Hey Nancy, Feel Like Going To Jail? Support For 9/11-Style Investigation of 6 Jan Event Growing

"Hey It was on this board. Look it up."

Umm, that's not the way responsible adult discussion works, poster.

YOU made the assertion.
Not my poor avatar.

It is up to YOU to prove what you say.
It is your word at issue.
Your veracity, not mine.

It is not my responsibility to prove you right.
It is yours. Alone.

Batter up, Claudette.

The FBI warned Pelosi the 6 Jan violence was pre-planned and was coming...Pelosi let it happen to falsely use against Trump.

Removal from the House is the least she should face....but we all know her terrorist traitor co-conspiring Dems will protect her ass....

She's the one opening up the investigation.... This is actually a good move by the Democrats.
I love it. the real rioters to be revealed. be careful what you wish for. Again, tape is available with trump supporters trying to stop it.
Sure...can't wait for the investigation....
Me too
"Its looking more and more like Pelosi was the one colluding with ANTIFA agitators and allowed the Capitol building to be breached."

And, similar to the response and query to the poster 'Claudette' above ---- we can ask the poster above, Billy Bob, to offer us his vetting for his assertion that it looks like Pelosi was colluding with ANTIFA.

I trust the poster was not there on-site to listen first hand nor party to any telephonic or email exchanges between those parties. So then, how would he know enough to make his assertion?

If the poster will share with us his sourcing so we can read it ourselves that would be helpful in determining the veracity and reliability of the poster's assertion.
Here, it wasn’t that difficult.

Watch the entire video. It shows Police taking down barriers and escorting protesters into the building. It also shows Republicans stopping Antifa false-flag vermin from breaking windows. John Sullivan claimed that 226 Antifa criminals instigated the riot.

The Capitol Protest Was NOT an Insurrection, Video Evidence Shows Cops LET PEOPLE IN, Antifa Expos..

Watch the Democrat Reich minions claim this video is not credible because it was on Bitchut. Who are you going to trust, Democrat scum or your own eyes?
"Antifa and BLM were escorted into the Capital Buildings by Capital Police."

Poster, you have made a similar allegation before.
What do you have as sourcing for your assertion?

If any contributor makes an assertion it is incumbent upon them to describe or explain how they developed their stated belief. In that manner, other readers can apply their own set of vetting-values to not only the assertion but to the logical or authoritative thinking behind it. In short, an explanation by the assertor offers him/her an opportunity to demonstrate their credibility and thoughtfulness.
She only cites the voices in her head. She's the dumbest bitch..ever.
WOW... Your seeing Nancy for who she is.. This is progress..
"Its looking more and more like Pelosi was the one colluding with ANTIFA agitators and allowed the Capitol building to be breached."

And, similar to the response and query to the poster 'Claudette' above ---- we can ask the poster above, Billy Bob, to offer us his vetting for his assertion that it looks like Pelosi was colluding with ANTIFA.

I trust the poster was not there on-site to listen first hand nor party to any telephonic or email exchanges between those parties. So then, how would he know enough to make his assertion?

If the poster will share with us his sourcing so we can read it ourselves that would be helpful in determining the veracity and reliability of the poster's assertion.
Here, it wasn’t that difficult.

Watch the entire video. It shows Police taking down barriers and escorting protesters into the building. It also shows Republicans stopping Antifa false-flag vermin from breaking windows. John Sullivan claimed that 226 Antifa criminals instigated the riot.

The Capitol Protest Was NOT an Insurrection, Video Evidence Shows Cops LET PEOPLE IN, Antifa Expos..

Watch the Democrat Reich minions claim this video is not credible because it was on Bitchut. Who are you going to trust, Democrat scum or your own eyes?
This was a false flag orchestrated event... There is to much evidence to prove it available now. Pelosi is the only one who could have ordered the CHP to stand down and let them in..
Pelosi wants the investigation so she can selectively release info from her sham investigation to further taint the gop.
Here, it wasn’t that difficult.
Quoted within a post, #45, by poster jc456
" Watch the Democrat Reich minions claim this video is not credible because it was on Bitchut. Who are you going to trust, Democrat scum or your own eyes?

Well, I ain't a Dem, nor a "scum" (generally)......and I don't believe the narrative that either poster jc456 or the poster who originally posted the video jc456 re-offered.

