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Hey Dem's You Lost the Election and Don't Have Votes to Impeach Give it Up

There is no evidence and only the liberal media helping Democrats with smear campaign against Trump. Do you have the votes to overturn a democratic Constitutional election or not? Put up or shut up.
That's what Nixon said, but in the end the steady drip, drip, drip meant no vote was necessary.
No he did not. Learn history before you post your inane comments
Are you rewriting history? No wonder there's been a spike in the popularity of "1984". The truth is Nixon said "I am not a crook", yet he left office without any vote on impeachment. :2up:
He left office as a scapegoat for liberal's who couldn't stand the fact that Vietnam War was a Democratic fuck-up.
The investigation of Trump is still under wraps. But we do know more than we did a week ago

Possible outcomes:

1. Trump only had marginal legal contact with Russia
2. Trumps agents had illegal contact with Russia but a link to Trump can't be proven
3. Trump was involved in Russian hacking but there was no smoking gun of offering removal of sanctions or other concession in return for Russian hacking
4. Trump offered "This for That"

3 and 4 could lead to impeachment with 4 leading to Trump going to prison for Treason
Can you do basic math? 1974 the Democrats had a super majority and hanged Nixon despite the fact that LBJ and Kennedy's did worse. NOT GONNA HAPPEN EVER.
If Crooked Donny was complicit he will be impeached
If he offered anything in return he will go to jail for Treason
First one...no evidence...second one....laughable on the face of it...third...count the votes on Capitol Hill...fourth...put up or shut up.
There is no evidence and only the liberal media helping Democrats with smear campaign against Trump. Do you have the votes to overturn a democratic Constitutional election or not? Put up or shut up.
That's what Nixon said, but in the end the steady drip, drip, drip meant no vote was necessary.
No he did not. Learn history before you post your inane comments
Are you rewriting history? No wonder there's been a spike in the popularity of "1984". The truth is Nixon said "I am not a crook", yet he left office without any vote on impeachment.
He left office as a scapegoat for liberal's who couldn't stand the fact that Vietnam War was a Democratic fuck-up.
Then why didn't the Republicans back him up? I'm afraid your revisionist history doesn't pass the smell test.
...The fascists have been programmed by the Soros hate sites to think the GOP will impeach Trump. The fascists are incredibly fucking stupid.
If incontrovertible and damning evidence comes to light, of collusion between Trump and his minions, and the Russians, Republicans will impeach and convict, and Democrats will blissfully pile-on, in true bipartisan fashion.

And then Trump would be indicted and convicted in criminal court.

The Nation... including the Republicans... are now waiting to see whether such evidence materializes.

It would prove deliciously and ironically funny, for Shrillary to visit Drumpf in jail, with him on the wrong side of the bars.
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He left office as a scapegoat for liberal's who couldn't stand the fact that Vietnam War was a Democratic fuck-up.

No, he left office because he spent 30 years of his career pissing off everyone.

Trump will pull that off in one.
I think the it's more likely that he would resign.

If the noise gets so loud that nothing can function, if there turns out to be a few fires amongst the Russian smoke, and if enough Republicans send a message that they've had it, he could position it as telling DC to go fuck itself and walk out in a blaze of "glory". Great reality TV, that's for sure.

That's not a prediction. The only time I've been right recently about politics is when I predicted, when he entered the race, that he would find whatever dignity remains in contemporary American politics and pee on it. I did nail that one.

After the corruption of Clinton, and then Obama, no POTUS will ever resign again.

This is all Kabuki theater, the fascists hope to create enough doubt to sway the voters in 2018, they have no delusion that they can impeach Trump or drive him from power.
There's another piece to this, though: Do you think it's possible that he'll get to a point where he really will fucking hate the job?

He's not a politician, he's never seen media intensity like this, and he's used to getting his way.

Good point Mac. But then, take your own situation into account when weighing his---> do you have any children or grandchildren? Assuming what he says is even 50% accurate, how screwed up is Washington? How far would you go for your children and grandchildren, or would you bail out, and return D.C. To the same old, same old?

If you or I was in his position and seen far more accurate reports of what is actually going on than any poster on here is actually aware of, I doubt either one of us would bail; rather I have every confidence that both of us would fight tooth and nail to fix it for the country, and those we love the most; our family!

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I think the it's more likely that he would resign.

