Hey Moderates - Would You Vote For a Conservative Candidate ...

If you are a moderate, would you vote for a conservative just because he's a real conservative?

  • Yes

  • No

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I vote someone out or refuse to vote someone in, if they are doing a bad job or accomplishing absolutely nothing. It doesn't matter to me whether that means voting Republican or Democrat. That said, I would never vote for someone simply because they fly under a red or blue banner.
Are there any "real" Conservatives running or likely to run?

For that matter, are there any real Conservatives left in the GOP?
Are there any "real" Conservatives running or likely to run?

For that matter, are there any real Conservatives left in the GOP?
Perhaps it's generational, where 'conservatives' under 50 have known only the radical and extreme right – Christian fundamentalists, social conservatives, libertarian reactionaries – to the extent they're completely incapable of returning to the pragmatic, commonsense conservatism lost more than 40 years ago.
There are no moderates on this board. The liberals all claim they are moderates while espousing the liberal party line.

People self-identify themselves as either liberals, conservatives or moderates. Typically, liberals are 15%-25% of the vote, conservatives 30%-40% of the vote, and moderates the rest. I'm interested in those who identify themselves as moderates.

If, as you contend, moderates are merely liberals, then surely the idea that a more conservative candidate would be even less appealing to moderates.

Boss says otherwise. Boss says that moderates are really conservatives. I'm sure that's news to most moderates, me included.
I said ON THIS BOARD. We have posters on this board that claim they are moderates that are liberals a lot of them, in fact if you ask in a general way most of the liberals all claim they are moderates ON THIS BOARD.
Could be wrong on this, but I thought the argument was that, if a "true" (pure) conservative ran, the GOP would not need moderates because all the "true" conservatives would come out of hiding and flock to the ballot box, swamping the Democrat.

Is that wrong?


Yepp. That's the argument. That there are just 10s of millions of Conservatives hiding out there, waiting for the one real conservative to be nominated....

Conservative: 3+3=6

Liberal: 3x3=9

Moderate: 7.5

Conservative: 3 + 3 = 7 (including the 1 I was hiding) and don't you put your goddamned grubby fingers on it!

Liberal: 3 + 3 = 6 but I will help my fellow man, so it's 5 for me and 1 for the community.

Moderate: can't we all just get along?

Conservative's see the inherent virtue of the democratic process as long as you vote Republican. If the democrats get into the oval office then a sizeable number of the right wingers will try to overthrow the government.
Of course moderates must bear the greatest blame for what has happen to the GOP, where they lack either the will or ability to take the Party back from the far and extreme right who misappropriated it some 45 years ago.
You left scum can go screw a tree. You wouldn't know facts if they bit you in the face.
^ typical far right AKA- low-info, hater base. Reason they couldn't win the last two Presidential elections
A "real" conservative bleevs the Confederacy was "dimocrat" slavers who were awesome patriots who dared defend their rights. KA-BOOM! That's a "real" conservative's noggin asploding from cognitive dissonance.
:lmao: so true.
A real conservative like Reagan supported infrastructure, science, r&d, education but at the core of it all he supported the family!

A real conservative like Reagan supported infrastructure, science, r&d, education but at the core of it all he supported the family!



What do you think the Hard Right would do with a Regan politician today? Regan compromised and was dealmaker, that makes him a RINO to start.

The problem I have with a conservative candidate is the compromises he makes with his base to garner and keep support. There is too many wack jobs over there.

A real conservative (fiscal) should be concerned with both the short term and long term financial health of a country. Long term a country should be investigating in education (returns 9 to 1 on investment), science, a proper functioning healthcare system, infrastructure.....

A social safety net should be in place to offer hand ups(and these are more expensive to run that hand out systems) which help people families and from a ground level tackle(be it the family or community) social problems before it leads to crime and prison.
This is an area which Europe leads USA, Europe support families more (USA (especially RW) talks the game of supporting the family). In Europe compulsory paid parental leave, parental reduced hours at work, subsidized childcare, better free education....
Effectively the USA (something that is talked about in Europe) is breeding out its middle class, the only people who can afford to have more than 2 kids are either wealthy (upper middle class) or by vast majority the poor.

So real conservative who looks at the whole picture, maybe... But realities of politics makes it very unlikely
... Just because he's a "real" conservative?

That seems to be the argument some conservatives are making.

Far Right can t win for GOP ...BS Page 17 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you are a moderate, please vote so we can find out.

Certainly. There is no conflict between a moderate and a real conservative. But then, a real conservative is capable of working with others and compromising, because they understand that in a republic there is not just one group that must be in control. Now, the phony conservatives, such as Ted Cruz, Dick Cheney, etc., I would never vote for.
Of course moderates must bear the greatest blame for what has happen to the GOP, where they lack either the will or ability to take the Party back from the far and extreme right who misappropriated it some 45 years ago.
You left scum can go screw a tree. You wouldn't know facts if they bit you in the face.
^ typical far right AKA- low-info, hater base. Reason they couldn't win the last two Presidential elections

And also why they lost 5 of the last 6 in the NPV.
... Just because he's a "real" conservative?

That seems to be the argument some conservatives are making.

Far Right can t win for GOP ...BS Page 17 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you are a moderate, please vote so we can find out.

Certainly. There is no conflict between a moderate and a real conservative. But then, a real conservative is capable of working with others and compromising, because they understand that in a republic there is not just one group that must be in control. Now, the phony conservatives, such as Ted Cruz, Dick Cheney, etc., I would never vote for.

I like how you said that, alot.

Comparably, a Liberal lion must also be willing to compromise in order to get things done. Well said on your part.

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