Hey de Blasio!

LA Mayor Garcetti claims wet sand is OK to touch but dry sand isn't. De Bozio is going to wall off the beaches altogether. How did the major US cities end up with Liberal retards for Mayor?
Garcetti refuses to explain how to get to the wet sand without touching any dry sand.
LA Mayor Garcetti claims wet sand is OK to touch but dry sand isn't. De Bozio is going to wall off the beaches altogether. How did the major US cities end up with Liberal retards for Mayor?
Garcetti refuses to explain how to get to the wet sand without touching any dry sand.
Water movement means wind is present... This disperses the virus quickly..

Sand is dry indicating that the SUN is shining down and that the UVB in that down-welling radiation will kill this virus in about 90 seconds. So dry sand is safe (it is also porous so the virus dies quickly).

People using even minimal distancing will be much safer on the beach than at home where they contact things that came from stores and other possible transmission sites..

Everything these idiots say is wrong according to science.. And people never check thier BS out becasue they are hiding under thier beds cowering in fear... They use fear to control.
LA Mayor Garcetti claims wet sand is OK to touch but dry sand isn't. De Bozio is going to wall off the beaches altogether. How did the major US cities end up with Liberal retards for Mayor?
It was the LIB retards who live in these 'free shit' dumps who voted in these assholes. Blame them.
LA Mayor Garcetti claims wet sand is OK to touch but dry sand isn't. De Bozio is going to wall off the beaches altogether. How did the major US cities end up with Liberal retards for Mayor?
I would really like to see the science that says all of this. Sun and light is good. they're against that.
LA Mayor Garcetti claims wet sand is OK to touch but dry sand isn't. De Bozio is going to wall off the beaches altogether. How did the major US cities end up with Liberal retards for Mayor?

Left wing retards.....there is a difference.
LA Mayor Garcetti claims wet sand is OK to touch but dry sand isn't. De Bozio is going to wall off the beaches altogether. How did the major US cities end up with Liberal retards for Mayor?
It was the LIB retards who live in these 'free shit' dumps who voted in these assholes. Blame them.
those people really hate americans.

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