If the noise gets so loud that nothing can function, if there turns out to be a few fires amongst the Russian smoke, and if enough Republicans send a message that they've had it, he could position it as telling DC to go fuck itself and walk out in a blaze of "glory". Great reality TV, that's for sure.

That's not a prediction. The only time I've been right recently about politics is when I predicted, when he entered the race, that he would find whatever dignity remains in contemporary American politics and pee on it. I did nail that one.

After the corruption of Clinton, and then Obama, no POTUS will ever resign again.

This is all Kabuki theater, the fascists hope to create enough doubt to sway the voters in 2018, they have no delusion that they can impeach Trump or drive him from power.
There's another piece to this, though: Do you think it's possible that he'll get to a point where he really will fucking hate the job?

He's not a politician, he's never seen media intensity like this, and he's used to getting his way.

Good point Mac. But then, take your own situation into account when weighing his---> do you have any children or grandchildren? Assuming what he says is even 50% accurate, how screwed up is Washington? How far would you go for your children and grandchildren, or would you bail out, and return D.C. To the same old, same old?

If you or I was in his position and seen far more accurate reports of what is actually going on than any poster on here is actually aware of, I doubt either one of us would bail; rather I have every confidence that both of us would fight tooth and nail to fix it for the country, and those we love the most; our family!

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Trump is stubborn
He will never admit defeat like Nixon did
I think the it's more likely that he would resign.

If the noise gets so loud that nothing can function, if there turns out to be a few fires amongst the Russian smoke, and if enough Republicans send a message that they've had it, he could position it as telling DC to go fuck itself and walk out in a blaze of "glory". Great reality TV, that's for sure.

That's not a prediction. The only time I've been right recently about politics is when I predicted, when he entered the race, that he would find whatever dignity remains in contemporary American politics and pee on it. I did nail that one.

After the corruption of Clinton, and then Obama, no POTUS will ever resign again.

This is all Kabuki theater, the fascists hope to create enough doubt to sway the voters in 2018, they have no delusion that they can impeach Trump or drive him from power.
There's another piece to this, though: Do you think it's possible that he'll get to a point where he really will fucking hate the job?

He's not a politician, he's never seen media intensity like this, and he's used to getting his way.

Good point Mac. But then, take your own situation into account when weighing his---> do you have any children or grandchildren? Assuming what he says is even 50% accurate, how screwed up is Washington? How far would you go for your children and grandchildren, or would you bail out, and return D.C. To the same old, same old?

If you or I was in his position and seen far more accurate reports of what is actually going on than any poster on here is actually aware of, I doubt either one of us would bail; rather I have every confidence that both of us would fight tooth and nail to fix it for the country, and those we love the most; our family!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Yeah, that whole thing is such a buzzsaw that there's just no way of knowing what it's like behind closed doors.

I still wonder if he ever really wanted to be President. He had to know, going into this, how ridiculous our politics are, and that having things go his way even if he won was a long shot.

I guess nothing would surprise me at this point. Maybe.
Hey Dem's You Lost the Election and Don't Have Votes to Impeach Give it Up

Hey dumbasses. You won the election and dont have the votes to R&R Obamacare !

how about that for LOSER bitches ?

If Crooked Donny was complicit he will be impeached
If he offered anything in return he will go to jail for Treason


You fascists have rich fantasies.

So, Flouncing Barry bugged the opposition campaign? Is that legal?

Who is going to jail? :dunno:

Keep flinging that shit for your Fuhrer, maybe someday it will stick...

What exactly did LBJ and Kennedy do that was worse? You aint got a clue

LBJ bugged the Goldwater campaign, just like Obama did to the Trump campaign.

It was a political scandal of unprecedented proportions: the deliberate, systematic, and illegal misuse of the FBI and the CIA by the White House in a presidential campaign. The massive black-bag operations, bordering on the unconstitutional and therefore calling for impeachment, were personally approved by the president. They included planting a CIA spy in his opponent's campaign committee, wiretaps on his opponent's top political aides, illegal FBI checks, and the bugging of his opponent's campaign airplane.

The president? Lyndon B. Johnson. The target? Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, the 1964 Republican presidential candidate.}


You are exceedingly ignorant, Brundlefly.

You dont lose when you win an election by 3 million votes. The PEOPLE didn't want anything to do with Rump, and now you know exactly why

You don't lose the Superbowl when you have three more home runs than the other team.

Yer a fucking genius, Brundlefly.

