left out the apostrophe in every single contraction he's made - including "don't" in the example above) wants to discuss education. :lmao:

By the way - the real issue here is what is underlined above. It's the typical libtard mantra. A bunch of sniveling little infant libtards who want everything handed to them and easy. God forbid if they have to earn anything.

I understand, you've performed so poorly that it's time to pull out the Grammar Nazi card.
He was the one who wanted to bring up education and insult me. Have you seen his grammar all over this board? Atrocious. Has no idea what contractions are and has yet to use an apostrophe.

But then again - it's just another example of how extraordinarily lazy he is. It's too much effort for him to put in a freaking apostrophe. And he wonders why he's a minimum wage worker.

He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?
First of all, when have I said one word about my position on abortion? Show me?

Second, how is buying someone a computer and internet access "giving up your life"? Again....you are such a drama queen. Hyperbole much?
A child born mental retardation has a disadvantage. A child born with down syndrome has a disadvantage. A person who has to take a bus to the library has no disadvantage. Could you possibly be any more of drama queen?

By the way - even if your absurd example was a "disadvantage" - so what? Life is not fair. Were you under the immature and idealistic impression that it was?
Of course its a disadvantage dummy. If I have a computer and internet access I can access information 24 hours a day. The person that doesnt have a computer and internet access 24 hours a day is a at a disadvantage.
Again...what is your point? It's your job to earn a computer and internet access. If you can't, it's your job to take your lazy ass to the library. What is the problem?

And again....even it was was a "disadvantage" (and it's not) - so what?
My point is that the person without the computer and internet access is at a disadvantage even though you claimed they werent.

i dont want people to have disadvantages. I am not afraid of competition.
They aren't! Having to go to the local library is not a "disadvantage". If you think it is, then why do we have public libraries? Lets close them all down and save the tax payer dollars.

But libtards are the one's who scream the loudest about how critical they are. Well, make up your minds. You can't have it both ways. Either these things are not necessary because they provide no service, or they are crucial in which case they are most definitely not a "disadvantage" to have to visit.

I forgot you are not that intelligent. Here i will help you out.

  1. 1.
    an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness.
And going to the library "reduces the chances of success"?!? :lmao:

Funny....most people would say going to the library drastically increases one's chances for success. But then again, most people also realize when they build up debt they can't sell it to some random stranger and instantly become debt free :lmao:
Of course its a disadvantage dummy. If I have a computer and internet access I can access information 24 hours a day. The person that doesnt have a computer and internet access 24 hours a day is a at a disadvantage.
Again...what is your point? It's your job to earn a computer and internet access. If you can't, it's your job to take your lazy ass to the library. What is the problem?

And again....even it was was a "disadvantage" (and it's not) - so what?
My point is that the person without the computer and internet access is at a disadvantage even though you claimed they werent.

i dont want people to have disadvantages. I am not afraid of competition.
They aren't! Having to go to the local library is not a "disadvantage". If you think it is, then why do we have public libraries? Lets close them all down and save the tax payer dollars.

But libtards are the one's who scream the loudest about how critical they are. Well, make up your minds. You can't have it both ways. Either these things are not necessary because they provide no service, or they are crucial in which case they are most definitely not a "disadvantage" to have to visit.

I forgot you are not that intelligent. Here i will help you out.

  1. 1.
    an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness.
And going to the library "reduces the chances of success"?!? :lmao:

Funny....most people would say going to the library drastically increases one's chances for success. But then again, most people also realize when they build up debt they can't sell it to some random stranger and instantly become debt free :lmao:
The time spent going to the libary puts you behind the guy that has a computer at home. Its amazing. How the fuck did you graduate from high school? :laugh:
He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?

Aww...how cute. You're trying to convince yourself he's "winning" to make yourself feel better about losing.

By the way....what in the world does it mean when you say "it's 2016"? Grammar doesn't matter in 2016? Proper punctuation doesn't matter? No wonder both of you are minimum wage workers. People look for excellence in their employees. Not people too lazy to add an apostrophe where it belongs and then cry "but....but....but....it's 2016" as if that's somehow a rational justification.

I've been on topic. He wants to talk about education and disadvantages and insult me because I'm obliterating him with facts. I simply pointed out that he's not qualified in any capacity to discuss education.
The fact that you don't understand the difference between having information at your fingertips and not in a world where everyone else does is astounding.

The fact that you don't see your own absurdity and hypocrisy is exponentially more astounding. You cry like a little bitch about everything. Yet you do nothing. If it breaks your tender little heart so badly so see people without computers and internet access, then fucking buy them computers and pay for their internet access. What is the problem? Too greedy? Too selfish? To lazy? Tell us HJ. We're all dying to know.

