Hey Hilary, Ar-15 is not a weapon of war..it is a cop gun....

The AR-15 is a semiautomatic that can be fired 30 times in under 10 seconds. It may not be a full automatic, but that is a cyclic rate of over 180 rounds per minute. That is effectively a machine gun.

But this weapons expert who is a democrat just like the shooter says the AR-15 can fire 700 rounds per minute. He's also a member of the government which means he knows more than all of us. And the highly ethical journalist interviewing him didn't disagree--and you know all CNN journalist are weapons experts too. So I don't know where you get this 180 rounds per minute figure.

Yes, there are terrorist attacks in other nations. But not the weekly multiple shootings that we see here in the states. And you comparing car accidents to deaths by guns in the US is not at all logical. Cars are a necessity of modern life, AR-15's are not. In fact, most people have little or no need of a gun. And all too many of our citizens have no idea of how to handle a gun in a safe manner. Gun 'accidents' are not accidents, 99% of the time, or more, they are the result of negligent handling of the gun. But few states have laws concerning training in order to own a gun, all states have laws concerning passing a drivers test in order to be licensed to drive a vehicle.

And with 357,000,000 guns in private hands...how many accidental gun deaths were there...you know...to put some perspective on the issue....

2014.....a total of 586.

Car deaths in 2014.... 33,000

Guns are not complicated...as the accidental death rate shows....

The reason we don't have training requirements or shouldn't anyway is that gun ownership is a Right....and when voting was first a Right for blacks, democrats used Literacy tests to keep them from exercising that right....

So....1 shooting with 50 deaths in a country of over 320,000,000 people with over 3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands, where AR-15s are used as often for self defense as mass shootings each year......and you want to ban them for all Americans....that makes sense to you...that sounds rational to you?

And considering that knives kill more people each year...each year...than all types of rifles combined....and you want to ban AR-15s....

Clubs kill more people each year than all types of rifle...each year....and you want to ban AR-15s.....

Bare hands kill more people each year than all types of rifle ...and you want to ban AR-15s....

You think that is rational given the reality of AR-15s in the United STates?
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....

Good point...lets make sure only cops have them

If cops have them than we get them....cops are not our owners or masters...we employ them......they don't control us...
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....
Lying fuck. The AR-15 is a semiautomatic that can be fired 30 times in under 10 seconds. It may not be a full automatic, but that is a cyclic rate of over 180 rounds per minute. That is effectively a machine gun.
Mindless nonsense.
In no way, except appearance, in an AR15 a machine gun.

What rate of fire are we talking about with an AR-15?

100 rounds a minute? More?

And that doesn't matter...how often are AR-15s used for crime each year? Do you know? And anything done with an AR-15 can be done with a pistol....and of course you know that...once you get the AR-15 you will wait for the next mass shooting with a pistol...and then go after that weapon......

Guns are not the issue.....the FBI knew about this guy......that was the problem.
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....

Good point...lets make sure only cops have them
Fine with me

I don't have an AR15

I have one of these which is exactly the same as an AR as it shoots the exact same round at rhe same rate of fire and I think with better accuracy it's just not scary because it's not black polymer


But you look like such a pussy carrying a gun like that

If you want to go out and kill gays...you need a badass looking gun


How often does that happen again.....with over 3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands.......? How often?
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....

Good point...lets make sure only cops have them

If cops have them than we get them....cops are not our owners or masters...we employ them......they don't control us...

I agree. And I was a cop. The citizens should be able to own...within reason...any weapons their police own. The only exception being maybe those big riot control sounds makers or other very specialized items.

But as for guns....yes. If police can own them so should citizens.

And actually....cops are usually BEHIND THE times of guns and are trying to catch up. Cops started getting AR15s because they were encountering the AKs so often in the streets being used by drug cartels.

As for regular ass street crime.....rifles are rarely used. Thugs don't wanna get caught and rifles are hard to hide. Common sense.
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....

Good point...lets make sure only cops have them
Fine with me

I don't have an AR15

I have one of these which is exactly the same as an AR as it shoots the exact same round at rhe same rate of fire and I think with better accuracy it's just not scary because it's not black polymer


But you look like such a pussy carrying a gun like that

If you want to go out and kill gays...you need a badass looking gun


Nah I like the understated look.
It's classic

Look, if you are going out in a blaze of glory you gotta look like a badass

What better weapon to slaughter 20 first graders or 50 homos than a full blown Bushmaster with a 100 round magazine?