Crooked Donny bragged about all he would do on his first day

Instead he had his staff arguing crowd size

How inspirational

Mafia Boss Hillary said that failure to accept the results of the election undermines our democracy.

So let's talk about your treason?
No one has failed to accept the results, this is all about trump and his subversion of our government- TREASON

So was the Mafia Boss lying, or are you just a traitor?

Well, yeah we all know THAT answer, Brundlefly.
[]Are you rewriting history? No wonder there's been a spike in the popularity of "1984". The truth is Nixon said "I am not a crook", yet he left office without any vote on impeachment. :2up:

It was a VERY different time. The Republicans had something then that is no longer part of politics, integrity.

Nixon covered up a burglary to obtain evidence that McGovern was bugging the Nixon campaign. They obtained that evidence BTW, the democrats then, as now, were utterly corrupt. Nixon also proposed the use of the IRS against his political enemies, which the IRS refused to do.

Fast forward, Bill Clinton perjured himself, destroyed evidence in a criminal investigation, bribed witnesses, and threatened witnesses. All proven and irrefutable. But he remained in office because the democrats then as now, had ZERO integrity and placed party before country.

Nixon resigned under pressure from the honorable Republicans who were determined to uphold the integrity of the office of president.

Clinton dug his heels in on the promise of the fucking scum democrats who guaranteed that ONLY party mattered and they would NEVER convict, regardless of what he did.

We know that Obama not only suggested the used of the IRS against political enemies, but in fact did it. Again, the fucking scum democrats supported this criminal act because party is all that matters to that filth.

So no president will ever resign again, regardless of circumstance.

The filthy piles of shit fucking scum fascist democrat pigs lack the power to impeach, so Trump will be president until at least 2020, and probably 2024.

What exactly did LBJ and Kennedy do that was worse? You aint got a clue

LBJ bugged the Goldwater campaign, just like Obama did to the Trump campaign.

It was a political scandal of unprecedented proportions: the deliberate, systematic, and illegal misuse of the FBI and the CIA by the White House in a presidential campaign. The massive black-bag operations, bordering on the unconstitutional and therefore calling for impeachment, were personally approved by the president. They included planting a CIA spy in his opponent's campaign committee, wiretaps on his opponent's top political aides, illegal FBI checks, and the bugging of his opponent's campaign airplane.

The president? Lyndon B. Johnson. The target? Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, the 1964 Republican presidential candidate.}

Lyndon Johnson's Watergate

You are exceedingly ignorant, Brundlefly.

spreading horseshit might make flowers grow, but it wont help Trump.

What exactly did LBJ and Kennedy do that was worse? You aint got a clue

LBJ bugged the Goldwater campaign, just like Obama did to the Trump campaign.

It was a political scandal of unprecedented proportions: the deliberate, systematic, and illegal misuse of the FBI and the CIA by the White House in a presidential campaign. The massive black-bag operations, bordering on the unconstitutional and therefore calling for impeachment, were personally approved by the president. They included planting a CIA spy in his opponent's campaign committee, wiretaps on his opponent's top political aides, illegal FBI checks, and the bugging of his opponent's campaign airplane.

The president? Lyndon B. Johnson. The target? Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, the 1964 Republican presidential candidate.}

Lyndon Johnson's Watergate

You are exceedingly ignorant, Brundlefly.

spreading horseshit might make flowers grow, but it wont help Trump.

Ignoring facts won't help your fascist party.

No one has failed to accept the results, this is all about trump and his subversion of our government- TREASON

Izzatrite Brundlefly?

So, this wasn't your traitorous ass who posted;

{You dont lose when you win an election by 3 million votes.}

Oh, you're a LIAR and a TRAITOR, gotit! :thup:

No one has failed to accept the results, this is all about trump and his subversion of our government- TREASON

Izzatrite Brundlefly?

So, this wasn't your traitorous ass who posted;

{You dont lose when you win an election by 3 million votes.}

Oh, you're a LIAR and a TRAITOR, gotit! :thup:
I have accepted the results, you have to accept that the people did not want Trump and thats why he lost by 3 million votes
If Crooked Donny was complicit he will be impeached
If he offered anything in return he will go to jail for Treason


You fascists have rich fantasies.

So, Flouncing Barry bugged the opposition campaign? Is that legal?

Who is going to jail? :dunno:

Keep flinging that shit for your Fuhrer, maybe someday it will stick...
Speaking of shit, and job, Trumppie is in it as far as you can see.

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