Again, why are you not giving your life in the crusade against abortion? What have you done, hypocrite?

Actually, I donate all my old smart phones and computers to charity. However that's not even what started this. Someone was complaining that poor people don't need phones and if they have them, then they aren't poor, which is bullshit. They have them, because to not have them is next to impossible in 2016, in many parts of the country more important than a car which costs more.

I don't think we debated stupid shit like so called "obamaphones", you're simply changing the subject.

What year did your parents disavow your brain dead cabeza?
Oh the irony. The idiot who has yet to use correct punctuation in any post (he has left out the apostrophe in every single contraction he's made - including "don't" in the example above) wants to discuss education. :lmao:

By the way - the real issue here is what is underlined above. It's the typical libtard mantra. A bunch of sniveling little infant libtards who want everything handed to them and easy. God forbid if they have to earn anything.
There is no irony. Its a message board not a term paper. I dont use apostrophes unless I have to.

Yes I want information easily handed to me. Only a fool doesnt want easy access to information. For example, If you had of had access to information you would have known that people buy and sell debt.
Well - we finally agree. You are lazy and want everything handed to you. You're not willing to earn anything. Which is why you are (and will most likely always be) a minimum wage worker.
See what I meant by accusatory? Your entire approach is soft as a fat girls ass. :laugh:

You know, your argument is about as soft as the Downy bear after being run over repeatedly by a 57 ton Abrams tank.
So you agree that no one buys and sells debt?

What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
There is no irony. Its a message board not a term paper. I dont use apostrophes unless I have to.

Yes I want information easily handed to me. Only a fool doesnt want easy access to information. For example, If you had of had access to information you would have known that people buy and sell debt.
Well - we finally agree. You are lazy and want everything handed to you. You're not willing to earn anything. Which is why you are (and will most likely always be) a minimum wage worker.
See what I meant by accusatory? Your entire approach is soft as a fat girls ass. :laugh:

You know, your argument is about as soft as the Downy bear after being run over repeatedly by a 57 ton Abrams tank.
So you agree that no one buys and sells debt?

What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.
The time spent going to the libary puts you behind the guy that has a computer at home. Its amazing. How the fuck did you graduate from high school? :laugh:

How? Why? If anything, the only thing it would put you behind on is catching your latest tv shows as you might not be able to watch in at the library.

And again junior - if this is so important to you - why aren't you stepping up to the plate and purchasing computers and internet access for those that can't afford it? I notice you are afraid to address that obvious question.
Well - we finally agree. You are lazy and want everything handed to you. You're not willing to earn anything. Which is why you are (and will most likely always be) a minimum wage worker.
See what I meant by accusatory? Your entire approach is soft as a fat girls ass. :laugh:

You know, your argument is about as soft as the Downy bear after being run over repeatedly by a 57 ton Abrams tank.
So you agree that no one buys and sells debt?

What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.
They don't junior. China is purchasing government bonds. Oops....
A child born mental retardation has a disadvantage. A child born with down syndrome has a disadvantage. A person who has to take a bus to the library has no disadvantage. Could you possibly be any more of drama queen?

By the way - even if your absurd example was a "disadvantage" - so what? Life is not fair. Were you under the immature and idealistic impression that it was?
Of course its a disadvantage dummy. If I have a computer and internet access I can access information 24 hours a day. The person that doesnt have a computer and internet access 24 hours a day is a at a disadvantage.
Again...what is your point? It's your job to earn a computer and internet access. If you can't, it's your job to take your lazy ass to the library. What is the problem?

And again....even it was was a "disadvantage" (and it's not) - so what?
My point is that the person without the computer and internet access is at a disadvantage even though you claimed they werent.

i dont want people to have disadvantages. I am not afraid of competition.
They aren't! Having to go to the local library is not a "disadvantage". If you think it is, then why do we have public libraries? Lets close them all down and save the tax payer dollars.

But libtards are the one's who scream the loudest about how critical they are. Well, make up your minds. You can't have it both ways. Either these things are not necessary because they provide no service, or they are crucial in which case they are most definitely not a "disadvantage" to have to visit.

I forgot you are not that intelligent. Here i will help you out.

  1. 1.
    an unfavorable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success or effectiveness.

That is where we should have started.
The time spent going to the libary puts you behind the guy that has a computer at home. Its amazing. How the fuck did you graduate from high school? :laugh:

How? Why? If anything, the only thing it would put you behind on is catching your latest tv shows as you might not be able to watch in at the library.

