Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:

Why are you deflecting to her vagueness in policy without explaining why? What specific information in them reflects ignorance? How about Obama? What specifics do you have to offer on him?
I haven't deflected at all. I pointed out that the lack of specifics were due to her lack of specifics, which is a legitimate grievance. If I told you that I'd like to "Walk over yonder hill" while standing in the dead center of three, and my mother asked you where I went, how would you give her specifics as to my whereabouts? If her policies were so specific, why don't you show me her immigration plans? If my lack of specifics is an issue here, then you must have policies to show me.

If I'm pointing out the their non-specific policies are an issue and display ignorance, then that would be because the KEY component within them is the main issue. That being amnesty in any form. Whether it's a path to citizenship or instant blanket amnesty, then that would be STILL be allowing said illegals to cut in line, in front of EVERYONE that was already coming here LEGALLY, which would be PUNISHING following the rules of the system.

I'd ALSO like to point out that every time I've made a point, you've ignored it and replied with 1-2 sentences, rather than addressing any specific parts of my post, AND you have yet to DENY or provide a counterpoint to any of it.
Lol okay again let me repeat the main point I have been trying to say. You are giving me generalIzations and broad assumptions about Hillary without being specific. What evidence is their to your claims? What language in her proposals suggest they are vague or ignorant. Without providing these specific details, there's nothing for me to dispute in your argument.
First, I already pointed out that Obama attempted to grant amnesty, which was shot down recently by the Supreme Court.

Hillary Clinton on immigration reform
If you read through this, you can also see Hillary wanted to follow in his footsteps. You can also see there are literally no specifics, just vague descriptions.

I'm not making assumptions, I'm telling you what was said.
Well no you haven't broken down any specifics about either one of their policies. For Obama, What was the SC case ruling regarding his immigration plan?
Did you not read the link? She has no specifics to break down. You really aren't reading my posts.

The Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Obama’s Amnesty
BREAKING: Obama's Executive Action on Illegal Immigration Just Took A Hit
Obama's immigration plan dealt big blow by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics.com
Ok finally some specifics!

Okay you explained the Supreme Court ruling. You still havent given me specifics on anything else.
I hope I live long enough to vote for Pumkin Row to be the first female president.
While I have considered going into politics, sadly, I wasn't born in the United States. I'd have to get the Establishment behind me to ever get into the presidential seat~
Anyway, shouldn't you be sleeping? Tomorrow is a school day.
I'm homeschooled~
That explains your excellent spelling.
Tomorrow is a school day for me.... So goodnight.
I haven't deflected at all. I pointed out that the lack of specifics were due to her lack of specifics, which is a legitimate grievance. If I told you that I'd like to "Walk over yonder hill" while standing in the dead center of three, and my mother asked you where I went, how would you give her specifics as to my whereabouts? If her policies were so specific, why don't you show me her immigration plans? If my lack of specifics is an issue here, then you must have policies to show me.

If I'm pointing out the their non-specific policies are an issue and display ignorance, then that would be because the KEY component within them is the main issue. That being amnesty in any form. Whether it's a path to citizenship or instant blanket amnesty, then that would be STILL be allowing said illegals to cut in line, in front of EVERYONE that was already coming here LEGALLY, which would be PUNISHING following the rules of the system.

I'd ALSO like to point out that every time I've made a point, you've ignored it and replied with 1-2 sentences, rather than addressing any specific parts of my post, AND you have yet to DENY or provide a counterpoint to any of it.
Lol okay again let me repeat the main point I have been trying to say. You are giving me generalIzations and broad assumptions about Hillary without being specific. What evidence is their to your claims? What language in her proposals suggest they are vague or ignorant. Without providing these specific details, there's nothing for me to dispute in your argument.
First, I already pointed out that Obama attempted to grant amnesty, which was shot down recently by the Supreme Court.

