Hey Dem's....you're about to allow the GOP back into the fight

Ya big idiots. This is why I didnt vote for the GOP assholes....OR you Democrat tards.

Obama is either a corrupt prick, or, an awful manager. The IRS targeting the Tea Party? I dont agree with most of what the TP says. But, they are fellow Americans FIRST, Tea Partiers second, and this shit is wrong.

Wiretapping the AP? We aint Russia or China. So we dont do that. (AND, we dont pay our employees slave wages and treat 'em like dirt, thats for you Repubs).

And Benghazi? This is the least bad of the 3. I truly think Benghazi was just a terror attack that caught us off guard. War his hell. Every now and then, the enemy gets one on us.

But anyhoooo..........the GOP is all but dead and gone, BUT, they aren't quite dead, and ya big idiots in the Democrat Party may just let 'em back in the fight with this shit:cuckoo:

Tell us how you really feel, Bucs.
Well it's only mid May I mean, it isn't as if we haven't wasted 4 1/2 months once again on bullshit.

How's the jobs picture and economy looking in your neck of the woods? What about this ignorant sequester? I know food programs and Head Start are affected by this. This congress needs to get off their asses and move on what's important to the American people.

They can continue with Benghazi but don't drop everything else and focus only on issues that will hurt the president.

There has to be a way we can make them move.
Hey Dem's....you're about to allow the GOP back into the fight

Not really. The GOP is just trying to lie itself back in. When the haze clears from all the wingnut flatulence, all will be okay.
You're right. And the GOP's job is to attract voters. Convince them why they should vote GOP. Just like a CEO and business. Attract customers. A dying business cant attract customers. The GOP is losing voters. Dying party. And partly for the reasons you just said. I was a fairly strong right winger, until the GOP began to publicly turn on government employees, in particular cops, firemen, teachers. That move turned a LOT of government employees and their families against the GOP.

The GOP pissed off small groups of voters one by one. And lost to a really bad president.

You are a liar, and one that I've encountered countless times. The "I was a Republican...[insert bullshit]".

Yes, you were a right winger until they decided to burn firemen at the stake, poison teachers, shoot cops.

If you think one election can damn a political party you are showing how ignorant of history you are. Your narrow-minded interpretation of history is laughable at best.

What is pathetic, is you believe the bullshit you spew.

Yes, I was. See....unlike you and some other Republicans, I never had the Big Red "R" tattooed on my chest. I was voting GOP, but not brainwashed to them. And when the Tea Party movement got big, you had mayors and governors all across the South who jumped on board, and started slashing pay/benefits for cops and firemen, NON UNION ones down here, who were already among the lowest paid in America. Out of necessity? No. Places like Cali and NJ had to, they are bloated and unrealistic. Southern GOP leaders did so......as Nikki Haley said......"to send a message". Not out of necessity. But ideological spite. So I said "fuck the GOP". My vote is not in stone.

But, the GOP could start a puppy kicking campaign, and you'd support it and say it might kill a few fleas.

Like I said insert bullshit.
Ya...sure....I'm sure that's ALL they did. Wow, some people will never admit the truth......

Well, that is all they did.

They did it in an unfair way, but that is all they did.

All the Internal Revenue Service did, with the knowledge of the Obama-appointed Commissioner of the IRS, was lie to a Congressional inquiry in 2012 about the politically motivated harassment of organizations critical to the Obama administration.

All the IRS did was specifically target CERTAIN groups based upon their political leanings and lie about it.

What is the big deal?

Douglas Shulman was not appointed by Obama, but that's beside the point anyway.

The IRS targeted conservative groups with extra paperwork. Yeah, it's wrong. No, I don't agree or condone it.

But I don't think it's a "big deal".
Yeah, the GOP which holds control over the House of Representatives is all but dead and gone. How utterly moronic are you? Could you attempt to sound somewhat educated when you post things, you aren't text messaging.

The current presidents first term was a joke. Unemployment is awful. Wars and rumors of war are all over the place. A total disaster. He's the coach of a 2-14 NFL season.

And you guys couldnt beat him. If the GOP currently had to run against Bill Clinton, they'd be crushed.

Yes, the Republican Party is dying a slow death. But, the Dems are trying so hard to shock 'em back to life!