And again junior - if this is so important to you - why aren't you stepping up to the plate and purchasing computers and internet access for those that can't afford it? I notice you are afraid to address that obvious question.
Who told you I didnt purchase computers and internet access for those that couldnt afford it? See what I mean about your wild claims?
See what I meant by accusatory? Your entire approach is soft as a fat girls ass. :laugh:

You know, your argument is about as soft as the Downy bear after being run over repeatedly by a 57 ton Abrams tank.
So you agree that no one buys and sells debt?

What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.

Well in this case he would be wrong.
Go back through the thread TK. I've explained this and even people who disagreed at first ended up acknowledging I was correct.

Asclepais - in his infinite ignorance - made a grave mistake pretending to be involved in "high finance" (his own words). When I pointed out the flaws (basically he was attempting to "wow" everyone with his terminology), he doubled-down out of his shame of saying something so stupid.
See what I meant by accusatory? Your entire approach is soft as a fat girls ass. :laugh:

You know, your argument is about as soft as the Downy bear after being run over repeatedly by a 57 ton Abrams tank.
So you agree that no one buys and sells debt?

What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.
They don't junior. China is purchasing government bonds. Oops....

Dude stop. I know you dont realize that bonds are debt instruments but this is bordering on pathetic now.
You know, your argument is about as soft as the Downy bear after being run over repeatedly by a 57 ton Abrams tank.
So you agree that no one buys and sells debt?

What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.

Well in this case he would be wrong.
Go back through the thread TK. I've explained this and even people who disagreed at first ended up acknowledging I was correct.

Asclepais - in his infinite ignorance - made a grave mistake pretending to be involved in "high finance" (his own words). When I pointed out the flaws (basically he was attempting to "wow" everyone with his terminology), he doubled-down out of his shame of saying something so stupid.
Stop begging. No one agreed with you about anyone buying debt. Not anyone with common sense.
It needs to be raised gradually up to $12 per hour in the next few years. From there 15. The cost of living standard should make it $23 per hour but that's far from a reality. The truth is that this gradual raise should have started years ago.

Congress has no legislative authority to enact a law mandating a minimum wage. Please read the constitution.
Yeah guys like Rottie dont understand that easy access to information would have helped him in school.

Oh the irony. The idiot who has yet to use correct punctuation in any post (he has left out the apostrophe in every single contraction he's made - including "don't" in the example above) wants to discuss education. :lmao:

By the way - the real issue here is what is underlined above. It's the typical libtard mantra. A bunch of sniveling little infant libtards who want everything handed to them and easy. God forbid if they have to earn anything.

I understand, you've performed so poorly that it's time to pull out the Grammar Nazi card.
He was the one who wanted to bring up education and insult me. Have you seen his grammar all over this board? Atrocious. Has no idea what contractions are and has yet to use an apostrophe.

But then again - it's just another example of how extraordinarily lazy he is. It's too much effort for him to put in a freaking apostrophe. And he wonders why he's a minimum wage worker.

He's kicking your ass, his lack of any apostrophe should be obvious, he chooses not to use them. it's a forum, it;s informal and it's 2016, many don't, get over it and back on topic.

Why are you not giving your life up in the crusade against abortion?
First of all, when have I said one word about my position on abortion? Show me?

Second, how is buying someone a computer and internet access "giving up your life"? Again....you are such a drama queen. Hyperbole much?

How do I know you're views on abortion? Because you've told us Einstein.

Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

According to you liberals are waging war on babies. So, what the fuck are you doing about it, hypocrite? Are you honestly this god damned stupid?
You know, your argument is about as soft as the Downy bear after being run over repeatedly by a 57 ton Abrams tank.
So you agree that no one buys and sells debt?

What is China doing? They're buying our debt via Treasury Bonds. If countries do it, individuals and corporations do it. An economist you are not.
Tell that to your boy Rottweiller. He swears no one buys debt.
They don't junior. China is purchasing government bonds. Oops....

Dude stop. I know you dont realize that bonds are debt instruments but this is bordering on pathetic now.
"Debt instruments" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

They are a way to raise money genius. Not go into debt. And the person purchasing them are investing - because they will receive interest on the investment.

Why would anyone have an instrument for creating "debt"?!?!? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Go back through the thread TK. I've explained this and even people who disagreed at first ended up acknowledging I was correct.

I'll look. But I'm under the tutelage of my younger brother, who deals with all sorts of stocks and bonds. He even has the guts to invest in Forex.

I've always been told that debt can be monetized, bought, and sold. Treasury bonds, securities, etc, though.

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