Hey Glenn...Martin Luther King, Jr. Was a Social Justice Christian


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
If the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would have been on Glenn Beck's blackboard. That is because Martin Luther King Jr. was clearly a Social Justice Christian -- the term and people that Beck constantly derides. If the Christians of King's era had listened to Beck, they would have been forced to walk out on King's "I Have a Dream" speech. If they were to heed his advice to turn in social justice pastors to the church authorities, they all would have had to turn in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On December 18, 1963, at Western Michigan University, King gave a speech whose topic was "social justice and the emerging new age."

Speech Transcription - Dr. Martin Luther King's 1963 WMU Speech Found - Archives - WMU Libraries

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: President Miller, Dr. Clark, members of the faculty and members of the student body of this great institution of learning, ladies and gentlemen...In line with the theme that has been selected for this series, I would like to use as a subject from which to speak on social justice and the emerging new age.

I think with all of these challenges being met and with all of the work, and determination going on, we will be able to go this additional distance and achieve the ideal, the goal of the new age, the age of social justice.


If Beck had been there, I don't doubt that he would have gotten up and walked out as he has told his viewers to do if they hear "social justice" from their pastors.

Yes, King named social justice as the goal of the new age. This is why so many Christians were willing to turn themselves in to Beck as Social Justice Christians. It was not difficult for them to choose between King's interpretation of the gospel and Beck's interpretation that I know some in his own Mormon church are not comfortable with.

Whole article...
If the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would have been on Glenn Beck's blackboard. That is because Martin Luther King Jr. was clearly a Social Justice Christian -- the term and people that Beck constantly derides. If the Christians of King's era had listened to Beck, they would have been forced to walk out on King's "I Have a Dream" speech. If they were to heed his advice to turn in social justice pastors to the church authorities, they all would have had to turn in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On December 18, 1963, at Western Michigan University, King gave a speech whose topic was "social justice and the emerging new age."

Speech Transcription - Dr. Martin Luther King's 1963 WMU Speech Found - Archives - WMU Libraries

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: President Miller, Dr. Clark, members of the faculty and members of the student body of this great institution of learning, ladies and gentlemen...In line with the theme that has been selected for this series, I would like to use as a subject from which to speak on social justice and the emerging new age.

I think with all of these challenges being met and with all of the work, and determination going on, we will be able to go this additional distance and achieve the ideal, the goal of the new age, the age of social justice.


If Beck had been there, I don't doubt that he would have gotten up and walked out as he has told his viewers to do if they hear "social justice" from their pastors.

Yes, King named social justice as the goal of the new age. This is why so many Christians were willing to turn themselves in to Beck as Social Justice Christians. It was not difficult for them to choose between King's interpretation of the gospel and Beck's interpretation that I know some in his own Mormon church are not comfortable with.

Whole article...

Did you actually read all of King's speech or just the blocked passages that Huffington quoted?
If the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would have been on Glenn Beck's blackboard. That is because Martin Luther King Jr. was clearly a Social Justice Christian -- the term and people that Beck constantly derides. If the Christians of King's era had listened to Beck, they would have been forced to walk out on King's "I Have a Dream" speech. If they were to heed his advice to turn in social justice pastors to the church authorities, they all would have had to turn in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On December 18, 1963, at Western Michigan University, King gave a speech whose topic was "social justice and the emerging new age."


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: President Miller, Dr. Clark, members of the faculty and members of the student body of this great institution of learning, ladies and gentlemen...In line with the theme that has been selected for this series, I would like to use as a subject from which to speak on social justice and the emerging new age.

I think with all of these challenges being met and with all of the work, and determination going on, we will be able to go this additional distance and achieve the ideal, the goal of the new age, the age of social justice.

If Beck had been there, I don't doubt that he would have gotten up and walked out as he has told his viewers to do if they hear "social justice" from their pastors.

Yes, King named social justice as the goal of the new age. This is why so many Christians were willing to turn themselves in to Beck as Social Justice Christians. It was not difficult for them to choose between King's interpretation of the gospel and Beck's interpretation that I know some in his own Mormon church are not comfortable with. Quote

"Social justice" today is not the same thing as to what MLK referred. He referred to equal application of the LAW, not "equal distribution of income", as today's Leftninnies mean when they use that term.