See....now you are lying.....he didn't use a 100 round magazine...but that is the lie....you say that and then say "high capacity" magazine...and fool the uninformed into thinking you want 100 round magazines banned...then you just use the words..."high capacity" magazine and you mean the standard magazine in most pistols...and the uninformed, not realizing your bait and switch, like lemmings call for a ban on High Capacity magazines and unknowingly allow you to ban by proxy common pistols with standard magazines...

lying hack....
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....
Lying fuck. The AR-15 is a semiautomatic that can be fired 30 times in under 10 seconds. It may not be a full automatic, but that is a cyclic rate of over 180 rounds per minute. That is effectively a machine gun.
Mindless nonsense.
In no way, except appearance, in an AR15 a machine gun.

What rate of fire are we talking about with an AR-15?

100 rounds a minute? More?

Actual research shows that magazine capacity has no bearing on deaths in a mass shooting.....the rate of fire by the shooter is so slow and they are so relaxed as they shoot, switching magazines is not a life saver........actual research into mass shootings shows this...
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....

Good point...lets make sure only cops have them

If cops have them than we get them....cops are not our owners or masters...we employ them......they don't control us...

Cops out to get you?

That's why you need so much firepower? What are you, a drug kingpin?
If the police and army would refuse to fight 'their own' in the feared end of times that fascinates so many, what is the need to match weapons? Having defensive ones should seem more than enough. (Notice, this is just an intellectual exercise)
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....

well, I have seen plenty of people refer to policing the inner cities as being in war, so in a way.....she was right
Hilary, of course, lied again..she said the AR-15 was a weapon of war...that is a lie...

The AR-15 is just a cop gun...and has replaced the shotgun in some places...why? It is easy to shoot.....

Keep lying Hilary. It is all you know how to do....
Lying fuck. The AR-15 is a semiautomatic that can be fired 30 times in under 10 seconds. It may not be a full automatic, but that is a cyclic rate of over 180 rounds per minute. That is effectively a machine gun.
Mindless nonsense.
In no way, except appearance, in an AR15 a machine gun.

What rate of fire are we talking about with an AR-15?

100 rounds a minute? More?

as fast as you can squeeze the trigger so the rate if fire will vary between people
Good point...lets make sure only cops have them
Fine with me

I don't have an AR15

I have one of these which is exactly the same as an AR as it shoots the exact same round at rhe same rate of fire and I think with better accuracy it's just not scary because it's not black polymer


But you look like such a pussy carrying a gun like that

If you want to go out and kill gays...you need a badass looking gun


Nah I like the understated look.
It's classic

Look, if you are going out in a blaze of glory you gotta look like a badass

What better weapon to slaughter 20 first graders or 50 homos than a full blown Bushmaster with a 100 round magazine?

See....now you are lying.....he didn't use a 100 round magazine...but that is the lie....you say that and then say "high capacity" magazine...and fool the uninformed into thinking you want 100 round magazines banned...then you just use the words..."high capacity" magazine and you mean the standard magazine in most pistols...and the uninformed, not realizing your bait and switch, like lemmings call for a ban on High Capacity magazines and unknowingly allow you to ban by proxy common pistols with standard magazines...

lying hack....

Yeah in my state any magazine over 10 rounds is illegal as that 11th round makes it "high capacity"
Of course a magazine can be ejected and changed in less than 2 seconds so the 10 round limit is just a feel good stop gap
Fine with me

I don't have an AR15

I have one of these which is exactly the same as an AR as it shoots the exact same round at rhe same rate of fire and I think with better accuracy it's just not scary because it's not black polymer


But you look like such a pussy carrying a gun like that

If you want to go out and kill gays...you need a badass looking gun


Nah I like the understated look.
It's classic

Look, if you are going out in a blaze of glory you gotta look like a badass

What better weapon to slaughter 20 first graders or 50 homos than a full blown Bushmaster with a 100 round magazine?

See....now you are lying.....he didn't use a 100 round magazine...but that is the lie....you say that and then say "high capacity" magazine...and fool the uninformed into thinking you want 100 round magazines banned...then you just use the words..."high capacity" magazine and you mean the standard magazine in most pistols...and the uninformed, not realizing your bait and switch, like lemmings call for a ban on High Capacity magazines and unknowingly allow you to ban by proxy common pistols with standard magazines...

lying hack....

Yeah in my state any magazine over 10 rounds is illegal as that 11th round makes it "high capacity"
Of course a magazine can be ejected and changed in less than 2 seconds so the 10 round limit is just a feel good stop gap

the 10 round limit is just a feel good

most gun control laws are just that
Maybe one of u highly skilled marksman can post a video of urself shooting 180 rounds a min while hitting center mass. I would luv to c that.

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