The coach of 2-14 NFL season? Does it say more about the ignorance of the American voter or the GOP when a man with such a dismal failure of a record gets re-elected?

I think you've demonstrated that it says more about the ignorance of the American voter. This second term is going to be a reality check.
You are right. But it isn't because the American voter is ignorant. It is because the American voter is intentionally kept in the dark.
Well, that is all they did.

They did it in an unfair way, but that is all they did.

All the Internal Revenue Service did, with the knowledge of the Obama-appointed Commissioner of the IRS, was lie to a Congressional inquiry in 2012 about the politically motivated harassment of organizations critical to the Obama administration.

All the IRS did was specifically target CERTAIN groups based upon their political leanings and lie about it.

What is the big deal?

Douglas Shulman was not appointed by Obama, but that's beside the point anyway.

The IRS targeted conservative groups with extra paperwork. Yeah, it's wrong. No, I don't agree or condone it.

But I don't think it's a "big deal".
They were doing a hell of a lot more than just burdening them with more paperwork.

The IRS was passing information illicitly gained from these organizations to progressive attack groups for the purpose of affecting the outcome of the 2012 election.

You should do some more homework on this.....
Ya big idiots. This is why I didnt vote for the GOP assholes....OR you Democrat tards.

Obama is either a corrupt prick, or, an awful manager. The IRS targeting the Tea Party? I dont agree with most of what the TP says. But, they are fellow Americans FIRST, Tea Partiers second, and this shit is wrong.

Wiretapping the AP? We aint Russia or China. So we dont do that. (AND, we dont pay our employees slave wages and treat 'em like dirt, thats for you Repubs).

And Benghazi? This is the least bad of the 3. I truly think Benghazi was just a terror attack that caught us off guard. War his hell. Every now and then, the enemy gets one on us.

But anyhoooo..........the GOP is all but dead and gone, BUT, they aren't quite dead, and ya big idiots in the Democrat Party may just let 'em back in the fight with this shit:cuckoo:
Hey Dem's....you're about to allow the GOP back into the fight

If the Republicans were capable of organizing themselves to create a united front behind a leader whose personal charisma and oratory skills could challenge President Obama, "bucs90" might have a valid point.

The reality is that the Republicans are incapable of agreeing amongst themselves and there is no candidate waiting in the political wings with comparable leadership skills.

While the Republicans dither, the core constituency of the Democrats (visible minorities, women, urban and young voters) continue to emerge as an ever larger % of the electorate, while their Republican counterparts (white males, midwest, southern, older and rural voters) are in a steady decline.
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All the Internal Revenue Service did, with the knowledge of the Obama-appointed Commissioner of the IRS, was lie to a Congressional inquiry in 2012 about the politically motivated harassment of organizations critical to the Obama administration.

All the IRS did was specifically target CERTAIN groups based upon their political leanings and lie about it.

What is the big deal?

Douglas Shulman was not appointed by Obama, but that's beside the point anyway.

The IRS targeted conservative groups with extra paperwork. Yeah, it's wrong. No, I don't agree or condone it.

But I don't think it's a "big deal".
They were doing a hell of a lot more than just burdening them with more paperwork.

The IRS was passing information illicitly gained from these organizations to progressive attack groups for the purpose of affecting the outcome of the 2012 election.

You should do some more homework on this.....

Will you prove that assertion, please? I know you can find the accusation.....but can you find anything to support it?
Although I agree with you in general, I have a few clarifications to what you've said.

No one was "wiretapped". A list of phone numbers was gotten via a court order. I don't think it was right, but let's keep in it the realm of reality - there's a big difference between that and "wiretapping".

To add a bit more clarification to this story..it was the GOP that were publically gnashing and tearing their eyes out over "leaks". They called for this investigation.

Also there is a bit of convenient forgetfulness on the part of the GOP in regards to the Bush administration's trampling on freedom of the Press and privacy in general. Starting with the investigation of the NY Times after they released a story on illegal wiretapping by the Bush administration.

In any case, the Patriot Act opened up a whole new world for the government. Just wondering why anyone is "shocked" by this..

Oh yeah..because it's the party they don't like that's doing it.
What the hell?

Don't let BUCs fool you.. He's a liberal dipshit like the rest of his fellow KOOKs here.. He's mad because his god has been busted.