If they think that shows ANTIFA, or Capitol officers "escorting" or inviting insurrectionists....well, it doesn't.
It is edited video with a partisan narrative accompanying it.
Now, to be sure, that merde' is done all the time by all political players.
Left-leaners do it. Right-fielders do it. Good guys do it. Bad guys do it.

And that is exactly, why a qualified, empowered Commission of inquiry needs be empaneled promptly with adequate resources and investigative power to give us loyal Americans as much of the truth of January 6th as is obtainable.

Lastly......I do hafta smile at this fantasy-world self-amusing that some employ by stating January 6th was a 'false flag' op by ANTIFA, or that near 300 ANTIFA-activists were bussed in to be the vanguard of the insurrection, or even participated in the destruction and injury to the Capitol police.

Which makes one wonder why only one 'left-activist', John Sullivan, has been arrested. ALL other ---230+? ---- insurrectionist were MAGA-nutters, QAnon, 3-Percenters, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, et al.

Hell, take a look at the website listed below and go to the "Arrested" menu.
Go to the "Wanted" menu.
In those two views you perhaps can get the best ---currently available ---depictions of who was trying to overthrow the U.S. government on January 6th.

To my rather untrained casual eye......I kinda sorta think those mokes are all pro-Trump. I could be wrong. But I'll need be persuaded I am.

I post the link with it's pictures of rioters..... ONLY as a vetting of my belief it was an all-ProTrump gig on Janaury 6th.
Here, it wasn’t that difficult.
Quoted within a post, #45, by poster jc456
" Watch the Democrat Reich minions claim this video is not credible because it was on Bitchut. Who are you going to trust, Democrat scum or your own eyes?

Well, I ain't a Dem, nor a "scum" (generally)......and I don't believe the narrative that either poster jc456 or the poster who originally posted the video jc456 re-offered.

If they think that shows ANTIFA, or Capitol officers "escorting" or inviting insurrectionists....well, it doesn't.
It is edited video with a partisan narrative accompanying it.
Now, to be sure, that merde' is done all the time by all political players.
Left-leaners do it. Right-fielders do it. Good guys do it. Bad guys do it.

And that is exactly, why a qualified, empowered Commission of inquiry needs be empaneled promptly with adequate resources and investigative power to give us loyal Americans as much of the truth of January 6th as is obtainable.

Lastly......I do hafta smile at this fantasy-world self-amusing that some employ by stating January 6th was a 'false flag' op by ANTIFA, or that near 300 ANTIFA-activists were bussed in to be the vanguard of the insurrection, or even participated in the destruction and injury to the Capitol police.

Which makes one wonder why only one 'left-activist', John Sullivan, has been arrested. ALL other ---230+? ---- insurrectionist were MAGA-nutters, QAnon, 3-Percenters, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, et al.

Hell, take a look at the website listed below and go to the "Arrested" menu.
Go to the "Wanted" menu.
In those two views you perhaps can get the best ---currently available ---depictions of who was trying to overthrow the U.S. government on January 6th.

To my rather untrained casual eye......I kinda sorta think those mokes are all pro-Trump. I could be wrong. But I'll need be persuaded I am.

I post the link with it's pictures of rioters..... ONLY as a vetting of my belief it was an all-ProTrump gig on Janaury 6th.
I never said Trump supporters didn’t go in, but the cops opened the doors
"Hey It was on this board. Look it up."

Umm, that's not the way responsible adult discussion works, poster.

YOU made the assertion.
Not my poor avatar.

It is up to YOU to prove what you say.
It is your word at issue.
Your veracity, not mine.

It is not my responsibility to prove you right.
It is yours. Alone.

Batter up, Claudette.
Here’s another video of antifa going in.

I never said Trump supporters didn’t go in, but the cops opened the doors

  • Oh sure, they opened the doors?
    While being dragged down concrete steps to be beaten by a flagpole with an American flag --- to the chants of "USA", "USA".

  • Oh sure, they opened the doors?
    As they watched the glass being broken so violent rioters could get at 'em, and had to resort to shooting an insurrectionist that violently entered.

  • Oh sure, they opened the doors?
    While the whole world saw an insurrectionist smash through a window with a stolen police shield for his fellow seditionist to then jump through.

    I mean no disrespect, but there are more views to the actions of September 6th, than what is portrayed on Hannity, Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times, etc.
If Pelosi can control the investigation, she can hide her copiability and shift the blame.
That is how the Dems cover-up their crimes.
Noting it not alleged that Vice President Pence, of the Federal Administration, is somehow not involved in Capitol Security matters. In fact, neither is the Speaker of the House.