Better do some more research; King was a CONSERVATIVE, who favored the GOP over the DNC. Little wonder; it was the GOP that broke the DNC's filibuster of the Civil Rights Act(s).
"Social justice" today is not the same thing as to what MLK referred. He referred to equal application of the LAW, not "equal distribution of income",

I get a little tired of all "sides" trying to claim MLK as "theirs" for some kind of points. Really. Like most normal, rational people he had statements and opinions that would fall on either side of the fence or balance perfectly on top. Wouldn't it be better to pay attention to the content and not the label for a change?

I know, I know, but for some reason I'm having an irrationally idealistic day. :lol:
If the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would have been on Glenn Beck's blackboard. That is because Martin Luther King Jr. was clearly a Social Justice Christian -- the term and people that Beck constantly derides. If the Christians of King's era had listened to Beck, they would have been forced to walk out on King's "I Have a Dream" speech. If they were to heed his advice to turn in social justice pastors to the church authorities, they all would have had to turn in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On December 18, 1963, at Western Michigan University, King gave a speech whose topic was "social justice and the emerging new age."


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: President Miller, Dr. Clark, members of the faculty and members of the student body of this great institution of learning, ladies and gentlemen...In line with the theme that has been selected for this series, I would like to use as a subject from which to speak on social justice and the emerging new age.

I think with all of these challenges being met and with all of the work, and determination going on, we will be able to go this additional distance and achieve the ideal, the goal of the new age, the age of social justice.

If Beck had been there, I don't doubt that he would have gotten up and walked out as he has told his viewers to do if they hear "social justice" from their pastors.

Yes, King named social justice as the goal of the new age. This is why so many Christians were willing to turn themselves in to Beck as Social Justice Christians. It was not difficult for them to choose between King's interpretation of the gospel and Beck's interpretation that I know some in his own Mormon church are not comfortable with. Quote

"Social justice" today is not the same thing as to what MLK referred. He referred to equal application of the LAW, not "equal distribution of income", as today's Leftninnies mean when they use that term.

Better do some more research; King was a CONSERVATIVE, who favored the GOP over the DNC. Little wonder; it was the GOP that broke the DNC's filibuster of the Civil Rights Act(s).

Yeah, you might want to do a little more research. MLK Jr. voted straight Democrat all his life - his father had been a Republican until JFK, and after that, both MLK Jr. and his father voted straight Dem.

MLK Jr. was a Christian Socialist, not a Conservative.

Martin Luther King Jr said:
You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism

And this is from Lew Rockwell's site, too.
Myths of Martin Luther King by Marcus Epstein
If the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would have been on Glenn Beck's blackboard. That is because Martin Luther King Jr. was clearly a Social Justice Christian -- the term and people that Beck constantly derides. If the Christians of King's era had listened to Beck, they would have been forced to walk out on King's "I Have a Dream" speech. If they were to heed his advice to turn in social justice pastors to the church authorities, they all would have had to turn in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On December 18, 1963, at Western Michigan University, King gave a speech whose topic was "social justice and the emerging new age."

Speech Transcription - Dr. Martin Luther King's 1963 WMU Speech Found - Archives - WMU Libraries

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: President Miller, Dr. Clark, members of the faculty and members of the student body of this great institution of learning, ladies and gentlemen...In line with the theme that has been selected for this series, I would like to use as a subject from which to speak on social justice and the emerging new age.

I think with all of these challenges being met and with all of the work, and determination going on, we will be able to go this additional distance and achieve the ideal, the goal of the new age, the age of social justice.


If Beck had been there, I don't doubt that he would have gotten up and walked out as he has told his viewers to do if they hear "social justice" from their pastors.

Yes, King named social justice as the goal of the new age. This is why so many Christians were willing to turn themselves in to Beck as Social Justice Christians. It was not difficult for them to choose between King's interpretation of the gospel and Beck's interpretation that I know some in his own Mormon church are not comfortable with.

Whole article...

You mean, MLK wasnt a conservative mormon? Who knew.
Yeah, you might want to do a little more research. MLK Jr. voted straight Democrat all his life - his father had been a Republican until JFK, and after that, both MLK Jr. and his father voted straight Dem.