Hillary Clinton on immigration reform
If you read through this, you can also see Hillary wanted to follow in his footsteps. You can also see there are literally no specifics, just vague descriptions.

I'm not making assumptions, I'm telling you what was said.
Well no you haven't broken down any specifics about either one of their policies. For Obama, What was the SC case ruling regarding his immigration plan?
Did you not read the link? She has no specifics to break down. You really aren't reading my posts.

The Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Obama’s Amnesty
BREAKING: Obama's Executive Action on Illegal Immigration Just Took A Hit
Obama's immigration plan dealt big blow by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics.com
Ok finally some specifics!

Okay you explained the Supreme Court ruling. You still havent given me specifics on anything else.
It's rather awkward to have to spoonfeed what's supposedly a grown man the data from links I've handed him on a silver platter, and explained to him for five pages straight.


Directly from the website I linked you. She wants to defend what the Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional and claims it's completely within the president's power. This in and of itself proves the points I made on the first page, all at once.
I hope I live long enough to vote for Pumkin Row to be the first female president.
While I have considered going into politics, sadly, I wasn't born in the United States. I'd have to get the Establishment behind me to ever get into the presidential seat~
Anyway, shouldn't you be sleeping? Tomorrow is a school day.
I'm homeschooled~
That explains your excellent spelling.
Tomorrow is a school day for me.... So goodnight.
Have a good night and stuff~
Damn. Billy, this is getting painful to watch. You're asking her for specifics in hopes she can't provide them, and she's providing them.

You lose.
I haven't deflected at all. I pointed out that the lack of specifics were due to her lack of specifics, which is a legitimate grievance. If I told you that I'd like to "Walk over yonder hill" while standing in the dead center of three, and my mother asked you where I went, how would you give her specifics as to my whereabouts? If her policies were so specific, why don't you show me her immigration plans? If my lack of specifics is an issue here, then you must have policies to show me.

If I'm pointing out the their non-specific policies are an issue and display ignorance, then that would be because the KEY component within them is the main issue. That being amnesty in any form. Whether it's a path to citizenship or instant blanket amnesty, then that would be STILL be allowing said illegals to cut in line, in front of EVERYONE that was already coming here LEGALLY, which would be PUNISHING following the rules of the system.

I'd ALSO like to point out that every time I've made a point, you've ignored it and replied with 1-2 sentences, rather than addressing any specific parts of my post, AND you have yet to DENY or provide a counterpoint to any of it.
Lol okay again let me repeat the main point I have been trying to say. You are giving me generalIzations and broad assumptions about Hillary without being specific. What evidence is their to your claims? What language in her proposals suggest they are vague or ignorant. Without providing these specific details, there's nothing for me to dispute in your argument.
First, I already pointed out that Obama attempted to grant amnesty, which was shot down recently by the Supreme Court.

Hillary Clinton on immigration reform
If you read through this, you can also see Hillary wanted to follow in his footsteps. You can also see there are literally no specifics, just vague descriptions.

I'm not making assumptions, I'm telling you what was said.
Well no you haven't broken down any specifics about either one of their policies. For Obama, What was the SC case ruling regarding his immigration plan?
Did you not read the link? She has no specifics to break down. You really aren't reading my posts.

The Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Obama’s Amnesty
BREAKING: Obama's Executive Action on Illegal Immigration Just Took A Hit
Obama's immigration plan dealt big blow by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics.com
Ok finally some specifics!

Okay you explained the Supreme Court ruling. You still havent given me specifics on anything else.

Lol okay again let me repeat the main point I have been trying to say. You are giving me generalIzations and broad assumptions about Hillary without being specific. What evidence is their to your claims? What language in her proposals suggest they are vague or ignorant. Without providing these specific details, there's nothing for me to dispute in your argument.
First, I already pointed out that Obama attempted to grant amnesty, which was shot down recently by the Supreme Court.

Hillary Clinton on immigration reform
If you read through this, you can also see Hillary wanted to follow in his footsteps. You can also see there are literally no specifics, just vague descriptions.

