Hey Dem's....you're about to allow the GOP back into the fight

^ 100% Liberal dipshit
whoo boy, the lefties are ALL IN A TIZZY..

not pretty to watch, but then again pretty damn funny...I guess they really believed the Obama was a saint .

"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults ..... We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
— Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

Add "CrusaderFrank" and "Stephanie" to Jindal's "stupid party" for their inability to "talk(s) like adults!"

Ok Jake the second, and the high and mighty so called, adult
you is it, the one, you condescending child... you ride that high horsey
:blowup: :thewave: :blowup: :thewave: :blowup: :thewave:

"I rest my case!

:thewave: :blowup: :thewave: :blowup: :thewave: :blowup:
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"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults ..... We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
— Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

Add "CrusaderFrank" and "Stephanie" to Jindal's "stupid party" for their inability to "talk(s) like adults!"

Ok Jake the second, and the high and mighty so called, adult
you is it, the one, you condescending child... you ride that high horsey
:blowup: :thewave: :blowup: :thewave: :blowup: :thewave:

[size]"I rest my case! [/size=7]

:thewave: :blowup: :thewave: :blowup: :thewave: :blowup:

giddy up, you need to stable your high horse you've broken it's back
All the Internal Revenue Service did, with the knowledge of the Obama-appointed Commissioner of the IRS, was lie to a Congressional inquiry in 2012 about the politically motivated harassment of organizations critical to the Obama administration.

All the IRS did was specifically target CERTAIN groups based upon their political leanings and lie about it.

What is the big deal?

Douglas Shulman was not appointed by Obama, but that's beside the point anyway.

The IRS targeted conservative groups with extra paperwork. Yeah, it's wrong. No, I don't agree or condone it.

But I don't think it's a "big deal".
They were doing a hell of a lot more than just burdening them with more paperwork.

The IRS was passing information illicitly gained from these organizations to progressive attack groups for the purpose of affecting the outcome of the 2012 election.

You should do some more homework on this.....

The outcome of the 2012 election would not have changed , Mittens was a shit candidate. Get over it
Douglas Shulman was not appointed by Obama, but that's beside the point anyway.

The IRS targeted conservative groups with extra paperwork. Yeah, it's wrong. No, I don't agree or condone it.

But I don't think it's a "big deal".
They were doing a hell of a lot more than just burdening them with more paperwork.

The IRS was passing information illicitly gained from these organizations to progressive attack groups for the purpose of affecting the outcome of the 2012 election.

You should do some more homework on this.....

The outcome of the 2012 election would not have changed , Mittens was a shit candidate. Get over it

An admission of defeat. Yours is a shit argument. Get over it!
Ya big idiots. This is why I didnt vote for the GOP assholes....OR you Democrat tards.

Obama is either a corrupt prick, or, an awful manager. The IRS targeting the Tea Party? I dont agree with most of what the TP says. But, they are fellow Americans FIRST, Tea Partiers second, and this shit is wrong.

Wiretapping the AP? We aint Russia or China. So we dont do that. (AND, we dont pay our employees slave wages and treat 'em like dirt, thats for you Repubs).

And Benghazi? This is the least bad of the 3. I truly think Benghazi was just a terror attack that caught us off guard. War his hell. Every now and then, the enemy gets one on us.

But anyhoooo..........the GOP is all but dead and gone, BUT, they aren't quite dead, and ya big idiots in the Democrat Party may just let 'em back in the fight with this shit:cuckoo:

Out of the Big Three ( as it has been coined ) the biggest one is Benghazi without question. Obama gave the stand down order. A congresswoman was asked the question after they learned about her former job in government and she replie, The president gives the stand down order. So while Chris Stevens was pleading for his life Obama in essence said, Don't harm any Muslims, let them kill him. Then he went to bed. According to Mohammad any Muslim who assists an non Muslim against other Muslims? It's a death sentence. We may not believe Obama is a Muslim but the Muslim World does and if he had done it perhaps he feels they would heve eventually killed him. Remember Bin Laden had been dead since 2007 according to David Frost interview with Benazir Bhutto. Obama is a liar and a murderer and it is not likely he will be finishing his term now. Thank God. Saved by Benghazi. - Jeri
They were doing a hell of a lot more than just burdening them with more paperwork.

