Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?

Hey righties -where does the Constitution say anything about the olympics?

Romney Olympic success required federal payout | WashingtonExaminer.com


The constitution says nothing about the olympics but I think its pretty neat that Romney is capable enough to raise almost $1.5 billion for the Olympics after they hired him to help them out.

Shows that he is good at this and makes me way more confident about possibly voting for him this year.

There is No doubt what so ever that Romney is an Exception Organizer, and Leader of Both the Olympics and in the Business world. He is called an poor Governor, but you have to remember he was the Republican Governor of a very Liberal, Very Democrat state, Anything he got done, was a Compromise.

in fact the more you think about it, the more at least to me it is clear he is exactly what we need.

A guy that knows how to make money, Organize, and Lead, and has a History of being able to work with the Other side.

After the last 4 Years of Hyper Partisan Leadership, and Opposition It might be nice to have a Moderate who is willing to Compromise in the WH for a change.

My thoughts exactly. And, while he was my GOV, my tax and fee burdens from the state actually went down! Although he did leave me with this nightmare I call romneycare which Devaul Patrick has really screwed up the implimentation of.

The other downside is that under Romney my state was 48th in job creation...however that doesn't take into account that my state had ~4% unemployment during his entire term as governor and its hard to create jobs when you have almost everyone who is looking to work working already ;).
He also made a profit on that money. Which means the borrowed dunds were returned. So there is that. Where is the payback from Solyndra or any other host of bad loans forked over to pet projects by the president?
The OP is correct, the Constitution doesn't address the Olympics directly. Probably because there was no Olympics at the time of the Constitution's approval. It then falls on Congress to determine what is a proper expenditure for the US government.

I'm surprised the left is disputing this because European countries have held the Olympics and they routinely look to Europe for their guidance and standard. An event that promotes world peace and understanding is usually pretty high on their list too. I guess if that doesn't have a benefit to us, we should pullout of all future Olympic bids. What where you're headed with this?
Thanks for answering a question I didn't ask.

Now please tell me by what Constitutional authority Romney was able to spend my money on the Olympics?


Why don't you ask your congressman. Romney did not approve it, he just ask and it was given. Don't tell me you wouldn't have taken the money. Again I say just ask your congressman, they approve the spending.

Of course. I forget. Republicans have no problem taking benefits from government for themselves - they just don't like it when other people get them.
Thanks for reminding me.

Really, troll?? The Olympics benefits me and I support the federal funding of the Olympics and Olympic training?? That is news to me...

And not that I am sold on voting for Romney? But since when is there EVER a candidate that lines up 100% with what any individual thinks?? But I sure line up more with Romney than I do with the asshole we have in office right now. And if I would vote for Romney, that is why... Not because I agree with everything he stands for, has done, or will do
The OP is correct, the Constitution doesn't address the Olympics directly. Probably because there was no Olympics at the time of the Constitution's approval. It then falls on Congress to determine what is a proper expenditure for the US government.

I'm surprised the left is disputing this because European countries have held the Olympics and they routinely look to Europe for their guidance and standard. An event that promotes world peace and understanding is usually pretty high on their list too. I guess if that doesn't have a benefit to us, we should pullout of all future Olympic bids. What where you're headed with this?

Olympics any longer is a joke, but that's just me.

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