I'm not making assumptions, I'm telling you what was said.
Well no you haven't broken down any specifics about either one of their policies. For Obama, What was the SC case ruling regarding his immigration plan?
Did you not read the link? She has no specifics to break down. You really aren't reading my posts.

The Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Obama’s Amnesty
BREAKING: Obama's Executive Action on Illegal Immigration Just Took A Hit
Obama's immigration plan dealt big blow by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics.com
Ok finally some specifics!

Okay you explained the Supreme Court ruling. You still havent given me specifics on anything else.
It's rather awkward to have to spoonfeed what's supposedly a grown man the data from links I've handed him on a silver platter, and explained to him for five pages straight.


Directly from the website I linked you. She wants to defend what the Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional and claims it's completely within the president's power. This in and of itself proves the points I made on the first page, all at once.
Um no. You've provided no connection to Hillary whatsoever on this case. What exactly does Hillary want in regards to this case?
2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)
He's a very successful businessman, obviously.

IIRC, he also majored in Economics when he was in school.

What did Crooked Hillary major in....???> sucking skinny little crooked penises?
Damn. Billy, this is getting painful to watch. You're asking her for specifics in hopes she can't provide them, and she's providing them.

You lose.
I gave her credit on Obama's ruling. So far she hasn't given any other substantial information.
First, I already pointed out that Obama attempted to grant amnesty, which was shot down recently by the Supreme Court.

Hillary Clinton on immigration reform
If you read through this, you can also see Hillary wanted to follow in his footsteps. You can also see there are literally no specifics, just vague descriptions.

I'm not making assumptions, I'm telling you what was said.
Well no you haven't broken down any specifics about either one of their policies. For Obama, What was the SC case ruling regarding his immigration plan?
Did you not read the link? She has no specifics to break down. You really aren't reading my posts.

The Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Obama’s Amnesty
BREAKING: Obama's Executive Action on Illegal Immigration Just Took A Hit
Obama's immigration plan dealt big blow by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics.com
Ok finally some specifics!

Okay you explained the Supreme Court ruling. You still havent given me specifics on anything else.
It's rather awkward to have to spoonfeed what's supposedly a grown man the data from links I've handed him on a silver platter, and explained to him for five pages straight.


Directly from the website I linked you. She wants to defend what the Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional and claims it's completely within the president's power. This in and of itself proves the points I made on the first page, all at once.
Um no. You've provided no connection to Hillary whatsoever on this case. What exactly does Hillary want in regards to this case?
Oh my goodness, you have just proven you didn't click my links. It's directly from her web site, you fopdoodle.
Well no you haven't broken down any specifics about either one of their policies. For Obama, What was the SC case ruling regarding his immigration plan?
Did you not read the link? She has no specifics to break down. You really aren't reading my posts.

The Supreme Court’s Rebuke to Obama’s Amnesty
BREAKING: Obama's Executive Action on Illegal Immigration Just Took A Hit
Obama's immigration plan dealt big blow by Supreme Court - CNNPolitics.com
Ok finally some specifics!

Okay you explained the Supreme Court ruling. You still havent given me specifics on anything else.
It's rather awkward to have to spoonfeed what's supposedly a grown man the data from links I've handed him on a silver platter, and explained to him for five pages straight.


Directly from the website I linked you. She wants to defend what the Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional and claims it's completely within the president's power. This in and of itself proves the points I made on the first page, all at once.
Um no. You've provided no connection to Hillary whatsoever on this case. What exactly does Hillary want in regards to this case?
Oh my goodness, you have just proven you didn't click my links. It's directly from her web site, you fopdoodle.


I dunno, but he needs to stop while he's ahead........so to say..
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.

There were other candidates....
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.

There were other candidates....
And I'd have been fine with any of them, to varying degrees, so long as the winner wasn't Hillary.

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