The IRS was passing information illicitly gained from these organizations to progressive attack groups for the purpose of affecting the outcome of the 2012 election.

You should do some more homework on this.....

The outcome of the 2012 election would not have changed , Mittens was a shit candidate. Get over it

An admission of defeat. Yours is a shit argument. Get over it!

Oh look the only Mittens fan , I'm sure mitt will send you a campaign poster , loser:doubt:
Ya big idiots. This is why I didnt vote for the GOP assholes....OR you Democrat tards.

Obama is either a corrupt prick, or, an awful manager. The IRS targeting the Tea Party? I dont agree with most of what the TP says. But, they are fellow Americans FIRST, Tea Partiers second, and this shit is wrong.

Wiretapping the AP? We aint Russia or China. So we dont do that. (AND, we dont pay our employees slave wages and treat 'em like dirt, thats for you Repubs).

And Benghazi? This is the least bad of the 3. I truly think Benghazi was just a terror attack that caught us off guard. War his hell. Every now and then, the enemy gets one on us.

But anyhoooo..........the GOP is all but dead and gone, BUT, they aren't quite dead, and ya big idiots in the Democrat Party may just let 'em back in the fight with this shit:cuckoo:

Out of the Big Three ( as it has been coined ) the biggest one is Benghazi without question. Obama gave the stand down order. A congresswoman was asked the question after they learned about her former job in government and she replie, The president gives the stand down order. So while Chris Stevens was pleading for his life Obama in essence said, Don't harm any Muslims, let them kill him. Then he went to bed. According to Mohammad any Muslim who assists an non Muslim against other Muslims? It's a death sentence. We may not believe Obama is a Muslim but the Muslim World does and if he had done it perhaps he feels they would heve eventually killed him. Remember Bin Laden had been dead since 2007 according to David Frost interview with Benazir Bhutto. Obama is a liar and a murderer and it is not likely he will be finishing his term now. Thank God. Saved by Benghazi. - Jeri

Ya'll simply don't live in the real world do you? Is this the result of living in the Fox bubble?
Ya big idiots. This is why I didnt vote for the GOP assholes....OR you Democrat tards.

Obama is either a corrupt prick, or, an awful manager. The IRS targeting the Tea Party? I dont agree with most of what the TP says. But, they are fellow Americans FIRST, Tea Partiers second, and this shit is wrong.

Wiretapping the AP? We aint Russia or China. So we dont do that. (AND, we dont pay our employees slave wages and treat 'em like dirt, thats for you Repubs).

And Benghazi? This is the least bad of the 3. I truly think Benghazi was just a terror attack that caught us off guard. War his hell. Every now and then, the enemy gets one on us.

But anyhoooo..........the GOP is all but dead and gone, BUT, they aren't quite dead, and ya big idiots in the Democrat Party may just let 'em back in the fight with this shit:cuckoo:

Out of the Big Three ( as it has been coined ) the biggest one is Benghazi without question. Obama gave the stand down order. A congresswoman was asked the question after they learned about her former job in government and she replie, The president gives the stand down order. So while Chris Stevens was pleading for his life Obama in essence said, Don't harm any Muslims, let them kill him. Then he went to bed. According to Mohammad any Muslim who assists an non Muslim against other Muslims? It's a death sentence. We may not believe Obama is a Muslim but the Muslim World does and if he had done it perhaps he feels they would heve eventually killed him. Remember Bin Laden had been dead since 2007 according to David Frost interview with Benazir Bhutto. Obama is a liar and a murderer and it is not likely he will be finishing his term now. Thank God. Saved by Benghazi. - Jeri

Aren't the rest of you nutters proud that this guy is one of you! Go ahead....tell him what you think!
^ 100% Liberal dipshit
whoo boy, the lefties are ALL IN A TIZZY..

not pretty to watch, but then again pretty damn funny...I guess they really believed the Obama was a saint .

"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults ..... We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
— Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal

Add "CrusaderFrank" and "Stephanie" to Jindal's "stupid party" for their "offensive and bizarre comments" and their inability to "talk(s) like adults!"

Do you know how much your opinion means to me?

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