Hey frog in Rome....

Gop guy

Apr 17, 2004
You seem like a very interesting guy. It is a fact that you're government stabbed us in the back, but that's not what I wish to discuss with you. My mother has French in her and so do I. I DESPISE this modern France. Do you know what ruined your once glorious country? Democratic government! As far as I know I am the only person in the world with this view, but the evidence is undeniable. I loved France, when she was royalist! Constitutional monarchy is my favorite form of government and his Imperial Majesty Emperor Napoleon I is my hero. Think back, when you were a monarchy, Europe trembled before your feet with fear and utter respect. Under the glorious Sun King, no one could touch you. You were the military, economic, and cultural superpower of Europe! After him, you remained the force to be reckoned with. Then, Napoleon wed you to Imperial glory, you made your mark on history, he was a truly great man. He was a military genius, a brillant statesman, and a loving father. All empires crumble eventually, that didn't really detract from his greatness. Things went okay for you guys up until you overthrew your last Bourbon King. You have been a nation us whores and snakes ever since. How could you forget what made you great? Think back, and remember. King Juan Carlos I is the current King of Spain and a Bourbon. Your people must beg his forgiveness for what you did to his family and demand he return to his people. The Bonepartes are very sadly all gone, this is the second best thing, it's still pretty damn good. Become the France I loved again! It's the only way for your people to save themselves now.

God bless America and our good President!
What detracted from Napoleon's greatness was an ill advised jaunt into Imperial Russia. Many a frog froze to death on the steppes of eastern Europe because of old Boni's arrogance.

Unfortunately it was probably the influence of America that kindled the fires of revolution in France. Oh, well. Happy Bastille Day frogs.
If you consider Russians in Paris better than Germans in Paris, perhaps. But yes, at least Napoleon, and the French under him, had many a success before their eventual defeat. Napoleon should have quit while he was ahead. Maybe France would be something today.

Bistro! Bistro!
Originally posted by Zhukov
If you consider Russians in Paris better than Germans in Paris, perhaps. But yes, at least Napoleon, and the French under him, had many a success before their eventual defeat. Napoleon should have quit while he was ahead. Maybe France would be something today.

Bistro! Bistro!

Hitler could have learned from Napolean. Don't attack Russia in the winter.
Don't attack Russia period.

You can try to starve them, they'll eat their shoes, or glue, or each other. You can occupy their cities, they'll burn them down or blow them up. You can destroy their industry, they'll move a thousand miles to the east and start over.

And for what? A frozen wasteland and a bunch of Russians.
Originally posted by Zhukov
Don't attack Russia period.

You can try to starve them, they'll eat their shoes, or glue, or each other. You can occupy their cities, they'll burn them down or blow them up. You can destroy their industry, they'll move a thousand miles to the east and start over.

And for what? A frozen wasteland and a bunch of Russians.

Yea. Thats mainly why nukes were invented. To save time on conquering russia.
Originally posted by Zhukov
Don't attack Russia period.

You can try to starve them, they'll eat their shoes, or glue, or each other. You can occupy their cities, they'll burn them down or blow them up. You can destroy their industry, they'll move a thousand miles to the east and start over.

And for what? A frozen wasteland and a bunch of Russians.

Actually, you can attak Russia, provided that you're really fast and come from the east instead of the west. That's how the Mongols pulled it off, but then again, they're the only ones.
Originally posted by Zhukov
If you consider Russians in Paris better than Germans in Paris, perhaps. But yes, at least Napoleon, and the French under him, had many a success before their eventual defeat. Napoleon should have quit while he was ahead. Maybe France would be something today.

Bistro! Bistro!

He did. He told Europe that he wanted nothing more than to rule France after he returned from Elba, Europe didn't listen.
Originally posted by Gop guy
He did. He told Europe that he wanted nothing more than to rule France after he returned from Elba, Europe didn't listen.

At the time Napoleon invaded Russia (see that? it wasn't the other way around) the individual who you say only wanted to rule France did in fact rule over Spain (including Mexico and other territories), Italy, most of present-day Germany, Switzerland, and most of present-day Poland.

Now you can say 'Europe didn't listen' in reference to the sixth coalition, but in the end it was Napoleon who tried to conquer Russia and in so doing managed to over extend himself, not an embattled France defending itself.
Originally posted by Zhukov
At the time Napoleon invaded Russia (see that? it wasn't the other way around) the individual who you say only wanted to rule France did in fact rule over Spain (including Mexico and other territories), Italy, most of present-day Germany, Switzerland, and most of present-day Poland.

Now you can say 'Europe didn't listen' in reference to the sixth coalition, but in the end it was Napoleon who tried to conquer Russia and in so doing managed to over extend himself, not an embattled France defending itself.

Okay, he wanted to keep his current Imperial possesions, and rule over France.
Not that 'Frog in Rome' is any longer the centerpiece of this discussion, just felt that I should tell you guys that he heasn't been back to the board since september of last year!
Originally posted by jimnyc
Not that 'Frog in Rome' is any longer the centerpiece of this discussion, just felt that I should tell you guys that he heasn't been back to the board since september of last year!

I noticed.

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