OH YEAH, you're right, my liberal dipshit side has been a strong supporter of gun rights, been fanatical about pro-police and pro-military ideals, love to eat red meat and lift weights daily, drive a Dodge Ram 1500........yep, Im a typical San Fran liberal!!!!


^ 100% Liberal dipshit
whoo boy, the lefties are ALL IN A TIZZY..

not pretty to watch, but then again pretty damn funny...I guess they really believed the Obama was a saint .
You're right. And the GOP's job is to attract voters. Convince them why they should vote GOP. Just like a CEO and business. Attract customers. A dying business cant attract customers. The GOP is losing voters. Dying party. And partly for the reasons you just said. I was a fairly strong right winger, until the GOP began to publicly turn on government employees, in particular cops, firemen, teachers. That move turned a LOT of government employees and their families against the GOP.

The GOP pissed off small groups of voters one by one. And lost to a really bad president.

You are a liar, and one that I've encountered countless times. The "I was a Republican...[insert bullshit]".

Yes, you were a right winger until they decided to burn firemen at the stake, poison teachers, shoot cops.

If you think one election can damn a political party you are showing how ignorant of history you are. Your narrow-minded interpretation of history is laughable at best.

What is pathetic, is you believe the bullshit you spew.

Yes, I was. See....unlike you and some other Republicans, I never had the Big Red "R" tattooed on my chest. I was voting GOP, but not brainwashed to them. And when the Tea Party movement got big, you had mayors and governors all across the South who jumped on board, and started slashing pay/benefits for cops and firemen, NON UNION ones down here, who were already among the lowest paid in America. Out of necessity? No. Places like Cali and NJ had to, they are bloated and unrealistic. Southern GOP leaders did so......as Nikki Haley said......"to send a message". Not out of necessity. But ideological spite. So I said "fuck the GOP". My vote is not in stone.

But, the GOP could start a puppy kicking campaign, and you'd support it and say it might kill a few fleas.

So you voted in your middle school classes? There is absolutely no way you are old enough to vote, you certainly aren't intelligent enough.
If the Republicans were capable of organizing themselves to create a united front behind a leader whose personal charisma and oratory skills could challenge President Obama, "bucs90" might have a valid point.

The reality is that the Republicans are incapable of agreeing amongst themselves and there is no candidate waiting in the political wings with comparable leadership skills.

Yeah, I think this pretty much nails the current situation.

The public may well look at an administration made impotent and irrelevant by all this crap and say "yeah, this is bad, but as compared to WHAT?" I don't see any indication the GOP has its shit together enough to do much about this.

How lucky we are to have such great "leaders".

^ 100% Liberal dipshit
whoo boy, the lefties are ALL IN A TIZZY..

not pretty to watch, but then again pretty damn funny...I guess they really believed the Obama was a saint .

"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults ..... We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
— Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

Add "CrusaderFrank" and "Stephanie" to Jindal's "stupid party" for their "offensive and bizarre comments" and their inability to "talk(s) like adults!"
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^ 100% Liberal dipshit
whoo boy, the lefties are ALL IN A TIZZY..

not pretty to watch, but then again pretty damn funny...I guess they really believed the Obama was a saint .

"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults ..... We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
— Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

Add "CrusaderFrank" and "Stephanie" to Jindal's "stupid party" for their inability to "talk(s) like adults!"

Ok Jake the second, and the high and mighty so called, adult
you is it, the one, you condescending child... you ride that high horsey
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Ya big idiots. This is why I didnt vote for the GOP assholes....OR you Democrat tards.

Obama is either a corrupt prick, or, an awful manager.

He's a mainline POL..meaning he works for the wealthy constitutents of his party

Who was POTUS when this happened?

Wiretapping the AP? We aint Russia or China. So we dont do that. (AND, we dont pay our employees slave wages and treat 'em like dirt, thats for you Repubs).

Who voted for the Patriot Act?

And Benghazi? This is the least bad of the 3. I truly think Benghazi was just a terror attack that caught us off guard. War his hell. Every now and then, the enemy gets one on us.


But anyhoooo..........the GOP is all but dead and gone, BUT, they aren't quite dead, and ya big idiots in the Democrat Party may just let 'em back in the fight with this shit:cuckoo:

The DEMS need to GOP and the GOP needs the Dems.

the Good cop/bad cop grift needs two cops to work, mate

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