Whether or Not Black Lives Matter, (Anti-Fa(?)) is actually MAGA--is probably better addressed by Senator Rand Paul(?)!

Then the matter of the Commission is that it is independent of the legislative branches, and the Executive, and The Judicial.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20: Is actually not about foreign aid!)
I never said Trump supporters didn’t go in, but the cops opened the doors

  • Oh sure, they opened the doors?
    While being dragged down concrete steps to be beaten by a flagpole with an American flag --- to the chants of "USA", "USA".

  • Oh sure, they opened the doors?
    As they watched the glass being broken so violent rioters could get at 'em, and had to resort to shooting an insurrectionist that violently entered.

  • Oh sure, they opened the doors?
    While the whole world saw an insurrectionist smash through a window with a stolen police shield for his fellow seditionist to then jump through.

    I mean no disrespect, but there are more views to the actions of September 6th, than what is portrayed on Hannity, Gateway Pundit, Epoch Times, etc.
Post that video. Take your own advice loser

The FBI warned Pelosi the 6 Jan violence was pre-planned and was coming...Pelosi let it happen to falsely use against Trump.

Removal from the House is the least she should face....but we all know her terrorist traitor co-conspiring Dems will protect her ass....

Pelosi let it happen, so did Trump, Pence, McConnell......
Way to go retard.....

Trump attempted to giver Pelosie 10,000 troops on Jan 4th and again on Jan 5th after a pipe bomb was found... Even the FBI told her on Jan 2nd there were credible threats... Tell me again who is responsible for the incursion and not protecting the Capitol Hill Complex that Pelosi was responsible for.
Why did Trump not order the NG anyway as a leader?

The FBI warned Pelosi the 6 Jan violence was pre-planned and was coming...Pelosi let it happen to falsely use against Trump.

Removal from the House is the least she should face....but we all know her terrorist traitor co-conspiring Dems will protect her ass....

Pelosi let it happen, so did Trump, Pence, McConnell......
Way to go retard.....

Trump attempted to giver Pelosie 10,000 troops on Jan 4th and again on Jan 5th after a pipe bomb was found... Even the FBI told her on Jan 2nd there were credible threats... Tell me again who is responsible for the incursion and not protecting the Capitol Hill Complex that Pelosi was responsible for.
Is that why Pence had to order them to deployed on the 6th?
Because Nancy REFUSED to accept them Moron! Pence was the only one who could override Pelosi's dereliction and criminal negligence..
Liar LIAR pants on fire.... she didn't stop the National Guard FROM coming to the rescue the day of the event...she called for help through the Maryland Rep hiding with her who called the Maryland governor, is what I heard and the Maryland governor said the Trump admin kept him from sending his NG for an hour and a half....
Trump had no authority
Trump has all the authority what with being the CIC. If the Feds pay to activate the NG they must go because they are military contingents of the US they are not the states militia like they used to be since they were nationalized by Eisenhower in the 1950's.
No he doesn’t. He has no national guard authority, that’s all that could be deployed or cops again you know that so who would he be authorized to deploy?
Dept. of the Army that guy who is a secretary without steno skills.
just post the statute that allows it.

The FBI warned Pelosi the 6 Jan violence was pre-planned and was coming...Pelosi let it happen to falsely use against Trump.

Removal from the House is the least she should face....but we all know her terrorist traitor co-conspiring Dems will protect her ass....

Pelosi let it happen, so did Trump, Pence, McConnell......
Way to go retard.....

Trump attempted to giver Pelosie 10,000 troops on Jan 4th and again on Jan 5th after a pipe bomb was found... Even the FBI told her on Jan 2nd there were credible threats... Tell me again who is responsible for the incursion and not protecting the Capitol Hill Complex that Pelosi was responsible for.
Why did Trump not order the NG anyway as a leader?
he doesn't have the power for that. That's the Congress's job.
No you’re not, you’re defending swamp creatures who hate you. While gaslighting me! Hahaha
I’ve never felt any hate from the government.
On the other hand, Trump supporters have said a great many disgusting things to me.
BTW, then you aren't for a balanced budget. gotcha. you like illegals taking jobs? you like jobs going over seas? wow, see to me, that's hate at americans.

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