Both parties have tried to claim MLK Jr as their own. I don't think anyone really knows what party he supported. Frankly, I don't see why it matters.
Ahs anyone ever noticed Beck letting truth get in his way?

One man's truth is another man's falicy. Apparently he wasn't too far off of King's message. Do you believe that his niece, Dr. Alveda King would have been a part of this rally today if it had been otherwise?

See, you guys seem to ignore the reality of this whole thing. Beck did a good thing today and THOUSANDS stood with him...and you are very unhappy about that for some reason. Dr. King wasn't. She was very proud to stand beside Beck and support his message. If it's ok with her...one who's got MLK's blood in her veins...why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that his message today was powerful and necessary.

Having asked the question, and knowing you will NEVER back down, I don't expect anything but more derision from the leftards.

The simple truth is, Glenn Beck said NOTHING durogatory toward the president. It was more about our history and how can learn some very valuable lessons from it...if we will just allow ourselves to consider we don't have all the answers and use some of the same wisdom our forefathers did.
Yeah, you might want to do a little more research. MLK Jr. voted straight Democrat all his life - his father had been a Republican until JFK, and after that, both MLK Jr. and his father voted straight Dem.

Both parties have tried to claim MLK Jr as their own. I don't think anyone really knows what party he supported. Frankly, I don't see why it matters.

It matters. And we know what party MLK Jr's father supported in 1960. John Kennedy had the courage to do what was right, and Richard Nixon didn't...

Here is the story and the 'phone call' that won the election...


Remembering Coretta Scott King...

And so it's worth remembering that of all the moments when she stood at history's hinge, one of the most important was when she was most human, most vulnerable, six months pregnant and wondering about the odds of her husband surviving a four month sentence of hard labor in a rough Georgia jail.

The moment came in October of 1960, when Martin Luther King led a student sit in of Atlanta's segregated snack bars and restaurants. He was arrested at the Magnolia Room restaurant, along with more than 50 other people. But while they were all released on bail, Dr. King was held on a technicality — a traffic violation, no less — and sentenced to hard time at the State penitentiary in Reidsville.

It was reasonable to fear that he would not come out alive, given the atmosphere of boiling violence at the time. And so as his friends, and his wife, anguished, so did the two men running for president, in an election just a few weeks away in which few issues were as crucial, and hard to calculate, as the course of race relations in America.

Writing about the campaign when it was all over, Richard Nixon admitted that there was "one incident which, in retrospect, might have been avoided or at least better handled." Despite a civil rights record he was proud of, he did not have any comment on the case. Like John Kennedy, Nixon was desperately trying to figure out how to attract northern black voters without alienating southern white ones. And so he decided the best course was to say nothing.

Kennedy's political strategists were torn over the right response. More than one southern Democratic governor had warned them even before the arrest that an endorsement of Dr. King's crusade would cost them the state in the election. But Kennedy's brother in law, Sargent Shriver, got him alone in a room and urged the candidate to just pick up the phone. As the story has been told by historians from Theodore White to Taylor Branch and many in between, Jack Kennedy called Coretta Scott King to tell her of his concern and offer to help in any way he could. "I know this must be very hard for you, and I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and Dr. King. If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to call on me." Mrs. King replied that she'd be grateful for anything he could do. The next day his brother Bobby was calling the sentencing judge to seal a deal that would end with King's release.

In the final heat of the campaign, most people in the country had little idea what had occurred. But Coretta King, alight with gratitude, told her family and friends, who told others, who spread the word. Dr. King's father, Martin Luther King Sr., himself a renowned Baptist preacher, had come out a few weeks before for Vice President Nixon, mainly on religious grounds. But this episode was enough too convince him that he could vote for a Catholic candidate after all. "Because this man was willing to wipe the tears from my daughter (in-law's) eyes" he said, "I've got a suitcase of votes, and I'm going to take them to Mr. Kennedy and dump them in his lap."

Read more: The Presidents and Mrs. King - TIME
Hey Bfgrn..... The social justice of the 1960s and the social justice of 2010 are about the same as the Democrat Party of the 1960s and that of 2010. Moron.

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